Reborn: The New Empress 6 Ch. 5 - Assassination Attemp

Reborn: The New Empress -

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After we had lunch, we headed back to the Emperor's palace. The carriage ride was silent. Yukio fell asleep in my arms.

I wanted to talk to him but I feel like we have nothing to talk about. I want to ask him about my accident but I feel like he's going to be suspicious of me. He might not want me to investigate this matter.

We arrived back at the Palace. This time I was able to get off without any problems. Yukio was still fast asleep in my arms.

"I'm going to put Yukio to bed." I turned around and walked towards Yukio's room. Suddenly, he grabbed my arm and spun me around. He stared at me. His eyes, unblinking, it felt like he was studying me. His eyes… I feel like I could get lost in them. Snap out of it Yukina, you have no time for this.

"Your majesty, is something the matter?" I asked in a hushed voice. Yukio was still fast asleep. Sora let me go and without another word, he went to the direction of the study. What the heck just happened? I decided to brush the thought aside and went to Yukio's room.

After putting him down, I studied his face. Oh my sweet pea. I'm sorry. I know kids like you want your mother and father to be together but it seems it doesn't work like that. Your father is… someone I shouldn't be a.s.sociated with. He doesn't care about me but I do know this; he cares a lot about you. So please bear with him.

I kissed his forehead and I went back to my room.

"Your majesty, you're back." Aino greeted me once I opened the door to my room. Something seems off. She looks nervous and she's even addressing me formally. Her eyes darted to the side of the room. Spies?

"Aino, please fetch me some tea." She bowed her head and went out. I sat on the bed but before I could lie down, someone busted through the window with a dagger in hand.

He lunged at me but I swiftly dodged it. I knocked the dagger out of his hand and twisted his arm behind him.

"Who sent you?" He struggled under my grasp but in was no use.

"I didn't know the Empress knew martial arts." I tightened my grip.

"Who sent you?" He still didn't answer. I tied him up tightly and asked him again.

"Answer me. Who sent you?" He averted his gaze. You don't want to talk huh. I'll make you talk.

I took his dagger and placed it around his throat.

"I'll ask one more time. Who sent you?" After a few seconds of silence, I pushed the dagger slowly. His neck started to bleed. Footsteps? I quickly took the blanket from the bed and tied it around his ankle, and then I tied the other end of the blanket to the foot of the bed. I used his dagger and cut the rope tying his hands but before I could back off, he tried to claw my face and his fingernail grazed my cheek. If only I could kill you right now. I crawled to the other side of the room, blood dripping from the scratch on my cheek. Suddenly, the door flew open and one of Sora's guards entered the room. He looked at me and then looked at the

Without another word, he pinned the a.s.sailant down and Sora, along with Aino came rus.h.i.+ng in.

"Your majesty, are you okay?" Aino rushed to my side. I pretended to act scared. I looked over at her and nodded weakly.

"I-I'm fine Aino…" I should really be an actress. Playing the damsel in distress is made for me. Sora walked over to where I was and Aino stepped aside. I was still sitting on the floor and he knelt down where we were at eye level. He touched my cheek but I immediately jumped at the contact. His face grew dim. He stood up and went to where his guard was standing. He whispered something to him and then the guard took the away.

He turned back to me and before I knew it, he was carrying me bridal style towards my bed.

"W-what are you doing? I-I'm fine… I can walk." But he didn't budge.

"Aino, go and get the palace doctor." Aino bowed and left the room. He placed me down on the bed ever so gently. He stood up and went to the bath area. He came back with a wet towel. He sat back down and gently placed it on the wound.

"Your majesty, I'm fine. You don't have to do this." I looked up at him and met his gaze. d.a.m.n these eyes. It draws me to them.

Both of us were silent. We looked into each other's eyes and said nothing. His eyes went from my eyes to my lips and then back to my eyes. I could feel my heartbeat going crazy.

I heard footsteps outside. I snapped out of my trance and put some distance between us. My face feels hot and my heartbeat is going crazy.

"The doctor is here your majesty." Aino led the doctors to me and they examined my wound. They smeared something on it and they covered it with a bandage. After the doctors examined me, they left. Aino stood by the door and Sora was sitting next to me on the bed. The atmosphere was tense. This is so awkward… I could feel my face getting so hot. I must be blus.h.i.+ng like crazy.

"Aino, please get some tea for the Empress." Before Aino could leave, I stopped her.

"Aino, do you remember the yellow flowers near the garden; the ones with the tiny buds? Go pick a few of those and boil them. It's called Goldenrod and it's great for healing wounds." Aino didn't say another word and left the room. I dare not look over at Sora. I still feel so awkward.

"Yukina, starting tomorrow, you shall serve me at the study." I was taken aback. Well, it may be better since he has eyes on me. No more surprise attacks.

"As you wish your majesty." I still didn't look him in the eyes. He stood up and went outside of the room without another word. Phew… d.a.m.n if he had spent another second in here my head was about to explode.

Aino strolled in with tea in hand. She set it down on the table and then she sat next to me.

"Aino, what happened before I arrived? I could sense something was wrong." She sighed.

"Someone threatened me Yukina. That guy who tried to kill you, he almost killed me too. He said that as soon as you arrived, I should leave or else. And I shouldn't try to warn you. It was a good thing that you managed to tie him up. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I put my hand on her shoulder.

"But you did warn me. I sensed something wrong the moment I stepped in. I'm just glad you're safe too." A tear fell from her eye but she quickly brushed it away.

"Here's your tea Yukina. I did what you told me." I took the tea from her and I took a sip. I drank a whole cups worth and I set it down.

"The Emperor wants me to serve him in his study starting tomorrow." Aino's face lit up.

"He's warming up to you Yukina. He must really like you." I scoffed. Impossible.

"I have a task for you Aino. Ask around. There must be at least one person who saw me by the lake that day. I need to know what happened. But keep it a secret. Just make it seem that you are gossiping." She nodded and took the teacup from the table and left. f.u.c.k this time period.

I was about to take a rest when the door flew open.

"Empress, we heard about the Are you okay?" A shrill voice echoed through the room.

"I'm fine. You can leave." I heard a scoff. f.u.c.k these b.i.t.c.hes. I don't have time for petty arguments.

"You deserved what you got. Your att.i.tude is terrible and that's what you get for seducing the Emperor." They laughed. Lady Aiyo, Lady Ima, Lady Hiwa and Lady Tsuya strolled in my room.

"What do you want?" I stood up from my bed and faced them. Lady Tsuya walked over to me and slapped me.

"Stop acting. No one's here to see it. No one believes in your goody two-shoes act." She slapped my wound. What a b.i.t.c.h.

"Did you send that to kill me? If you did, you wasted your money." She looked like she was about to explode.

"How dare you accuse me of such things?" She tried to slap me again but I caught her arm.

"How about we settle this once and for all. Meet me at the garden tonight." She said with a smirk. She pulled back her arm and left the room. I sat back down and breathe a sigh of relief. I should just kill her, right? Nah, the other ladies know about the challenge. They can easily frame me. But wait, they don't know I can do martial arts, right? Maybe I can just send a message to that tiny brain of hers to stop messing with me.

I went out to Yukio's room. He was by his desk, studying. He turned his head and smiled at me.

"Mama! You're here." He stood up and hugged me.

"What are you studying my sweet pea?" He led me to his desk and showed me. He's practicing calligraphy.

"Can you write as pretty as papa can?" He handed me the brush. It was a good thing that I learned how to do calligraphy back at the academy. I thought it was pointless but it turns out, it's quite useful. I wrote his name beautifully.

"Wow! You can write beautifully Mama. I must show it to Papa." He took the paper from my hand and ran off.

"Wait Yukio." I ran after him. He went straight to his father's study.

"Papa, look what mama made." I went in the study and Yukio was handing the paper to Sora. He studied the paper closely. Yukio was by his side, looking expectantly.

"I didn't know you could write like this." Sora exclaimed. Uh oh, did I just blow my cover?

"Oh… uh… I was… p-practicing." Don't be nervous. He'll figure you out.

"Yukio, you should go back to your room." Yukio nodded and I took his hand and led him back to his room.

"Yukio, you shouldn't disturb your papa like that. He's very busy." He sat down on the bed and looked at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" His weird facial expression is throwing me off.

"Why are you blus.h.i.+ng mama?" I was taken aback. Am I blus.h.i.+ng? I didn't know.

"Stop teasing your mother." I pinched his nose and he laughed.

"It's getting late. Why don't we head to the dining area and have some dinner." He nodded and we went to the dining area together.

After dinner, I accompanied Yukio back to his room.

"Would you like to take a bath before you go to bed?" He nodded. I prepared his bath. I scrubbed him clean and he sat in the bath for a few minutes.

"Mama, can you sing?" I was sitting on the floor next to the bath.

"Yes I can."

"Can you sing for me?"

"Sure. But first, you have to dry off and put on some clothes." He did as I said and he waited for me on the bed.

I lay next to him and cradled him in my arms.

"I want you to listen carefully to this song. Because this song perfectly portrays how much I love you." He snuggled himself closer to me.

"You are my suns.h.i.+ne, my only suns.h.i.+ne. You make me happy, when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my suns.h.i.+ne away." I caressed his hair while singing.

"I'll always love you, and make you happy. And nothing else could come between. But if you leave me to love another. You'll have shattered all of my dreams." I looked at Yukio and he was fast asleep. I decided to stay with him a little longer. I kissed his forehead and closed my eyes.

[The Emperor's View]

I looked at the paper Yukio gave me. I had no idea that Yukina was capable of creating beautiful calligraphy. I signed one last paper and I decided to head to Yukio's room to wish him goodnight. (He didn't have dinner with them. He stayed in his study the whole evening.)

I was outside his room when I heard singing.

"You are my suns.h.i.+ne, my only suns.h.i.+ne. You make me happy, when skies are gray." This voice. It's Yukina. I peered inside and saw Yukio in Yukina's arms. He had already fallen asleep from her singing. Her voice could calm even the strongest of storms.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my suns.h.i.+ne away." Her song shows so much of her love for Yukio.

"I'll always love you, and make you happy. And nothing else could come between. But if you leave me to love another. You'll have shattered all of my dreams." Something inside me wishes that she'd sing this song to me. After a few minutes, the room became quiet. I went inside and saw that they have both fallen asleep.

Yukina, why do you enchant me so?

[The Empress' View]

I woke up before midnight. How would I know that? I just know. I slid my arm away from Yukio. I tucked him in and quietly left the room. I have to meet Tsuya in the garden.

When I arrived at the garden, Tsuya was already waiting for me. She carried a sword with her.

"I was afraid you weren't going to show up. It seemed that you aren't backing away from this fight." She drew her sword and I prepared myself.

"Don't think that you are coming out of this alive." She lunged at me but she was too slow. I easily dodged her. I grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her. Seriously? What as martial arts in this time period?

"How--?" She tried to talk but she winced in pain.

"This ends here." I dislocated her shoulder. I covered her mouth to m.u.f.fle her screams. I let her go and stood up. I left without another word. I shouldn't have gotten angry. I should've controlled myself.

I went back to my room to sleep. I wonder what's in store for me tomorrow.

I woke up the next day to loud banging on the door. Geez, can't these people wait until I've had my breakfast to disturb me. I stood up and changed into my kimono.

The door flew open and a number of people went inside my room. A big hairy man with a beard was leading them.

"You! How dare you treat my daughter like this?" Daughter? Oh, this is General whats-his-name. The father of the b.i.t.c.h I fought last night.

"Grab her." He ordered. Two men held my arms behind me tightly. They dragged me to the court yard. He made me face him and slapped me really hard. Blood trickled down my chin from my mouth. He punched my stomach making me vomit blood. Is this what you call torture? This is weak as f.u.c.k. Even the North Koreans could do a better job than this.

A few of the Emperors guards saw me and left. They seemed to have alerted the Emperor and the Empress dowager. A few moments later, the two arrived and sat on the podium.

"General, explain yourself." The Empress dowager shouted.

"This b.i.t.c.h beat my daughter half to death and broke her shoulder. She can never practice martial arts again. How dare you let this happen to my daughter?" Tsuya stepped forward. Her arm was hanging like a puppet hanging from a string. f.u.c.k I shouldn't laugh but this is funny.

"She challenged me yesterday to a duel. I brought my sword to protect myself but she mercilessly attacked me and broke my shoulder." She said in between sobs.

An audience seemed to have formed from the commotion. My hands were still bound behind me and blood was dripping from my mouth. I looked at the Emperor but his face was hard to read. Well, I couldn't see very well. After he slapped me, my right eye seemed to have been stuck shut. Oh well.

"I have witnesses your majesty." The other three ladies stepped up.

"We heard her challenge Lady Tsuya yesterday." Lady Hiwa exclaimed.

"We went to visit her yesterday but she turned us down and threatened us." Lady Aiyo explained. Wow, they really are friends. Good for them.

"Empress Yukina, what have you got to say for yourself?" The Empress dowager asked. All the other ladies stepped back, hiding their evil grins from the Emperor. I was on my knees. I stood up and looked at the podium.

"Your… majesty… If it were true… I-I wouldn't be… able to… defeat her… She is trained and I am not. I would not… be able… to do the … t-things she has… accused of me." Yas b.i.t.c.h, keep up the wonderful acting,

"You liar!" The general slapped me again and I fell on my face. Just keep hitting me. Make me the victim.

"General, enough." The Emperor finally spoke.

"Untie her and give her a sword." The two men untied me and pulled me up. The General threw a sword in front of me. The great thing about being good at something is that you know how to be bad at it.

I grabbed the sword and purposely held it wrong. I pretended it was heavy and I struggled to hold it upright. The general looked p.i.s.sed. He drew out his sword and pointed it at me.

"Let's see if you are really incompetent as you say." Bring it on, old man. No holding back. He lunged at me and took a swing with his sword. He knocked the sword out of my hand while also slicing my palm.

"ENOUGH" Everyone turned their heads toward the Emperor.

"General, I should sentence you to death for what you have done." The general stepped back and looked at his own daughter. Suddenly, he slapped her.

"You are a disgrace. This girl cannot even protect herself. How could she hurt you?" Tsuya held her face.

"But Father, I'm telling the truth." No one's going to believe you anymore.

"Before I lose my temper, get out of the Palace and never come back. If you ever set foot in here again, I shall sentence you to death." The Emperor declared. The general grabbed her daughter and ran out of the palace. The servants who watched the show went back to their work. The other concubines retreated to their own rooms. The Empress dowager left without another word. I was left in the middle of the court yard. I looked at the Emperor and he seemed to be coming my way.

"Your majesty…" I heard Aino's voice calling. I saw her behind the Emperor. But before I could answer, everything faded into black.

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