Trial Of Love Chapter 300 - Who You Are Does Not Matter

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Elizabeth dragged herself back to the set. Most of the crew wondered why the girl looked so gloomy. She was like a storm that just arrived bring so much pain and burden along with her. She went to look for w.a.n.g Ji who has been informed of what happened between her and her mother.

"Bro w.a.n.g, what's my schedule for today again?" She asked still in a daze from what happened.

w.a.n.g Ji sigh heavily worried for the girl, "Nothing much, you'll be doing your last take for today and you can go."


w.a.n.g Ji watched the girl roamed around like a lifeless zombie. He felt so awful after finding out what happened, from what Lady Zhao's manager said, this is the first time both mother and daughter disagree on something that they both aren't letting their pride go.

Coincidentally, the part that Elizabeth would be doing with her mother today was a scene in which they'll both be fighting as well.

"Lizzy, will you be fine?" Elder Director Mo asked seeing the girl doesn't look like herself.

"Grandpa Mo, I'm fine." Elizabeth answered with a forced smile on her face which the old man detected.

Elder Director Mo didn't bother and called everyone's attention to prepare to work.

Sun Lin just found out about her daughter plans to run away with a strange man she just met. Her daughter kept explaining the man loved her and he was willing to marry her. So she willing to throw all her mother's plans and dreams for her.

"Linlin, are you crazy... You just meet the boy why are you doing all of this?" Sun Lin expression was all pale in disbelief of the situation.

"Because I love him..." Lei Lin cried her heart out upset as to why her mother does not approve of her discussion.

"You are still a child, why must you act harshly. You still have so much in your life ahead." Sun Lin explained hoping to change her daughter's mind.

"Mother, that's your dream... All of these are your dream. Never once did you ask me what I want? Since I was a child you pushed your dreams on me, now I found mine why can't you support me." Lei Lin was shocked by the words that suddenly came out of her mouth. She didn't mean any of them for she has always been grateful for what her mother had done for her. "Mother, I..."

"Then, if that's what you wish to go. I shall not hold you back to chase after your dream. But remember, I shall be here waiting for you to return and one day you'll come back and realize all I did was for your own good. Everything, I've done, was only to protect you for I fear the day that I must lose you."

Lei Lin was dumbfounded of the current situation, most of the words Sun Lin mentioned weren't in the script. She gathers her thoughts together and think of how to respond.

"Mother, I know everything you've done is for my own good. But, I'm old enough to make my own mistakes and fix them. I am old enough to experience all the pain in the world. I am..."

Elizabeth was unable to finish her words for a sudden memory flash into her mind.

"Haha, even if you're an old lady I'll always protect you no matter what. Don't worry, no matter who you are, wherever you go, I'll always find you and take care of you." The familiar but strange voice said in Elizabeth's mind.

Everyone eagerly watch as to what will happen next. They watch the girl paused all of a sudden and her expression seems to be in so much pain.

The girl looked up with teary eyes, "I'm sorry..."

No one reacted nor did the director call cut. They all wish to know what the girl has to say at her currently state. It seems another person has taken over the girl's mind.

"I'm sorry I left, I'm sorry I hurt them, I was so scared...  You were partly to blame, you left me despite you promised you'll always protect me. Why did you leave me? Why did you promise when you..."

Elizabeth's mind continued to picture out her past memories. Her mind flashback a place covered in crimson blood and flames. The sound of gunshot and screams of people. As if she herself was standing at the bloodbath, she raised her hand in front of her and saw the blood and gun she was holding. The girl panic as she screamed in fear of what she was seeing. Loads of different voice and memories started flas.h.i.+ng into her mind.

"Haha, come on... Hold on to the gun like this."

"Yo! Aren't you being to close. Don't forget she a minor."

"Idiots, the two plan to marry each other. HAHA!"

Elizabeth collapse on her knees as the memories continued to flash back but she stopped screaming when another faint memory came into mind.

"Whose after Little Yan? Tell me, why are you after her?"

"We don't know who want her, but it's not just her... Her entry family is in danger."


Elizabeth pulled the trigger of the gun and shot the man directly at his forehead. She then looked around at the other people in the room until she saw a familiar person amongst them.

"Daddy..." she mumble still in a trance of everything. Leaving everyone around her curious to whom she was talking to and what she is currently see.

'Why is dad here? What, this is...'

Hearing the same words her father used to put her to sleep caused the physical form of Elizabeth to fall into coma as well.

Everyone in the set were all deadly pale and statued to what just happened. As if they were seeing another person in front of them. Everyone only snap back to their sense when they saw Lady Zhao running towards the girl and address her in a term which revealed the girl's ident.i.ty.

"Baby, wake up... Mommy sorry, baby wake up!" Lady Zhao cried as she wrapped her arms around her daughters.

The onlookers were all perplexed of what they were witness. They looked at each other then to the people who weren't reacting in shock about the girl's ident.i.ty.

"So Li Zi, is the Young Princess?"

"The rumors about Li Zi being the Young Princess is true, she is indeed the daughter of Lady Zhao and Lord Knightley."

"Wait, omo omo.... This is big news, but something does not add up. Did Sis Li Zi lied to all of us, but why?"

"Did that mean, Sis Li Zi didn't trust us?"

Elizabeth who lose her consciousness for a moment slowly gained it back. Not only did she hears her mother's voice but also the people murmuring to each other. What caused her to gain her conscious back was when she heard the word "trust". She pulled herself together into and got up.

"Baby, are you alright?" Lady Zhao asked but was ignored by her daughter.

Elizabeth knew it was time and it was too late to keep up the act. She stood in front of everyone and bowed respectfully, "Forgive me for lying about my ident.i.ty. I just wish to experience what it's like to be an ordinary person and to have someone love me for who I am. Yet I have taken you for granted. I hope you can all forgive me."

Before Elizabeth could say another word, a familiar voice not part of the set spoke. "Sis Li Zi, don't worry, all you need is to trust us."

She looked up and saw Lu Han along with the complete member of . She was taken aback to why they came to visit unexpectedly.

"Why are you?"

"We were supposed to do the music video for the song here... Who would have thought you'll go crazy Big Sis." Yao Jing added with a smirky smile on his face.

"Sis Li Zi, how can you just say no one cares for you. Even if your the Young Princess, I'll still treat you like my own big sister. Who you are does not matter. You yourself told me one status in life does not define who you are." Lu Han added.

"Everyone, I hope you can forgive me." Elizabeth softly spoke as she turned to her mother. "Mother, mom, I'm sorry... I now know why I'm so frightened, but I understand now. Everything you've done is for my own good."

Elizabeth went ahead and embrace her mother but the thought her father has indeed removed her mother continue to linger in his mind. Even though she only regain a fragment of her memories, it was enough for her to start puzzling everything together and find the person who caused her such burden. As to why she is so frightened that no one will accept her.

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