Qi Xiuying - Another Transmigrate's Story 52 Chapter 49

Qi Xiuying - Another Transmigrate's Story -

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Although the servants are shock to see their master looking adoringly to the young miss he brought, they tried hard to keep their poker faces as they do their tasks though Xiuying can't help but chuckle seeing the from time to time twiching of their mouths and glint of astonishment in their eyes while Xianyao keep on piling food in her bowl.

"Stop! You are treating me like a pig!" Xiuying keep her bowl out of Xianyao's reach.

"It is better if you look like one so no one would dare look at you aside from me." Xianyao shameless stated what he wanted. Her beauty is simply out of this world especially her eyes that can suck people's attention with just a glance.

"Hmp! After this send me home, my mother might be worried now."

"No! We will stay here, I left a note for father in law to see."

"You did what?!" Xiuying suddenly stand up shocked by what she heard. If her father knows and isn't chasing does that mean she'll be... No... she can't even think about it! Not now she plans to travel after her revenge and marrying especially a prince like Jun w.a.n.g will definitely be like being in a golden cage but a cage is still a cage regardless of what it is made of.

"I..." Xianyao haven't finished what he was saying when he saw that her woman pacing back and forth, abruptly stopped and point at him as she shout.

"You! Ughh! Shameless!" He can't help but felt the anger rise in his heart. He coldly look at his housekeeper, seeing this the housekeeper signalled the others to silently leave.

"Shameless? Maybe I am but only to you." Xianyao gracefully stand up and started to walk towards Xiuying.

"Well! I don't need one! I am leaving!" Xiuying suddenly felt nervous seeing Xianyao's eyes looking at her like a prey and decided to escape she felt naked from his stares. Those stares might cause the ladies to immediately submit to him but not her, she don't want to tied up like the women in this era. Although the changes she made like performing in Ying Yue started to change the views on women being able to do what they want it isn't enough to say they are really completely free from the old ways.

She is almost near the door when her wrist is held and forcefully hug by Xianyao. Her body went stiff, his body heat seems to be transferred to her as her face went reddish pink seeing this Xianyao almost chuckle it isn't the right time to tease his kitten. He sniff her unique scent from the crook of her neck to calm down his anger.

"You know why I am like this to you and only to you that I disregard reasons and ettiquette." He felt her body tremble and started to struggle. She wants to escape again whenever she feels that he will confess she is always like this! I won't let you Ying'er. You are mine, my patience on waiting for you to open up is gone!

"No... Xianyao let me go!" Xiuying whimpers, she is facing his hard chest.

"Ying'er you are coward!"

"I am not!"

"If you are not then don't run away from me please..." Xianyao whisper near her ear, tempted by the sight he lightly nibble her earlobe. He felt her tremble as he did, her scent, her wits... he wants to possess her everything!


"Whatever you are afraid of Ying'er, let me face it with you. Let me stay by your side and be your own s.h.i.+eld... I love you..."

The last three words struck Xiuying's heart, although Xianyao didn't said it out loud she felt the weight of his feeling and his words echoed in her mind repeatedly. Hearing no response from her Xianyao's mind started to panic and tightened his hug.

"Please say something..."

"I... I don't know..." Xiuying is overwhelmed although she have watched and read romance novels and shows in her previous life even heard stories from her maidservants she is still overwhelmed by Xianyao's feeling although it wasn't suffocating she is still unsure what to say and she is surprise that she is somewhat hesitant to cruelly reject him, somewhere in her mind and heart tells her that she will loss something important if she push him away.
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Xianyao knows that he can't rush her, feeling her hesitation to reject him immediately brightens up his mood. He knows he is in her heart now and whatever is stopping her, one by one he will remove them all.

"I am not rus.h.i.+ng you to fully accept me but don't reject me and my ways to show how important you are to me."

"I'll need to think about it..."


"Can I go home?"

"After we eat breakfast, is it fine with you?"

Xianyao only release her from his hug after feeling her nod.

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About Qi Xiuying - Another Transmigrate's Story 52 Chapter 49 novel

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