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It did not take that longer for a date to be arrabed to when Mu LInging and Yuna Tao could avyually met.
Ten wen the might of the agredd date came just whe Mu Lijgxi ws on her wy to meet Yun Ato, she met Mu Yanxios along the way.
From the curent loks of it, i seemd that the othe party acyually waited for her arrival.
"Fan Lei, you can go first. I just need to have a few words woh lady yunaxios."
Since his senior Yuan Tao sked to met both him and and his freind Sy YAn (Mu Lingi), i ws notrmal that the two yiung warclok was walking tether that night going o the same place.
That was why Fan Lei was also tere when Mu Yanxios suddenly showed up.
Mu LImgxi knew hat Mu yanxios showing up on their ays was not juts a simple conicidence.
She porpbably ws up to somthing, so to avaoin uncesesarr trouble for hersefl, he asked Fan Lei tgo forst.
"Sire thatn, then Ill be going firyst. Osnt be late okay?"ehn Fan Lei saw who the othr oarty was, he was interuege.
After all, this was not the firsttie that the wor wple be meeting in the issle of he night?
Just what exactly was their relations.h.i.+p??
But aS uch as he wated to now what cold be the reos for the Su Yan and ,u Yanxio to be meetng agian in the mddiedle of the night, he knew that he had no right to asked them at that moemont.
So left with no choice Fan Lei decide to reigh to over hin curiosity and eaved fist.
"Were are you headed to at this fair naigt, myloely cosuin??
Mu Yanxios asked as soon s Fan Lei walked away.
Mu Yanxio greeted her with a smile.tye mild wind of the wind blew on he har tgat add another layer of her beuty. making her like a G.o.ddess tat descended on the lad to gac it wth hr prcesece.
"Careful Mu Yanxios! Lower your voie! What if Fa ei heard you??!!!"
Mu LIngi gnasedh in gritted tteeh as she puled Mu Yanxio onn opposite direction. then she lookeed back at Fan Lei's daparting figure, makingbsure ha the partu wwas alredy out f earshot.
"Look, Mu Ynaxio, I had to meet with someone. odnt want o appear rude by being late. OS if you couikd just spare me tininug. Let jst deal anbout t some other t8ime."
Mu longxi rele with a nnchalant tone
If there owukd be th eleas ting that Mu LIngxi ever wanted to do, that ws to splea to play woth MU Ynaiox's silly little wor games
And if thre was laste that Mu lingxi wanted tto, that, was or her benefacttor not to misterpret her being lst as an at o rudensee and ugartefulness.
te othr payhad help her nig t8ije and she did nt want to look bad at him of all people.
"Oh' comon. Surely, you don't want to hear it??? TheI guest your Borther Gaiyan was not that imprtant for yur at all, unlike what I though hit be."
Since MU Yanxiao alredy jnew wher MuLingxi's weakspot was, she decieded to go bit it straightaway.
"Mu Yanxios, yu know bette than to invlbed my brithr in yiur darnd sick jkes, niw if yi reallky got soe news in him, the spill it!"
Mu LIngxi's nonchakance behavior chnaged as soon a ste mentioned of her brother.
Mu Gaoyan means a lot to her, well at least to the previous host f her bdy, actauulay.
But therreticall speaking, they were family and there was nothing that hurt more than knowin that oe of yur family was misisg and can be out pratiacally out there not i good shape.
Yet you cant doanything to help him no you had any news of him how was he oimh.
It pt her o the ededeg everyday, mad he think about how was he brother doing??
If he was alrigt???
notto mentioned tat it was atop other of her conens as wll.
Ut definitely, nthng was far more inportant for tha her fbrther.
Of lall people. Mu Yanixo should be the ost knowlegebl abut it.
"oh yu know how much I care for Brter gaiyan... Ibcared for hi as mich as you do! AFtr all, He had been a good bg borter to me as well."
Mu Yanixo said with an overflowing sincerity in her voice though she doubt if the oter party even really meandt a partial of the words of what she just said.
"So unlike you, who apprently do nothing to look int his recent whereaboutt. OI did mine.And thisis what I found out."
mU Yanjxio cotined her speech beore she leaned coser to MU LIngi and and said her next words in a whisper as ife she was afarid tat someoe moiht hear them.
"I found out that, he Crwn Orince was wit him th day that he disappered. he ronw rnce cained tat tey had been ambushed and he escaped byhis own. Though no one accout fr he vlididty of his laim no noe knew what theyri reaso or going out privately that day. I mean, dode it make sense to you?? Someen ambushed them. Bu instead of the cornd pircen, hey took a youbg general insted??? hwta I ma thinking cousing i that the Crown prcne was behing this."
It took time for Mu Ingxi to prcesed eveything that Mu Yanioxi jsut ltoled her. but when realization finally dawned on her, she had gis weid look on her face.
"So are yu saying the Cown p.r.o.nce was most likely tye oe wo plotted about kidnapping my brother???"
Nu LImhxi asked in conusin.
HIs broyther hd been very loyal to the royal familiy. He had goven them his life, his time and verything.
TO he point hat he nearly abandoe his only sister just to served traoay family and do his duty as a general.
So she could not undrstah the point wht the crown p.r.o.nce wiuld eant his brither harm
why would they do that to their loyal subject???
heir mU Cla miht have galld out tothe grood graces f the royal family, patyially because of her fault en she runway from her arraned marriage with one of the orinces
but as far as he concern, that was still redeemable.
the roit betwem their two families was not that big enogh for them to plot against his borther.
"I don' think the CrownPrice could do hat???"
She had neve see the Crow Prince yete eer sic her transmigaration.
Bt from she could remembered him, the Crown rnce and his Borthr Gaiuyan use dtoe be really clsoed buddies.
hey been i to allot tovher, Fht wats to ortech the kindowm, side by ssed like a ood comarreds they are.
OS how he could be a suspecet??
"ww?? just because you had a little crush o him, dose nt mean tah he canno be a bad guy. righ?? Ae yu not oer hi yet???"
MU Yanuxou thrbwed her caiusn an ot of a the bos question
"It snt about me not getting over with my feling yo anyaone. Besides, it was yu who was s=dying to mary theCrwon Prince, rigt?? SO i Imay iasked, why are yru turnig your back in our prince caharming??"
"Oh we both know that wont gonna happen now. Beause apparently, someone ruined thatperfevt liite derem ofmine. But hrr is what I thin. I think that yu are indenaila t accept that the Crown PRcne mught be acualyy involed in yur Borther' Goustanys 's disappreance because the cow pirnce wssthe brotehr ofur soon to be uband...Are yiu really panning to rekindel your fist sewet love with Onrce LongFuzi and get amrried wth himeventually???"
"Diss thisng fist, w snone ofyour business, wh I wil marr i the future. Ad lasturly its ecause their were borthers, that I am protecting the crown pinede. Butahnkyou for your ibfrmation, that might prve to be hepful. ill be looking on it. I age oho now. As yu see. i still ahve to eet someoen."
MU Imgxi said befeore sshe hurriedly made her way to his apoointment.