Mage In The World Of Cultivation 3 No Thanks

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A burst of rambunctious laughter sounded out. He immediately dropped the papers he was holding and slapped Regalus's back. The previous stack of papers now lay on the floor, spread out, as the secretary behind him looked down with a tired, wronged look.
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"Come with me son," he said and started walking towards the exit of the hall. Though it would seem rather inappropriate to go out while there was lots of work to be done, no one would separate the king with his son.

Regalus heard a soft murmuring, "Finally, I can get out of this h.e.l.l-hole."

'Is father using me as an excuse to skip work?' Regalus thought. However, when he saw the look in his father's eyes, he knew something serious was coming up.

They walked along the stone corridors of the castle. Though Regalus didn't know how it worked, he knew that these walls were reinforced through unknown methods. It was unlike the spells and arrays that was used where he's from.

As they made their way, everyone who saw him would half-kneel down to the ground, bow their heads down, and say "Your Majesty" or "Your Highness" as a greeting. Regalus received the same honor as they said "Crown Prince" when he pa.s.sed by.

After going up a cylindrical stairwell, they reached one of the many balconies in the castle, though it wasn't the main balcony where the King would give out speeches and such, it was the highest. They looked out from the balcony and was welcomed with the view of the entirety of the fort.

Due to its great height, even some of the clouds were lower than they were. Regalus widened his eyes so that he could fully take in this view and soon found himself enjoying it. To his right was the ma.s.sive wall, connecting two mountain peaks together, and from there all the way to his left, a ma.s.sive bustling was laid bare. From up here, even the largest buildings would look like a tiny box and the people looked like tiny, colorful dots. From up here, it seemed that everything was moving in unison. There was no odd distraction, no blaring disruption, no corrupting stench, none of those. Just people living peacefull lives making everyday count. Simplicity is indeed perfection.

Seeing Regalus look with fascination, Lent laughed once more. He looked at the city. His pride and this city are one and the same. His ancestors found the ruins of this city and rebuilt it, brick by brick. It was only with his family's utmost effort did they turn this once frigid, unforgiving landscape into the bustling city it is today. Unknown amounts of blood were spilled to protect this place from the threats of both beasts and men. And it is this same blood that runs through him... as well as his son beside him. He too did his fair share of labor, leading great expeditions on the other side of the wall to ensure the peace of this city, engaging in diplomacy and deals with merchants and others to ensure the fortune of his nation, and personally undergoing backbreaking paperwork and uprooting corruption to ensure the tranquility and justice of his people.

"Say, son. This city, would you say that it's pretty large or something along those lines?"

Regalus looked curiously at his father wondering his point but didn't say anything, but his eyes clearly conveyed his answer. Over the 7 years, he spent a large amount of time in the library, looking at maps, star-charts, stories, histories and more. The [Airen'Dal Citadel] could be compared to some of the larger cities in his world, but in this world, it's nothing but a slightly larger town. He has seen books about ma.s.sive cities with floating islands, citadels build on top of trees, and many more.

Looking at Regalus's eyes, Lent smiled, he knew of Regalus's excursions to the library. He knew that his son is smarter than the average n.o.ble, of course, he didn't know how much.

"You are right, this city is small, even insignificant, in the grand scheme of things," Lent patted Regalus's head and ruffled his hair, "You're turning seven soon, the prime age for cultivation, you will soon take the helm after this old man you know."

Regalus opened his eyes wide. The age of 7 was also significant for him, and Esoteric Arts in general. As a mage, he knows that the age of 7 is when one's attribute and the magical matrix is fixed upon one's body and is the ideal age to start on either the path of magecraft, knighthood or any of the occupations from his previous world. It was also why that as of right now, Regalus is still just a normal mortal, he wants the perfect conditions for everything. Concurrently, Regalus also know about an occupation known as Cultivation, though only rather vaguely, from some books here and there. Sadly, the books he had access to doesn't mention cultivation too much, only affirming its existence. Who would've known the best time to start is seven as well?

"W-Wait..." Regalus thought about his father's words, nearly missing something important, "T-take the helm?? What do you mean?!"

"You are my first son. As I am the King of the Kingdom of Arendale, naturally, you will inherit my position. Soon, all that you see before you, shall be yours. And if you work hard, maybe even beyond that."

"I-I'm too..." Regalus tried to find words, he had never encountered such a situation before.

Lent interrupted him, "Of course, in a world such as this, to hold the t.i.tle of 'King' is no simple matter of me just giving the crown to you and that be that, no. To rule a kingdom, especially in a world such as this, you would need wisdom, perspective, and most of all, strength."

Lent Arendale stretched his hand out to the horizon. Wind surged around his body. The force of nature known as "Qi" flowed through him as Lent focused outward as if calling something.

'I could feel it,' Regalus though, 'the movement of mana around me. If only I had been a year later, having started my reforming my powers, I would have been able to see the mana around him." He was growing ever more curious about this thing called "Cultivation."

A glint appeared in the sky. It moved at an unprecedented speed, slicing the wind along the sky, uncaring for anything in the way. Regalus could only see the trail and a small glint but that was all. It suddenly rushed towards them, giving no sign of stopping. Regalus's spine went cold, he has no way of stopping such a blade. He looked at Lent in panic, but instead saw him calm and focused. If it was any other time, Regalus surely would have run away and get into cover, but after seeing his father, he calmed himself and stayed behind. He put his trust in his father.

Lent, seeing that Regalus wasn't scared and even facing the glint head-on, smiled wryly.


'My own father played this same trick to me when I was nearly seven and I immediately ran away... leaking. Can't you show the littlest fear and astonishment please?'

As soon as the glint was just a few feet from them, Lent immediately sent out another Qi signal. The glint immediately stopped where it was in its place. Water vapor liquidized as soon as it stopped due to the sheer sudden stop. Lent felt little fatigued, controlling this thing at that speed is not an easy feat at all.

The small, tiny fog was soon blown off, revealing a slim, short sword. It was inscribed with many characters, all glowing bright blue.

"Hahahaha~" A soothing, womanly voice sounded out behind them.

"My Queen," Lent said, stepping forward expecting to receive a hug, and maybe a kiss. But it never came. Aria walked pa.s.sed him and instead hugged Regalus.

"Mother!" Regalus accepted and hugged back.

Aria looked back at Lent and back to the sword hanging in midair.

"Heh, did you know your grandfather played the same trick to your dad when he was your age? He ran away while leaking all over the floor," Aria laughed.

Regalus looked flabbergasted for a bit, before joining in the laughter.

Before long, even Lent himself added into the laughter.

"Yes, yes. I was quite a coward back then," Lent ruffled Regalus's head once more, "But you, my boy..." Lent suddenly looked serious, "You should have run. What if I wasn't in control of the sword? A thin line runs between bravery and foolishness, don't fall towards the latter."

"But you stood still father, how could I run then..." Regalus retorted, looking back at his father.

Lent felt touched and pained in his heart. Words can't describe it. He was proud that his son would stand by him but worried that he might get hurt because of him. He unconsciously patted his chest. An unhealable, immeasurably deep scar was there, he then remembered that lightning the day Regalus was born. He quickly removed his hand before he thought about it any further. He reached out and once more patted Regalus's now messy hair.

"Then you must make sure you have the strength. For yourself, for your family, and for your city. So, are you interested in pursuing Cultivation?"




"No need, father." Regalus answered subconsiously, still relis.h.i.+ng in his father's love and care with a bright smile.

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