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As Blaike walks inside, he saw a very long stairs and in the end of it he saw the big Portal, 3meters in width and 3meters in length with a curve on top. The two white pillars in both sides of the portal has a crystal light that s.h.i.+nes so bright. You can see the greenery leaves and beautiful flowers in the area around it. *wow! Such a beautiful to see, it feels like the fresh air in here is so fragrance, i cant even hear those people outside. Its like i'm in a different place.* "lets go up into the Portal gate Gie!"

"Good day young boy! Welcome to the GREY MIST CITY!" A beautiful woman in a one piece red mini skirt is welcoming Blaike to the City. "Wow! So this is the Grey Mist City! It's so wonderful!" Blaike is very astonish about the City landscape. "would you like to have a tour guide to a.s.sist and tour you around the city, young boy?" She ask with a smile face. "Its okay ma'am. I will just gonna have to go immediately to the PT's Auction House, uhhmm...Where should i be heading?" Blaike decline and wanted to go quickly to his designated location. "Oh, so thats where you will be heading. Here just follow this light ball, it will give you directly to where the Auction House is and here is your riding Capsule Ball. Its a machine that will ride you through where your destination is. That will be 5 silver cards young boy." The woman ask Blaike to pay her. Blaike then pays her 5 silver cards. And then the Capsule Ball drove itself and follow where the light ball in Blaike's hand is giving a directions.

Blaike saw those building structures, those electronic boards that shows images and videos of some beauty commercials and other idols faces. The City is different from the White Sand City, for its very lively and quite busy people. The structures of those buildings are in different sizes, shapes, and even colors of those walls, some had black walls, some have dark gray walls, and others where all gla.s.s types of walls. Blaike saw some shops that is very different in White Sand City, they have apartment, hotels and others. They also have plenty of tress and within the city. In just a few minutes of riding, The Riding Capsule Ball stops at the front of the PT's Auction House. As Blaike come out of the Capsule Ball. The Capsule Ball immediately ride back to its designated location. Blaike seen so many people, are coming inside the PT's Auction House. So he then walk towards the main entrance to where the people are lining up. The PT's Auction House is just like a Big plain White Cube if you seen it in front and both side but at the back of the cube has a house that is connected to each other.

"Good afternoon sir! Good afternoon ma'am, your Family name please?." A teenage girl around 19 years old with a quite similar black suit of big brother Yexin are welcoming those people who attending the Auction event. She has a Black hair and a Black small eyes, a very light skin with a very s.e.xy body and a fair breast and b.u.t.t "Black Panther Family." The two guests answer. They are a hybrid of a human and a panther. As the teenage girl, look for the list if there is a family who have reserve before the auction start. "You may proceed to the first floor" she then let them enter the house. "Next..." For a 5mins of lining up, Blaike is the next one to be ask, as the Teenage girl saw Blaike in front of her, "hey kid, are you lost? Do you know that kids are not allowed to be in here? Hhmm..just wait over there and we will look for your parents after i finish my work here, okay?" The teenage girl requested Blaike.

"Excuse me ma'am, my name is Hwan Blaike, and this is the letter from my Auntie Kathie. She wanted this to give it to the Head of the Auction House, if you dont mind may i personally give this letter to the head?" Blaike then show the letter to the teenage girl. Then the teenage girl was so shock about what she saw, the League's mark on the letter. She then realize that Blaike is the Nephew of the Captain that they are waiting for.

"Young master, apologies for not recognizing you immediately, please forgive your servant." The teenage girl bow down and kneel in front of Blaike, Blaike felt surprise of what she did and immediately stop her, for he is so embarra.s.s about those other guests on his back. "Ma'am stop that please, you don't need to do that please." Blaike pleases and then the teenage girl stands up. "Young master, please call me Jiana, your humbly auction Guard." "nice to meet you big sis Jiana, just call me Blaike instead of young master. Hehehe" Blaike complain for he really felt embara.s.sed, "then i'll call you young master Blaike." As they walk inside, Blaike saw a huge stadium where so many people gather and so many guest on the upper deck room. "Big sis Jiana, whats going on?"Blaike ask for his curiousity, "well, young master Blaike, later we will start the Auction event so those people that partic.i.p.ate must bid money until they can win and get their prizes." Big sis jiana explain the event. "Big sis Jiana, may i watch the show, please?" Blaike ask for a permision.

"Hmmm okay young master Blaike, i'll get you a VIP room." Jiana contacted her other team if she can have a VIP room that is far from other private guests. "Young Master Blaike, this way." They walk in the stairs up to the second floor and walk into a very corner part where the last VIP room is located. As they are walking Blaike ask. "Big sis Jiana, can you explain to me about all the t.i.tles of the members in PT's League?" Out of curiosity. "Hmm? Do you mean the positions in every members? Okay i'll explain the simple way, let us start from the top young master Blaike. Just imagine a circle within it has a 4 layers that divide the circle, in the centre layer is a GREATCAPTAIN, the 3 person are the ones who created the League and one of them is Captain Kathie and the other two which is i never even met, next to the GreatCaptain is the VICE-CAPTAIN, they are the HeadMaster of the PT's Auction house, only 10 members are in the list. Next are the MANAGERS, they are also known as the InnerGuard of the PT's Auction House, the members are depending on the Vice-President will. That is all the positions of the Inner Members and all Inner Members have a TrueBlood Crest in their body." Jiana explain a small part, "ohh.. so that means you are in the managers team big sis Jiana? What about big brother Yexin in what position is he?"

Blaike ask again "that is a half truth, yes i am a member of managers position but i also called the PRIVATEGUARD, known as the Butler, the one person who always at the HeadMaster's side the one who swore their life to protect their HeadMaster and the one who will be succeeding their throne. About Mr. Yue Yexin, he is not part of any positions for he is the GreatCaptain's Disciple, the shadow of the GreatCaptain." Jiana explain her positions and Yexin "ahh.. so there are other hidden positions. What do you means by InnerMembers? so it means there's more?" Blaike got confuse. "Yes young master Blaike, the OuterMembers. They are the business partners, servants, maids and outerguards. All of them doesn't have a crest on their body but they have a flag of TrueBlood and all of them are just working for Salaries and income, but they are also part of the family. Thats all the members positions. Anyways we're here now young master Blaike."

as Blaike walk inside the VIP room, he felt amaze about how wonderful the interior design of the room was, a color of light yellow, from the front and both sidewalls too the ceiling, and the wall that opposites to the entrance door is a see through gla.s.s, where you can see whats happening in the arena on ground but cannot hear any sound. Blaike saw a small chandelier, forming like a cube where the light came from. He also saw a big white sofa with a table on it.

"Young master, would you like to sit on the sofa and watch the auction on a projection screen or would you like to just stand up on the window and hear the live auction?" Jiana ask Blaike, "i would like to stand up and watch the auction live please big sis Jiana." Blaike response. "Understood young master Blaike." Jiana suddenly grab a remote control and click, in just a second the gla.s.s mirror outside the room and when it connected to the room floor,it quickly transform into a gla.s.s balcony. Blaike get startled about it *what happen? What kind of magic is that? Or is it an invention?* Blaike got curious about what happen. "Young master, the auction will now begin, please step on the balcony, and here is a remote if you wanted to partic.i.p.ate in the bidding and also here is some fruits that we prepared for you to have an appet.i.te while watching." Jiana gave the remote "the green Botton mean you will partic.i.p.ate the bidding, the silver, gold and platinum Botton means that its your money card. And if you bid just click these numbers and it will count the total of your bid. And lastly is the red Botton, its a trade Botton, where you exchange the item into another item that you have." Jiana explain the controller. "Okay copy big sis." Blaike response. *i'm so excited to try it out and experience the event.*

As the Auction start, there are two beautiful woman like a 25 years of age with a maiden outfit walks unto the stage, a violet curly hair with a violet eyes have an outfit of silky violet like maid dress, and also a pink wavy hair with a pink eyes have an outfit of silky pink like maid dress. People are clapping properly and so excited to start the auction. "Good evening everyone!" "Good evening our guests for today!" The two beautiful woman greets joyfully. "We are the hosts for todays event!"both of them introduce. "Today we have a total of 5 auction items to show you, all of those items are rare and special, but the last item that we will show you is on legendary rank items so please be prepared." The violet woman host explain, " we have 7 guests for today, from the kingdoms, Palaces and different Cities. So please we humbly welcome you." The pink woman host talk for those guests. "Let us start! Please bring the first item!" The hosts started the event.

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