Just Mine 1 Prologue

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Please this is my first novel and English is not my mother's tongue plus am not a literature student so please bear with me. i welcome corrections. thnx.

Sky sat at her desk staring into the distance... thinking of how far she's come, sometimes she can't help but think of the all seems surreal. She still think she isn't ready to meet him despite how far she's come...she isn't married and isn't equipped enough to meet him, they say love is blind but she wasn't blind when they were together she just let her f.u.c.king heart rule. Looking at her name on her desk she shook her head coming back to d present ..Sky .M. Nathaniel and smiled, the name most people know her as now. Thank G.o.d for the angel G.o.d sent into her life that changed everything and helped her in picking her name. To live this new life n excel she had to wear a mask to s.h.i.+eld her weak heart from the world...only a few know who she really is.

She already set the trap for the company's beauty, now all she has to do is wait n see if he is worth her investment. I don't think am ready for this.....she thought to herself, rubbing her tummy, buts it too late. No more being a coward....she can't let her angel down n she has to save face

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