I Fell For A Dragon 13 Keeping Up With The Pets

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Susan and Ailill now had time for each other. Luna would need to sleep for a few days.

Susan and Ailill would return to their life as a couple. He would fish and she would cook. They both help each other with their daily This included the pets.

Charlie was a hyper dog who loved to play throw the ball. But he fell in love with flocculent.

Charlie would eat anything but flocculent they were still trying to find something he would eat. The fruit Susan tryed to feed him, but he did not like it

"I know we can't make him eat and Luna can't take him home right now." Susan said.

The fluffy flocculent just wanted to cuddle with Charlie and the dog loved it.

That gave time for Susan and Ailill to cuddle to.

Five days went by and Luna woke up.

'Susan, How is everything?'

"Fine Luna. Are you ok now?"

'Yes, I see you have been busy'

"What do you mean Luna"

'There is a little one in here. A sweet little spark.'

Susan was shocked. "Can I see?"

Luna then changed places with Susan.

'This little spark here is a baby,' Susan asked.

"Yes, That's our baby." She said proudly.

Susan just wrapped her arms around the spark and could feel the power. Then a feeling of peace. It was a girl she knew it.

'When should we tell the guys?' Susan asked.

"Not yet they will get all weird and possessive. I still want a little freedom, please keep it a secret for now. We will tell them soon." Luna said.

Susan did not like keeping secrets but for Luna she would give her a little time, 'Ok, a few days only. I hate secrets. '

'Luna when do you think we can take flocculent back home, I can't get him to eat?' Susan asked.

"Who?"Luna asked.

'The fluffy creature we accidentally brought back.' Susan said.

Luna looked around the spotted the fluffy animal, she started to laughing. "He does not eat like a normal animal she rotting foods. So feed him from the mulch bin."

Susan changed places and picked up flocculent and took him to the rotten mulch pile, flocculent jummped at the smell and started eating. Soon he was full and curled back up with Charlie and feel a sleep. Who would of guest.

'Do you still want to return her?' Luna asked.

"It's ok, I like him a lot and I think Charlie would be lost with out him."

Luna snuggled the little spark and fell a sleep.

Ancestialian had been out scanning the area for Fafner. There was no sign of him but he knew Fafner was close by just waiting.

Ancestialian hit the beach and transformed back to Ailill.

"He is here some were keep one eye open." Ancestialian said, "I'm going to rest a bit before going out again."

Ailill was uneasy about about all this. He had no idea what was going on.

"Ailill" Susan yelled running into his arms.

"Asth.o.r.e, why are you so happy?" He asked looking at a glow on her face.

"I am just happy to see you. I missed you." She said.

He knew something was up. She could not hide things from him. But he kept this to him self and wait for her to tell him.

"Asth.o.r.e, I missed you to."Ailill hugged her close.


Susan had a hard time keeping her secret from Ailill. As she lay in his arm and he playing with her hair she asked, "Does Ancestialian know everything you know or can you keep secrets from him?"

"I am unsure. I knew I could turn to a dragon but I did not even know I could talk to him until recently. Why?" Ailill said

"No reason I was just wondering." She looked disappointed in his answer. She wanted to tell him about the baby.

"Susan, is there something you need to tell me?"

"Yes, but I can't."


"Because, I promised Luna" She took a deep breath.

He frowned at her.

'Don't say a word. You promised. Ancestialian and I know everything you two know because we have been alive since the beginning of time. You two only know what we want you to know because you are like baby's to us.'

"Not fare Luna" Susan said as Ailill looks at her puzzled.

'No one said life was fair. If you tell them, then I will not let you see Ailill for a while. Understand' Luna threatened.

"I undersatand" Susan face dropped and tears fell.

Ailill was puzzled and knew Luna must of said something to Susan to upset her.

Susan stood and walked away to feed the animals. She also wanted to get some done.

"Do you need some help?" Ailill asked.

" No, just relax for awhile. I'll be back soon." Susan walked away.


Ailill was upset as he seen Susan walk way. He seen the tears in her eye. Luna was upsetting her and he did not like it.

"Ancestialian, wake up"

'What do you want'

"Luna has upset my Acushla"

'That's between those two don't get involved.'

"We'll ok if you are fine with Luna keeping secrets from you. Susan was upset she could not tell me something because you would find out. Luna threatened her not to say anything"

Ancestialian woke up at that. Luna was keeping something from him. 'Go talk to Susan, I want to listen what she say now'

Ailill went to find his Storeen. She was feeding flocculent from the compost pile.

"Macushla, tell me please what is bothering you?"

"I can't, please stop asking. I promise Luna and you would not want me to break a promise."

"No, but it is also wrong to keep secrets from you mate."

"Please, I'll tell you later I promise but for now you have to trust me. If I tell you then everything will be harder for you."

"I don't under stand acushla, how will it be harder on me?"

"Just leave it alone." she yelled.

With that Luna pushed Susan inside and took flight.

Ailill was shocked and before Ancestialian could chase after her she was out of sight.

She had taken to the stars. This gave Fafner the chance he had waited for to go after Ancestialian's life.

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