Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha Chapter 215.1

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Chapter 215.1

The Hero Academy of Arclanisca.

Students dressed in scarlet uniforms were gathering in the main auditorium that was in ruins after the attack of the dragon variant.

s.p.a.ce distorted itself, and I appeared there via teleportation.

I was followed by Eldmed, s.h.i.+n, and the Demon King Academy students.

Khahaha! Looks like you guys took one h.e.l.l of a beating again. Eldmed remarked as he observed the devastation of Arclanisca.

Even the ceiling of the main auditorium was gone, making the blue sky visible to everyone.

When I looked through the large hole in the wall, I saw the gigantic dragon responsible for crus.h.i.+ng the building, lying on the ground.

Still, to think you defeated a dragon variant. And on top of that, what do I see? You cast inside its body? That means you threw yourself into the mouth of the beast itself? Khahaha! Thats sheer madness! he said happily.

In addition to , the dragon was covered in layers upon layers of barrier magic using holy water taken from the holy lake, completely sealing its movement.

Eldmed took an Hourgla.s.s of Conflagration from his top hat, and cursed the dragon with it.

Once all the sand had fallen, the dragon would die.

Eldmed turned his gaze toward Emilia and her students.

Then he burst into laughter again.

Well, look at you guys. I took my eyes off you just one moment, and now youve become full-fledged warriors. Now this takes me back. Its been two thousand years since Ive met humans like you. (Eldmed)

Eldmed held his cane in both hands and leaned against it.

Its an emergency! I repeat, its an emergency! screamed Zamira, the overweight headmaster of the academy, in a panic.

Hear me out! A familiar from the royal palace has just confirmed that a horde of dragons has sprung up from the Enora Meadow and are headed to Gairadite! If you dont intercept it immediately, the royal capital will be caught in their rampage! (Zamira)

Although the students glared coldly at Zamira yelling about, they seemed to take the matter of the dragons seriously.

This is a national crisis! The king has given an edict to Arclanisca! All students of the Hero Academy are to risk their lives and serve as s.h.i.+elds for the nation! While you all buy time, the royal palace will prepare an army to face the dragons. Until then, dont let a single one of them enter the royal capital! Are we clear?! (Zamira)

The Hero Academy students didnt reply.

In fact, they didnt even spare Zamira so much as a glance, and completely ignored him.

Whats with that nasty att.i.tude? Youre not going to say that youre too scared, are you? You dont even have the courage to die, yet you dare call yourselves Heroes? Its a well-known fact that you cowards and the previous headmaster, Diego, were plotting to overthrow this country. Have you forgotten how the royal palace granted you filthy criminals amnesty for that?! (Zamira)

Since none of the students would look at him, Zamira stomped the ground.

You fools! This is a royal edict! Make yourselves useful to the kingdom for once! (Zamira)

Emilia glared at Zamira.

Enough already. None of us will listen to you. (Emilia)

Zamira displayed a look of displeasure at her words.

You dont have a say in this. This is a royal edict. (Zamira)

Then tell it to the Demon King. I have no obligation to obey the edict of a human king. (Emilia)

What? Then turn your tail and go back to your homeland, you coward. No matter what you think, these fools are obligated to listen to their kings orders. If they refuse, they will all be arrested for treason!! (Zamira)

Zamiras harsh words caused all of the Hero Academy students expressions to turn grim.

Seriously, what a bunch of cowards. Are you that afraid of fighting dragons? Real Heroes would never be scared of only this much. How dare you drag the names of your ancestors through the mud! If I were you, I would be ashamed of myself. (Zamira)

Zamira just kept verbally abusing the students.

Seemingly running out of patience, Emilia took a step towards him.

Oh? Well said. (Anos)

But at the sound of my voice, she turned around.

I slowly walked towards Zamira.

Two thousand years ago, human royalty always took the lead in fighting dragons to protect their people. (Anos)

I reached out for his fat belly and firmly grabbed it.

Urgh! Y You brat! What do you think youre doing?! Such insolence! (Zamira)

You wouldnt want to drag the names of your ancestors through the mud, would you? Then live up to your name as a royal, and go to the front lines and stop the dragons yourself. But dont worry, Ill save you some trouble. (Anos)

When I drew a magic circle on his fat body, Zamira looked frightened.

W Wait What the h.e.l.l did you just say? What are you going to do?! (Zamira)

It would be a ha.s.sle to walk all the way there, right? So Im sending you to the Enora Meadow directly. (Anos)

S-Stop! Dont! Dont do anything stupid! Im the one in charg (Zamira)

By casting the spell on his fat body, I made him disappear from here.

And sent him to the Enora Meadow.

A-A-Anosh-kun?! What have you?! (Emilia)

Emilia rushed over in a panic.

Was that a problem? Theres no way a human from the royal family would be killed by some dragons that even a six-year-old can defeat, is there? (Anos)

Emilia stared at me in stunned silence.

Khahaha! My oh my. What a troublemaker you are, Anosh Polticoal. (Eldmed)

Eldmed laughed in a fully amused tone.

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