Info-Psychology Part 6

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The dismal fact about casual LSD sessions is that the ill prepared person tends to re-imprint the past conditioned structure, thus charging with new energy the habit patterns of the old island reality.

It is a fundamental principle of exo-psychology that conditioning centers around the positive and negative poles of the imprint. The imprint-fix is sudden. Post-imprint conditioning, however, takes time and repet.i.tion. Around the initial s.e.xual imprint, for example, there builds up, over the years, billions of conditioned a.s.sociations. This forms the structure of personality.

During a re-imprinting session it is probable that the new imprint includes the old conditioned structure. You re-imprint your spouse, for example. Where new models are imprinted, it is necessary to start building up new circles of conditioned reflexes around the new imprint. This takes time. Some early LSD researchers concluded that a six month waiting period should occur between LSD sessions. In psychological terms, to "work through the new insights." The exo-psychological phrase is "to allow new conditioning to network around the new imprints." But the new imprint model must be present during the reconditioning.

Neurologic, therefore, requires that one plan one's re-imprinting sessions carefully so that those aspects of previous realities which one wishes to exist in the future reality are present to be imprinted and new models imprinted during the "sensitive" period remain around to allow new conditioned a.s.sociations to build up around them.

Usually the person re-imprints the old conditioned stimuli.

One often hears the complaint from people who have taken LSD repeatedly that, after a while, the "trips" were the same. Such comments reveal a lack of knowledge of the re-imprinting process. If the recasting of the mind occurs over and over again in the same place with the same set of characters (usually one's larval egos) then the same neural form repeats. This is like having the most precise and expensive photographic equipment and, without moving it, continuing to photograph the same object.

A more thoughtful use of the recasting, reincarnative potentialities of the nervous system was exemplified by the two neurologicians, a newly married couple, who embarked on a psychedelic world tour. The first step was to purchase 'round-the-world air tickets which had to be used within one year. The couple then thought of themselves as...o...b..ting satellites of the planet who had to accomplish the circ.u.mnavigation in twelve months.

The procedure was to fly to a country and to enquire as to the "spiritual" center of that nation. In j.a.pan, they were told to go to Kyoto. In India, to Benares. In Greece, to Eleusis. Etc. In Kyoto they asked where the spiritual center, the "soul" of Kyoto was to be found. They were given many suggestions and visited each center to pick up neuro-genetic vibrations. They spent a week reading about the history, politics, culture, art, myths of j.a.pan and Kyoto. Then they went to the "holiest" place, ingested a Sixth Circuit neuro-active chemical which suspended old imprints and opened the nervous system to new imprints - which in this case were structured by the architecture and regalia of the Emperor's palace. For six hours they absorbed the signals of the place and became neurologically j.a.panesed.

This is the only way to "see the world"[1] to retract the imprint roots and move the unattached nervous system to a new locale to which the neural lines are extended (See diagrams 13-24.) Without such flexibility - vulnerability - we can experience nothing outside the membrane that was formed at the time of the last imprinting - which for larvals is the time of adolescence or, in the case of women, their last child-birth. Most world travellers move their robot-bodies from country to country experiencing only symbolic versions of their own home grounds.

Such neural touring is not an end in itself, but a rudimentary training exercise for neurologicians learning how to use the Einsteinian serial possibilities of the brain.

The goal of the neurologician is to increase not just consciousness, but intelligence. Contelligence; to learn how to move and change realities by means of serial re-imprinting. When the nervous system can be used at Einsteinian relativistic speeds, the pa.s.sive limitations of the nervous system itself become apparent. There are basic genetic dimensions of reality-construction which cannot be changed by re-imprinting. Just as operant conditioning is futile when compared to neural imprinting, so is imprinting superficial when compared with the Genetic Template.

We recall: imprinting hooks the bodily-neural equipment to one basic external. The environment (including the body) imprints the nervous system just as film is imprinted in a camera. However, the camera is designed and constructed by DNA. The filming process is limited and guided by the structure of the camera.

The most obvious ill.u.s.tration of the relations.h.i.+ps among conditioning, imprinting and genetic templating is seen in the s.e.xual response.

DNA, at the time of conception, stamps out the s.e.x and model (zodiac type) of the nervous system.

The nervous system at p.u.b.erty then imprints the release-stimulus of the s.e.xual machinery. Then social conditioning either supports or ineffectually (and often cruelly) deals with the outcome of this three-layer programming by means of social rewards for virtue and social punishment for "sin."

The conflicts, internal and social, which plague larval humanity are often due to discordance among the social-neural-genetic structures.

It is a simple matter to change conditioned behavior. Just move into a different reward punishment scene.

It requires neurologic know-how to change imprints.

The genetic template, the most powerful determinant of human behavior, cannot, at this time, be changed; it can only be understood and adapted to. When post-larval humanity has evolved to Stage 20 (Genetic Engineering), it will be possible to change genetic pre-disposition.

[1]We use the word "see" in the sense of don Juan as contrasted with "looking."


23. The Most Intelligent Use of the Nervous System Is to Imprint the Genetic Code.

The structure of the body and of the nervous system is pre-designed by the genetic code.

The code is an amino-acid time-script which contains the multi-billion year sequence of biological evolution. Past and future.

The first task of Life on this planet was to transform the atmosphere. Plant life produces the oxygen atmosphere necessary for later phases of mobile, animal life. This process is called terraforming.

When oxygen was produced, the code simply kicked into action the gills, lungs, and oxygen-transporting systems in the body to produce the next phase of evolution.

The evolution of humanity for the billions of years to come may already be pre-programmed in the genetic code, blocked from expression by chemical masking barriers called htstones, and turned on by non-histone proteins.[1]

The blueprint of DNA has designed us to move life off the planet and to enter high-velocity, time-relativity states, to attain symbiotic longevity, to construct and direct nuclear-fusion energies which will transport us through the galaxy, and eventually to evolve beyond matter as we now know it.

The intelligent person in the year 1976 has available enough evidence to predict the general course of future evolution, and on the basis of these inevitabilities, to partic.i.p.ate in a neurological mutation. It is about time to use our heads; become very contelligent, very rapidly.

One who allows Hirself to be controlled by conditioning or accidental childhood imprinting is accepting robothood. To follow the genetic instruction it is necessary to retract larval imprints and to create new neural realities, new languages based on Einsteinian relativities. Create the future and then imprint it.

Neurologic is the science of selective re-imprinting. The use of the nervous system as motion-picture camera. The conscious creation of a sequence of realities.

It must be remembered, however, that neurologic is a tool for neurogenetics. It is of little use to go on re-imprinting larval realities or somatic realities. The Sixth Circuit is designed for extra-terrestrial existence, for post-human, genetic consciousness. Neurotransmitter drugs, like LSD, are thus seen to be post-larval in function.

The DNA code contains the entire life blueprint - the history of the past and the forecast of the future. The intelligent use of the brain is to imprint the DNA code.

[1]The future of post larval humanity rests dormant in the unused portion of our genetic code just as the "b.u.t.terfly" potential lies hidden in the chromosomes of caterpillars.


24. Evolution Requires that Some of Us Become Conscious Agents of the Future.

Up until the present, human beings have been neurologically unable to conceive of the future.

This inhibition (Neo-phobia) is genetically imposed. The larval nervous system creates earth-bound realities. For the caterpillar to "think" about flying would be survivally risky. Indeed the caterpillar cannot "think" about flying because it has no wings. We a.s.sume that pre-human forms of life have no awareness of time, no ability to look into the future; that mammals operating with the two immediate survival circuits have no conception of the evolutionary plan.[1]

The key to evolution beyond the larval forms is the understanding and control of time.

The emergence of the laryngeal-manual circuit, the paleolithic unfolding of left-hemisphere symbol-manipulating and logical-ordering allowed humanity to transmit vocal, written and artifactual time-signals across the generations. Operant conditioning, instrumental learning a.s.sures the transmission of culture from the past to the present.

Larval time-binding involves very short periods and narrow perspectives. The farmer looks to the next harvest. The politician looks to the next election. The bureaucrat looks forward to payday, to the weekend, to the summer vacation. Parents look to their children.

Larval civilizations operate on the basis of calculated ignorance about the future. The four-brained person does not want to know about the future because it threatens the stability of the reality imprint. Four-brained societies do not want to know about the present, because prospection would lessen the motivation to work blindly towards organized uncertainty.

There is a taboo about future forecast. The book Future Shock seems to be more about present shock and describes the terror and confusion created by a world which is different from the past; i.e. different from one's childhood imprint realities. Prophobia is so intense that the future cannot be faced in a best-selling book.

Even the scientific groups who try to project the future are curiously unable to foresee an evolving neurological-mutational change. The Club of Rome, the RAND Corporation, Herman Kahn all present statistical extrapolations of material trends of the past projected to the future. Thus we are told that the future will be a global extension of a Swedish Los Angeles. All the current predictions by "futurists" forecast an air-conditioned ant-hill world in which personal freedom, creativity are limited by population pressure, scarcity and restrictive social control.

There is one possibility routinely omitted in future projections - a sudden global raising of contelligence. The "I2"of S.M.I2.L.E.

The 1960's witnessed a general raising of consciousness, a ma.s.sive "mind-fission," a widespread retraction of larval imprints. The new realities imprinted were not thoughtfully selected. While there was a "drop-out" away from the artifact-symbols of the parent-culture and a joyful hedonic acceptance of the rapture of direct sensation ("feel good, stay-high"), there was an unfortunate tendency to reject technology and scientific thinking. The drug-culture of the 1960's wandered around, "s.p.a.ced out" (this is a good term), "high," but with no place to go.[2] One generation too early for interstellar migration.

Into this neural vacuum rushed the "occultists," second hand Karma dealers, Jesus-salesmen, "spiritualists," fad-cultists, astrologers providing occult terms and "other-worldly" explanations for the new transcendental states.

The question of the 1960's was: After retracting imprints from the material culture, where do you go? The answers of the past were: back to Jesus, back to Ha.s.sidism, back to India, back to the nature simplicity of the pioneers. The Here and Now of Transcendental Masturbation. The "Me" generation.

The consciousness fads became soothing terrestrial "turn-offs," offering peace of mind, detached serenity, health-foodism, feel-good sensory supermarkets for pre-mature mutants who have no idea of where to go. The water-bed fad is a cla.s.sic example of pre-mature 5th Circuit mutation, with its hint of zero-gravity sensory freedom.

The hedonic spirit of the 1960's was a manifestation of Stage 13, the receptive, exploratory use of a new neural circuit. It is natural that the first post-larval generation would appear confused, dis-oriented, frivolous, irritatingly vague. The task of the next generation is to learn how to transmit the new experiences, to raise intelligence, to control time, to create extra-terrestrial models based on scientific evidence.

A mutation is always disturbing to the larval culture. No one wants the reality game to become bigger than one's childhood imprints.

The genetic time-table has reached the point where humanity is beginning to understand how the nervous system operates and how robot-synaptic reactions can be suspended. A new level of contelligence is defined.

[1]This a.s.sumption may be another anthropocentric myth. The bee-hive, in its elaborate structure, may be a time-binding cultural signal to new generations of bees. U.s.w.

[2]"Stoned" is a bad term, as is "loaded."


25. A Wide Variety of Future Post-human Forms Will Emerge.

The evolutionary process schedules mutations with a relentless continuity. Every living organism plays a part in the evolutionary design.

There are eight answers to the basic question, "Who am I and where am I going?" In terms of genetic teleology the question is: "In which direction am I mutating?"

The genetic perspective is taboo and frightening because it forces us to face certain embarra.s.sing facts: 1.The human species is an incomplete form which is undergoing dramatic changes.

The human race (and, indeed, life on this planet) is now at the half-way point. In three billion years we have evolved from uni-celled organisms. In the years to come we shall manifest changes much more dramatic.

2.The rate of evolution is accelerating.

The human condition is changing at an accelerated rate in terms of physique, neurological function, ecology, density and diversity of population, etc. Consider the human situation 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, 10,000 years ago. Now a.s.sume that the same rate of accelerated change continues. How will we evolve in the next 25 years? The next thousand years?

3.The evolutionary process produces an increasing spectrum of differentiations. The present human gene pool will evolve in many different directions. It is probable that hundreds or thousands of new species will evolve from the present human genetic stock.

The social implications are startling. Of the next hundred persons you meet it is probable that each will evolve into a new species as different from you as the rabbit from the giraffe. About 75 million years ago certain insectivore species (lemurs) contained the seed-source from which the 193 varieties of primates, including the human, were to emerge.

To understand yourself, to understand the human situation it is useful to project a prospectus of how the human species is going to evolve.

Much of the conflict and confusion which characterizes the current human plight can be gentled and clarified if we accept the fact that we are genetically very different from each other and inexorably pre-programmed by DNA template to evolve in many very different directions.

The work of geneticists like Paul, Stein and Kleinsmith suggests that histones mask the half of the DNA code which contains the futique design of the organism. If it were possible for one to pull back the histone curtain and see the blueprint of one's genetic future one would have a most revealing answer to the question, "Who am I and where am I going?" The question must be posed in the first person singular. The error of genetic democracy led Gauguin to ask, "Where did we come from and where are we going?" The question can only be asked, "Where am I going? What genetic futique do I carry in my genes?"

Each of us transmits a pre-coded design of future organisms very different from current human stock and very different from most other humans.


25. A Wide Variety of Future Post-human Forms Will Emerge.

The evolutionary process schedules mutations with a relentless continuity. Every living organism plays a part in the evolutionary design.

There are eight answers to the basic question, "Who am I and where am I going?" In terms of genetic teleology the question is: "In which direction am I mutating?"

The genetic perspective is taboo and frightening because it forces us to face certain embarra.s.sing facts: 1.The human species is an incomplete form which is undergoing dramatic changes.

The human race (and, indeed, life on this planet) is now at the half-way point. In three billion years we have evolved from uni-celled organisms. In the years to come we shall manifest changes much more dramatic.

2.The rate of evolution is accelerating.

The human condition is changing at an accelerated rate in terms of physique, neurological function, ecology, density and diversity of population, etc. Consider the human situation 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, 10,000 years ago. Now a.s.sume that the same rate of accelerated change continues. How will we evolve in the next 25 years? The next thousand years?

3.The evolutionary process produces an increasing spectrum of differentiations. The present human gene pool will evolve in many different directions. It is probable that hundreds or thousands of new species will evolve from the present human genetic stock.

The social implications are startling. Of the next hundred persons you meet it is probable that each will evolve into a new species as different from you as the rabbit from the giraffe. About 75 million years ago certain insectivore species (lemurs) contained the seed-source from which the 193 varieties of primates, including the human, were to emerge.

To understand yourself, to understand the human situation it is useful to project a prospectus of how the human species is going to evolve.

Much of the conflict and confusion which characterizes the current human plight can be gentled and clarified if we accept the fact that we are genetically very different from each other and inexorably pre-programmed by DNA template to evolve in many very different directions.

The work of geneticists like Paul, Stein and Kleinsmith suggests that histones mask the half of the DNA code which contains the futique design of the organism. If it were possible for one to pull back the histone curtain and see the blueprint of one's genetic future one would have a most revealing answer to the question, "Who am I and where am I going?" The question must be posed in the first person singular. The error of genetic democracy led Gauguin to ask, "Where did we come from and where are we going?" The question can only be asked, "Where am I going? What genetic futique do I carry in my genes?"

Each of us transmits a pre-coded design of future organisms very different from current human stock and very different from most other humans.


26. The Post-larval Must Be Very Cautious in Communicating with Larval Humans.

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