Gardella Vampires - Rises The Night Part 16

Gardella Vampires - Rises The Night -

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Reaching behind her, he fitted his hands under her skirts and around the back of her hips, drawing her forward, closer, so that she fell against him in the chair. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s pushed into his chest and he moved to touch the top of her head, tilting it to the side so he could kiss the long tendon that stretched from jaw to shoulder. Her vampire bites were long healed, but the sensitivity in her neck was still sharp; sharper than before she was bitten, and when he closed his mouth over the smooth skin, she felt everything focus there.

So different from the ugly, evil fangs that drew out her life force, yet frighteningly similar. Everything slowed as Sebastian nibbled and bit and licked, long and smooth, from ear to shoulder and back. Victoria was shaking, wanting to twist away from the intensity, yet wanting to push herself into him, wanting more. Her eyes had closed, her hands fallen from their grip on the chair; she was lost in the tailspin of pleasure.

Then he slipped his fingers down and beneath her skirts again; they found their way through the slit in her drawers, where she was hot and pounding and wet. They brushed over her swollen flesh and she seized up, catching her breath at the opulence.

How had she forgotten this? Pleasure surged from one of her centers to the other, from his lips and tongue to his fingers, stroking and sliding. His palm cupped her from the front, pressure built, and yet his rhythm did not waver.

She felt his breath faster against her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, heard it rasping in her ear as his mouth fell away from her skin.

Skillful, oh, his fingers were skillful... teasing her to the edge, then drawing aside to let her slip back; then back in, gently probing, slick and sure, until finally he let her go over.

Victoria caught herself before she cried aloud; some part of her remembered they were in the parlor, and she buried her face in his shoulder as the o.r.g.a.s.m shuddered through her.

So long. It had been so long.

She was weak and lazy and alive. Her fingers shook along with her breath, and she realized his hands were moving at his own waist and she put her attention to helping him.

When she would have removed his s.h.i.+rt, he stopped her, pus.h.i.+ng her hands to the bulge in his trousers, and murmured, "No, here, if you please," with a bit of strained, wry humor in his voice. "Victoria."

"This is an efficient way to distract me from my question," she whispered into his ear, working to unfasten his breeches. When she slipped her hands inside, she found him hot and ready, heavy under her fingers.

"About George? You already suspect the answer." His breathing was definitely off.

"You knew."

"Let's not let George come between us," he murmured coaxingly.

"How about Max?" she asked.

"Max too?" His fingers stilled. "So that is what this is about."

"What?" It took a moment, but the haziness of desire spiraled away when she saw the serious look on his face.

"Your easy capitulation. Did you talk to him?" He kept his fingers closed around the stays caging her ribs, just below her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but they were still, and his mouth distant and thin.

"He's getting married to Regalado's daughter. Don't tell me you didn't know that."

"I didn't." Sebastian looked at her, his expression dark as he slipped his palms up under her b.r.e.a.s.t.s again. "I understand now, and it is fortunate that I have no qualms about seizing an opportunity that falls in my lap. Literally." His smile had an unfamiliar edge to it.

With a sudden movement he pulled her back to him for a hot, rough kiss that brought more out of her than he'd taken before.

Her breath hitched and she kissed him back, caught up in the emotion, renewed desire pulling down through her belly. His hands were more insistent on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s...

And then something changed.

He slowed, caught back his breathing, gentled his kiss, let his warm hands settle at her waist. "Apparently I am not the opportunist I thought I was," he said ruefully, s.h.i.+fting and setting her off his lap.

Victoria stood there, suddenly chilled, her gown at her waist, her s.h.i.+ft bunched up underneath her skirts, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s jiggling with the movement of her breath and his sudden release.

Sebastian rose, then, his billowing s.h.i.+rt brus.h.i.+ng against her torso. He looked down at her as he refastened his trousers. "I can't decide if it's because you expect him to walk in on us at any moment, or because you're angry at him. Or both. Likely both."

The last vestiges of arousal fell away. "You are addled!" She yanked up her bodice to cover her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Most likely I am," he replied, tucking his s.h.i.+rt in. "But I'd rather be addled than be manipulated."

"Thank you for your a.s.sistance with the Tutela," she said frostily. "I hope that you'll remember tonight with fondness, for there won't be a repet.i.tion of it anytime soon."

His lips twitched to one side as he grabbed up his coat, gloves, and cravat. "You are so very predictable, Victoria, donning the spurned-woman facade."

"Spurned woman?" She laughed in real delight. "I would say not. You left me with little to regret, and I wager I'll sleep better tonight than you." She raised a brow and looked at him meaningfully.

"If you keep that up, I'll be happy to rectify the situation." He turned to go, his hand on the parlor door, and slanted her a last look. "Or I'll call on the Tarruscelli twins."

Victoria regretted telling Sebastian about Max's appearance at the Regalado villa, not so much because of the way it inexplicably ended their intimacy, but because she still cringed inside when she thought about what it could mean.

She wanted to keep that information to herself so she could turn it over in her mind and somehow make sense of it. She felt as if once she told Aunt Eustacia, or anyone, it would be too late to take it back; it would be real. And it would worry her aunt needlessly, for Victoria just did not believe Max had turned from the Venators.

And she also believed-knew, deep inside-that Max would seek her out. If he was playing a role, which was what she had to believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, he wouldn't take any chance of their being overheard or seen. They could have been noticed in the hall beyond the ballroom; he was being overly discreet... which was nothing less than what she'd expect of Max.

Even though he infuriated her, Max didn't make mistakes. He was deliberate and careful and very, very dangerous.

As for Sebastian's odd accusations... Victoria put those off to the fact that she could never understand what made Sebastian tick at any time, let alone when he was in the throes of pa.s.sion. There was no love lost between the two men for reasons she did not know, but which appeared to be part of a long history. Apparently the mere mention of Max's name was a douse of cold water to Sebastian.

So certain was Victoria that Max would call on her or send some kind of message now that he knew she was in Rome, she remained in the villa for the next two days, refusing even to leave to visit Aunt Eustacia at the Gardella villa. She didn't want to miss him if he came.

She did not explain to her great-aunt that she'd seen Max. Not yet. She wanted to make sure... she wanted to wait until they could speak again in private.

But he did not contact her.

She did, however, have to greet George Starca.s.set when he called on her the day after the party, bearing flowers and a glitter in his eyes. They sat and took tea in the cramped parlor, chatting inanely about London Society and their friends back home. It was thirty minutes before she could get rid of him.

The following day, when he called, she was "not at home."

The third morning after the party at the Regalado villa, the Tarruscelli sisters brought Sara Regalado to call on Victoria.

"We were certain you'd fallen ill," gushed Portiera. "We'd hoped you'd come to tea yesterday and were so disappointed when you did not attend."

"We missed you so very much at tea yesterday, we were quite convinced that you'd been stricken with some ache in the head or some other illness," said Placidia in her sister's wake."I was feeling rather under the weather," Victoria admitted, watching as Oliver and Verbena attempted to arrange the minuscule parlor for three guests plus their mistress. "I had such a lovely time at your father's party, too, Sara."

"I hope you are feeling quite the object today," Max's fiancee said in her imperfect English.

"I am feeling much more the thing, thank you very much." In truth, she was feeling worse every hour that went by that she hadn't heard from Max.

Unless... perhaps Sara was unwittingly to deliver the message.

Indeed, it seemed possible, when the young woman continued and said, "We were hoping you would join us in our box at the opera tomorrow evening. We four will be escorted by my father and Maximilian, as well as Barone Galliani, on whom you seem to have made quite an impression." She smiled without a bit of malice and continued, "My cousin appeared to be so smitten with you that he has threatened to change the name of the rose he created for me!"

"I'm certain your fiance was overjoyed," Victoria could not resist saying.

Sara looked at her quizzically. "Maximilian? Why, he has not a jealous bone in his body; he could not care if Silvio named twenty flowers after me. And if he should change the name for someone as lovely as you, my new dear friend, well, I should not be adirato at all. For I have my Maximilian to name flowers after me himself."

Victoria had to turn an unladylike snort into a fit of coughing. The vision of Max tending to a rosebush, let alone naming it for a chit of a girl, was ludicrous.

When her coughing subsided, amidst a flurry of "oohs" and "ohs!" (from the Tarruscelli twins, their mirror-image moles twitching accordingly) and clapping on the back (from the dainty Sara, who wielded quite a l.u.s.ty clap), Victoria smiled through watery eyes and accepted the invitation. If nothing else, it would give her another opportunity to see Max and scrutinize what he was up to.

No sooner had her visitors left than Victoria, who had planned to steal away for some training practice, was called back to the parlor.

Aunt Eustacia had arrived.

Victoria kissed her aunt's soft, wrinkled cheek and settled her on the most comfortable chair in the sitting room. She was looking more fragile, she noticed; as though all of the traveling had taken a toll on her. It was odd, for Victoria had expected that returning to her homeland after so many years away from it would have brought a sparkle to her eyes. Instead, they bore a hint of sadness and worry.

"Have you news?" her aunt asked without preamble.

"Sebastian a.s.sisted me to attend an event at one of the Tutela leaders' homes," she replied, and explained about Regalado. "I am to attend the opera with him and his daughter and some others tomorrow night. I hope that will give me the opportunity to find out more about the Tutela. I have not been out to hunt for vampires since we arrived in Rome; I was planning to practice my training just now, and go out on a patrol tonight. I know it is important to stay ready and sharp. And I miss it."

Eustacia was looking at her with steely black eyes, as though she knew Victoria was equivocating. "You learned nothing at the villa when you were there?"

Victoria hesitated. "George Starca.s.set was there, whom I did not expect." Her aunt's eyes sharpened with interest. Victoria drew in a deep breath. "And Max was there."

"Max? Grazie a Dio! Did you speak to him?"She nodded. "He is apparently engaged to marry Regalado's daughter. He made no mention of the Tutela or of anything related to the Venators. I have been expecting him to contact me, but he has not. I... don't know what to think."

"What did he say to you, exactly?"

Victoria repeated their brief conversations and watched her aunt's expression. It remained neutral, even as she replied, "I would never believe Max has forsaken us. He must be involved in something."

"Of course-he's involved with Sara Regalado. He's in love." Victoria was beginning to wonder if it might actually be true. "He has no time for us anymore. He's been too busy even to let you know he is alive."

Aunt Eustacia slanted her a narrow glance. "I cannot tell you the number of times I had a similar conversation with him last year when you were intent upon marrying Phillip, cara. I told him then as I tell you now: We must trust that he will manage all of his obligations. There is no stricture that says a Venator can't marry."

"But I did not forsake my duty!"

"And you do not know that Max has either, Victoria. For all you know, he's been hunting vampires every night, and finding a way into the Tutela at the same time. Perhaps you will have an opportunity to speak with him tomorrow night at the opera. It is very promising that you have made friends with Regalado's daughter."

"Indeed. And with or without Max, I intend to do what I can to find out more about Conte Regalado and his Tutela. His wife died many years ago, and he is not married. And," Victoria added, recalling the nipples in his painting, "he seems to appreciate women. Perhaps I shall flirt outrageously with him."

Aunt Eustacia nodded. "Very good, cara. I know you shall take care, and I hope that you will have some news to report shortly." She sighed. "I am filled with worry, and Wayren, who has been here in Roma since she left London, shares my concern. Nedas has the obelisk, and it is only a matter of time until he has control of its power. We do not know when or where, although Wayren is studying her books and scrolls to see if she can find any prophecy or description of how or where.

At this time, you are the only one we can rely on to find out. The other Venators here in Roma, and even in Italia, are too well- known and would be recognized immediately by the Tutela. Your advantage is that you are a woman, and you are not well- known. When they speak of the woman Venator, they think of me and only me."

"Unless they realized I was a Venator during the events in Venice," Victoria reminded her.

"It is possible, but not probable. You killed the only vampire that named you thus, and the rest of them would not have lived to see you fight so well or so strongly. We must use this advantage as long as we can. Vero, they know that my niece is a Venator, but they do not know who you are and what you look like, or that you are here in Rome. So it is important that you are not seen with me, and that you are not observed fighting a vampire anywhere. For any reason." She looked at her fiercely.

"Do you understand?"

"I could not stand by and watch a vampire maul another person," Victoria replied, thinking of the events in Venice. "It is not in my nature."

"You must. You must act like any other female should you come face-to-face with one."

"Aunt Eustacia-"

"Victoria, you will obey me in this. There are some times when an individual sacrifice must be made to protect the greater good.

I know." Her eyes saddened. "I know this, Victoria, for I have seen it happen. You must learn to think about the larger event instead of the singular moment in which you breathe."

Victoria pressed her lips together, but nodded. She didn't know if she could stand by and let the worst happen, but she would try if the circ.u.mstances called for it."We must find a way to stop Nedas. The more information you can obtain, the better we can plan for such an event. Perhaps we will have to find a way to steal the obelisk, if he has already begun to activate it." Aunt Eustacia shook her head. "I will leave you now to your training. I will contact you the morning after the opera; there is no need for you to send for me. I know better how to move with subterfuge here in Roma. And do not worry about Max. All will be fine."

But Victoria did not believe her. She had seen the change as they talked, how the lines had deepened in her face, and the way her eyes had become shadowed, and she knew Aunt Eustacia didn't even believe herself.

Chapter 17.

In Which Maximilian Considers Gardening

"It has happened before, Eustacia," Wayren told her. "Much to my dismay, I will confirm it. We have lost Venators to the lure of the vampire. As there have been in every battle throughout history, there have been traitors to us as well."

"That may be, but Max? After what he's done? No. There is some other explanation."

Wayren looked as remote as Eustacia felt numb. "I wouldn't believe it either... but recall his history. And that he still fights Lilith's thrall; that her bites still burn on him. It is a horrible battle for him that can arise and weaken him unexpectedly."

"He has learned to distance himself from it. At times."

"I know it. He is a fiercely strong man. But I fear that if any Venator could be turned to the Tutela, he would be a likely candidate, if only because of his ties to Lilith, as horrific and unwelcome as they are. Since she bit him the first time years ago, those bites have not healed, and she tries to exert her control over him. Last year when she fed on him again, it just strengthened those ties. So far he has been able to resist, but anything can happen. There are no absolutes." Despite her grave p.r.o.nouncements, she looked serene and ethereal, as she always did-as she had from the day Eustacia had met her nearly sixty years ago.

She had no idea how old Wayren was; nor was it important to know. She just knew that somehow, Wayren was always there when she needed her. She was the wisest person she'd ever met, and she never lied. In spite of what she'd just said, that was an absolute.

Wayren had seen so much over the years; perhaps nothing was shocking to her.

"It is possible he will seek you out now that he knows Victoria is in Rome. There may be a reason he won't speak with her."

Her pale blond hair, which framed her face with four braids as narrow as a child's finger, fell down over her shoulders and into her lap. The braids were tied with delicate gold chains, and from each one hung a pearl the size of a pea.

Eustacia nodded, feeling old and inelegant. "That is possible. Have you found anything else that might be of help to us? And do you know where Lilith is?"

Wayren fumbled in her ever-present leather satchel and pulled out a sheaf of curling papers. Placing in their position the square spectacles she always wore when reading, she began to flip through the pages.

Eustacia couldn't help a smile. If she thought age had warped her memory, she had nothing on Wayren, who'd been around much longer and who relied heavily on her notes and journals and memoranda written to herself during research sessions.

Previous Top Next"I do not believe Lilith is directly involved in this plot with Nedas; at least, if she is, she is not here in Italy. She is still hidden away deep in the mountains of Romania, with an entire city of vampires. I am certain she must be aware that Nedas has found Akvan's Obelisk and intends to activate it. He is her son, after all. They have ways of communicating, just as we do." Her rueful smile revealed three little creases near her chin. "From what I have gleaned since I arrived, Beauregard and his vampires were prepared to overthrow Nedas here in Italy, but once it became known that Lilith's son had the obelisk, Beauregard was forced to back down. I can only imagine he is waiting to see what occurs before declaring his loyalty-or attempting to usurp him."

"Beauregard is smarter and has more experience, but Nedas is Lilith's son. Dio mio, we cannot let either of them have it.

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