The Threshold Child Part 2

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Kendan frowned thoughtfully. "Three."

Zadok looked surprised. "Three? Is that really necessary?"

Kendan ignored the question and turned to Adesina. "Give me your arm."

Adesina held out her left arm. He pushed back her sleeve, drew a knife and cut the crook of her arm. She resisted the urge to flinch. Zadok handed Kendan three small vials, which were filled with Adesina's blood and carefully sealed. Zadok took the vials over to one of the tables and bent over them, ignoring Kendan and Adesina as they left.

They made their way back to the ground level, pa.s.sing other pairs of students and teachers on the way. They were ignored, just as Kendan ignored them.

He showed her a room filled with a large variety of minerals, dried plants, live plants, and other things used by apothecaries. There was also a cupboard filled with medical supplies standing next to a small fountain at the far end of the room.

"From now on you will treat your own injuries."

The challenging gleam was back in his eyes. Adesina stiffened her back and walked over to the fountain. She picked up a shallow bowl sitting at its edge, filled it with water, and began to carefully wash the wound.

Her knowledge of medicine was limited, for she had only been studying it for a year. However, treating a simple cut, such as the one on her arm, was done easily enough. Adesina dabbed a healing salve on the wound, wrapped a clean bandage around it and pushed her sleeve back down. Kendan watched without comment and then led her back to the courtyard.

Another small serving boy stood at the end of the yard holding two scabbards. Adesina felt a wave of apprehension as she saw Kendan draw one of the two swords. Practice weapons used at the school were the exact image and weight of real weapons, but they were mostly made of wood and usually caused no lasting damage. The weapon in Kendan's hand was very clearly a real sword. He offered it to her. "Here we practice with real weapons, not the ones to which you are accustomed."

Adesina took the sword and spun it experimentally. Yes, it felt the same, but she was still disturbed by the idea of using it on her Shar. Kendan drew the other sword and bowed. Adesina barely had enough time to bow in return before he attacked. Startled by his speed and ferocity, Adesina immediately took a defensive stance. Form followed form, and Adesina found herself being pressed harder and harder.

She knew that Kendan was testing her limits and was surprised to find that she was getting angry. It had been a trying day and Adesina was tired of tests. In a burst of energy, she did a quick feint, jabbed him in the side with her fist and knocked the sword from his hand.

Kendan pursed his lips thoughtfully. "Some would criticize you for attacking without your sword."

Adesina lowered her guard. "Only if they were the one who had lost."

Kendan suppressed a smile. "Perhaps."

Then, with movements so fast even Adesina was surprised, he wrested her sword from her hand and brought it to her throat.

Adesina stared at him in shock. "That is not allowed. I won, you must yield."

"Do you honestly believe that your enemies will follow the rules you have been taught?"

Kendan sheathed the sword and did the same to the one that had fallen. He handed them to the serving boy with an almost careless expression on his face. He then motioned for her to follow and led her to her next lesson.

Chapter Four: A New Path.

It was a full year before Adesina was called back to the Sharifal's tower. The time seemed to pa.s.s like an eternity.

The amount of information she had received daily was almost overwhelming. It took constant effort to retain it all. Every time she won a victory, Kendan would twist it and take it from her. She never got the same amount of sleep two nights in a row and sometimes she went for days without food. Yet, through all of this, Kendan continued to push her harder and harder.

There was no regularity in her schedule, which was something every s.h.i.+ was accustomed to having. Some days were spent on only one subject, and others covered them all. Adesina also struggled because her body was still changing as she matured. Every day was an adjustment physically, and a battle to remain disciplined and unemotional through the ruthless pace of her studies.

Adesina's sixteenth birthday came and went without note. Her only consolation on that day was that she was allowed three meals; however unlikely it was that her birthday was the reason for that.

In spite of all of this, her life was not without its pleasant moments. There were times when Kendan was sweet and understanding. Unfortunately, he seemed to be nothing but extremes. When he was harsh his words and actions would border on cruelty, and when he was kind he treated her with tender affection. His inconsistency was, to Adesina, the deepest cut of all.

His was the opinion that she sought in all things. His approval meant more to her than she even cared to admit to herself. Most of all, she felt a warm admiration for him that she often hoped he returned.

They strictly adhered to the code of conduct between a Shar and a s.h.i.+, but Adesina was closer to him than she had ever been to anyone else. The hours upon hours that they spent together every day made it difficult for them not to grow close, in spite of the days when Kendan treated her sharply.

It was now mid autumn, and Adesina sat in the Sharifal's office reflecting on how her life had changed since the last time she had stood in that room. Signe walked into the office and sat down across from Adesina.

"I have been watching you closely, Adesina. I am pleased with the progress you have made."

Adesina stared at her hands. She did not feel she had made very much progress. The past year had seemed like one failure after another.

Signe studied Adesina's grave expression. "Is something wrong, child?"

Adesina slowly shook her head. She didn't think she could put into words what she felt, let alone how to make Signe understand. When Signe saw that Adesina wasn't going to give more of an answer she sighed quietly. "I have an a.s.signment for you."

Adesina looked up, almost unable to believe what she had just heard. "What about my training?"

"You have received sufficient training for what I must ask of you, and this cannot wait."

A brief nod was Adesina's only response.

"There is a northern organization that threatens the southern lands of Tunith. Essentially, it is a cult of magic-users who try to force others to submit to their rule. We have been fighting against them covertly for several years. Certain political considerations have prevented open warfare. I need you to position yourself in a place where you can be of use to our resisting forces."

The young s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+fted in her seat nervously. "How am I to do this?"

Signe handed Adesina a stack of papers. "There is a city in the central lands that locals refer to as the High City. It was founded by a group of people who felt the world was too corrupt and sought to cease any sort of a.s.sociation. They built the city so that it is practically impenetrable and set a strict standard of living for those within the walls. Few are allowed into the city, but if you can establish yourself as a citizen there, you will be untouchable from those outside. This is the first step of your mission: to establish a solid alibi as a citizen at the High City. Everything you need to know is in those papersa"a detailed background for the ident.i.ty you are to a.s.sume, how to contact the local faction, and so forth."

A wave of uncertainty washed over Adesina. The past year of training had proven to her how much she still had to learn. More importantly, she was aware that she had never put her skills to use in a real life situation. Her only a.s.sociations had been with those at the s.h.i.+mat fortress. How could she possibly pa.s.s herself off as a normal citizen?

Adesina did her best to keep these doubts from her face, but Signe sensed that something was wrong. "What is it?"

She quickly shook her head. "Nothing. Is there anything else?"

The Sharifal gave her an appraising glance before replying, "Yes."

She placed a beautifully carved wooden box in front of Adesina and opened it. Lying on a bed of deep red velvet was an exquisite sword. It was slender and slightly curved, with intricate engravings etched down the center of the blade with the greatest skill. Beside the sword was a simple sheath with the image of a diving falcon near the top.

Signe smiled at the stunned expression on Adesina's face. "Upon graduation every student is given a special weapon made specifically for them. The weapon is infused with a few drops of their blood, making it truly theirs and no one else's. This is your Blood Sword, Adesina. I have never been more proud to present one to a student than I am now."

Adesina picked up the sword with a sort of awe, the importance of this moment falling upon her shoulders. She tested the balance of the blade, which was flawless, and twirled it experimentally. It was the perfect weight and length for her, and in her hand the gleaming metal seemed to come to life.

She placed it back in its case somewhat reverently. "What does the falcon mean?"

A slight smile played at the Sharifal's lips. "It is to be the symbol by which you shall be knowna"one who attacks from above. Now, child, kneel before me."

Adesina did as she was instructed. Signe turned her penetrating gaze on the budding young woman before her. "Do you, Adesina, swear eternal loyalty and unquestioning obedience to the Sharifal of our order, even should it cost you your life?"

"I do."

Signe smiled. "Rise, child. I declare you a s.h.i.+mat." She indicated to the sword and stack of papers. "Go and prepare for your mission. You leave tomorrow night."

Adesina hurried back to her room, where she found a pleasant surprise. Folded carefully on her cot was a s.h.i.+mat uniform exactly like the one she had worn for her final test the year before. Next to it sat a set of nondescript travel clothes that she was to wear the following night. She was tempted to try on the uniform immediately, but she resisted the urge. Instead, Adesina made a detailed list in her mind of everything she would need for the journey. As she was a.s.sembling a kit for her medicine she heard a tentative knock at her door.

It was Zadok. "The Sharifal said I am to give you whatever weapons you want."

She jotted down a list and handed it to the bulky man, who left as quickly as he came. Adesina was uncertain what kind of preparations would be needed because she still didn't know the specifics of her mission. She tried to account for every situation when putting her things together.

When she had done all that she could, she settled on her cot to read the stack of papers Signe had given her. She read each sentence repeatedly until all of the information was ingrained into her memory. Once she had done this, she tried to get some rest.

Zadok returned at first light with the items she had requested, which Adesina hid carefully in her bags. She checked and rechecked her mental list of preparations, anxious to take care of everything.

A sudden thought occurred to her, and she hurried to the courtyard where she usually met Kendan to begin her lessons. He was standing with his arms folded expectantly.

Adesina bowed respectfully. "Forgive me, Shar Kendan, I did not know if I had a lesson in light of my new a.s.signment."

Kendan raised an eyebrow. "Why would you not? All who are resident to the fortress are students. All students have lessons."

Adesina nodded. "Of course, Shar Kendan."

He beckoned to her and walked down the corridor that eventually opened up to a large training area. As she followed him, she had an unpleasant feeling that he was going to make her pay for keeping him waiting. Her fears proved to be well founded.

Kendan took her to an obstacle course he had set up on the range. It was arranged in such a way that Adesina could only see the obstacle immediately in front of her, and the rest was hidden from view. The wooden walls formed a kind of maze around each of the puzzles she was to solve.

He turned to face her with the familiar challenging gleam in his eyes. "There are guards patrolling the area. You are to neutralize them without harming them. Each obstacle in the course is to be dealt with in a manner of your choosing, but you are not to influence the servants a.s.sisting on the course. At the end of the range is a box you are to return to me. Do you understand?"

Adesina nodded, her mind already working on the task.

Kendan pointed to a raised tower that overlooked the entire obstacle course. "I will be watching you from there."

He walked away, leaving Adesina to her exercise. She entered the maze on velvet feet, making no noise even though the ground was covered in gravel. The first obstacle was a wall of wooden boards. There was enough room at the bottom for her to squeeze under it, but it also was a height that Adesina could climb over. She crouched by the wall, closing her eyes and focusing on what was on the other side.

Adesina could hear two guards breathing. They were standing stationary, and there was a third guard patrolling.

She pursed her lips thoughtfully. It would be tricky getting all three at once. She reached into her belt and detached three darts, which were coated with a special compound that Adesina had invented during her sixth year of training. The result of the mixture was almost immediate unconsciousness.

She jumped lightly and grabbed hold of the top of the wall, raising herself up slowly and silently. Peering over the edge, she verified the positions of all three guards. Then, gathering her energy, she vaulted over the wall. While in midair she threw a dart at the patrolling guard with pinpoint accuracy, then she landed between the stationary guards, jabbing both of them in the shoulder with the remaining darts.

Not one of the three guards had time to react before the drug on the darts took effect. Adesina gathered the darts and immediately turned her mind to the next obstacle.

Just beyond the fallen third guard were a series of moving targets and a small servant girl standing on the path that led out of the enclosure. The girl looked to be about seven or eight, and was holding a bundle of various weapons. Adesina walked over and took the bundle from the girl. As she did so, the girl looked up at her with undisguised admiration glowing in her young eyes.

Children who were brought to the fortress between the ages of five and nine were put to work as servants. If they were younger, they were taken to the nursery. The fortress rarely accepted children over the age of nine because at least one year of service was required before training began. Being that Adesina had begun her training so early, she never went through that particular process. This was yet another part of what engendered the feelings of hostility between Adesina and the other s.h.i.+. All of them had paid their dues, except for her.

Adesina rummaged through the bundle of weapons and picked out a bow. The girl smiled and handed Adesina five arrowsa"one for each target.

Adesina stood and faced the targets. They were small, round wooden s.h.i.+elds painted with a red circle and an X through the middle. Their movements were reasonably paced, but it was also clear that their course was random. Adesina knew that this would take a bit more time and skill than if they had had a clear pattern.

She drew the bow and took careful aim. The arrow was released with a soft tw.a.n.g. Adesina didn't need to look to know that she had hit her mark, but she checked just in case. The arrow stood quivering in the center of the red painted X.

Adesina drew her bow again, and dealt with the other four targets in a similar manner. A brief smirk crossed her face, but she quickly banished it. The course was far from done.

The young girl took the bow from Adesina and stepped aside to let her pa.s.s to the next section of the challenge.

The path led to an open area that looked a lot like part of the final test of her fifth year of training. The ground was spread with a yellow substance that showed clearly on any clothing. The objective was to cross the area without touching the ground. Adesina studied the course, mapping out a path in her mind. When she decided on the best strategy, she began.

The entrance where Adesina stood was in the corner of the open area. High up on the outer wall that ran away from the entrance hung a st.u.r.dy draping fabric. Adesina braced herself in the doorframe and climbed up slowly in order to reach it.

There was still quite a bit of distance between Adesina and the fabric when she reached the top of the doorframe. Focusing all of her energy in her legs and feet, Adesina jumped toward the fabric with all the force she could muster.

She hit the wall much harder than she antic.i.p.ated. Her slender fingers automatically clutched at the fabric, even though her breath had been knocked from her body. It took several moments for Adesina to steady herself. Her hands were beginning to ache by the time she was able to breathe normally again.

There was a trick that Adesina had learned when she was very young. If she focused hard enough, she found she could trick her mind into thinking her body was incredibly light. Adesina closed her eyes and did so now. Years of practice made it fairly easy. She immediately felt the pressure on her hands ease.

She began climbing along the wall, careful to control her momentum so as not to lose her grip. The fabric ended after about fifteen feet, leaving her no direction to go but out into the open area.

Ten feet away from the wall stood a series of tall wooden poles. Adesina pushed off the wall with her feet, leaping to grab the closest rod. From there she jumped to another, and then to another. The fourth pillar had a tiny platform nailed to the top. Adesina climbed onto this platform and paused to reorient herself. There was a rope strung tautly from the small platform to another on a pillar twenty feet away. Adesina balanced herself expertly and slowly crossed the rope.

From there, there was a section of many thick wooden rods that varied in height and size and were placed fairly close together. Adesina found herself jumping and climbing from pole to pole with relative ease.

At the end of this section was a platform and a rope hung from a rod high above. There were about half a dozen ropes hanging at intervals that led across to another platform, but the first one was the only one that touched the ground. She would have to climb straight up the first one, and then swing to reach the next rope. As soon as Adesina began to do this, three young s.h.i.+ appeared on the far wall with bows in their hands. They immediately drew their bows and began shooting at Adesina as she climbed.

The tips of the arrows were dull, but they were coated with the same yellow substance that covered the ground. Although a hit would not be physically harmful, it would be clear that she had been careless.

Adesina quickly began to swing the rope as she climbed, making sure she never was stationary. Luckily, the archers were still fairly inexperienced and also a good distance away, giving her a split second longer to move out of the way.

Arrows whizzed past her ominously. As soon as she was high enough, she leaped to the second rope. Adesina had just enough momentum to get her hands around the rope. She knew she would have to swing harder to reach the next one safely.

Adesina soon discovered that each rope was further away than the last. Each one took a little more time and strength to reach, all the while dodging the arrows that flew past. In spite of this, she landed on the platform as gracefully as if she had been doing nothing more than a dance. One last arrow shot in her direction, which she dodged with an expression of contempt.

The platform led out of the open area and into a small room. As soon as she entered, the door slammed shut behind her. It was completely dark, and Adesina was not equipped with anything to produce light. The soft sound of falling sand led her to the right side of the room. She searched the wall with her sensitive fingertips, finally coming across the shape of an hourgla.s.s.

She was being timed.

Adesina's mind kicked into high gear. Based on the size of the hourgla.s.s, she only had about ten minutes to solve this problem.

Before the door had closed behind her she had seen that there was a door on the opposite side. She made her way over there and began examining the door by touch. There were a number of on the door of various shapes and sizes. Some had carvings in them, others had b.u.mps in different patterns, and some were smooth. Some of the turned with a soft clicking noise, others had notches that allowed them to be pulled out to different lengths, and some were set in a slot and could be moved to different positions.

As Adesina began experimenting with the different, she discovered that certain would lock into place according to how she positioned other She also found that some would lock some in place while releasing others that had previously been locked. Adesina turned the puzzle over in her mind, looking for patterns and trying out various sequences. She also listened carefully for the sand in the hourgla.s.s, using the tone of the falling sand to judge how much time she had left.

Six minutes.

There were so many, and several that refused to lock into place no matter what Adesina did. She knew what she had to do to solve the puzzle, and her mind raced over the fastest way to find the correct series of motions.

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