You Had Me At Hello Part 2

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She is, in general, a baffling mixture of extreme apt.i.tude and total daftness. Mindy did a business degree and insisted throughout she was useless at it and definitely wasn't going to take on the family firm, which sold fabrics in Rusholme. Then she got a first and picked the business up for one summer, created mail order and online sales, quadrupled the turnover and grudgingly accepted she might have a knack, and a career. Yet on holiday in California recently, when a tour guide announced, 'On a clear day, with binoculars, you can see whales from here', Mindy said, 'Oh my G.o.d, all the way to Cardigan Bay?'

'Lime? Er ... not usually,' I say.

'Oh. I thought you might've infused it with something.'

I collect another gla.s.s and deliver it to Ivor, then Caroline and I carry ours to our seats.

'Cheers,' I say. 'To my broken engagement and loveless future.'

'To your future,' Caroline chides.

We raise, slurp, wince a bit the tequila is quite loud in the mix. It makes my lips numb and stomach warm.

Single. It's been so long since the word applied to me and I don't feel it yet. I'm something else, in limbo: tip-toeing round my own house, sleeping in the spare room, avoiding my ex-fiance and his furious, seething disappointment. He's right: this is what I want, I have less reason than him to be upset.

'How's it going, you two living together?' Caroline asks, carefully, as if she can hear me think.

'We're not putting piano wire at neck level across doorways yet. We stay out of each other's way. I need to step up the house hunt. I'm finding excuses to be out every evening as it is.'

'How did your mum take it?' Mindy bites her lip.

Mindy understands that, as one of the two slated bridesmaids, she was the only other person as excited as my mum.

'Not well,' I say, with my skill for understatement.

It was awful. The phone call went in phases. The 'stop playing a practical joke' section. The 'you're having cold feet, it's natural' parry. The 'give it a few weeks, see how you feel' suggestion. Anger, denial, bargaining, and then I hope some sort of acceptance. Dad came on and asked me if it was because I was worrying about the cost, as they'd cover it all if need be. It was then that I cried.

'I hope you don't mind me asking, it's just, you never said ...' Mindy asks. 'What actually caused the row that made you and Rhys finish?'

'Oh ...' I say. 'It was Macclesfield Elvis.'

There's a pause. Our default setting is p.i.s.sing about. As the demise of my epically long relations.h.i.+p only happened a week previous, no one knows quite what's appropriate yet. It's like after any major tragedy: when's it OK to start forwarding the email jokes?

'You s.h.a.gged Macclesfield Elvis?' Ivor says. 'How did it feel to be nailed by The King?'

'Ivor!' Mindy wails.

I laugh.

'Oooh!' Caroline suddenly exclaims, in a very un-Caroline-like way.

'Have you sat on something?' Mindy says.

'I forgot to say. Guess who I saw this week?'

I'm trying to think which famous person is meant to be my top spot. Unless it's someone I've done a story on, but I spend all day looking at people who are only ever celebrities for the wrong reasons. I doubt a s.e.x attacker on the lam would provoke this delight.

'Coronation Street or Man U?' Mindy asks. These are the two main sources of famous people in the city, it's true.

'Neither,' Caroline says. 'And this is a quiz for Rachel.'

I shrug, crunching on some ice with my back teeth.

'Uh ... Darren Day?'


'Lembit Opik?'


'My dad?'

'Why would I see your dad?'

'He could be over from Sheffield, having a clandestine affair behind my mum's back.'

'In which case I'd announce it in the form of a fun quiz?'

'OK, I give up.'

Caroline sits back with a triumphant look on her face.

'English Ben.'

I go hot and cold at the same time, like I've suddenly caught the flu. Slight nausea is right behind the temperature fluctuation. Yep, the a.n.a.logy holds.

Ivor twists round to look at Caroline.

'English Ben? What kind of nickname is that? As opposed to what?'

'Is he any relation to Big Ben?' Mindy asks.

'English Ben,' Caroline repeats. 'Rachel knows who I mean.'

I feel like Alec Guinness in Star Wars when Luke Skywalker turns up at his cave and starts asking for Obi Wan Now there's a name I've not heard in a long, long time ...

'Where was he?' I say.

'Going into Central Library.'

'How about telling old "Two Legs Ivor" who you're on about?' Ivor asks.

'I could be "Hindi Mindy",' Mindy offers, and Ivor looks like he's going to explain something to her, then changes his mind.

'He was a friend at uni, remember,' I say, covering my mouth with my gla.s.s in case my face is betraying more than I want. 'Off my course. Hence, English. Ben.'

'If he was a friend of yours, why is Caroline all ... wriggly?' Mindy asks.

'Caroline always fancied him,' I say, glad this is the truth, if nothing like the whole truth, so help me G.o.d.

'Ah.' Mindy gives me an appraising look. 'You can't have fancied him then, because you and Caroline and taste in men never the twain shall meet.'

I could kiss Mindy for this.

'True,' I agree, emphatically.

'He still looks fine,' Caroline says, and my stomach starts flopping around like a live crustacean heading for the pot in the Yang Sing kitchen. 'He was in a gorgeous suit and tie.'

'A suit, you say? This man is fascinating,' Ivor says. 'What a character. I'm compelled to know more. Oh. No, hang on I'm not.'

'Did you and he ever ...?' Mindy asks Caroline. 'I'm trying to place him ...'

'G.o.d, no, I wasn't glamorous enough for him, I don't think any of us were, were we, Rach? Bit of a womaniser. But somehow nice with it.'

'Yep,' I squeak.

'Wait! I remember Ben! All like, preppy, smart and confident?' Mindy says. 'We thought he must be rich and then it was like, no, he just ... washes.' She looks at Ivor, who takes the bait.

'Oh, rings a vague bell. Poser who was ...' Ivor flips his collar up '... Is it handsome in here or is it just me?'

'He wasn't like that!' I laugh, nervously.

'You lost touch with Ben completely?' Caroline asks. 'Not Facebook friends or anything?'

Severed touch with him. Touch was torn in half, like chesting the ribbon at the end of a race.

'No. I mean, yeah. Not seen Ben since uni.'

And my seven hundred and eighty-one Google searches yielded no results.

'I've seen him at the library a few times, it's only now it's clicked and I realised why I recognised him. He must be staying in Manchester. Do you want me to say h.e.l.lo if I see him again, pa.s.s on your mobile number?'

'No!' I say, with a note of panic not entirely absent from my voice. I feel I have to explain this, so I add: 'It could sound as if I'm after him.'

'If you were only friends before, why would he automatically think that?' Caroline asks, not unreasonably.

'I'm single after such a long time. I don't know, it could be misinterpreted. And I'm not looking to ... I don't want it to look like, here's my single friend who wants me to auction her phone number to men in the street,' I waffle.

'Well, I wasn't going to put it on a card in a phone box!' Caroline huffs.

'I know, I know, sorry.' I pat her arm. 'I am so, so out of practice at this.'

A pause, with sympathetic smiles from Mindy and Caroline.

'I'll hook you up with some hotness, when you're ready.' Mindy pats my arm.

'Woah,' Ivor says.


'Judging from the men you do date, I'm trying to imagine the ones you pa.s.s over. I'm getting a message from my brain: the server understood your request but is refusing to fulfil it.'

'Oh, considering your rancid trollops, this is rich.'

'No, it was that thundering helmet Bruno who was rich, remember?'

'Aherm, he also had a nice b.u.m.'

'So there you go,' Caroline interrupts. 'Have we cheered you up? Feeling brighter?'

'Yes. A sort of nuclear glow,' I say.

'More serious Slush Puppy?' Caroline asks.

I hold my gla.s.s up.

's.h.i.+tloads, please.'


I met Ben at the end of our first week at Manchester University. I initially thought he was a second or third year, because he was with the older team who'd set up trestle tables in my halls of residence bar to issue our accommodation ID cards. In fact, he'd started off as a customer, same as me. In what I'd later discover was a typically garrulous, generous Ben thing to do, he'd offered to help and hopped over the tables when they'd complained they were short-handed.

I wouldn't have been upright myself, but my hangover had woken me and told me it desperately needed Ribena. The grounds of my halls were as deserted at nine a.m. as if it was dawn. Draining the bottle as I walked back from the shops in the autumn suns.h.i.+ne, I saw a small queue snaking out of the bar's double doors. Being British, and a nervous fresher, I thought I'd better join it.

When I got to the front and a s.p.a.ce appeared in front of Ben, I stepped forward.

His mildly startled but not at all displeased expression seemed to read, quite clearly: 'Ooh, and you are?'

This startled me back, not least because it somehow wasn't leery. On a good day (which this wasn't) I thought I scrubbed up reasonably well but I hadn't had many looks like this before. It was as if someone had cued music, fluffed my hair, lit me from above and shouted 'action'.

Ben wasn't at all my type. Bit skinny, bit obvious, with those brown doe-eyes and that squared-off jaw, bit white bread as Rhys would say. (He had recently come into my life, along with his definitive worldview that, bit by bit, was becoming mine.) And from what I could see of Ben's upper half, he was clad in sportswear in such a manner that implied he actually played sports. Attractive men, in my eighteen-year-old opinion, played lead guitar, not football. They were scruffy and saturnine, had five o'clock shadows and recent amendment due to research in the field chest hair you could lose a gerbil in. Still, I was open-minded enough to allow that Ben would be plenty of other people's type, and that made the attention pretty d.a.m.n flattering. The low clouds of my hangover started lifting.

Ben said: 'h.e.l.lo.'


A beat while we remembered what we were here for. 'Name?' Ben said.

'Rachel Woodford.'

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