Duplicity. Part 14

Duplicity. -

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"Fiiiiin," I groaned, and my nipples were suddenly awake.

"Okay, maybe that's a conversation for another time, eh? Okay, so there's this rather posh charity ball thing in a couple of months. McKendrick Law attends every year. It's run by a children's cancer charity, and I really want to go. I'd like you to go with me as my date. What do you think?"

Ugh. Events like that weren't really my kind of thing, but I didn't want to let Fin down. The fact that I wouldn't know anyone there preyed on my mind, along with visions of being left with a table full of strangers whilst Fin went to mingle.

I realised I had been silent for a while and cleared my throat. "Um...yeah. Yeah, sure."

Fin sighed. "Do I sense a bit of hesitation, Star? If you'd rather not go-"

"No, I'll go. I'm just being silly. Events like this are something I don't normally attend because I don't really fit in at such things, but for you, I'll go."

There was a pause at his end this time before he continued. "Hey, I don't want you to feel pressured into going. I just...I want to show you off."

Heat rose in my cheeks even though he couldn't see me. I wanted so much to kiss him right then. "You're so sweet."

"When it comes to sweet, I think you win, hands down."

"Don't you know that flattery will get you everywhere, Mr. Hunter?"

He chuckled. "Well, I certainly hope so." His deep voice sent a shot of pleasure straight to my s.e.x, and I had to breathe deeply in through my nose to calm myself. "Look, if you really don't want to go, that's fine. And it's a while away so I don't want to put pressure on you so soon."

Why was I hesitating? This was Fin saying that he saw our relations.h.i.+p as meaningful. That he was looking beyond the next week and believing that perhaps we were going to last. Why else would he want to take me to such an important event?

I mentally pulled up my big girl panties. "Fin, I'd honestly be delighted to go with you. And besides, it gives me an opportunity to go shopping for a fancy outfit." Why the h.e.l.l did I say that? I hate shopping.

"Look, you're a beautiful woman, and I don't care what you wear. Don't feel you have to be all conservative. Just be you. It's you that I lo-I mean it's you that..."

My breath hitched and I covered my mouth. He almost said he loved me. Oh s.h.i.+t, oh s.h.i.+t, oh s.h.i.+t. It was too soon. Much too soon. But d.a.m.n if I didn't feel it too.

"It's okay, Fin. I know what you mean. And I promise I will be myself."

"Good. Now when can I see you again?"

Fin Just the thought of seeing Star all dressed up for the ball turned me on and made my heart do somersaults in my chest. I hoped she would wear something really s.e.xy underneath her clothes so I had even more to look forward to when I took her home and peeled her out of whatever she was wearing. Although, I knew whatever she wore, she'd look stunning.

We arranged to see each other a couple of nights later and go to DeBas.e.m.e.nt again, and I found myself counting the hours until I could see her.

When the day arrived, I was sitting at my desk, staring at the view of the vast city, coffee cup in hand, having a break and fantasising about her when there was a knock on my door which yanked me from my daydream.

"Hi, Fin." Alasdair's bright and breezy voice caught me off guard.

I spun around on my chair. "Oh, hi, Alasdair. I was"

He held his hands up and laughed. "Will you please stop panicking every time I walk into your office?"

I ran a hand through my hair and huffed the air from my lungs through puffed cheeks. "Sorry. Force of habit."

He shook his head and rolled his eyes, smiling. "I came in to ask if you and your lady friend would like to meet Colette and me for drinks next weekend. I thought perhaps...sorry, what's her name?" He cringed.

"Star," I informed him with a cheesy grin.

"I thought perhaps Star may feel a little more comfortable knowing a couple more faces at the charity ball."

This guy never ceased to amaze me. "That's...that's really kind of you, Alasdair. Thank you. Where were you thinking of going? And when? We could meet you there."

"Oh, I was thinking somewhere quite relaxed. Maybe just a bar in the centre? How about Deacon Brodie's on the Royal Mile? Say eight, a week on Friday? We can grab a bite to eat too if you're okay with that?"

"Sounds great. I'm seeing her tonight so I'll mention it then."

"Great stuff." He turned to leave. "Oh, and Fin, I heard about the work you did on the Henderson case. The ideas you came up with really turned things around. It just shows you what a new perspective on a case can achieve. Well done, son." And with that, he left.

I sat there, wide-eyed and with a knot of excitement in my stomach. Once again feeling that I had done Alasdair and the company proud made me feel on top of the world.

I could get used to this.

Fin I knocked on Star's door on the evening of our next date, and when it opened, I was greeted by a stern-faced man. Confusion briefly washed over me until I remembered she mentioned her male roommate and best friend, and even though Star and I had been seeing each other a while now, I was yet to make his acquaintance.

I smiled warmly and held out my hand. "You must be Alec. It's good to finally meet you."

He seemed reluctant but shook my hand. "Fin." My name fell from his lips as though it tasted bad. "You'd better come in."

I frowned and nodded before stepping past him through the doorway and into the lounge area. "Is Star ready?"

"She won't be long. Have a seat." He gestured to the couch and I suddenly felt nervous, like a teenager meeting a date's father for the first time. My palms began to sweat and I wiped them down my jeans. I sat as instructed and peered up at him where he hovered over me.

Alec snickered. "Do I make you nervous?"

I narrowed my eyes. What a bizarre question to ask of another adult. "No, not nervous. I just feel a little hostility coming from you and I'm wondering why." Nothing like being honest.

He folded his arms across his chest. "Let's just say I didn't appreciate the way you treated my best friend after your first date. And it worries me that you're stickin' around if you're planning to do the same again." By first date, I knew he meant our almost one night stand, and it sort of figured why he was being so a.r.s.ey.

I nodded and smirked. "Okay, so you're giving me the big brother talk?"

His frown deepened. "I don't think it's funny. Star is a very special person. She has a heart of gold, and she deserves the best. She deserves to be respected and loved, Fin. Not tossed out like trash."

I stood to face him, feeling that I needed to be on equal footing. "Look, Alec. I know I f.u.c.ked up the first time around, okay? But, not that it's really any of your business..." I lowered my voice in the hope that the confession I was about to make was only heard by him. I wasn't ready to confess it in my own actual words to the object of my affections. "But I think I'm falling for her. No...I know I am. She is special. You're right. And I feel like s.h.i.+t about how I reacted after our first encounter, but I've been going through a really difficult time lately. I won't bore you with the details but suffice it to say, I realised my mistake and I'm ready to do anything it takes to not hurt her again."

Suddenly, he stepped toward me, and I flinched, ready to strike back, but instead he grappled me into a hug. "I knew it. I b.l.o.o.d.y knew it." He slapped my back and I stood there for a moment before returning the hug. He pulled away, and with his hands resting on my shoulders and sincerity in his eyes, he pleaded, "Just don't break her heart, okay?"

I hoped my eyes held the sincerity I felt. "I don't intend to."

"What's going on here? Are you trying to steal my man, Alec McVey?" Star's beautiful voice was filled with humour.

Alec laughed and slapped me on the back, hard. "No, Twinkle. Just warning him that if he hurts you, I'll open a large can of whoop a.s.s on him." He winked at me and I returned his friendly slap on the back with one of my own-maybe using a little too much force.

Star The strange atmosphere between Alec and Fin seemed to dissipate, and I was relieved to see them laughing and joking together as I pulled on my boots. When I was ready, Fin and I left the apartment under the watchful gaze of my best friend.

As we exited the building, Fin's voice broke the silence. "Sheesh, he's pretty intense, eh?"

Dread washed over me and I stopped. "Oh, G.o.d. What did he say to you? I knew he'd said something. Tell me."

Fin stopped, turned to face me, and placed his hands on my upper arms. "Nothing. It's fine. He just wants you to be happy and not to get hurt. I completely respect that."

I lowered my head. "He really did threaten you, didn't he?" I couldn't make eye contact with him. How embarra.s.sing. I was going to kill Alec for this.

He tilted my chin up so I met his concerned gaze once more. "Look, don't worry. I didn't take it seriously. He's a decent guy and he has your best interests at heart. I'm glad of the fact."

"Urgh! He's so overbearing. He seems to think he's taking my dad's place or something. It's bulls.h.i.+t, Fin." I thankfully stopped short of stamping my foot like an errant teenager.

The s.e.xy smile that spread across his lips made my stomach flip. He leaned in, slipped his hands into my hair, and kissed me. It was gentle at first but gained fervour, and I gripped at his leather jacket, doing my best to stifle the moan of pleasure bubbling up from within me.

When he pulled away, he locked his gaze on mine. "f.u.c.k, you're hot when you're angry."

"Angry? Was I angry? I don't remember." I almost swooned on the spot.

"Come on. Let's go watch people murder our favourite songs." He grabbed my hand and pulled me along. I was relieved when my legs remembered how to function after that underwear-igniting kiss.

Star The club was buzzing when we arrived. Some older guy was on stage rocking out to Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love" and the crowd loved him. He could've given Robert Plant a run for his money, no doubt. Fin still clutched my hand as he led me through the throng.

Suddenly he stopped and turned to me. He leaned in and spoke directly into my ear to make himself heard. "Okay, please don't be angry, but I wanted to introduce you to my best buddy, Tom. Remember I told you about him? He's the guy who-"

"Runs the gallery. Yeah, I remember."

The annoyance must have been visible on my face as he cringed. "Look, I really want you to believe how talented you are. And I figured I stepped out of my comfort zone with the whole singing thing with your help and so I thought-"

Irritation p.r.i.c.kled at my skin. He had a very fair point. "You thought you'd drag me kicking and screaming out of mine? Well, I'm just not ready. I'm sorry to let you down, Fin. I think maybe I should go." I tried to turn away, intent on getting the h.e.l.l out of Dodge.

How much of a hypocrite was I?

He gripped my shoulders. "Star, please? He's my best mate and I want you to meet him anyway. You don't have to agree to anything you're not comfortable with."

I sighed, feeling more than a little bit stupid. "Fin, you've clearly got him here under false pretences, and I told you I didn't want exhibitions and notoriety. I trusted you to accept that."

A pained, sorrowful look appeared on his handsome features and I felt s.h.i.+tty for my overreaction.

He dropped his arms from my body. "Forget it. I'm really sorry. I just wanted to help you like you helped me. But the last thing I'd ever want to do is upset you, Star. You mean too much to me. Do you want me to walk you home?" The dejection in his eyes caused my insides to knot and I wanted to take back all of my negativity. I wanted to suck the words right back in and say that I would love to meet his best friend as I should have.

I softened, stepped toward him, and cupped his cheek. "No, Fin. It's me who should be sorry. I reacted like an idiot. Of course I don't want to go home. I want to be here with you. And...and I want to meet Tom."

His eyes widened and he smiled. "You do?" He pulled me into a hug. "I promise I won't mention exhibits or photography or anything."

He gripped my hand and squeezed it, and I followed him through the crowd once more until I was suddenly pulled around to his side.

"Hunter! You made it." A handsome dark-haired guy pulled Fin into a man-hug and slapped his back. "I thought you'd changed your mind. Oh, hey. You must be the girl who's stolen my best buddy's heart."

He had smiley dark eyes. I guessed they were brown, but the club lights were kind of dim. He seemed sweet and was obviously one of those guys who didn't mind PDA as he pulled me into a hug and kissed the side of my head.

My cheeks heated as I glanced briefly at Fin. "Um...hi. I'm guessing that makes you Tom."

He grinned. "It sure does. Hey, Hunter, go get your girl a drink, mate, and give us a chance to get to know each other, eh?"

Fin glanced at me and his face contorted in an 'are you sure you want me to leave you?' kind of way, but I nodded. "Jack and please, Fin."

He disappeared in the direction of the bar, and Tom gestured for me to sit down at the table he had commandeered.

"So, Star. Fin tells me you are the elusive S.A.M? Totally fate that you met, if you ask me."

I didn't ask you. "Yeah, maybe."

"Now, hows about you exhibiting in my gallery? You must have loads of fantastic pieces hidden away that deserve to be seen, and my gallery is the place to show them. What can I say to convince you?" He winked. Clearly, he was expecting me to jump at the chance to have an exhibition. Who wouldn't?

Me, apparently.

I shook my head. "Oh, no, that's okay. It's just a hobby is all. I don't exhibit."

His eyes widened and he leaned toward me. "Take it from someone who knows about this stuff, Star. Your work is stunning. Fin's been a fan for a while now, and I know for a fact that people would want to see it. Will you just think about it? An exhibition, I mean."

Jeez, talk about a dog with a bone.

I shook my head and wished Fin would return. "Look, I told Fin-"

He halted me with his hand. "This has nothing to do with Fin. This is me asking as a gallery owner and art expert. Please can I exhibit your work? Just think about it."

My stomach did somersaults at the thought of my photos coming in for criticism, but the look in Tom's eyes told me my worries were unfounded. He was confident it would be a success, even if I wasn't.

I swallowed the nervous knot in my throat. "I'll think about it. But I'm promising nothing."

He held up his hands. "That's all I ask."

Fin returned and placed a drink in front of me. He leaned over and kissed my head. "So, did you two get to know each other better whilst I was gone, eh?"

Tom grinned at me. "We're working on it, mate. We're working on it."

Star After a while, a few more of Fin's friends arrived. They were a rowdy but great bunch. I particularly liked a girl called Sin. She worked with Tom at the gallery, and I got the feeling she had a bit of a crush on him. She hung on his every word, but once she'd had a few drinks, she told me he was a real womaniser. It explained why she appeared to only adore him from afar.

"He says he wants your work for the gallery. You gonna go for it?" Sin's strong Glaswegian accent didn't seem to fit her delicate features and pixie haircut. She looked so demure, but her accent was so thick, and I loved it.

I sighed and shook my head. "Oh, I don't know. I don't think so. It's just not my scene. I'm not a showy person, you know?"

She raised her eyebrows. "That coming from the girl with pink hair and tats?"

I laughed as I heard Fin's words echoed in his friend's. "Yeah, I know. It's hard to believe, but I'm kinda shy when it comes to my photos."

She leaned toward me and conspiratorially glanced around. "Look, Tom may be a skirt chaser but-and for G.o.d's sake don't tell him I said anything nice about him-he really knows his art. You should put your faith in yourself and Tom and give it a trial run at least. I've seen your work, and let me tell you, it's of a higher standard than most. You should be proud of it, not hiding it away and selfishly keeping it locked up." She nudged me and I thought about what Fin had said about our respective comfort zones. Perhaps he was right. Perhaps meeting him was meant to draw me out of my sh.e.l.l-in more ways than one.

Taking a deep breath, I leaned over and slapped Tom's arm. He swung his head around and the glare in his eyes told me he was about to shout expletives.

Thankfully, he realised it was me, and he grinned. "Hey, Starlet. What's up?"

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