"Everyman," With Other Interludes, Including Eight Miracle Plays Part 44

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_Enter the Giant Turpin._

Here come I, the Giant, bold Turpin is my name, And all the nations round do tremble at my fame.

Where'er I go, they tremble at my sight, No lord or champion long with me would fight.

_Saint George._ Here's one that dares to look thee in the face, And soon will send thee to another place.

_They fight, and the Giant is killed; medical aid is called in as before, and the cure performed by the Doctor, to whom then is given a basin of girdy grout and a kick, and driven out._

_Father Christmas._ Now, ladies and gentlemen, your sport is most ended, So prepare for the hat, which is highly commended.

The hat it would speak, if it had but a tongue; Come throw in your money, and think it no wrong.



_Jesus._ Woman, seest thou thy son?

A thousand times your arms have borne him With tenderness.

And John, behold thy mother; Thus keep her, without denial, As long as ye live.

_Mary._ Alas! alas! oh! sad, sad!

In my heart is sorrow, When I see my son Jesus, About his head a crown of thorns He is Son of G.o.d in every way, And with that truly a King; Feet and hands on every side Fast fixed with nails of iron.


That one shall have on the day of judgment Heavy doom, flesh and blood, Who hath sold him.

_John._ O sweet mother, do not bear sorrow, For always, in every way I will be prepared for thee: The will of thy Son is so, For to save so much as is good, Since Adam was created.

_Jesus._ O Father, Eli, Eloy, lama sabacthani?

Thou art my dear G.o.d, Why hast thou left me a moment alone In any manner?

_1st Executioner._ He is calling Elias; Watch now diligently If he comes to save _him_.

If he delivers him, really We will believe in him, And wors.h.i.+p him ever.

[_Here a sponge is made ready, with gall and vinegar. And then the Centurion stands in his tent, and says:_

_Centurion._ I will go to see How it is with dear Jesus: It were a pity on a good man So much contumely to be cast.

If he were a bad man, his fellow Could not in any way Truly have such great grace, To save men by one word.

[_The Centurion goes down._

_2nd Executioner._ It is not Elias whom he called; Thirst surely on him there is, He finds it an evil thing. [_He holds out a sponge_ Behold here I have me ready, Gall _and_ hyssop mixed; Wa.s.sail, if there is great thirst.

_Jesus._ Thirst on me there is.

_3rd Executioner._ See, a drink for thee here; Why dost thou not drink it?

Rather shouldst thou a wonder work!

Now, come down from the cross, And we will wors.h.i.+p thee.

_Jesus._ O Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit; By thy will take it to thee, As thou sent it into the world.

[_Then Jesus shall die. Here the sun is darkened._




The order of the Pageants of the Play of Corpus Christi, in the time of the mayoralty of William Alne, in the third year of the reign of King Henry V. anno 1415, compiled by Roger Burton, town clerk,--

I. _Tanners._--G.o.d the Father Almighty creating and forming the heavens, angels and archangels; Lucifer and the angels that fell with him into h.e.l.l.

II. _Plasterers._--G.o.d the Father, in his own substance, creating the earth, and all which is therein, in the s.p.a.ce of five days.

III. _Carde-makers._--G.o.d the Father creating Adam of the slime of the earth, and making Eve of the rib, and inspiring them with the spirit of life.

IV. _Fullers._--G.o.d prohibiting Adam and Eve from eating of the tree of life.

V. _Coupers._--Adam and Eve with a tree betwixt them; the serpent deceiving them with apples; G.o.d speaking to them and cursing the serpent, and an angel with a sword driving them out of paradise.

VI. _Armourers._--Adam and Eve, an angel with a spade and a distaff a.s.signing them labour.

VII. _Gaunters._--Abel and Cain killing sacrifices.

VIII. _s.h.i.+pwrights._--G.o.d foretelling Noah to make an ark of light wood.

IX. _Fyshmongers, Pessyners, Mariners._--Noah in the ark with his wife and three children, and divers animals.

X. _Perchemyners, Bukbynders._--Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac; a ram, bush, and angel.

XI. _Hosyers._--Moses exalting the serpent in the wilderness; king Pharaoh; eight Jews admiring and expecting.

XII. _Spicers._--Mary and a doctor declaring the sayings of the prophets about the future birth of Christ; an angel saluting her. Mary saluting Elizabeth.

XIII. _Peuterers, Founders._--Mary, Joseph willing to put her away, an angel speaking to them that they should go to Bethlehem.

XIV. _Tylers._--Mary, Joseph, a midwife, the child born lying in a manger betwixt an ox and an a.s.s, and the angel speaking to the shepherds.

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