"Everyman," With Other Interludes, Including Eight Miracle Plays Part 18

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_1st Shepherd._ What devil shall he halt?[180] Mac, lo, G.o.d makes air.

_2nd Shepherd._ Let be all that. Now G.o.d give him care!

I sagh.[181]

_Wife._ A pretty child is he, As sits upon a woman's knee; A dylly-downe, perdie!

To make a man laugh.

_3rd Shepherd._ I know him by the ear mark:--that is a good token.

_Mac._ I tell you, sirs, hark:--his nose was broken.

Since then, told me a clerk,--that he was forespoken.[182]

_1st Shepherd._ This is a false work.--I would fain be wroken:[183]

Get a weapon!

_Wife._ He was taken by an elf;[184]

I saw it myself.

When the clock struck twelve, Was he mis-shapen.

_2nd Shepherd._ Ye two are right deft,--same in a stead.

_3rd Shepherd._ Since they maintain their theft,--let's do them to dead.

_Mac._ If I trespa.s.s eft, gird off my head.

With you will I be left.

_1st Shepherd._ Sirs, do my red For this trespa.s.s, We will neither ban nor flyte[185]

Fight, nor chyte,[186]

But seize him tight, And cast him in canvas.

[_They toss Mac for his sins._

_1st Shepherd_ (_as the three return to the fold_). Lord, how I am sore, in point for to tryst: In faith I may no more, therefore will I rest.

_2nd Shepherd._ As a sheep of seven score, he weighed in my fist.

For to sleep anywhere, methink that I list.

_3rd Shepherd._ Now I pray you, Lie down on this green.

_1st Shepherd._ On these thefts yet I mean.

_3rd Shepherd._ Whereto should ye tene?[187]

Do as I say you.

[_Enter an Angel above, who sings "Gloria in Excelsis," then says:_

Rise, hired-men, heynd,[188] for now is he born That shall take from the fiend, that Adam had lorn:[189]

That warlock to sheynd,[190] this night is he born.

G.o.d is made your friend: now at this morn, He behests; To Bedlem go see, There lies that free[191]

In a crib full poorly, Betwixt two beasts.

_1st Shepherd._ This was a quaint stevyn[192] that ever yet I heard.

It is a marvel to nevyn[193] thus to be scared.

_2nd Shepherd._ Of G.o.d's son of heaven, he spoke up word.

All the wood like the levin,[194] methought that he gard Appear.

_3rd Shepherd._ He spoke of a bairn In Bedlem I you warn.

_1st Shepherd._ That betokens yonder starn[195]

Let us seek him there.

_2nd Shepherd._ Say, what was his song? Heard ye not how he cracked it?

Three breves to a long.[196]

_3rd Shepherd._ Yea, marry, he hacked[197] it.

Was no crochet wrong, nor no thing that lacked it.

_1st Shepherd._ For to sing us among, right as he knacked it, I can.

_2nd Shepherd._ Let us see how ye croon Can ye bark at the moon?

_3rd Shepherd._ Hold your tongues, have done.

_1st Shepherd._ Hark after, then.

_2nd Shepherd._ To Bedlem he bade--that we should gang: I am full feared--that we tarry too lang.

_3rd Shepherd._ Be merry and not sad: of mirth is our sang, Everlasting glad, our road may we fang,[198]

Without noise.

_1st Shepherd._ Hie we thither quickly; If we be wet and weary, To that child and that lady We have it not to slose.[199]

_2nd Shepherd._ We find by the prophecy--let be your din-- Of David and Esai, and more than I min;[200]

They prophesied by clergy, that on a virgin Should he light and ly, to pardon our sin And slake it, Our kind from woe; For Esai said so, _Cite virgo Concipiet a child that is naked._

_3rd Shepherd._ Full glad may we be,--and abide that day That lovely to see,--that all mights may.

Lord, well for me,--for once and for aye, Might I kneel on my knee--some word for to say To that child.

But the angel said In a crib was he laid; He was poorly arrayed, Both meaner and mild.

_1st Shepherd._ Patriarchs that have been,--and prophets beforn, They desired to have seen--this child that is born.

They are gone full clean,--that have they lorn.

We shall see him, I ween,--e'er it be morn By token When I see him and feel, Then know I full weel It is true as steel That prophets have spoken.

To so poor as we are, that he would appear, First find, and declare by his messenger.

_2nd Shepherd._ Go we now, let us fare: the place is us near.

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