Dragonseed_ A Novel Of Dragon Age Part 8

Dragonseed_ A Novel Of Dragon Age -

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Anza tapped her foot on the cobblestones and looked toward the night sky.

"Let's move on," said Jandra. "But not too fast. The magnetic field of the bracelet isn't all that powerful. If we took off running, or encountered a strong wind, it would disrupt the pattern and we'd be visible again. It's a good thing it's a calm night."

Anza watched as the others walked toward her. Shay could tell the moment when they became visible to Anza by the way her eyes s.h.i.+fted their focus. He found himself increasingly comfortable with staring at Anza's face. There was a lot she could communicate with only subtle motions of her eyes and mouth. Anza didn't seem to mind being stared at. She projected a calm confidence when people were watching her. When Shay thought someone was watching him, he became self-conscious and awkward.

While he was comfortable staring at Anza, he still felt uncomfortable if Jandra caught him looking at her. Anza was beautiful, feminine in her grace and balance, yet somehow the mult.i.tude of weapons she boasted removed all temptation to think of her in a romantic fas.h.i.+on. Jandra was different. At first, he'd been put off by the idea that she was a dragon's pet. He'd a.s.sumed she'd be snooty and shallow, like other pets he'd encountered. Despite Jandra's impatience with his questions, he found her to be anything but snooty. She seemed, instead, to be driven by a need to help and protect others. Perhaps it was arrogant of her to a.s.sume that she could fix the world's problems, but Shay didn't judge her harshly for this. He found himself attracted to her n.o.bility. Of course, he also found himself attracted to her in other ways. Even dressed in her ill-fitting, borrowed clothes, Jandra had a simple beauty about her that he found enticing.

The Dragon Palace loomed before them like a mountain. The night felt colder in its shadow. Jandra pointed toward a tower. "I used to live there. See those high windows? My bed was just underneath them."

"It's dark," said Shay. "Do you think it's empty?"

"I'm keeping my fingers crossed," she said. "I'm hoping Blasphet's reputation kept visitors away."

Anza turned her head at the mention of the name.

"Blasphet?" asked Shay. "The Murder G.o.d?"

Jandra nodded. "He took over the tower after we fled. He's dead now. I left my old genie by my bed; if someone has taken it, this mission is going to have a disappointing end."

"Is the genie in a lamp?" Shay asked.

"No," said Jandra. "Whoever named the device had a sense of humor. A genie is a Global Encephalous Nanite Interaction Engine. It was the source of my powers, not magic."

Shay thought that this was splitting hairs but decided not to argue, as by now they were less than a hundred yards from the palace gate. Four earth-dragon guards stood at attention. Unlike the rugged, battle-scarred warriors they'd faced in Burke's Tavern, these guards were dressed in bright crimson uniforms.

"We can't sneak past them the way they're s.p.a.ced," Jandra whispered.

"Should we find another entrance?" asked Shay. "If we fight, the noise will bring other guards."

Anza looked at him and smirked. She unsheathed her sword silently as she pressed her fingers to her lips. She crouched, slipping off toward some decorative bushes near the road side. She quickly vanished from view.

"I don't think we're going to have to worry about noise," whispered Jandra, as she waited for Anza to work her own brand of magic.

AS THEY SLIPPED through the gates into the palace, Jandra felt a sense of disorientation. Having spent her recent weeks living among men, she'd gotten used to moving through landscapes built on a human scale. Stepping back into the home of sun-dragons made her feel tiny once more. Sun-dragons stood more than twice as tall as any human, even in a relaxed state. From snout to tail, adult sun-dragons averaged forty feet. Burke's loft at the central foundry would barely serve as a closet in the palace. The glazed ceramic bowls that sun-dragons used as drinking dishes could serve as a wash basin for her. through the gates into the palace, Jandra felt a sense of disorientation. Having spent her recent weeks living among men, she'd gotten used to moving through landscapes built on a human scale. Stepping back into the home of sun-dragons made her feel tiny once more. Sun-dragons stood more than twice as tall as any human, even in a relaxed state. From snout to tail, adult sun-dragons averaged forty feet. Burke's loft at the central foundry would barely serve as a closet in the palace. The glazed ceramic bowls that sun-dragons used as drinking dishes could serve as a wash basin for her.

Anza had hidden the bodies of the four guards she'd slain, but it was only a matter of time before the breach in security was noticed and an alarm went out. Their invisibility would lose its strategic value if ox-dogs were brought in to search for intruders.

Perhaps sensing her worries, Lizard grew still. He was perched on her shoulder, one arm wrapped around her neck for balance. He had his head pressed against her cheek. Lizard's breath was somewhat worse than dog-breath-his diet consisted mainly of bugs, worms, and small rodents he caught himself. She lifted her hand and stroked the side of his head to soothe him, and also to gently nudge his beak a little further from her nose. His scales were dry and warm.

Jandra led Anza and Shay through a maze of hallways, arriving at last at the stone stairs that led up into the tower she'd once called home. A lone earth-dragon stood guard, but the stairway was broad enough that they could slip past him unseen. The earth-dragon c.o.c.ked his head slightly as they neared. Shay's coat made a noise as he walked, a faint swish swish swish swish. Jandra's heavy boots also proved a poor choice of footwear for a stealth mission.

They slowed their pace to a crawl. The guard turned his head away, looking incurious. They tiptoed past, holding their breath. Anza, in her leather moccasins, never made even the faintest sound no matter how swiftly she moved.

They reached the top of the tower without any difficulty. Jandra had imagined a variety of worst case scenarios on their journey but so far their path through the palace was easier than she could have hoped. If her genie was still in the room, leaving the palace unseen would be no problem at all.

She pushed the heavy oak door of her former home open. The room was much as she'd left it only a month ago. The chamber was the shape of a vast star, with high windows overhead through which moonlight filtered, painting the flagstone floor with patches of pale white. Blasphet had emptied the chamber of Vendevorex's possessions. The room had once been filled with shelves stocked with books and curiosities. Jars of preserved snails and serpents, and skeletons of rabbits and turtles had all been learning aids in her study of anatomy. From a tender age she'd been led through dissections of sundry creatures, from the simplest slugs to the elaborate architecture of a bat's wing. Looking at the bare walls she was astonished that an absence of pickled worms could make her feel lonely.

After Shandrazel took the throne, the few meager items that Jandra could call her own had been brought back into the room. Her possessions were few: a small iron bed, its mattress stuffed with goose-feathers; a full length mirror in an oval wooden frame; a dresser upon which sat a collection of combs; a tall wardrobe; and a large oak trunk at the foot of her bed.

Her spirits lifted when she saw the lid of the trunk open, and various books and papers scattered randomly around it. This was how she'd left it after she'd searched through the trunk for Vendevorex's skullcap. She'd removed her tiara, donned his skullcap, and instantly discovered that his genie was more powerful than her own. Unfortunately, she'd donned the helmet on the same night that the Sisters of the Serpent had gone on a murderous rampage through the palace. This had launched Jandra into an adventure that had kept her from returning to the room. Her old tiara had been left sitting unprotected on her dresser.

In the moonlight, it was impossible to see from across the room if the tiara still sat on the dresser. She held her breath as she led walked toward it. A low, ragged groan escaped her as she neared. The tiara was gone.

"I'm so sorry," she said, shaking her head. "I've put you both in danger for nothing."

"It's not here?" asked Shay. "Who could have taken it?"

Jandra bit her nails as she thought. She said, "Hex was the only one who knew about the tiara's power. Maybe some palace guard took it. It looked like silver. It could have been sold easily enough."

"You've mentioned Hex a time or two," said Shay. "Why would he take this genie if he already had your other one?"

"Hex would want to destroy both genies. He had an innate distrust of power."

"That's an odd quality for a sun-dragon," said Shay. "They're the most powerful creatures of all."

"Hex didn't believe that might made right. In fact, he thought that might always eventually turned into wrong. He thought that all kings were inherently immoral."

"In other words," said Shay, "he was an anarchist."

"To the bone," said Jandra. "Fortunately, this made him the perfect companion to stand by my side and face up to the G.o.ddess. She was the embodiment of a power that had corrupted absolutely." She glanced into the mirror by the dresser, and then quickly looked away. With her baggy second-hand clothes and unwashed, tangled hair, she found herself frightening to look at. She sat down on the edge of her bed. Lizard hopped down from her shoulder. She stared down at the floor. "Until Hex betrayed me, I thought he was my best friend. I'm such an idiot."

Anza sat on the edge of the bed beside Jandra. Her eyes widened at how soft it was. She grinned and fell backwards onto the bed, her arms spread as she sunk into the silk-covered down.

Shay picked up one of the bone combs on the dresser, turning it over in his hands. Vendevorex had carved it from the femur of a bull, using the nanites at his command to carve Jandra's name in the surface of the comb hundreds of times in tiny decorative letters. Vendevorex had possessed the power to give her anything he could have imagined, but his gifts over the years had tended to be simple ones-object of bone and stone and wood rather than gold or ivory. He hadn't wanted her to become enamored with wealth.

After a long, silent moment, Shay asked the question ringing loudly in Jandra's mind. "So, now what?"

Anza rolled over to her side, her head propped on her fist as she stared at Jandra. She obviously wanted to hear the answer to this as well.

Lizard didn't care about the question at all, a.s.suming he even understood it. Instead, he hopped down to the floor and stared into the mirror. The row of bristly scales along his neck stood up as he spotted the small earth-dragon on the other side of the gla.s.s. He stretched out his claw, then s.n.a.t.c.hed it back as the other dragon reached to touch him at the same time.

Jandra got up and paced as she thought. If a guard had taken the tiara, it might be in the palace barracks, or it could be in Richmond at some p.a.w.n shop. Where could she begin the search for it? And what if it wasn't a guard who took it, but Hex? The genies were too advanced to be destroyed outright, but Hex could hide them, maybe dropping them into the sea, or burying them like they'd buried the G.o.ddess's genie.

Jandra snapped her fingers. Lizard startled at the sound, jumping away from the mirror and leaping back onto Jandra's shoulder.

"We need to go to the mountains," she said. "We'll probably never find my old genie. But I know the location of a third one. It's my best hope at regaining my powers."

Even as she said the words, she questioned their wisdom. They'd buried the G.o.ddess's heart-her genie-to ensure that no unseen remnant of her could somehow be revived. Was she really so hungry for power that she was willing to go back and risk the return of the G.o.ddess? Was this her idea, or the idea of the unwelcome second pa.s.senger in her brain? For an instant, she started to tell the others it was a dumb idea, that they should just return to Dragon Forge and help Burke build guns. But thinking of Burke's broken leg let her remember all the good she could do if she had her powers once more. She had to take the chance. What was there to fear? The G.o.ddess was dead. Her body had been burned. Genies responded to a person's thoughts, and thoughts were the product of a brain, and Jazz's brain had been reduced to cinders that had blown off in the breeze. The chances of recovering from that were somewhat remote, thought Jandra.

Anza got up from the bed. She looked toward the door, c.o.c.king her head as she held up her hand, motioning the others to stop talking.

"What is-?" Shay began to ask.

Anza gave him a dirty look and drew a finger across her throat. Jandra heard noises in the hall, the sound of armor-clad guards climbing up stone stairs.

"Hurry," she whispered. "The invisibility circle is still active. Get to the center of the room. The more open s.p.a.ce we keep around us, the easier it will be to evade them."

A hushed voice murmured beyond the door: "It's as you said. The door's open."

A louder voice replied: "Vulpine's understanding of human motivations is unsurpa.s.sed. It's... perhaps motivations isn't the correct word. It implies a higher order of thought for which there is only the faintest evidence in humans. Urges? Desires?"

"Oh no," said Shay, grabbing Jandra's arm, speaking as softly as he could. "It's Chapelion!"

"He's not very good at stealth," whispered Jandra.

"He's half deaf. He probably thinks he's whispering."

An earth-dragon poked his head into the open doorway, his dull eyes scanning the darkness. Jandra recognized this dragon-it was Ledax. She'd saved his life during the attack of the Sisters of the Serpent, neutralizing a poison in his blood. Of course, he'd been unconscious and she hadn't stuck around to take credit. She couldn't count on his grat.i.tude. Lizard's hind claws sank more firmly into her shoulders as he stared at the adult earth-dragon.

Anza silently drew her sword from its scabbard. With her left hand, she freed a tomahawk from her belt. Jandra reached out and touched her shoulder; Anza looked back. Jandra shook her head. They were still invisible. It wasn't yet time for violence.

"n.o.body's here, boss," said Ledax, looking back into the hallway.

Chapelion said, "Make certain."

Ledax entered the room, a battle axe clutched in both hands. Behind him, Jandra heard the shuffling of other guards. It sounded as if a small army was waiting on the steps. Anza crouched lower, ready to spring. Ledax didn't approach the center of the room. Instead he followed the wall, eyeing a slender rope that lead high up into the darkness. It was one of the ropes that held the unlit lanterns. Only, when Jandra looked up into the gloom, she couldn't see any of the lanterns. Instead she saw... what? It was like some sort of grid laid out on the ceiling, millions of small squares covering the entire s.p.a.ce.

Suddenly, she knew what she was looking at. Throwing away all hope of stealth, she cried out, "Stop him!"

It was too late. Ledax swung his axe toward the rope. Sparks flew as it bit into the stone wall, severing the hemp. The frayed end shot upward. Anza leapt as Shay brought his shotgun to his shoulder. Jandra grabbed Lizard and held him to her breast as she curled down to absorb the impact on her back.

The net hit. It was heavy, woven from ropes a half inch thick, in a mesh of three inch squares. The impact caught Anza in mid-leap, and knocked the shotgun from Shay's hands as he pulled the trigger. The gun barked out, spitting fire, sending chips of granite flying as the shot tore into the flagstones.

Jandra calmly stood up, pulling out the knife Burke had given her. The air was full of silver dust. The rush of wind that had accompanied the falling net had disrupted their invisibility, not that it mattered much now. She grabbed the mesh before her as earth-dragons marched into the room, encircling their prisoners. There were at least fifty guards plus another ten sky-dragons. She noted with some surprise that the sky-dragon group was of mixed s.e.x-there were four males from the aerial guard, and five valkyries from the Nest. The s.e.xes rarely mingled among sky-dragons. Stepping in front of all these was an older sky-dragon, a familiar face from many of the formal events at the palace, though she'd never personally met him.

"Chapelion!" Shay cried out, now down on his knees, growing more entangled in the net as he struggled. "How could you know I'd be here? How?"

"Don't be so egotistical, Shay," Chapelion said. "We didn't lay this trap for you. Jandra is the true prize."

Anza was perfectly still beneath her section of the net. Jandra wondered if the impact had knocked her out. Then, with a barely perceptible motion, Anza carefully cut another of the ropes that entwined her with a knife no longer than her thumb. Frayed ends lay down the entire mid-section of her body.

Jandra decided to make sure the dragons were focused on her instead of Anza.

"You know I'm Jandra, daughter of Vendevorex," she said, mimicking the deep, theatrical voice that her master used to summon. "I command the same mystical forces he possessed. Leave if you value your life! This net cannot hold me."

"Your claims would be more convincing if you weren't still in the net," said Chapelion. Sky-dragons couldn't smile, but there was a gleam in his eyes that indicated he was pleased with himself. "If you do possess mystical powers, I invite you to demonstrate them. The slaves whisper that you gain your powers from consorting with demons. I have other, more rational theories. Vulpine delivered a device he took from you, a weapon that an uneducated observer might think of as magic wand. I know it was only a trick of chemistry and metalwork-I've sent it to Bazanel at the College of Spires for a.n.a.lysis. I do not fear your so-called magic."

Chapelion glanced toward the guards. "Place manacles on Jandra and Shay. The girl in the buckskins is unimportant. Dispose of her."

Before the guards could move, Anza leapt to her feet, the sliced ropes falling away from her body. She spun in a graceful circle, her sword extended full length, at throat level for the earth-dragons. She made a noise, the first Jandra had ever heard from Anza's mouth, as she rapidly clicked her tongue against her teeth while sucking in air, "tk-tk-tk-tk!" "tk-tk-tk-tk!" The noise was as a chilling as a rattlesnake's warning. The noise was as a chilling as a rattlesnake's warning.

Jandra took inspiration from Anza's dark skin and pitch black hair and the icy menace of her gaze.

"You should have listened to your slaves, Chapelion. I do consort with demons. This one sloughed off your net as if it were water. She can kill your guards before you can blink. Leave this place at once."

Chapelion stared through his spectacles at Anza. His eyes narrowed as he a.n.a.lyzed the situation. Anza met his stare with an unblinking gaze.

"I see moisture upon her neck," he said. "Would a demon sweat?"

"How would you know?" asked Jandra.

Chapelion furrowed his brow, contemplating the matter.

Before he could speak, Jandra heard distant shouts from below. Jandra wasn't certain, but it sounded like someone was shouting, "Fire!"

Chapelion's eyes flickered toward the door, as if he, too, heard the cries.

From outside the tower, there was a strange skittering sound. The noise resembled nothing so much as the scratching of a thousand large squirrels climbing the stone walls. A shadow pa.s.sed across the high windows as something long and serpentine slithered across one, then another, then another, spreading darkness.

Jandra could sense the panic building among the earth-dragons. With no idea whatsoever what was climbing the walls outside, she decided to bluff: "Anza isn't the only demon I've summoned tonight."

Almost as if her words had made it happen, one of the high windows exploded inward, shards of gla.s.s flying through the room. Cold night air swirled into the chamber as a human figure appeared in the window. He was mostly in shadow, his body contours partially concealed by a cape. One thing that was easily visible, however, was the bow he held, and the arrow pointed straight at Chapelion's heart.

With a voice a cold as the winter wind, the new arrival said, "I've set your library on fire, dragon."

Chapelion chuckled and looked to Jandra. "I can't help but notice that all your demons look human. This is a rather quaint bluff. I'm more entertained than intimidated, however. Hmm. 'Entertained' isn't quite what I mean. Amused, I should say."

The man in the high window released an arrow. It landed not in Chapelion, however, but in the valkyrie who stood beside him. She fell to her back, the green-fletched bolt jutting from the round disk of her right ear.

Before any of the dragons could react, loud voices echoed up the staircase leading to the tower. "Find Chapelion! He must know!" Chapelion turned his head upon hearing his name.

"Your love of books is legendary, Chapelion. I could place an arrow in your brain, but that would rob me of the satisfaction of imagining you standing in the remnants of the Grand Library with all its millions of books nothing more than ash and smoke."

Chapelion shuddered as his eyes grew wide. An earth-dragon ran up the stairs, stumbling to a halt in the doorway. "The Grand Library!" he shouted. "Fire!" "Fire!"

Chapelion silenced him by raising his fore-talon.

"Take your guards," said the archer. "Leave this place. Perhaps a book or two may still be saved. Jandra and the others will remain. They're mine now."

"Who are you?" Chapelion growled.

"You know who I am."

Jandra knew as well: Bant Bitterwood, dragon-hunter, G.o.d-slayer, psychopath. His sense of timing, as always, was impeccable.

Chapelion looked as if he were in physical pain as he motioned to his guards. "We can waste no more time. Leave the humans. Go to the library."

"Hurry," said Bitterwood. "Old paper burns so quickly."

Chapelion looked up as the dragons filed past him.

"You'll never escape this castle!" he snarled, before turning and marching from the room, leaving the humans alone. The door to the tower slammed shut.

"Seal it!" Chapelion barked from the stairs. "Have every member of the aerial guard surround the tower! They must not escape!"

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