Eligible Bachelors: Wife For A Week Part 8

Eligible Bachelors: Wife For A Week -

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aThere is,' said the younger girl. aAt least I think there is. Kai wishes to visit his family on the Mainland after the New Year. He's thinking of returning there permanently. If he goes I will try to persuade my father not to replace him.'

aThat could work.'

Jasmine nodded. aHopefully it will make everyone happier, including Kai. He's been so irritable lately. And moody. And critical! He's driving me crazy.'

aSounds like he's got woman trouble,' said Hallie. She had four big brothers; she knew the symptoms well.

aNo,' said Jasmine with a firm shake of her head. aI would know if there was a woman. He hasn't had a woman in his life for years.'

aNo women at all? He's not...?'

aNo!' said Jasmine indignantly. aDefinitely not! He's just...discerning.'

aI guess he can afford to be,' said Hallie, watching the younger girl closely. aHe's very handsome, don't you think? Almost as handsome as Nick.'

Jasmine's lips tightened. aI guess,' she said, offhand.

aAnd he does the strong, silent thing very well.'

aIf you like that kind of thing.'

aMany women do,' she a.s.sured the younger girl and smiled outright when Jasmine's eyes narrowed. Jasmine seemed to be harbouring a few protective instincts of her own when it came to Kai. aHow long did you say he's been moody for?'

aMore than a year now,' said Jasmine glumly.

aAnd how old are you?'

aI was nineteen three weeks ago.'

Ah. aNow I'm really inclined to think he's having woman problems. Maybe he's pining for an unavailable woman.'

aThere is no woman!' said Jasmine hotly.

aThere's you,' said Hallie quietly. aMaybe Kai has feelings for you and doesn't know what to do with them. Maybe that's why he's so moody and irritable and wants to return to the Mainland.'

Jasmine blinked. Then she went white.

aI'm sorry,' said Hallie hurriedly, cursing her wayward mouth. aI didn't mean to upset you. It was just a thought. I've only been here two days, what do I know?'

aIt would explain many things,' said Jasmine with a tiny shake of her head. aOh, Hallie, I've been so mean to him lately.'

aI think Kai can handle a little mean, don't you?' said Hallie, her gaze meeting Kai's as he reappeared at the bottom of the stairs and started towards them with that silent, ground-eating stride. He was a warrior this one, a warrior steeped in the old ways; she knew the breed. Honour-bound to protect his charge; he would be equally determined to resist his feelings for her.

Not that he had the slightest chance of doing that indefinitely, thought Hallie as Kai's hooded gaze connected with Jasmine's newly aware one. Particularly if Jasmine decided she had feelings for him.

Water always prevailed in the end, no matter how hard the rock. Everyone knew that.

Lunch was a feast of flavours and hugely entertaining. The food hall was large, the crowd was raucous and Hallie loved it. Almost as much as she enjoyed the silent byplay between Kai and Jasmine. Kai seemed to sense Jasmine's disquiet and watched her closely. Jasmine watched him when he wasn't watching her.

When Hallie could eat no more, when she was full to bursting and couldn't contemplate another mouthful, they cleared their table and headed up the escalator to browse the shops on the next level. Collector's shops, Jasmine told her distractedly before excusing herself and hurrying down a side corridor towards the bathrooms.

Kai watched her go, his gaze not leaving her retreating form. Moments later he was striding after her, catching her by the arm and swinging her round to face him just as she reached the bathroom door in an unmistakable display of baffled masculinity.

Hallie grinned and left them to it, wandering over towards an odd little corner shop while she waited. It was hard to tell what it sold; the red velvet drapes in the display windows weren't giving away any clues. And then she saw it. A solitary Chinese funeral vase sitting on a pedestal. It was old, so very old, and almost luminous in its fragile beauty. It was absolutely breathtaking.

The stark black signwork on the entry door was in Chinese. Hallie had no idea what it said. But a glance through the door showed more funeral vases inside, some on pedestals, some behind gla.s.s, and she simply couldn't resist a closer look.

The mood inside the shop was a sombre reflection of the stock, the salesman young and immaculately presented in a tailored grey suit. He looked up, surprise and wariness crossing his face as she came further into the shop. Maybe he didn't speak English and was worried about how to approach her, thought Hallie. Or maybe he'd forgotten how to speak at all; that was a possibility too given the number of customers he probably saw in a day. She sent him a rea.s.suring smile and turned to the vases on display. Many of them were old. They were all beautiful. But none was lovelier than the one in the window.

aExcuse me,' she said to the young salesman, who still hadn't spoken but was watching her closely nonetheless, abut do you speak English?'

aSome,' he said with a slight smile.

Some was good. Some was definitely better than none, which was the exact extent of her Cantonese. aMay I have a closer look at the vase in the window?'

aMadam probably wishes to buy a different kind of vase,' said the young man with surprising firmness. aThere are many other vases for sale on the next shopping level.'

aI'll keep that in mind,' she said. aRight now I'm more interested in these vases.'

aMadam does realize that these vases are not for flowers.'

aI know. They're funeral vases.'

aIndeed so. They house the ashes of our beloved deceased.'

Yes, they did. And the one in the front window was perfect for a certain pretend husband whose postcoital sensitivity was non-existent! Nick wanted a vase. She wanted his money gone. Definitely a win-win situation. aWould I be able to take a closer look at the one in the window?'

aIt's very expensive, Madam.'

aI suspected as much,' she said smoothly. Not exactly salesman of the year, this one. She waited. So did he.

Finally he moved to the window, retrieved the vase and placed it carefully on the counter in front of her. She wanted her magnifying gla.s.s, contented herself with examining the vase inside and out. Definitely a collector's item.

aNo refunds,' he said. aMadam has to be very sure.'

aI'm sure.' She'd found what she was looking for, the tiny mark of a renowned dynasty craftsman. She wondered if the salesman knew what he had. aHow much?'

He named a price that made her gasp. He knew.

But the value was still there. The vase was in immaculate condition. It was even functional. Besides, it appealed to her sense of humour. She looked up at the salesman and gave him a wicked smile. aIt's for my husband. He deserves it.'

This time the salesman smiled back. aAnd your husband's name?' He whipped a Palm pilot from his pocket, far more co-operative now that he had the sale.

She gave him Nick's name, the Teys' address, and all the cash Nick had given her that morning and then some.

aDo you have a picture of your husband?'

It was a strange question, thought Hallie. And no, she didn't.

aNo matter, we will take care of it.' The salesman handed her the receipt. aWhen would you like the vase delivered?'

aToday?' Hallie figured they probably didn't pack dynasty vases to go.

aNot possible, Madam.' The salesman was shaking his head regretfully.

aWell, I definitely need it before the New Year. Can you do that?' she asked him anxiously.

aCertainly,' said the salesman. aThat we can do. We are not slow like some.' His smile was charmingly crooked. aWe are professionals.'

Nick returned to his room just on five-thirty that afternoon to find Hallie fast asleep on the bed, clothes on, shoes off, and pillows everywhere. You could tell a lot about a person by the way they slept, thought Nick. Those who slept curled and guarded were careful, guarded people. Those who slept tidily and peacefully could generally be counted on to be the same awake. It was the sprawlers you had to worry about, and Hallie Bennett was most definitely a sprawler. A t.i.tian-haired dryad, who even in her sleep had the ability to charm him with her vulnerability even as she overwhelmed him with her fearlessness. It was a wicked combination. Apply it to lovemaking and it was deadly. No wonder a man couldn't think straight afterwards. No wonder he'd botched his retreat and thrown money at her not two minutes later. He'd hurt her. He knew he had. And deeply regretted doing so.

Turning away, he loosened his tie and the top b.u.t.ton of his s.h.i.+rt, saw the jug of water on the sideboard and poured himself a gla.s.s. He didn't need this. Didn't need Hallie dominating his thoughts in the middle of complex negotiations so that instead of thinking profit margins he was thinking of ways to apologize and put the warmth back in her eyes and in her smile when she looked at him.

Not that he'd come up with a solution that didn't leave him exposed and vulnerable, which meant that he hadn't come up with a solution at all.

aHey,' said a sleepy voice from the bed. aHow's business?'

Nick turned to face her warily. aFast.' He was expecting coolness from her, didn't find it, so he told her more. aJohn wants negotiations settled by Chinese New Year. Apparently if they drag on too long it could signal the start of an inauspicious year and we wouldn't want that.'

aAbsolutely not.' Hallie smiled and sat up on the edge of the bed looking tousled and inviting. aIs it doable?'

aJohn has a team working on it. From his perspective it is. From my side of things there's just me and an inch of fine print in two languages to wade through, and that's after we finalize the conditions.' She looked concerned, then thoughtful. He hadn't meant to tell her that much, didn't know why he had other than that she was a good listener when she wanted to be. aIt's doable,' he said with a shrug. aHow was your day?'

aFun,' she said with a smile. aI got your vase. It's being delivered. We also went sightseeing and did a great deal of eating. Oh, and I have something to tell you about Jasmine too. She only tried to seduce you because she saw you as an escape route from her father's over-protectiveness. I don't think we have to worry about her broken heart.'

Great, just great, all this subterfuge for nothing. Women! Nick scowled. Here he'd been trying to protect Jasmine from heartbreak and she'd been trying to use him.

aWhat?' said Hallie. aI thought you'd be pleased.'

aI am.' He was. But between Hallie's blithe acceptance of his no-more-s.e.x rule and Jasmine's ulterior motive for trying to seduce him, he was beginning to feel thoroughly under-appreciated. aJohn's invited us out to dinner this evening,' he said by way of changing the subject before his ego was battered beyond repair.

aWhat time?'


She glanced at the clock on the sideboard. aExcellent. Enough time for a catnap. A person could really get used to this afternoon dozing caper.' She snagged a pillow and lay back down haphazardly. Her eyes drifted closed.

Nick couldn't move, wouldn't, for fear his feet would take him towards the bed and all this morning's rule-making would be for nothing. aHow are you feeling?' he asked huskily and cursed himself the moment the words left his lips. He knew what that question was about, knew exactly where it was heading. He wanted to know if she was physically able to take him again.

She came up onto one elbow in a single, fluid movement and fixed him with those glorious golden eyes. aAre we talking mentally or physically?'


But Nick's dark, searing gaze slid from her face to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and Hallie just knew what lay behind his question. aYou want me,' she breathed. aYou want to make love to me again!'

aNo, I don't!'

Oh, yes, he did! And the knowledge that he did was downright empowering. She smiled slowly, arched back so that the thin silk of her s.h.i.+rt stretched taut across her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and had the satisfaction of seeing him pale.

aStop that,' he ordered.

Her smile widened. aYou're absolutely right. Mustn't forget the rules.' She slid from the bed and sashayed towards the window with newfound confidence. aYou think anyone behind those windows over there in the distance would have a pair of binoculars?' she said. aBecause I thought I saw a glint of sunlight off something.'

aI didn't see anything,' he said.

That was because he'd been too busy watching her. aCould have been a telescope, I guess. Or a camera.' She turned slowly, every move a subtle challenge. aThat's the trouble with a city this size. There's always someone watching.'

aWe do not have an audience,' he said firmly.

aThat you know of,' she corrected with a wicked grin. aBetter close the curtains just in case. Because if there was someone over there watching, they'd have an awfully good view of the bed.' Nick glanced at the bed at her words and Hallie thought she heard him mutter something beneath his breath. It didn't sound like a curse. Maybe he was praying.

aI'm going to shower before dinner,' he said doggedly. aAnd I'm taking my clothes in with me.'

What, no parading that glorious body of his around in a towel? Spoilsport. aGo.' Hallie waved him away. aI've already showered. All I have to do is change clothes and I'm ready for dinner. I'll do it while you're in the bathroom. And I'll cut you a break and head on out to the terrace after that. Wouldn't want you breaking any more rules.' She tried hard not to smirk as he collected up fresh clothes and disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind him with far more force than was strictly necessary.

He wanted her. Nick Cooper, womanizer extraordinaire, wanted her, no matter what he'd said this morning. And, heaven help them both, she wanted him.

With distance came rational thought. Hallie stood on the terrace and looked out over the immaculately groomed gardens, then up at the clouds gathering in the sky, and thought about the situation sensibly. The heady recklessness that had come with the knowledge that Nick wanted her had settled and reality had swooped down on her like a cloak. Nick didn't want to want her. He couldn't afford the distraction; he'd told her that from the start. Hence their deal, their rules, and the ten thousand pounds he was paying her when the week was up. He was counting on her to stick to her side of the bargain.

As for her wanting him, well, that was only to be expected. It was an automatic response to a man like Nick, like breathing. It didn't necessarily mean she wanted a relations.h.i.+p with him. She'd fought hard for her independence from her well-meaning brothers; fought dirty at times to keep it. She couldn't give it up. Wouldn't. She didn't want to be a cosseted corporate wife. Not even for Nick.

So it was settled. Nick was right. From now on she would stick to the plan. And to the rules. For both their sakes.

Nick joined her slightly before seven, freshly showered, shaven, and thoroughly eye-catching in dark trousers and yet another one of those crisp white s.h.i.+rts he wore without a tie. Honestly, how a woman was supposed to keep her resolve around such a man was anyone's guess.

Still, her smile of greeting was warm but not provocative, her body language welcoming but not enticing. aI've had a rethink about the whole wanting dilemma,' she said casually, as if they were talking about nothing more important than the weather. aI'm thinking denial is our best option.'

aI'm way ahead of you,' he said.

aI mean, it's only for a few more days, I'm sure it's doable. That way you get to concentrate on your work and I get the money to finish my diploma.'

aExactly. Thanks, Hallie,' he said with a relieved smile.

aDon't smile,' she warned him. aMy resolve is not altogether reliable. I'm also thinking I should be more supportive. More corporate wife. What can I do?'

aJust what you have been doing. Keeping the conversation easy, finding common ground. In that regard you're doing fine.'

Uh, oh. A compliment. Dangerous ground. She hurried on. aAnd I'm not sure where I should sit at dinner. Beside you? Opposite you? Where?'

aBeside me,' he said. aJohn says the restaurant we're going to doesn't look like much but it has the best chilli crab in Hong Kong. I hope you like it hot and messy.'

She did. Hallie felt her mouth begin to water. Dinner didn't sound very corporate at all. It sounded like fun. She looked down at her black trousers and pink s.h.i.+rt. The trousers were fine. The s.h.i.+rt was a problem. Chilli crab juice splattered over pink silk was not a good look. aMaybe I should change clothes.'

Or maybe she could try to be a tidy crab eater, she thought with a sigh as John, Jasmine and Kai joined them.

aI thought we might travel to the restaurant by ferry,' said John with a smile. aConsider it an old man's indulgence. I delight in being out on the harbour at night.'

aHe delights in showing our city off to visitors is what he really means,' whispered Jasmine to Hallie with a grin. aBut it's a journey you won't forget, I promise you. Shall we go?'

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