Eligible Bachelors: Wife For A Week Part 5

Eligible Bachelors: Wife For A Week -

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Finally, they shot out of the tunnel into real light again, skirted Hong Kong Island's central business district, and started weaving their way up a long, steep slope, towering apartment blocks giving way to luxury villas that grew bigger and grander the higher they climbed.

aHow do I look?' she asked as the Mercedes pulled into a paved driveway and swept through no-nonsense wrought-iron security gates that closed behind them.

aBeautiful.' Nick took her hand in his and, with a rea.s.suring smile, brushed her knuckles with his lips. aYou look beautiful.'

aNot helping,' she warned, rapidly withdrawing her fingers from his grasp.

aBeddable,' he said next, which earned him a glare.

They were as ready as they were going to get.

Jasmine Tey was a tiny Asian b.u.t.terfly with big eyes for Nick. She met them at the door, exquisite in a jewel-coloured sundress, her waist-length black hair held away from her face with a bamboo clasp in a style both youthful and inspired because it drew attention to both face and hair and both were stunning.

aNick! Welcome,' said Jasmine. aMy father wanted to be here to greet you, but he's been delayed.' She pressed against Nick for a kiss that promised much yet still managed to be just this side of proper.

Hallie grinned and cleared her throat.

aJasmine.' Nick gently but firmly set her aside. aI'd like you to meet my wife, Hallie.'

ah.e.l.lo.' Jasmine's greeting was considerably more subdued than the one she'd bestowed on Nick, but she offered up a small smile nonetheless. aNick did not mention you until the end of his last visit. Sadly I thought him available and made a fool of myself.' Her frankness was disarming; the adoring gaze she bestowed on Nick was not.

A few quietly spoken words in Cantonese, uttered by the driver who had come up behind them with their luggage, made Jasmine blush and drop her gaze. aKai seems to think I'm still being foolish.'

aOh, I think you're doing just fine,' said Hallie, glancing speculatively at Kai-the-driver-who-also-cooked before turning back to Jasmine. aTrust me, the first time I met Nick I almost forgot which way was up. And this woman on the flight today...' Hallie rolled her eyes. aWhy, she practically fell over her feet trying to get his attention. You can imagine.'

A tiny smile tilted Jasmine's lips. It seemed she could.

aI don't blame him,' Hallie continued, warming to her theme. aHe can't help the effect he has on us. Of course, he doesn't have to enjoy it quite as much as he does.'

aBut, darling-'

aDon't you darling me, Nicholas Cooper!' He'd wanted possessive, requested jealousy. Hallie had no problem whatsoever delivering both. aI've had quite enough of women falling over you for one day!' And with a smile for Jasmine, aI try so hard not to get jealous, but sometimes I just can't help myself. What can I do?'

aYou could always try trusting me.' Nick's voice was dry, very dry, as he bent his head and touched his lips to hers in the merest whisper of a kiss.

They were in a public place. They were making a point for Jasmine's benefit. Role playing, that was all. But the quiet intensity in his gaze made her heart race and her body want for more. Had she really been married to this man she'd want him in her bedroom now. So he could show her with his body and with his eyes just how much he loved her. Not the pretty little flirt on the flight today, not any one of the women who'd tried to engage his interest, but her. She was hot, she was sticky, she was well and truly aroused, and dammit she was blus.h.i.+ng. aUm, I don't suppose there's somewhere I can freshen up?' she asked.

aOf course,' said Jasmine. aCome, I'll show you to your suite. I also have refreshments prepared for you if you'd care to join me on the terrace a little later. I wasn't sure how hungry you'd be so there's a bit of everything.'

Suddenly, Jasmine was as young as her eighteen years, a sweet girl playing hostess for her father and trying hard to do it right. Hallie could relate. aThat sounds lovely,' she said with a warm smile.

Nick's hand was on the small of her back as they followed Jasmine to their suite, the warmth of his touch searing into her through the thin silk of her top. By the time they reached the room his touch was a feather-light caress between her shoulder blades and her body was awash in sensation. aRight, then, thank you,' she said to Jasmine. aWe'll meet you on the terrace in, um-'

aHalf an hour,' murmured Nick in that voice, and quietly shut the door.

aPhew.' Hallie blew out a breath and headed for the window, more to put some distance between herself and Nick than to admire the view. It was a magnificent view, though, now that she looked at it. The Teys' three-car garage and manicured, terraced gardens were spread out directly below them and beyond their walls stood more luxury housing that only the extremely wealthy could afford. Downslope, the villas and the apartment blocks gradually morphed into the towering skysc.r.a.pers and neon madness of Hong Kong Island's central business district. Beyond that lay the glittering waters of Victoria Harbour and, beyond that, more skysc.r.a.pers: the skysc.r.a.pers of Kowloon. aWow,' she said softly.

aBreathtaking, isn't it?' said Nick, crossing the room to stand beside her. aHow do you think it went with Jasmine?'

aShe got the point.'

aYou don't think it was too subtle?' he asked.

aWe women are subtle creatures.'

Nick didn't seem entirely convinced. aI think we need more.'

aMore what? More jealousy? Look, I'm trying to be supportive here, but in my professional opinion you don't want Jasmine thinking you need rescuing from an over-possessive fruitcake.'

aNot more jealousy. More touching.'


He slid an arm around her waist and drew her gently towards him. aLike this.'

This was enough to set every bone in her body to melting. Hallie put her hands to his chest, striving for some distance, even as the lower half of her body betrayed her and settled snugly against him. aKai's watching us,' she muttered. He was opening the driver's side door of the Mercedes; maybe he was off to collect John Tey. But he was looking up at them.

aI know.' Nick was hardening against her as they spoke and making no secret of his affliction as his hands slid from her waist to the base of her spine and pressed her even closer.

aKinky,' she said lightly.

aIt may not be the audience.' His lips were curved in a familiar half-smile. aIt could be you.'

She slid her hands to his shoulders, delighting in the feel of him, in the rich, musky scent of his skin. aYou mean you don't know?'

aNope. And there's not enough blood left in my brain to figure it out.'

aMaybe it's both,' she said breathlessly.

aNow you're trying to confuse me.'

aActually, I'm trying to distract you.'

aTry harder,' he said, and set his lips to her neck, sending a jolt of pleasure straight through her. Role playing, that was all, but she tilted her head to allow him better access, gasping when the heat of his lips was joined by a whisper of tongue as he teased and tasted his way along her neck.

This was madness, she thought as she buried her hands in his hair and demanded more. Utter madness, as Nick cupped her b.u.t.tocks and surged against her as his lips rushed over her shoulder, her collar-bone, the swell of her breast, and it was all she could do not to whimper when his mouth found the peak of her breast through the thin layers of silk. All she could do not to scream when his teeth and tongue came into play.

aNick.' He'd found the clasp on her trousers, his fingers at her waist setting off feathery tremors of sensation. aNick! He's gone.'

aWho's gone?' His eyes were black, his breathing was ragged, but comprehension dawned. aOh, yeah, him.' His hands stilled, and his big body shuddered as he struggled for control. aJust give me a minute here.'

No problem. She could do with a minute or two herself. Not to mention a few more metres of unoccupied personal s.p.a.ce.

He let her go, let her put some distance between them, but her skin was on fire from his touch and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s ached for the feel of his hands and his lips on them again. Half blind with unfulfilled need, she staggered towards the centre of the room. And stopped.

The floor was the palest marble streaked with grey. The furniture was intricately carved cherry wood inlaid with mother of pearl. The furnis.h.i.+ngs were red. Not dull red, not blood-red, but a bright primary-colour-wheel red. The floor rug, the drapes, the bed...yes, indeed, the bed was undeniably red, with enough cus.h.i.+ons and pillows piled against the headboard to furnish a small orphanage.

aI thought you said there was a sofa as well,' she said at last.

aThere was,' said Nick, frowning. aIt used to be over by the far wall.'

Well, there certainly wasn't one there now. Nothing in this room but a bed. A big red bed.

aThe Chinese consider red a fortuitous colour,' said Nick. aIt's supposed to bring good luck.'

aGood,' she muttered. Because they were definitely going to need it if they were going to be sharing that bed. aMind if I take first shower?'

aGo ahead.' Nick gestured towards a door to her right.

The bathroom was marble too, all marble, with gold taps, red towels and the biggest gla.s.s-walled shower cubicle she'd ever seen. Two shower rosettes in that cubicle. Two of them, side by side, commanding her attention the way the bed had in the other room.

aOr we could shower together and save time,' he said from the doorway.

Did he honestly think that getting wet and naked with him was going to save time? She slid him a glance. He was leaning against the doorframe, his smile crooked and his eyes dark.

No, he didn't think that either.

Nick knew women. Knew the feel of them in his arms and in his bed. More than that, he liked women and they could generally be counted on to like him right back. But he'd never met a woman who affected him the way Hallie Bennett did. h.e.l.l, when she was in his arms it was all he could do to recall his own name, let alone the terms of their agreement.

So she was amusing...women often were.

So she was beautiful...there were plenty of women out there who were that too.

But since when had he ever wanted to watch a woman's face for ever, just so he wouldn't miss whatever she came out with next? Since when had a woman ever distracted him from his work and his goals for the company? Since when had a woman ever had that kind of power over him? Since never, that was when. And he didn't like it, not one little bit.

Hallie Bennett was here to solve his woman problems, not cause more.

By the time she emerged from the bathroom, sleek and elegant in a moss-green sheath, he was thoroughly riled. It didn't help that he knew he was being unreasonable, that she'd only been doing what they'd agreed on in the first place. It certainly didn't help that she took one look at him and judged his mood in an instant.

aPick a topic, any topic,' she said airily. aReligion, politics, whatever you like. I'm sure we can come to a disagreement about something.'

aSport,' he said abruptly. There wasn't a woman of his acquaintance who could talk sense when it came to sport.

aOf course, there's only one real sport and that's soccer,' she stated firmly.

aFootball,' he corrected.

aWhatever. I favour Brazil, myself.'

aBecause they win?'

aNo.' Her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. aI'm pretty sure it has something to do with the green and gold uniform.'

aYou support Brazil because of the colour of their s.h.i.+rts?' Now they were getting somewhere. aThat's ridiculous.'

aWould you rather I supported them because they're fascinating to watch and consistently produce some of the finest strikers in the world?'

aEr, no. That would defeat the entire purpose of the conversation. I'm trying to find something to dislike about you.'

aAh.' And with a very sweet smile. aAbout the shower...I'm afraid I used all the hot water.'

aHmph.' Even that wasn't a problem, he thought glumly as he gathered up his shaving kit and stalked towards the bathroom. A cold shower was just what he needed.

The shower helped. Helped enough so that when they went downstairs Nick was cool, calm and back in control. He could do this. They could do this. It was far too late to back out now. They had to do this.

John Tey arrived home from work with Kai at his side just as they stepped onto the terrace so it was introductions all round with Hallie making all the right noises: a.s.suring their host that Jasmine had made them more than welcome in his absence, that the trip had not been at all tiring and that, yes, she was definitely looking forward to her stay, and delivering it all with such warm approachability that John Tey didn't stand a chance.

Within five minutes she'd discovered that their host clipped his own hedges and spent an hour every morning practising t'ai chi. That he owned an extensive art collection and that Jasmine was an accomplished silk painter. Five minutes and Jasmine was giggling, John was smiling, and even the po-faced Kai had relaxed his guard, and it was all Hallie's doing as she charmed them with her warmth, wit and enthusiasm for life. Whatever the moment held, she embraced it; be it a computer game or a kiss, she gave it everything she had.

d.a.m.n but the woman could kiss.

aDo you collect antiquities?' John asked her as she bent to examine a little jade horse set on a marble pedestal.

aMy father does. John, this is exquisite. Early Qing dynasty, isn't it? I've never seen one in such good condition.'

Nick blinked at her knowledge of little green horses. John beamed at the compliment.

aKai will drive you to some of our smaller private galleries in the morning if you wish. There you will find many beautiful pieces. Perhaps even a memento of your stay with us.'

aPerhaps.' Hallie smiled easily, her glance encompa.s.sing them both. aI don't want to disrupt any plans you have in place but I'd love to see the New Year decorations in the city as well. And the lion dancing...Maybe buy some oranges...'

Jasmine was nodding her head in vigorous agreement. John's gaze was wry as it rested on his daughter.

aMy daughter has also suggested she show you these things. Would tomorrow be suitable?' And to Jasmine, aYou will let Kai know when you wish to leave.'

aBut, Father, surely we can go alone.'

aNo.' It was the first time Nick had ever seen him refuse his daughter anything.

aBut, Father-'

John Tey held up his hand and there was instant silence from Jasmine.

aKai will accompany you.'

Jasmine bent her head in acquiescence. aYes, Father.'

aSo it is settled.' John was back to playing charming host. aCome, Nick. You must try the spring rolls. Jasmine makes them herself.'

As far as Hallie was concerned the evening pa.s.sed pleasantly and far too quickly, the problem being that as soon as they retired for the evening she and Nick would have to confront that big red bed. The sofa was gone, that much was certain, and the floor was made of marble. She certainly wasn't going to sleep on a marble floor, nor did she expect Nick to. No, they were going to have to share the bed and somehow she was going to have to keep her hands to herself.

So she was slightly nervous as they headed for the guest suite, slightly bug-eyed as he followed her into their room, loosening his tie as he closed the door before automatically proceeding to the b.u.t.tons of his s.h.i.+rt. Habit, that was all; there was nothing s.e.xual about it. But she couldn't let him continue.

aBathroom,' she said sternly, pointing the way.

aRight.' Nick scooped up his toiletries and headed for the bathroom without another word.

One week. Be professional. She could do this.

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