Puzzle Me This Part 4

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The idea that Alex had been watching out his window, saw him with that meaningless one-night stand, and had, in that moment, given up trying to contact him, that they might never have connected.... Well, that just really sucked. And Luke didn't like the darkness dragging Alex down. He responded the only way he knew how-with humor.

"Are you kidding kidding me? I think you need a new eyegla.s.s prescription. I am a total computer-science nerd." me? I think you need a new eyegla.s.s prescription. I am a total computer-science nerd."

"I thought we'd established that we're both nerds. Besides, your hair alone could win you a prince." Alex tugged on Luke's long yellow locks.

"It's true, I do have righteous hair," Luke agreed archly. "But half of that is down to product. And anyway, look at you!" Luke waved his hand at Alex's upper body. The sheet was down to his waist and the glory that was a mature twink's iron-pumped, smooth-skinned, chiseled-abs torso was arrayed in all its glory. "I'm like Stan the Stick Man compared to you! You have a rack!"

Alex looked down at himself. "I do not have a rack. Women have racks."

"You have a rack, Alex. Let's be honest here. And let's not forget have a rack, Alex. Let's be honest here. And let's not forget this this force of nature." Luke squeezed the sizeable bulge under the sheet. "You've got at least two inches in length and a good inch circ.u.mference on my admittedly impressive member. It's a well-known fact that in the gay world every inch counts as a tier level, so that's three tiers on me right there." force of nature." Luke squeezed the sizeable bulge under the sheet. "You've got at least two inches in length and a good inch circ.u.mference on my admittedly impressive member. It's a well-known fact that in the gay world every inch counts as a tier level, so that's three tiers on me right there."

Alex was trying hard to hang on to his sour face, but he was fighting with giggles now. "You are insane insane."

"Yeah, well, we haven't gotten to the worst of it yet... you haven't seen my feet!"

Alex propped himself up to look down the bed, where Luke's legs were tangled in the sheets. "Well, come on, then. Let's see what you've got."

"First you must don the protective goggles," Luke said seriously.


"Very well. But don't say I didn't warn you." Luke whipped back the sheet to show his naked toes.

Alex stared. "They are are a bit hobbit-like." a bit hobbit-like."

"Told you."

"But they're certainly not worth a chair. At least you can cover them up most of the time."

"Ah, but you haven't seen me eat eat with them." with them."

Alex gasped and nearly choked. "G.o.d, no! Okay, you're right, you win. You are are at a lower tier than me." at a lower tier than me."

"Actually, I can't eat with them," Luke admitted. "I can hold a fork with my toes, at least I could once, but I'm not flexible enough to get it to my mouth. I tried when I was twelve. I'd just seen Freaks. Freaks."

"You have no no filter. None." Alex fell back onto the pillow and covered his face with his hands, gasping with laughter. filter. None." Alex fell back onto the pillow and covered his face with his hands, gasping with laughter.

"That's true. It's a design flaw. Dings me at least two tiers."

Alex's hands stayed over his face, his shoulders shaking. At first, Luke thought he was still laughing, but when it didn't stop, he realized something was wrong.

"Hey, Alex?" he asked softly, trying to pull his hands away. "Everything okay?"

Alex wiped his eyes, which were red and wet. He took a deep, shaky breath. "You're so G.o.dd.a.m.n nice to me. I can't figure out where you came from," he said earnestly.

"Um... I'm the guy you seduced using crossword puzzles? You should really have that memory of yours tested." Luke gently tapped on Alex's forehead.

"Are you ever serious? What I'm trying to say is, I... I don't want to get used to you."

Luke nodded thoughtfully. "Okay."

Alex sighed. "What a stupid thing to say. What does that even mean?"

"Listen, I like you and you like me, and I'm particularly particularly fond of having s.e.x with you, so why don't we just see how it goes?" fond of having s.e.x with you, so why don't we just see how it goes?"

"Yeah," Alex agreed, taking a calming breath. He smiled. "What were you just saying about s.e.x?" He pulled Luke down into a kiss. His mouth was hot and salty from the tears, and he kissed with a desperate pa.s.sion that had Luke hard in about five seconds.

"Are you ready again again? You s.l.u.t." Luke teased as he broke away to nuzzle into Alex's neck.

"Mmm. Said the man whose hard-on is poking me in the stomach."

"Oh, I'm definitely definitely a s.l.u.t." a s.l.u.t."

"Good. Because there's an excess three inches over here with your name on it."

"Mine," Luke growled, rolling Alex onto his back.

Chapter 5.

SEPTEMBER and October went by quickly. At first, Luke tried to play it a little cool, he really did. But Alex's face would light up so G.o.dd.a.m.n sweetly when he came over, and Luke soon stopped pretending Alex's apartment wasn't exactly where he wanted to be. Alex had never been to his place because he was on the upper level, and steep concrete steps were the only way to get there. Besides, Alex's apartment was outfitted with everything he needed to get by-an extrawide shower with bars, a low counter and sink in the kitchen, and pull-down cabinets. It became routine that Luke would work all day at his own place and then spend the night at Alex's. He started bringing Trevor along so the poor dog didn't have to be alone. Trevor accepted the rug next to Alex's bed as his spot with only a few doggie grumbles. and October went by quickly. At first, Luke tried to play it a little cool, he really did. But Alex's face would light up so G.o.dd.a.m.n sweetly when he came over, and Luke soon stopped pretending Alex's apartment wasn't exactly where he wanted to be. Alex had never been to his place because he was on the upper level, and steep concrete steps were the only way to get there. Besides, Alex's apartment was outfitted with everything he needed to get by-an extrawide shower with bars, a low counter and sink in the kitchen, and pull-down cabinets. It became routine that Luke would work all day at his own place and then spend the night at Alex's. He started bringing Trevor along so the poor dog didn't have to be alone. Trevor accepted the rug next to Alex's bed as his spot with only a few doggie grumbles.

Sometimes Alex would cook something simple like spaghetti, and sometimes Luke would pick up take-out. As the fall progressed, it got dark earlier and earlier, so they didn't get out much. Sometimes they read-Alex preferred real books, while Luke was always on his iPad. Sometimes they played games. And sometimes they watched movies, alternating between Alex's collection and Luke's.

Most of the time, they never made it all the way through whatever it was they were doing. Because when Alex was sitting on the couch with Luke, he was just so cute and solid and warm, and it was impossible for Luke not to touch him, to put an arm around his shoulders or a hand on his leg or run fingers through his hair. That would inevitably spark a slow burn in a pair of brown eyes. Alex would stroke Luke's hand with a finger, or turn to kiss his cheek and linger, exhaling softly. And then Luke would be right there, totally turned on, and he'd have to taste Alex's mouth. And then one or both of them would moan and that, as they say, was that.

Frottage was a mutual favorite. Luke would lie on top of Alex and squeeze some lube over both of their c.o.c.ks. The smooth-gliding friction as they slipped against each other's erection and belly while kissing long and deep, well, d.a.m.n d.a.m.n. It was so good it was hard to imagine anything better. Unless it was Alex wrapping one of his strong hands around them both. The sight of their two slippery heads moving in and out of Alex's fist, the feeling of Alex's stiff shaft rubbing against his frenulum, was so erotic it always made Luke finish embarra.s.singly quickly.

One night they sat on either end of the couch and watched each other m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e. And the next, they took turns masturbating each other, mimicking the moves they'd seen each other use. It was hot as h.e.l.l.

But nothing could really compare to the way Alex gave head. Alex loved to shove a naked Luke back against the arm of the couch and lie down on his belly between Luke's legs. He was so beautiful like that. Luke would look down to see Alex's thick brown hair and broad shoulders glowing in the lamplight, and just the hint of Alex's delectable white a.s.s farther down. The sight alone could practically stop Luke's heart. And while Luke was enjoying the scenery, Alex's mouth ravaged Luke's c.o.c.k. Alex was fearless and unrelenting, slipping Luke's erection into a cheek and down his throat without a trace of gag reflex. If he used a hand at all, it was only to steady Luke at the base. His tongue never stopped stroking and coaxing, even when he sucked hard, and his rhythm and timing were perfect. All Luke could do was stare and try as hard as he could to last more than a couple of minutes.

After one such session, with the face of Obi-Wan frozen on the TV midmovie, Luke leaned back his head and tried to still his racing heart. "That's it. I'm starting a pet.i.tion to make an Olympic event. Because you you, my friend, would win gold."

Alex giggled. "I can imagine the corporate sponsors now."

"How can you possibly possibly be that good? I mean, seriously. Was it the English teacher?" be that good? I mean, seriously. Was it the English teacher?"

"Um... no."

There was something loaded in Alex's tone. Luke looked down at him quizzically. Alex daintily wiped a trace of come from the corner of his mouth and gave him a sly smile.


"Remember how you said you tried to eat with your feet when you were twelve, but you weren't flexible enough?"


"Ever try to do anything else at age twelve related to flexibility?"

Luke thought about it. "Uh... yeah. Didn't work though."

Alex grinned at him evilly. He held Luke's softening c.o.c.k and gave it a wicked lick from base to tip.

"You cannot!" Luke said in disbelief.

"Oh, yeah."

"All the way?"

"Yup. I'm double-jointed-everywhere. I don't know if it's related to my birth defect or not. I never quite worked up the nerve to ask my doctor about it."

"You lucky dog!"

Alex looked smug. "The Lord taketh away and the Lord giveth."

"d.a.m.n, I want to see you do it! That would be so hot!"

Alex shook his head. "Oh, no. That's, like, a ten-year anniversary reward or something."

"What?! Are you saying I have to marry you to get to watch you perform autof.e.l.l.a.t.i.o?"

Luke was teasing, but Alex suddenly looked embarra.s.sed. "Who said anything about marriage? Our first date was August 10th, so you have nine years and nine months to go. At a bare minimum, we both have to still be breathing, and you have to be in my good graces at the time this offer expires."

"Is this like the tier thing? Can I knock off months with good behavior? Flowers? Trips to Mexico? Unrequited"

Alex tapped his chin thoughtfully. "I'm negotiable."

"Oh, man," Luke moaned. "Make a list. Please."

They lay there content for a few minutes. Luke couldn't help picturing it. In Technicolor. "Dammit, that is so so worth the chair," he finally said. worth the chair," he finally said.

"It really isn't. I'd much rather go hiking up Henneman Hill with you and Trevor every morning."

Luke thought about it some more. "Okay, but it's close close."

"Yeah," Alex admitted with a satisfied smile. "It is."

ON H HALLOWEEN Alex hosted a Wheels and Meals potluck at his apartment and invited Luke. Luke could tell Alex was excited about introducing him to his friends. Alex's sister was going to be there, and Luke was nervous about meeting her. He rejected his first three costume ideas as being too nerdy and ended up going as a noir detective in an old brown suit, skinny tie, and a fedora he picked up at a thrift shop. Alex hosted a Wheels and Meals potluck at his apartment and invited Luke. Luke could tell Alex was excited about introducing him to his friends. Alex's sister was going to be there, and Luke was nervous about meeting her. He rejected his first three costume ideas as being too nerdy and ended up going as a noir detective in an old brown suit, skinny tie, and a fedora he picked up at a thrift shop.

Alex was dressed as a vampire, and he looked so hot when he opened his apartment door, Luke got a little hard. His dark hair was slicked back and his skin whitened. He wore kohl around his eyes and his lips were blood red. His white s.h.i.+rt had a flounced front open almost to his navel, and his pants were tight and black. A red-lined satin cape completed the look.

"Mmmm. A blood sucker. How appropriate." Luke hummed.

Alex laughed. "The heat-o-meter scores before you even say h.e.l.lo. I'm flattered."

Luke leaned down, putting his palms on the arms of the chair. "You deserve to be flattered. You look s.e.xy as h.e.l.l."

"You'll get red lipstick on you," Alex murmured when he was inches away.

"So I'll be a transvest.i.te noir detective," Luke replied, undeterred.

The kiss was yummy, and then it was hot. Someone cleared their throat.

"You do remember there are people here, Alex?" a woman said, sounding a tad disgusted.

Luke shot up. "Oh, sorry. I thought I was early."

A young woman who was dressed as a witch looked him up and down. "Not that early, honey. You must be Luke." She held out her hand.

"Luke, this is Amy, my sister. Aim, this is Luke." Alex sounded a little breathless as Luke shook Amy's hand.

Amy looked like a tough cookie. And she didn't exactly look pleased to meet him. Then again, he'd been caught sucking her brother's tonsils. Her brother in his wheelchair.

"Nice to meet you," Luke said.

Amy arched an eyebrow. "Alex has told me a lot about you. He said you work from home and you're a game designer?"

"Amazing memory, your brother."

Alex laughed.

"What company do you work for?" Amy asked. Did she not believe him?

"City Shark Games in San Francisco. I lived there for five years, but last year they instigated a work-from-home policy. So I get to live here and they get to pay me less. It's a win-win."

"Sounds progressive."

"Yeah. There's a lot of compet.i.tion for talent in the gaming industry, so companies are always trying to come up with new perks."

"And why why would you want to leave San Francisco to live in State College?" Amy still sounded doubtful. Like maybe he was making all this up and he was really an ex-con from the state penitentiary. would you want to leave San Francisco to live in State College?" Amy still sounded doubtful. Like maybe he was making all this up and he was really an ex-con from the state penitentiary.

"Geez, Aim. Why don't you ask for his W2?" Alex grumbled.

"Well, I'm from Pennsylvania," Luke answered. "It was fun living in California for a while, but I guess I'm just not a West Coast kind of guy."

"Oh?" Amy said with a not-very-nice smirk. "You look like a West Coast type to me."

Luke smiled just as sincerely. "Funnily enough, there are gay men everywhere. It's like a plague. I have a theory about hormones in milk...."

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