Carter Kids: Thorn Part 25

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Afterwards, neither of us spoke a word there was nothing left to say.

We just lay together in the dark room, unmoving, still joined.

I was lost to Noah and I knew I was never going to find my way out. Consuming love and infallible obsession. There was no way out of this for me. I was bound to him. I always had been. I always would be. I didn't believe in soul mates but if I did, I just knew he was mine. We were a broken mess. We fought. We argued. We all but killed each other. But we couldn't live without one another and that was what mattered. Noah Messina consumed my every waking thought. He made me feel like I was born for the sole purpose of being his mate. His woman. The other half of his wounded soul. Both of us were screwed up beyond repair. But it didn't matter. I would follow him. And I would earn his trust back if it was the last thing I did.

Three days was all it took. Three days to have my world turned upside down. Three days to find out everything I had ever believed was a lie. Three days to make me lose my inhibitions and fall.

Finally, as the seconds turned into minutes and his breathing turned deep and even, exhaustion claimed me, and I fell asleep tangled up in Noah Messina.

WHEN I WOKE UP IT WAS STILL DARK outside and Teagan was still in my bed, wrapped around me like ivy. I stretched out my stiff limbs and she grumbled in her sleep, protesting at being disturbed, before snuggling back into my side.

Contemplating leaving this bed in the morning was a f.u.c.king painful thought. Here in this bed, our own personal bubble protected us. I was naked, she was naked, and there were no barriers between us. No walls of insecurity and hurt and no f.u.c.king danger. When I left this bed that would all change. Reality would seep in and f.u.c.k with my happiness.

Craning my neck so I could look at her, my heart accelerated in my chest at the sight of her head resting on my chest. The moonlight s.h.i.+ning in from the window cast light upon us, illuminating her face in a soft glow.

"I love you, you little fruitcake," I whispered, stroking her cheek with my thumb. "But you don't make it easy."

"I heard that," she grumbled, peeking out at me with one hazel eye.

Rolling her onto her back, I held myself above her, resting my full weight on my elbows. "You were supposed to," I teased, unable to resist pressing a kiss to her cute little b.u.t.ton nose.

Nudging her legs with my knee, I growled in approval when she let her thighs fall open, looking like a disheveled angel.

"I want you to be my biggest fan," I told her, pinning her arms above her head. Lowering my face to hers, I pulled her swollen bottom lip into my mouth and sucked. "I want to hear you screaming my G.o.dd.a.m.n name when you watch me fight, and I want to see pride on your face when I win. Because I will win, Thorn. Every single time. I'll win for you." I wanted her to stay with me for me. Not the fame or the money or the f.u.c.king power. But for me. Just me. Broken and screwed up as I was. I wanted to be enough for just once in my life.

"I've always been your biggest fan." Shoving against my chest, I let Thorn push me onto my back and watched through hooded eyes as she climbed on top of me. "And that has nothing to do with your career."

Fisting my d.i.c.k in her small hand, Thorn raised herself above me and rubbed herself against me. "But why does it matter so much to you?" she whispered, staring down at me.

"Because I want your admiration," I hissed. Grabbing her hips, I rammed her down on my d.i.c.k. "I want your devoted acceptance." She was so wet that I slid all the way into her tight little p.u.s.s.y. "And I want your f.u.c.king love."

"You have it," she cried out as she bounced up on down on my d.i.c.k. Her p.u.s.s.y around me was f.u.c.king heaven. She slammed down hard, and I growled in approval.

f.u.c.k me, I didn't remember this version of Teagan. I wasn't complaining though. She could play with me all d.a.m.n night.

"Oh G.o.d, Noah, you have all of me," she screamed.

"You sure about that?" I hissed, thrusting upwards when she came down hard. "f.u.c.king own me, Thorn."

She upped her pace, riding me harder and faster, pinning me to the mattress with her hips.

Reaching up, I took her perky b.r.e.a.s.t.s in my hands, twisting and pinching her nipples until she pulsed around my d.i.c.k, squeezing me so tight that I shot off like a cannon inside her, filling her with my seed, and f.u.c.king loving her when she snuggled down on my chest, leaving our bodies joined.

THE NEXT TIME I WOKE it was to the sun streaming in the window and a loud hammering noise coming from the other room.

Wanting to stay here with Thorn, but knowing I had to face the music, I slid out from underneath her and covered her naked body with the sheet that was rumpled up at the foot of the bed.

Reaching down, I grabbed my pants off the floor before creeping out of the room, stepping over the broken gla.s.s and furniture that was evidence of my loss of control last night.

Closing the door out behind me, I slipped on my pants before walking over to the door and pulling it inwards.

"You stupid son of a b.i.t.c.h." Those were the first words Quincy said when he stormed into the suite looking like death warmed up, followed quickly by, "Do you have any idea of how much trouble your stunt at the bar last night has cost you?"

Lucky strolled in after him with his Ray Ban's on, a paper tray balancing four disposable cups in one hand and a plastic bag swinging from the other.

"h.e.l.lo to you too," I muttered, swinging the door shut behind them. "And if you don't mind, keep your G.o.dd.a.m.n voices down," I added, folding my arms across my chest. "Thorn's still sleeping."

"Thorn?" Quincy's face turned a darker shade of purple. "You smoke a special sort of cigarette, Messina?"

Strolling over to the couch, Lucky sank down on the couch. "It's what he calls his woman," he chuckled, removing goodies from his plastic bag and tucking into a sugar glazed donut. "As in, thorn in his side," he added, licking the icing off his fingers.

"So that explains the tramp stamp," Quincy grumbled thoughtfully, scratching his baldhead as his gaze drifted to the tattoo on my side.

Walking over to the couch, I sank down beside Lucky, shaking my head when he offered me a donut. I didn't eat that processed sugar-filled c.r.a.p and Lucky knew it. "How much did it cost me?"

"Thirty grand," Lucky piped up. "Ten a man."

"That f.u.c.k deserves a lot worse than he got and I barely touched the other two," I shot back, irritated that those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds were walking around with my G.o.dd.a.m.n money. Teagan's bruised face flashed through my mind and the only regret I had was not putting them out of commission permanently.

"Do you have any idea how long it took me to convince those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds not to press charges on you?" Quincy demanded, furious, as he began to pace the floor. "You're all over the internet, dumba.s.s. You were filmed at the bar last night and it's already gone viral."

"Two things," Lucky growled. "First, don't call him a dumba.s.s. And second, if I recall right, I was the one who spent the night talking them down. You were the one getting your d.i.c.k sucked by that viper redhead."

"Well I was the one that caught an earful of it from Nick," Quincy huffed, turning his attention to me. "He's raging and seriously considering pulling your contract. Wondering if he needs a loose cannon on his payroll."

"Shut the f.u.c.k up, Q," Lucky grumbled. "Nick won't do s.h.i.+t. The MFA ratings have gone through the roof since Noah signed. He can't afford to fire him."

"Well the disciplinary board has called an emergency meeting for first thing tomorrow morning," Quincy hissed. "So pack your s.h.i.+t because we fly out in a couple of hours."

"That soon?" I blanched. "I thought we weren't due to fly out until Thursday."

"Yeah, well plans change, Messina," Quincy shot back angrily. "After last night's stunt, it's out of my control."

"Did you manage to convince her?" Lucky asked, taking a sip from his cup of coffee, hinting at the conversation we had last night at the bar.

"No," I snapped, eyes flaring. And I didn't want to bring it up around Quincy. The less people that knew about JD the safer. "I haven't had a chance."

"I bet," Lucky snickered. "Busy night and all."

"Convince her of what?" Quincy demanded. "You need to keep your head clear, Messina," he ordered when neither of us explained. "Forget the f.u.c.king woman. This is your career on the line."

"Watch your mouth," I warned him. "If Thorn's not on board with this, then you're gonna have to work your magic and get that meeting pushed back." Shaking my head, I added, "I don't give a f.u.c.k what you say, Q. I'm not leaving unless she's sitting on that plane beside me."

"Noah. Think about this, man. Q has a point here," Lucky piped up, offering his two cents worth. "This is your career you're talking about. You need to go home and appease the suits. I can stay here and handle things until you get back."

"I. Am. Not. Leaving. Her," I snarled. "So back the f.u.c.k off."

Throwing his hands up, Quincy shook his head and stalked over to the door. "Be on that f.u.c.king plane tonight," he warned me. Pulling the door open, he turned and hissed, "I don't give two s.h.i.+ts about your flower woman. Your a.s.s better be in that seat come one o clock."

Quincy slammed the door shut and I leapt up off the coach. "Thanks for the support, a.s.shole," I hissed. "I thought you of all people would understand considering what happened to Hayley."

I cringed the minute the words were out of my mouth. It was a d.i.c.k move and I knew it.

I didn't even try and defend myself when Lucky sprang off the couch and punched me in the face. I deserved it.

"Do not," he snarled, chest heaving, as he paced the floor, struggling to rein in his emotions. "Say her name "

"I won't, man," I croaked out, sitting my a.s.s back down, feeling like the biggest b.a.s.t.a.r.d on the face of the earth. "I'm sorry," I added, wiping the blood from my lip.

He stared at my face for a long time before exhaling heavily and nodding.

"I did some digging," he finally said, and just like that, the mask he wore slipped back into place and he was easygoing Lucky again. Drinking his feelings away and burying his pain with a smile. "Tommy was dead on the money when he said the Ring of Fire was up and running."

"I never doubted it," I replied, keeping my voice down.

"He's got a new guy in training," he told me. "The next big thing apparently. f.u.c.king lethal. Kills without a hint of remorse. Trained from a pup. Sound familiar?"

"Too familiar "

"What's familiar?" Teagan's voice filled the room, causing me to break off mid-sentence as I swung around to see her.

The second my eyes locked on her standing in the doorway wearing my black t-s.h.i.+rt I was hard as f.u.c.king die cast metal. "I don't have any clothes here," she added, cheeks reddening, as she pulled the s.h.i.+rt further down her thighs.

"You want a napkin, Messina?" Lucky chuckled. "You've got a little something on your mouth."

"Funny," I grumbled, unable to take my eyes off the woman standing in front of me. I didn't stand up because I knew my legs were shaking like a f.u.c.king teenage virgin and I didn't trust myself to not fall flat on my face. I was in big trouble with that woman.

I WOKE FEELING MORE SATED than I had in years. Memories of what happened last night with Noah caused the smile on my face to spread into a demented grin. Stretching out on the luxurious king-size bed, I reached out and patted Noah's side where his big body had left an impressionable dip in the mattress. When I found it was still warm, I rolled over and snuggled up in a ball for a long time until the icky feeling that came with a hangover got the better of me.

Dragging myself out of bed, I padded into the bathroom and climbed into the shower. Turning the k.n.o.b, I closed my eyes as the piping hot water cascaded down on me.

Sighing in contentment, I thought back to everything that happened last night post club of course. Everything before that I shoved to the back of my mind. Those memories had no place in my happy little bubble. Those memories could f.u.c.k right off.

He let me back in last night. I knew I had a h.e.l.l of a lot of work to do to break down the barriers caging off Noah Messina's heart; but last night, for the tiniest moment, I had achieved the unachievable. I had worked my way back in to the place no one else had been before me and no else had been since.

"I will always want you, Teagan... There will always be a way back for us..."

Last night his words had floored me. This morning didn't change that. I was reeling in emotions, having heard his truth, and I wanted nothing more than to drag him back to bed and pin him here with me.

I knew today wouldn't be all rainbows and kittens the loud male voices coming from the other room a.s.sured me of that but we had hope. For the first time in years, Noah and I were both on the same page. We had the same goal. Each other. That was enough to make it work. Even when he morphed me into a raging b.i.t.c.h and I drove him bats.h.i.+t crazy. He still loved me and there was no question that I was still head over heels in love with him. I was a stubborn woman, but I loved him enough to know that I couldn't be without him again. That knowledge made me swallow my pride and take the blame. He was worth it. There was no greater feeling than being that man's sole focus, having his undivided attention.

Remembering the feel of his touch on my skin caused me to groan loudly. I knew that there would be many more nights of screaming and fighting and heartbreak, but there wasn't another person on this planet I would rather break my heart loving. We needed to make this work somehow, because the alternative, the thought of being without him again, well that just wasn't an option.

When I was finished showering, I dressed in the only pieces of clothing I had at my disposal; Noah's black t-s.h.i.+rt and a grey pair of his Calvin Klein's before making my way out of the room.

Everything inside of me clenched the moment I set eyes on Noah, lounging on the coach, bare chested, dressed only in the black suit pants he wore last night. He looked so comfortable in his own body, so content in his own skin as he sat legs spread, arms sprawled over the back of the chair, hanging on every word Lucky, who was towering over him, said. I knew they had been fighting. Their raised voices were what had woken me. And Noah's reopened cut on his lip was bleeding but I didn't say anything. Those two had a strange bond. I wasn't getting in the middle of it. Besides, they looked fine now.

"...Trained from a pup. Sound familiar?" Lucky said dryly.

"Too familiar," Noah growled.

"What's familiar?" I asked. Real tactful, Teegs.

Both men turned simultaneously at the sound of my voice.

"I don't have any clothes here," I added sheepishly when I caught Noah staring at my legs.

"You want a napkin, Messina?" Lucky chuckled. "You've got a little something on your mouth."

"Funny," he shot back, not taking his eyes off my body.

"What's familiar?" I asked again, tugging on the hem of my s.h.i.+rt as I approached the couch, heading straight for my man. When I was an arm's length from him, Noah grabbed my hand and pulled me down on his lap. Nestling his face in my neck, he pressed a kiss to my throbbing pulse and growled. "You smell like me."

I stifled a moan as his kiss triggered every nerve ending in my body to spring to life. "That's because I used your shampoo," I whispered, using my hair as a curtain to cloak us in privacy. Noah replied with a low growl of approval. s.h.i.+fting beneath me, I felt his erection spring to life against my a.s.s and I was instantly wet. Seemingly unaffected with his friend's presence, Noah continued to nip and suckle on my neck and I, in return, continued to squirm on his lap.


Lucky's voice penetrated our perfect moment, causing Noah to rip his mouth away from my neck, and me to bite down hard on my lip in frustration. "She doesn't want any f.u.c.king donuts, Lucky," Noah growled, breathing hard, his eyes never leaving my face.

"Actually..." Springing off Noah's lap, I reached forward and retrieved the gorgeous looking pink iced donut Lucky was offering. "This is so good," I moaned between mouthfuls, pausing when I noticed Noah's c.o.c.ked brow. "What?" I mumbled, lowering myself down on the coffee table in front of him. Eyeing the bag full of donuts, I snagged another one. "I haven't eaten in days. I'm starving."

Both men watched me with amus.e.m.e.nt flickering in their eyes, so much so that I started to feel a little embarra.s.sed. "So, how did you guys meet?" I asked, trying to turn the attention away from me. "The MFA, or the gym or something?"

That question caused both men to smirk at each other before bursting out laughing in unison.

"Or something," Lucky drawled in a teasing tone before glancing over at Noah and winking. "We've been roommates for a long time," he added with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Isn't that right, roomie?"

"Am I missing something here?" I asked heatedly, feeling confused and out of the loop.

"We shared a cell, Thorn," Noah said, smiling indulgently at me.

"Oh." I didn't have a clue what to say. Here I was, sitting in a hotel room, half naked, with two ex convicts. "That's...." I was going for nice, or cool, or anything besides, "f.u.c.ked up," but that's what came out of my mouth.

"I like her," Lucky chuckled. Moving over to the couch, he sat down beside Noah and grinned. "You're a strange little woman."

"She's my strange, little woman," Noah said in a warning tone, elbowing him in the ribs. "Remember that."

Lucky threw his head back and laughed. "I think I'll remember," he said, clearly amused. "Considering she's all you talked about for the past seven years."


Swallowing hard, I wiped the corner of my mouth with my thumb, forcing my expression to remain bright and not expose how much that comment stung. "May I?" I asked, gesturing to the tray of coffees beside me.

"Be my guest," Lucky said and I quickly snagged a cup and took a long sip. The froth-foamed coffee hit exactly the right spot and I moaned in appreciation.

Noah sat back on the couch, considering me with a caged expression. To be quite honest, he looked mildly bored, and a little apprehensive. Like who I was now wasn't what he expected. The thought caused my appet.i.te to evaporate in record time.

Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I forced myself to look at him. "What's wrong?"

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