Forever Alexa Part 42

Forever Alexa -

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"Never a dull moment when the Harris sisters are together."

They both smiled.

"Here goes nothing," Alexa said as they leaned forward and moved slowly with Alexa's awkward hop.

"One more window to go." Slightly out of breath, Alexa pressed a hand to the house and eyed the bushes ahead. She needed to sit down. "I'm ready if you are."

They were faster this time, as Alexa found the rhythm of her one-legged gait. "We're almost there."

They stopped as they came to the edge of the house. There were fewer shadows to hide in as the walking path widened and twisted toward the bright lights of the party a few windows away.

"Take a rest, Lex."

"Let's keep going." Alexa pushed off the side of the house and stumbled with Abby as they crossed the path.

"No, man, I'm outta here."

Abby and Alexa froze when they heard the man's voice heading in their direction.

"Something isn't right. They're going to bust us; I can feel it. The valet drove my car to the side gate."

"Back up," Alexa mouthed, but it was too late. Renzo turned the corner and stopped short of running into them. Shock registered on his face, but then his eyes changed, and a harsh smile crept across his mouth. "I've gotta go." He slid his phone in his pocket. "Well, well, well what do we have here?" He studied Alexa and shook his head. "I knew you looked familiar. What happened to your blonde hair, Jenny-or should I say Sister Alexa?" He advanced.

Alexa struggled to stand upright as Abby took two steps in retreat. What were they going to do? She fought to think over the kick of panic. "I've-I've been working with the FBI. They're coming. They're coming for you. The cops have been watching you all night." She expected him to run, but he didn't.

"Good thing I won't be here, and neither will you. Let's go." Renzo grabbed Abby's arm, and she gasped.

"Leave her alone. Help!" Alexa screamed as loud as she could.

Renzo shoved Abby down and yanked Alexa against him, slapping a hand over her mouth, and squeezed. "Shut up," he said between his teeth. "You shut the f.u.c.k up." He jerked her closer, and she whimpered as pain shot through her foot. "Try that again and your sister's dead. Fawn, get your a.s.s up and let's go."

Abby stood on visibly shaking legs and did as she was told.

Renzo clutched Alexa's arm and yanked her forward. She had no choice but to put weight on the foot that wouldn't hold her. Crying out, she lost her balance and fell.

"I don't have time for stall tactics. Get your a.s.s up." He squeezed and jerked on her arm, sending a hot wave of pain through her shoulder.

"I can't." Tears coursed down her cheeks. "My ankle."

"Fine." He smirked and pulled her by the wrist, dragging her along.

Rocks, twigs, and other sharp items bit into her skin as she tried to gain her balance and get to her knees, but Renzo moved too quickly, and she fell back to her b.u.t.t.

He stopped at a wrought iron gate hidden among the bushes, lifted a small utility-type box several inches to the side, and pressed a b.u.t.ton. A hum filled the area as the latch released.

Alexa tried to gain her feet once more with Abby's help. Her sister's teeth chattered and her hands shook as she eased her up. She stared into Abby's terrified eyes as she clutched her arm around her waist. "It's going to be all right, Abby," she murmured close to her ear.

"No it's not. You're a witness," he pointed at Abby, "and you're a snitch." He rammed a finger into Alexa's tender shoulder. "Nothing good's going to happen to either of you." Renzo chuckled and shoved them out to the sidewalk. Alexa tried to catch her fall with her injured foot and tumbled. Concrete ripped at her already shredded palms and elbows, and her knees screamed. The pain in her ankle had her seeing stars. She whimpered and bit her lip, attempting to fight back her need to weep.

"Lex. Oh, Lex," Abby sobbed as she crouched next to her.

"Quit your f.u.c.king blubbering and get in." Renzo yanked Abby up and pushed her toward the car.

Terror coursed through Alexa, quickly followed by adrenaline as Renzo opened the door and shoved her sister. If he took off with Abby this time, she would never find her. Unable to run as she wanted to, Alexa crawled forward and clung to Renzo's pants as she fought her way to standing. "Don't you touch her." She sunk her teeth in his bicep, and he let go of her sister with a string of curses. "Run, Abby! Run away!"

But Abby stood where she was, quaking and crying.

"You b.i.t.c.h." He whirled, swung, and caught Alexa on the chin.

The force of the blow sent her back to the ground, but she got to her knees just as quickly when Renzo opened the car door.

"Get in, Fawn. Now." He pushed her in.

"Abby, fight, d.a.m.n it!"

Alexa wedged herself in the opening, afraid he would leave her behind. "We can take him."

Renzo let out an amused chuckle. "Oh, I'm shaking. Pansy-a.s.s and gimpy here are going to take me down. He stooped low and tossed Alexa in with a nasty shove, then slammed the door.

"Honk, Abby!" She struggled to open the door, pulling frantically on the handle, but the door held firm. "Honk, Abigail!"

Abby pressed her shaking hand to the steering wheel, and the horn echoed through the street.


Renzo hurried around to his side. "Stop." He backhanded Abby and turned the key in the ignition. He pulled away, made a u-turn, and sped down the street.

Alexa's breath heaved out as Abby cried uncontrollably in the cramped seat next to her. They lurched forward when Renzo slammed on his brakes at the four-way stop, then accelerated, burning rubber on the empty parkway. Alexa stared at the trees rus.h.i.+ng by, desperately thinking of a way out of this, but there wasn't one. They were trapped.


"Kill the power," Terron shouted, loud enough for Jackson to hear.

"What's going on? What the h.e.l.l just happened?" Jackson stared through his binoculars at the dark house.

"An agent-hold on. Christina just called an abort. Lee keeps making reference to Alexa's eyes. He's insisting he knows her. They're getting out. They're moving to the French doors in the west wing."

"Son of a b.i.t.c.h!" Jackson bit off as he reached in his bag for his night-vision goggles with unsteady hands. "I knew something like this was going to happen. I f.u.c.king knew it." He peered through the green-hued lenses, waiting for Alex and Christina to step through the open French doors. Several seconds pa.s.sed as guests stepped into the warm, muggy air; Christina and Alex weren't among them. "I don't see them." He felt around for his leather gloves as he continued to stare ahead. They had one minutes, then he was jumping the wall.

"It's crowded. Give them a-G.o.dd.a.m.nit."

Jackson's flexed his fingers on the hard plastic as his stomach sank. "What?" He ground his teeth when Tucker didn't answer. "What the f.u.c.k's going on, man?"

"Alexa got away from Christina."

"What do you mean 'Alex got away from Christina?'"

"Wait a minute. Hold on. Alexa's talking. She says she's okay. She's going after Blondie. She wants to ask her about Abby, then she'll leave."

Fear and anger raged through his system as he thought of Alex alone among a house of monsters. "f.u.c.k that. I'm going in."

"Wait, Jackson. Wait. She's fine. Christina's going to find her. She's still talking to us. Her breathing's shallow. She's babbling. She's afraid. She knows her phrase. If she needs to use it, she will. As long as we have audio, we're good."

Jackson glanced at his watch. "Twenty minutes."

"Alexa knows there'll be h.e.l.l to pay. She's already guessed we're all p.i.s.sed. She's almost to the room..."

Jackson clenched his jaw as Tucker sighed. "What?"

"A bouncer just came from the door. She's convinced Blondie knows where Abby is. She wants to go outside and get a look through the window."

"She's coming out?"

"Yeah, she's turning around. She should pa.s.s Christina. I think she b.u.mped into someone. Yup, she excused herself."

Jackson struggled to uncoil the tension in his shoulders. Christina would catch up with her any second now and drag Alex's a.s.s outside. "What's going on?"

"She's not talking, but we can hear the party. There's some sort of commotion, but it doesn't seem to be affecting Alexa. Christina's still heading her way-rip-roaring, by the way, muttering stuff. I don't think we'll have to rip Alexa a new one; Christina's going to take care of it."

"I'll take a turn anyway. Of all the stupid-a.s.s things to do." Jackson zoomed in, growing impatient, waiting for Alex to appear or for confirmation that Christina had her again.

"Christina doesn't see her yet, but we're good, man."

Jackson glanced at his watch as eighteen minutes turned into nineteen, and still he didn't hear anything from Tucker. "Something's wrong."

"It just got quiet. A man's talking to Christina. I think it's Eric. He wants to know where Jenny is."

"Christina's telling him she's not sure. She's looking for her too. He says they can look together. He's grabbing her arm. He's pulling her into a room."

"That's it. I'm going over." Jackson scrambled to his knees.

"Whoa, whoa, hold up."

Jackson cringed at the alarm in Tucker's voice. "What-"

"Call it! Call it!" Tucker shouted. "They have a needle on her! Christina's in trouble. Call it!"

"Not yet," Cannon hollered back.

"They just stuck her, you p.r.i.c.k. They're taking her. Call it, G.o.dd.a.m.nit or I'll do it and have your f.u.c.king badge."

"All agents go! Go!"

Jackson yanked at the rope and paused when a bloodcurdling scream for help echoed over the chaos in his left ear. He scanned the dark lawn frantically, searching for the source. "Someone's screaming. It sounds like it came from the east side of the estate." His earpiece stayed silent as the commotion of the raid began. Moments later, a horn honked and tires screeched as a car accelerated in his direction. Jackson made a split second decision and hustled down the wall, street side, burning his hands on the thick nylon.

"Someone got away," Jackson shouted as he sprinted toward his car. "He's coming my way." The laser blue Porsche screeched to a stop, then peeled around the corner and took off like a shot down the street. Jackson caught sight of a woman's hand pounding against the gla.s.s as the vehicle pa.s.sed a streetlight and disappeared around the corner. "Renzo made a right on the parkway. He has a woman with him. Do you copy?"

"I copy. We can't find Christina. All agents have arrived and are searching for her and Alexa."

"I'm following Renzo. I think he's going to the stash house."

Alexa's palm was numb from her ceaseless pounding on the gla.s.s. She kept up her unstoppable rhythm, hoping someone would notice she had been taken against her will, but it was late, and the streets of the wealthy neighborhood were quiet.

Abby sat next to her, still trembling but silent now as she clutched her hands together and stared at the floor. All traces of the vibrant woman she recognized had vanished. Renzo's presence had stolen her sister away and replaced her with the terrified, emotionally fragile stranger that reminded her too much of their mother.

Renzo dialed his cell again as he careened down another street. With each turn he took, the homes lost their charm and square footage. He'd backtracked and taken so many side roads, she no longer knew where they were.

"It's Renzo. Send word to clear all the houses, now. There was a raid at Hartwell's. Lenny got a call off before they took him down. Destroy the paperwork; take care of the computers. The local house is empty. I'm going to deal with any remaining evidence." He jerked the wheel and skidded around another turn. "I'll meet you in Paris tomorrow. I'm bringing some additional product." He glanced at Alexa and smiled.

She turned away, barely suppressing a shudder as she pounded the gla.s.s harder with the side of her fist, trying to keep calm over her rising terror. Renzo was taking them overseas. He would book a private charter, and there would be no record of an Abigail or Alexa Harris ever boarding a flight. Jack wouldn't be able to track them down. They would be lost forever, and Livy...

Alexa took a deep shuddering breath and swallowed the lump in her throat as she thought of her little girl. Her poor Livy would wake in a few hours expecting her to be there. Jack had been right. He'd been spot on all along, and she hadn't listened.

Renzo braked hard and turned into a short drive densely lined with trees. He stopped in front of a charming older house in need of numerous repairs. Branches on several of the maples needed to be trimmed back. The home begged for fresh paint, pretty flowers, and updated windows. It had the potential to be beautiful, but no amount of improvements would wash away the horror that went on behind the walls.

Renzo opened his door. "Get out."


He grabbed Abby's hair and yanked, cutting Alexa off when her sister yelped.

"Don't talk. Just do what I say." He dragged Abby out his side and pressed a b.u.t.ton by his seat. Something clicked, releasing the lock on the pa.s.senger door.

Alexa pulled the handle, and her door opened. She scooted to the edge of the soft leather bucket seat and jolted from the shock of pain to her ankle. Closing her eyes against the flood of tears, she lifted her injured foot from the car and used the frame of the vehicle to boost herself up, refusing to acknowledge the need to sink to the cracked pavement and sob in utter defeat. How would she make it to the house a good twenty yards away? Better yet, how was she going to escape? Her foot simply wasn't going to hold her, and she couldn't crawl; her knees and palms were completely shredded.

"Jesus H. Christ. Would you hurry the f.u.c.k up? Get in the house."

"I-I can't walk."

"Don't f.u.c.k with me, Sister Alexa. I don't have time for your s.h.i.+t."

She braced her weight on the hood and hobbled around, each jostling movement a misery. "If you help me, I'll be able to move faster." She could only hope he would a.s.sist her with more compa.s.sion than he had back at the mansion.

"Fawn, you're sister's a pain in my a.s.s. Go wait inside."

Abby held Alexa's gaze for a moment, then started toward the house. Where was Abby's fight? Where was the feisty woman that didn't take c.r.a.p from anyone? She wanted to rage at her sister to snap out of it, but her frustrations wouldn't help them.

Renzo huffed out a breath as he wrapped an arm around her waist. "Move it." He yanked her forward, b.u.mping her foot as he dragged her, and she gritted her teeth against the waves of dizziness his quick steps caused. Alexa whimpered, despite her best attempts to stay quiet.

"You think this hurts? Wait 'til you see what I have in store for you when we get to Europe. I know some guys that like it rough-whips, chains, domination. They'll love you."

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