Forever Alexa Part 35

Forever Alexa -

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"I told you I saw everything." The jealousy bubbled up, despite his best intentions to dismiss the whole thing, knowing that was the least of their troubles.

"I'm sorry, Jack." She took his face in her hands. "It didn't mean anything."

"Just part of the gig, right?" He sent her a humorless smile.

"Yes. Kissing Eric made me sick. I only want you."

"Lies. Kisses. Broken deals. But the end justifies the means, right?" He pressed himself closer. "What else will you do to get to your sister?"

"Not what you think. I only want you, Jack." Instead of pus.h.i.+ng him away, she pulled him closer, and something changed. The urgency humming in the air no longer had anything to do with Eric Stevens or the s.e.x ring. "I only want you," she repeated.

His breath heaved out, mingling with hers as they eyed each other.

"Only you, Jack."

He nipped her lip as he glided his palms over the back of her thighs and under her skirt. "Show me." He grabbed her a.s.s and brought her against him.

"Not like this," she panted. "Not when you're angry." Despite her words, her fingers curled at the nape of his neck.

"Does it really matter?" He crushed his mouth to hers, and tongue met tongue.

"Jack-" her word ended on a strangled gasp when he pushed her panties aside and shoved his fingers in deep. Wanting to dominate, he worked her to a violent peak as he held her gaze.

Moaning, breathless, she sagged against the door, but he wasn't finished. s.e.x seemed to be their only connection these days, the only place where they made any sense. He sent his fingers to work again, and her eyes widened as she let loose a strangled cry. "I hated him touching you. I hated him tasting you. I hate that you won't listen to me," he said, then he took her mouth again.

Tongues danced to the rhythm of his plunging fingers and she clutched at his shoulders and groaned loud and long. "Jack. Jack, come lie down with me. I want you to lie down with me."

"No." He didn't want tenderness right now, or to be soothed. He wanted to show her he was the only one. He tossed her blouse aside and yanked her clinging yellow top up over her head. Her bra followed with a flick of the wrist. He played his palms over her hardened nipples and nibbled her lips until she whimpered and her hands started a frantic journey of their own.

She threw his s.h.i.+rt aside and her long, cool fingers moved over his chest, his stomach, sending him into overdrive as he sent her flossy panties to the rug.

"Jack, come to the bed," she m.u.f.fled against his neck in between gasps.

"Right here." He freed himself, lifted her skirt, and rammed into her hot wetness. Frozen, stunned from the indescribable pleasure, he groaned when her muscles pulsed around him.

"Oh, G.o.d, G.o.d..." She clutched at his shoulders as her body went rigid.

He swallowed her cries and gripped her hips, desperate to bring her even higher. Holding on, he shoved himself deeper with each violent thrust, never letting up when she bowed back, tensing, and came yet again. He followed seconds later on a primal grunt as he emptied himself inside her.

They stared at each other as their breath heaved. Alex's face was damp and flushed, her eyes, her lips swollen. "What-what was that?"

They had never been like that before and never would be again. There had been no kindness, no affection. He shrugged, trying to dismiss the shame swamping him as Alex's confused gaze continued to hold his. "I don't know." He freed himself from her, stepped back, and pulled up his pants.

"Are you punis.h.i.+ng me? Are you showing us both that I'm still yours?"

He clenched his jaw, saying nothing as she hit the mark.

"I won't let you use us like this. Don't ever do that again." She reached down for his t-s.h.i.+rt and yanked it over her head.

"You didn't exactly stop me, but you didn't exactly stop him either." What the h.e.l.l was he doing?

Her rosy cheeks paled, and her eyes widened as she whirled and twisted the doork.n.o.b.

He reached out and took her arm. "I'm sorry." He pulled her back against him and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm sorry."

She sniffled.

He nuzzled his face in her hair. "That was below the belt, and I didn't mean it. I'm sorry," he repeated.

"I don't want it to be like this, Jack. I don't want us to be like this."

"I don't either." He turned her to face him. "Cancel tomorrow night," he pleaded. "Let me take you and Olivia back to LA where it's safe. We need to fix us before it's too late."

"I want to, but it's not that easy."

"Yes, it is. You're the only one who can stop this now."

"And what about Abby?"

"We'll find another way."

"No, we won't."

"Alex, please." He pressed his hands against her skin.

"I don't want to go tomorrow night. I'm scared-terrified-but there's no other way. Do you think I needed your...demonstration to understand what might happen to me?"

He clenched his jaw as he absorbed her verbal sucker punch. "Low blow, and I deserve it." He closed his eyes. "You're desperate to get Abby back. I know that, but this isn't the way. Sending you into a no-win situation isn't the solution."

"From any angle you look at this, it's a no-win situation. It has been all along. I have to do this, Jack. Why can't you understand?"

"Because every instinct in my body is telling me this is wrong. My gut is screaming that something bad is going to happen. You're their next target."

"That doesn't help me."

"I don't know what else you want me to say." He tossed his hands up in the air and let them fall. "The woman I love is walking in to a trap, and I'm just supposed to pat you on the head and say, 'Go get 'em tiger'? What do you want from me?"

"To be here. To support me."

"I am. I'm right here." He pulled her to him and rested his forehead against hers. "I'm right here, Alex, but I can't tell you what you want to hear. I don't think this is the right approach. I don't think this is what's best for you or Olivia or Abby."

"Then what is?" she snapped and pulled away. "What is, Jack?"

"I don't know. I really don't."

"That's so helpful." She burst into tears. "G.o.d." She swiped her wet cheeks. "We've exhausted every other effort. This is the only one getting us results."

"And when does it stop?"

"When Abby's home. I can do this, Jack. I believe I can do this. Why don't you?"

"This has nothing to do with a lack of faith in you; it's a matter of not being able to ensure your safety. That's all I care about. I want you safe."

"What about my sister?"

"What about Olivia? What about your daughter, Alex? What if they take you tomorrow night? What if I can't get you back? What do I tell our little girl?"

Alex sat on the edge of the bed and covered her face as her tears streamed faster. "Don't use Livy that way, Jack."

He crouched in front of her. "I'll use anything I can to put a stop to this. I can't lose you again, Alex. I love you. I need you."

She dropped her hands and looked at him. "That's what this is about: you. Somehow it always comes back to what you need. You can't lose me. You need me." She rushed to her feet. "This isn't about Livy or my sister rotting in h.e.l.l. You're afraid."

"d.a.m.n right I'm afraid." He stood, growing more p.i.s.sed by the second.

"You're selfish." She pushed at him.

"What?" He captured her wrists. "How is worrying about you selfish?"

"Because you're more concerned with how this affects you than anyone else."

"Bulls.h.i.+t." Her accusation hurt him as much as it angered. "You're the one with a one-track mind. It's Abby or nothing and d.a.m.n the rest."

"How dare you." She yanked free of his hold.

"You've put our daughter and my parents in danger. You've been advised to leave by not one but three security experts, yet you choose to stay. I think you should take a second and reevaluate who the selfish one is in this scenario."

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d," she hissed. "How can you look at me and say that? Abby and Livy are all I have."

"They're all you have? Do I enter the equation here, or is that too selfish a question?"

"I promised I would always take care of her. She has stood by me through everything. She's never left me, Jack, and I refuse to leave her."

"So, it's going to keep coming around to the past? I left you, Alex. I sure as h.e.l.l did and regretted it every day after. I made the biggest mistake of my life when I walked away from you. How many ways do I have to apologize?"

"This has nothing to do with the past and everything to do with giving my sister her life back."

"Sister Alexa to the rescue, no matter what." He laughed and turned away.

"That's it. That's enough." She rushed to the door and grabbed the k.n.o.b.

He whirled and stopped her with a hand against the wood. "We're not finished here."

"Oh, we're long past finished. All this time. I've wasted so much time on you."

His heart stuttered as he measured the ice-cold blue of her eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Whatever you want it to." She reached up and yanked hard on the charm of her necklace, snapping the chain in two. She threw the gold to the floor, elbowed him in the stomach, and rushed from the room when he lost his breath.

Fighting for air, Jackson stared at the ruined piece of glimmering gold as he tried to absorb the shock of Alex's actions and words. With a gasping cough, he scooped down and picked up the jewelry; it was still warm from her skin. She'd worn it for years, and now she was done. Even when he'd broken her heart, she'd kept it. Dread slammed into his gut as he digested what this meant. He'd just lost Alex, and it had nothing to do with the traffickers. He rushed to the hall as her door closed and the lock clicked into place.

He stared at the wood for several minutes, then raised his hand to knock but dropped it. His first instinct was to barge in and demand they talk until they'd fixed everything, but instead he walked away. They were at an She wanted him to sit back and tell her that tomorrow night was going to be okay, but he couldn't. Every fiber of his being warned him that Zachary Hartwell's birthday bash was going to end in doom.

Alexa pressed her back to the door and closed her eyes as Jack's footsteps faded down the hall. She swiped at her cheeks as unstoppable tears rained down from her eyes. What were they doing to each other? She walked to Livy, sniffling back her sobs, and stared at her beautiful girl. She pressed a finger to her lips and touched Livy's nose, then she smoothed the covers over her restless sleeper.

She lowered herself to the edge of the bed and picked up Livy's stuffed frog from the floor. The laughter from a night long ago echoed through her mind as she remembered Jack winning the mournful looking creature for her. She wanted that moment back, or any of the other thousand times they had made each other smile.

It had never been like this between them-the harsh words, the cruelty. The angry s.e.x of moments before had been a shock. Jack's eyes had been so cold while he rammed himself inside of her. They'd had urgent s.e.x, hungry s.e.x, many times before, but what they just shared was dramatically different and nothing she ever wanted to repeat.

Alexa rested her forehead in her hands and closed her eyes, wis.h.i.+ng she could take the last few minutes back. She didn't mean to call Jack selfish. Jack was many things, but selfish wasn't one of them. He'd put his life on hold to help her. He loved her, of that she had no doubt, and she him, but maybe love wasn't enough when the complications were so big.

So where did that leave them? Was this it? Was this really the end? They had come so far over the last month and a half. She had finally lowered her guard enough to let herself believe in the possibility of them being together forever. Everything she ever wanted was at her fingertips and quickly slipping away-and it was all her doing this time. Her obsession with Abby's case and seeing her sister again was destroying other facets of her life. Jack was so mad-as furious as she'd ever seen him. A huge part of her couldn't blame him. She'd lied, broken their agreement, kissed another man, and was taking major risks, despite his pleadings.

Tomorrow night was it-the last time she would help the authorities. It had to be. The wiretaps couldn't go on indefinitely. Jack's warnings weren't going unheeded. She understood the danger, but she had to give this one last shot. night was for Abby-her final attempt to bring her sister home. She couldn't turn her back when they were so close; she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she did.

She hated that she had to choose. It didn't seem fair that she had to pick between two of the people she loved most in the world. But since when had life been fair? She wanted it all-her sister safe and thriving, the family she'd stopped believing in so many years before, the man she loved desperately-but to have one she lost the others.

It was time to take a step back and reevaluate the direction she was taking-no more job-hunting, no more conversations with the realtor in Hagerstown about putting the house on the market, no more dreaming of a future with Jack-not when they kept ripping each other apart. She and Jack had their daughter to think of. Having parents who got along was more vital than having parents who lived under the same roof. They could give Livy a wonderful, loving childhood from two homes, even though one would be better. Perhaps she and Jack simply weren't meant to be together. Maybe the past was meant to stay the past...but she wanted a future with Jack no matter how she tried to dismiss her dreams. She wanted what they should've had all along.

In utter defeat, she lay back on her pillow, breathing in the scent of Jack, clinging to his t-s.h.i.+rt she still wore, and reached for her necklace no longer there. Sighing, she dropped her hand, snuggled up next to her baby girl, and held on to the only part of her life that made sense anymore.


Jackson sat on the blanket, legs crossed, leaning his weight against his hands, while Alex gave Olivia another push on the swing. Despite the clouds hanging low in the sky, he wore his The headache squeezing his skull was killer.

"Look at me, Daddy. I'm flying."

He smiled. "I can see. Hold on tight."

"I am." Livy beamed at him and went back to making her zooming noises.

Jackson looked to Alex, slim and pretty in her thigh-length shorts and pale blue t-s.h.i.+rt. She appeared young and carefree like the other mothers playing with their children, but the dark circles under her eyes and rigid stance told a different story.

"Mommy, I'm a plane."

Alex's smile didn't reach her eyes. "Where are you flying to today, Lovely Livy?"

"To Daddy's house far, far away. I want to play with Kylee and Mutt. I miss my puppy."

Alex glanced in his direction, then looked down. They'd barely spoken throughout the morning. She had skipped out on their daily routine of eating breakfast as a family. By the time he finished his seven AM meeting with Ethan and Tucker and raced to the kitchen to join them, Olivia had already been fed and was in the living room listening to Alex read a story.

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