Forever Alexa Part 32

Forever Alexa -

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Mom laughed. "You need someone with spice. There's too much mischief behind those eyes. Isn't that right, Jackson?"

"You call it mischief; I call it bulls.h.i.+-" he cut himself off when he caught his daughter's eye.

"Daddy, did you use the fis.h.i.+ng pole today? Did you bring me any pink fis.h.i.+es?"

"No. No pink fis.h.i.+es, Liv." He smiled and tugged gently at her ponytail.

She grinned. "I saw pink fis.h.i.+es at the shark place. They were mommies and daddies."

"Oh yeah?" He reached for his gla.s.s of milk and took a big swallow.

"Yes. They gave each other kisses like you and mommy do. Kissy. Kissy. Kissy." Livy slapped a hand over her barbeque-mess mouth, trying to suppress her giggles.

Alex pushed away from the table. "Livy, are you finished with your meal?"

"Yes, I'm full."

"You need a bath." Alex scooted Olivia's chair back and pulled their daughter into her arms, transferring Olivia's mess to her own clothes and arms. "If you'll excuse us. Oh, and don't worry about the dishes, Mom. I'll take care of them after I have Livy settled in for the night."

"Come on, Daddy." Livy held out her hand.

"Daddy's busy, sweetie. We'll see him later," Alex chimed in.

Livy's tired eyes filled with tears. "But I want Daddy too."

He wanted to give Alex the s.p.a.ce she clearly sought, but Livy's needs came first. "I'm coming, Liv." He stood.

Alex turned and headed for the stairs.

"Wait for Daddy, Mommy."

"He's right behind us, honey." She kept going.

"Wait, Mommy. Waiting is polite, right?"

Trapped by manners, Alex stopped on the first stair. "Yes it is." Alex was forced to look in his eyes when he stayed at the foot of the steps.

"I'm right here, Liv."

Olivia glanced from him to Alex.

"Kiss Mommy, Daddy. Like a kissy fishy."

"We need to get you in the tub. You're covered in sauce."

"Kiss like a kissy fishy!" their daughter demanded louder, and her lip trembled.

"Olivia, that's enough now," Alex scolded.

"She's probably picking up on the tension."

"I imagine you're right." Alex rubbed Livy's back and pressed her cheek to her hair.

"Kissy fishy, Mommy," Livy whispered.

"Okay, kissy fish." She smiled at their daughter, and then looked to Jackson.

They leaned in toward each other. Their lips met briefly, then Alex pulled away. She turned to take the next step, and he snagged her arm. "I'm sorry, Alex."

She attempted to free herself, but he held her still. "I'm sorry for...everything." How could he say what he needed to, the way he wanted to, with their little girl blinking at him with curious eyes?

"Daddy said sorry. Isn't that nice? Do you feel better, Mommy?"

"Yes, much better." She turned and walked up the stair with hurt and anger still clouding her eyes.


Alexa took another deep breath in an attempt to settle her fraying nerves as she scrutinized herself in the mirror. When that didn't work, she pressed a hand to her queasy stomach and sighed. It was no use. No amount of breathing or silent pep talks was going to banish the weight settled on her shoulders. Tonight was the night, and she was a wreck. She had only one 'date' to accomplish so much. Tomorrow they were going back to LA-with or without answers for Abby.

In less than two hours, she would stand face to face with the man who played a part in her sister's abduction-she was sure of it, despite Tucker's warnings to keep an open mind. Would Steve-O recognize her from the short news clip all those weeks ago when she'd tried to flee from the cameras? Did she still look too old, despite the endless preparations, or too much like Abby? Unsure, she leaned closer to the mirror. She'd kept her makeup light and natural. She'd made her eyes enormous with a slide of navy blue eyeliner and several quick sweeps of mascara. Her lips were s.h.i.+ny with clear gloss. She appeared as she did in the photo Steve-O found appealing, but would it be enough? It had to be.

She stepped back, judging her young, flirty outfit. The pretty, white, b.u.t.ton-down, sleeveless blouse and mid-thigh navy blue skirt covered with tiny flowers hugged her curves. The snug, yellow s.h.i.+rt below her blouse showed a hint of cleavage. The two side-braids she'd twisted into the blond wig added to her s.e.xy schoolgirl appeal-she hoped.

This had to work. But what if it didn't? "Oh enough." Tired of her endless racing thoughts, she turned off the light and stepped from the bathroom. She slipped on her strappy white sandals, grabbed her purse, and walked into the hall. She stopped short when Jack came out of the office.

They'd barely spoken over the last two days. They'd cared for Livy together with the most basic of conversations and a solid wall of tension between them. Jack had apologized late Wednesday night after Livy had gone to bed, and she'd accepted, but there was no peace. Everything was different now. Jack's sense of humor had vanished, and her guard was up, waiting for him to walk away after he met his obligations set forth by Ethan Cooke Security's legal contracts. She'd hurt him, and he her, but that was only half their problem. The enormity of their situation loomed like a black cloud, smothering any dredges of happiness.

Jack had changed. He no longer laughed and joked when they took Livy to the park, grocery store, or any of the other places they visited; instead, he kept her and Livy close, scrutinizing everyone, a.n.a.lyzing, looking for potential danger. Danger she had put them in.

By day, they sat next to each other at the breakfast table or on the couch when Livy insisted they watch movies snuggled together, but he no longer slept in their bed. The nights were endless while she lay alone with their daughter, worrying about Abby and her little girl's safety and the uncertain future she had with Jack. Any progress they made at rebuilding a life together had come to a screeching halt. Any hope she'd allowed herself to feel was unraveling. They had come so far only to lose it all again. It crushed her heart to stare at the man she loved while he looked at her as a client. For surely that's what she was now-a '' under his protection. She lifted her chin against the pain and started past him to the stairs.

He snagged hold of her arm. "How you holding up?"

"Fine. I'm fine." She reached for the charm on her necklace and immediately dropped her hand.

Jack held her gaze, studying, and nodded. "Good. Tucker should be ready in a couple minutes."

"Good. Great." G.o.d this was painful.

"Our flight is booked for tomorrow-ten AM."

"We're all packed."

"LA or bust."

She gave him a stiff smile, then nibbled her lip, drowning in discomfort. "I, uh... I should say goodnight to Livy."

"Yeah, sure. Be careful tonight. Listen to Tucker."

She didn't want Tucker; she wanted him. More than anything, she needed Jack to wrap her in a hug and tell her everything was going to be okay, but he didn't. "Thanks. I will." She turned for the stairs, struggling to hold back her tears. Crying was a useless indulgence that would change nothing. She stepped over the threshold into the kitchen, and her despair instantly vanished into delight as she watched her little girl chattering away with Grammy while they worked on a twenty-four-piece puzzle of the Disney princesses. "Look how well you're doing, Ms. Smarty. You almost have all the edges together."

Livy glanced up and gasped. "Mommy."

She smiled at Livy's sheer astonishment. "Kinda silly, huh?"

"I want to play dress up too!" Livy got out of her chair. "Grammy, let's have a tea party. I want my princess dress."

"Wait, sweetie." Alexa crouched in front of her eager daughter. "I can't play dress up with you right now."

Livy's face fell.

"I'm sorry, honey. I want to stay home and play. You have no idea how much, but I have to help someone very special to us."


"Auntie Ab needs me."

"Auntie Ab." Livy brightened. "Bring her here. I miss her very, very much. Where did she go?"

"She had to leave for a while." Alexa hugged Livy tight, relieved that her little girl didn't seem to remember the traumatic moment at the rest stop. "I miss her too-very, very much. She can't come here right now, but hopefully soon. Will you stay here and be a good girl for Daddy and Grammy?"


"I want you in bed on time. We have a busy day tomorrow."

"We're going on a plane to see my puppy. I miss Mutt, and Kylee too."

"You'll see them both in the afternoon." She kissed her finger and touched Livy's nose. "Have fun, sweetie."

"You know," Carol said as she stood, "I think Livy and I are going to be princesses and have a little party after all-a going away party."

Livy jumped up and down. "A party! I have to be a princess now, Mommy."

Alexa gave her sweet girl another hug. "Okay. I love you. I'll be home not long after you've gone to sleep."

"Okay. Daddy will leave my light on. He doesn't sleep with us anymore."

Alexa winced inwardly and met Carol's knowing eyes. "Daddy will leave your light on. I need to go." She stood.

"You be careful tonight, honey." Carol hugged her.

"I will. I wish there was another way." She shrugged helplessly, hoping for Carol's understanding. "I have to do this for Abby."

"I know you do, and so does he." She gestured to the ceiling. "He's afraid for you. He loves you."

Alexa nodded, not so sure anymore.

"He loves you to the moon and back. His eyes have their sparkle back-or they did. And they will again when you get home to California and put this business behind you." She gave her another hug. "Go on now. Livy and I have a date."

She nodded, met Tucker in the hallway, and they left.

"We'll be in the vans recording everything. The surveillance vehicles are already in place," Detective Canon said on the other side of the divider while a female officer secured a wire on Alexa.

"I think you're all set." The pretty, brown-eyed blonde smiled at her. "Go ahead and put your s.h.i.+rt back on and we'll make sure."

Alexa pulled the snug yellow top on, then b.u.t.toned her sleeveless blouse, stopping just below her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She smoothed her s.h.i.+rt down with cold, clammy hands and shuddered out a long breath as she met Tucker's eyes over the privacy screen.

"Placement's good, Detective." Officer Detrick said as she scrutinized Alexa's chest, turning her from side to side. "Can't tell it's there." She surprised Alexa when she pulled her into a hug and patted her down. "Can't feel it, either."

"Good. Is the mic picking this up?"

A man across the small room gave Detective Canon a thumbs up. "Crystal clear."

"Alexa, come on over and we'll review this one more time."

She nodded and pressed a hand to her unsteady stomach. If she made it through the evening without losing her dinner, she would be amazed. The antic.i.p.ation was becoming unbearable. If only Jack were here to make her laugh. He always knew just what to say.

"Excuse us for a second." Tucker took her hand and pulled her aside. "How you holding up, champ?"

"My stomach's a mess." She sighed and rolled her eyes.

He gave her fingers a gentle squeeze. "I'll be close by tonight, along with several other officers. They'll be eating and drinking among the patrons and strolling through the park. You won't take a breath we don't know about."

"I know. I'm just..." She glanced down. "I just wish..." She shook her head, then she met Tucker's calm eyes. "It doesn't matter."

"It's better that he isn't here. You need to focus on staying safe and playing this out with Steve-O. You have to push everything else to the back of your mind."

"You're right." But vanis.h.i.+ng Jack from her thoughts was easier said than done. He'd been her rock through this entire ordeal. She had never needed him more than now, and he was nowhere to be found. "I'm worried-really worried. I have to get this right. We're leaving in the morning. What if I don't get enough to help Abby?"

"You'll get what you can, then it's time to get you and Olivia out of here and back to California. This situation has the potential to get dangerous the longer it goes on."

"I know." She hated that she was abandoning her sister for the second time. Abby was supposed to be with them when they went back to LA.

"Let's finish this so we can get home."

"The coward in me wants to turn tail and leave right now."

"We can. You say the word and this is over."

"No." She shook her head vehemently. "No. This isn't about me. Tonight is for Abby. Someone set this nightmare in motion for my sister. If I can end it..." She huffed out a determined breath. "I'm ready."

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