Forever Alexa Part 3

Forever Alexa -

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He pulled the black fleece he was wearing over his head. "Problem solved."

She stared at his tough athletic frame and disagreed. Her problems were just beginning. "Okay, Jack. Half an hour."

"Sold." He held out his hand, and she hesitated before she took it.

Thirty minutes turned into three hours. They strolled down the sidewalk to her dorm, still holding hands. This was the first time she'd walked the campus at midnight. She was always in her room by ten at the latest.

"So, was it painful?"

She glanced at him as they took the stairs to her building. "What?"

"Spending time with me."

"Anything's tolerable after a slice of pepperoni pizza."

He chuckled.

She grinned. "I had fun."

"Good." They walked up the last step to the gla.s.s double doors. Then, in a lightning change of mood, Jack's smile disappeared as he turned her to him and stared into her eyes. "I want to do this again. Go out with me tomorrow after the game. Come watch me play." His fingers tickled her neck as his thumb traced her jaw line. "I can't get you out of my head."

"I..." She couldn't think over the tingles of sensation coursing through her body. She'd never been touched like this before.

"Alex," he whispered as he moved closer and pressed his lips to hers.

The shock of firm warmth had her eyes widening, but she soon closed them. She gripped his solid forearms as his mouth sought hers again. His lips parted and his tongue met and brushed hers.

She forgot to be nervous as the pleasure of the moment quieted her busy brain. Jack pulled her closer, and she relaxed her grip, savoring his hard body pressed to hers. Hesitantly, she moved her palms over his firm biceps and rested her hands on his muscular shoulders. A small hum of pleasure escaped her throat as he combed his fingers through her long hair and his bold flavor consumed her. She wanted the sweet moment to last forever, but he eased away and smiled.

She'd never been kissed; she was completely inexperienced when it came to men, but as she stared into his eyes, captivated, she knew she would never want anyone but him. Caught up, Alexa pressed her hand to his cheek. "Handsome Jack," she whispered.

He skimmed his fingers over hers. "Go out with me tomorrow."

She nodded, unable to speak.

"I'm full, mommy."

Livy's plate brushed Alexa's knuckles. "Huh?" She blinked and looked at her daughter.

"I don't want any more waffles. My tummy's full."

"Oh. Okay." Alexa shook her head, determined to put the past away and focus on her little girl. She picked up a napkin, dipped the corner in the paper cup filled with water, and wiped the sticky syrup from Livy's cheeks and chin.

She berated herself as she cleaned up the small mess they'd left on the table. She couldn't afford to get lost in memories while her family was in danger. Livy and Abby were her only priority. She glanced at Jack's picture one last time, scribbled down the address for Ethan Cooke Security's office, and closed the laptop. "We need to get going, honey." Her twenty-hour deadline was quickly coming to an end. She was running out of time to save her sister.

As they walked to the elevator, Alexa gripped Livy's hand, waiting, expecting someone to follow. She sighed her relief when the doors slid closed and they remained alone. Livy giggled and grabbed her stomach as the elevator began its quick ascent. "My belly's giggly."

Alexa smiled. "We're almost there." When the doors opened, she peered out, ready to scream if necessary. They were still alone. She hurried them down the hall and let them into the third-story room. Safely inside, Alexa secured the chain and shoved the chair back under the k.n.o.b, then gathered their items together and pulled the travel tote from the suitcase. "Livy, we need to brush our teeth, then you can watch a cartoon for a couple of minutes."


She glanced at the door, then she flicked on the bathroom light and stared at her drawn face, pale complexion, and weary eyes. She couldn't go into a place of business like this. If she wanted to be taken seriously, wanted help, she would need to appear professional, as if she had herself together, not like she was one shaky step away from a nervous breakdown. The fear from that alone had her gripping the counter. She met her own eyes in the mirror and reminded herself that she wasn't her mother.

"I'm ready, mommy."

"Okay. Come on up." She lifted Livy to the counter. "Let's brush those pearly whites."

With Livy's teeth clean and her face properly washed, Alexa pulled her cosmetics from the bag-the full a.r.s.enal would be necessary today. She applied powder foundation, blusher, eyeliner, mascara, and lip-gloss, masking the worst of her fatigue. "Better. Not great, but better," she muttered as she shoved her items away. She smoothed down her fitted white short-sleeve top and gray tailored slacks over her slender frame-professional and sleek. She appeared strong and capable, even if she didn't feel it. She turned off the light and the glint of her necklace caught her eye. She twisted the triangular charm until it rested on her back, then she grabbed her tote. Livy's favorite Nick Jr. cartoon was ending as Alexa stepped from the bathroom-perfect timing. "Time to go, Livy."

"Where are we going, mommy?"

"To visit...a friend." A man who'd been her whole world for two and a half years of her life. But that didn't matter anymore-couldn't, yet as she stared at her pretty little girl, a miniature of her father, she knew it would. Their lives were about to be ripped apart-again. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, but this is the way it was. She never thought she would see Jack again, but Abby's disappearance and the threats against Livy changed that. She needed help. His help. There was nowhere else to turn. With few options, she gathered the luggage, took her daughter's hand, and walked out the door.

One more plane change, three more hours, and he would be home. He was ready. Jackson sat back in his seat, waiting for the airline to announce his flight. The two-week checkup on the Appalachia Project had been more than enough for him. The locals were downright p.i.s.sed that the Feds and agents of Ethan Cooke Security were messing in their business. He'd been shot at twice deep in the back woods of eastern Kentucky. The working environment was hostile and dangerous at best. He didn't envy his co-workers continued stay.

His phone vibrated against his hip as the attendant called flight 2885 for Los Angeles. He glanced at the readout, grinned, and pressed 'talk.' "Hey, Ev."

"h.e.l.lo, gorgeous. Should I still expect you home this afternoon?"

"Give me four hours and I'm all yours."

"I've got big plans. I can't wait to show you what I've done around the house."

"Can't wait to see it. I have to go. We're boarding. I'll see you soon."

"Love you."

"You too."

Jackson powered off his phone and pulled his boarding pa.s.s free, thinking of Evelyn. They'd dated off and on over the last year. When he came back from Mexico three months ago, they picked things up again. During a long weekend away in April, he decided to take the plunge and ask her to move in with him. Evelyn was beautiful and intelligent-a paralegal for one of LA's most prestigious law firms. They got along great, had a ton of fun, so why not?

After his return from Cozumel, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about his conversation with Hailey on the beach. While Hailey had worried she and Austin wouldn't work things out, he had realized he'd been stuck on one woman for too long. Alex had moved on with her life, but he'd never let her go. Four years of regrets and longing was more than enough.

If he still thought of that stunning smile, those dark blue eyes, and the endless yards of soft black hair, he chose to ignore it. Evelyn loved him. This was his chance to look to the future and leave the past behind.

Jackson took his seat on the plane and buckled in, deciding he would stop off for a bouquet of flowers before he headed home.


Alexa's stomach twisted into painful knots as the elevator climbed higher. The ride to the thirty-fourth floor dragged on for ages-or so it seemed. She tapped her foot in a rapid beat, trying to alleviate the worst of the anxiety wreaking havoc on her system. The dread of the messy scene she antic.i.p.ated was almost unbearable. G.o.d, what am I doing?

The elevator beeped, and Alexa jumped as the door slid open. She took Olivia's hand and they stepped into the lobby. She glanced at the information plaque on the wall and immediately recognized the bold black and red insignia of Ethan Cooke Security among the other businesses listed. Suite 3405. Squaring her shoulders, she led Livy down the hall, rolling the suitcase and booster seat behind them. They approached the office door, and Alexa took a deep, shuddering breath, then wiped her damp palm on her slacks and grabbed for the k.n.o.b. "Here we go," she said to Livy with a smile she didn't feel.

"Here we go," Livy repeated.

They stepped into the receptionist's area, and Alexa fought the urge to turn around and flee. She gripped the luggage handle tighter, struggling to remember her purpose over the drumbeat of her heartbeat echoing in her head. This was about Abby and Olivia-only Abby and Olivia.

The pretty brunette in her trim navy office attire smiled. "Good morning. Can I help you?"

"Um, yes. I was wondering if I might be able to speak with Jack-" Alexa shook her head. "Jackson Matthews. It's urgent.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Matthews is out of town until later today."

A new kind of dread ripped at her stomach as she realized her last hope had just died away.

"Would you like to leave a message for him? If this is an emergency, I'd be happy to page his company phone."

Now what? Alexa could barely think over her racing mind. "When-when did you say he would be back?"

"Let's take a look." The receptionist's fingers flew over her keyboard. "Mr. Matthew's flight should arrive right around 12:30."

By the time Jack landed, it would be four-thirty in Maryland. That barely left her any time to find a way to save her sister and protect her daughter. What was she going to do? She couldn't go home. They would find her-if they hadn't followed her already. She didn't have any family to turn to. There was no place else to go.

The reality of her dire situation and stress of the last three days snuck up to overwhelm her. Her throat constricted and her head went light as small black dots floated in front of her eyes. "I'm sorry. I need to sit down," she said weakly as she rushed to the leather furnis.h.i.+ngs across the reception area, pulling Olivia with her.

"Ma'am, are you all right? Let me get you something to drink." The receptionist leaped up from her seat and hurried to the mini-fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. She twisted off the cap. "Go ahead and take a sip. Mr. Cooke, could you come out here please?"

Alexa swallowed the refres.h.i.+ngly cool liquid and took a deep breath as Livy snuggled close to her side. "Mommy."

"I'm okay, honey." She wrapped her arm around her worried little girl and kissed her forehead. "I just need to rest for a minute." Officially at her breaking point, Alexa snuggled her daughter closer, refusing to give in to despair. She would be strong for Olivia. "Really, I'm all right," Alexa said to rea.s.sure the concerned, frowning woman hovering in front of her. "I'm sorry if I frightened you. Please don't disturb Mr. Cooke. We're going to go."

Alexa managed to stand up as a breathtakingly handsome man with black hair, gray eyes, and a fabulous physique stepped into the room. "Mia, what's going on?"

"Our guest seems a little unwell."

"I'm fine. I apologize for bothering you both." Alexa gripped the edge of the couch, struggling to stay upright, bound and determined to leave without causing any more of a scene. This had been a mistake, a monumentally huge mistake. Her desperation had made her rash and foolish. Why she thought Jack would be able to help her in the first place... Leaving without seeing him was for the best. "Come on, Livy. Let's go."

"I'm Ethan Cooke. Is there something I can help you with?"

"She's looking for Jackson," Mia supplied.

Mr. Cooke's gaze zeroed in on Livy. He did a double take before he met Alexa's eyes.

Alexa hurried for the door and grabbed the suitcase on her way past the receptionist's desk, realizing Mr. Cooke had already figured it out. "No, actually, we were just leaving. Again, I'm sorry we bothered you."

The door opened, and a beautiful blonde walked in, smiling at Mr. Cooke. "Hi." She extended her smile to Mia and Alexa. "h.e.l.lo."

"Hi. If you'll excuse us, we were on our way out." She gave the blonde a small smile as she skirted past her and headed for the door, fighting with the uncooperative luggage and booster seat.

"Wait." Mr. Cooke rushed forward. "Please wait. Jackson will be back in two hours, three at the most. If you have an emergency, maybe I can help."

It was tempting, too tempting to tell him everything, to share some of the weight of the situation that left her floundering. She was in so far over her head, but what if he called the police? "No. No. Everything's fine. Thank you." She twisted the k.n.o.b.

"Sarah, help me out here."

The blonde stepped forward and placed her hand on Alexa's shoulder. "We would love to-"

The flip-phone rang in Alexa's purse, and she stopped in her tracks. She rummaged through her bag frantically and clutched hold of the small cell when she found it and pressed 'talk.' "Abby?"

"Always so hopeful." The mechanical voice taunted.

Alexa glanced around at her audience, then turned away. "Let me speak to her," she whispered. "Let me hear that she's okay."

"Get me the money, Sister Alexa. You're running out of time."

"Wait." But the line went dead. Alexa squeezed her eyes shut, desperate to hold her tears at bay. She couldn't crumble now, not with everyone watching. She clutched the doork.n.o.b in a vice grip as she fought for composure.

A gentle hand rested on her shoulder again, and Sarah spoke. "Please, come sit down for a minute."

Alexa shook her head. "I really can't," she choked out.

"Jackson's a good friend of ours. We'd like to help you until he gets back."

Alexa turned, meeting her kind blue eyes. "I appreciate it, but we were on our way out. I need to get us a hotel room and book us a flight for first thing tomorrow." Where they would go and what they would do now, she had no idea. She needed the night to think everything through and find a way to secure more money than she would ever see in this lifetime. She needed a couple hours to rest. Her body begged for sleep.

"Why don't you come home with me? We have a little girl, Kylee, right around your daughter's age, and a five month old, Emma. Kylee's three-and-a-half."

"I'm Olivia and I'm three-and-a-half," Olivia supplied with pride.

Sarah crouched to Livy's level. "We have a big swing set and a huge playroom Kylee would love to share with you."

"Mommy, I want to play with Kylee." Her eyes brightened with excitement.

Alexa stared down at her little girl. How could she say no when her daughter had so little joy to look forward to? When would she have another opportunity to play with someone her own age? Alexa glanced at Ethan Cooke, recognizing him from the group picture he and Jack had posed in with several other bodyguards. She looked at Sarah, who she a.s.sumed was Ethan's wife. These people weren't dangerous, of that she was sure. Olivia would be safe in the Cooke home. For an hour she wouldn't have to look over her shoulder or worry that someone was going to s.n.a.t.c.h her little girl away. She could think. "Okay, we can play with Kylee."

"I have my own princess dress. Auntie Ab made it for Christmas." Olivia grinned-her father's grin.

Alexa winced as Sarah's gaze flew from her daughter to Ethan. She glanced at her wrist.w.a.tch. They would stay and play with Kylee for a little while and be gone before Jack ever knew she was here.

Jackson's plane touched down with a sway and rush of breaks. He gathered his carry-on as the jet taxied down the runway. They were early-only five minutes-but it beat the h.e.l.l out of being late. He wanted home, his own bed, but more than that he looked forward to making good on an idea that struck him thirty minutes before landing. Evelyn was going to love it.

An hour later, after hurrying through the airport and stopping off to pick up 'the surprise,' he sped along Ten West, checking his messages.

"Jackson, it's Ethan. Give me a call as soon as you can. It's important."

He wanted to ignore Ethan for twenty-four hours and forget the demands of the job for one night while he spent a quiet evening alone with Evelyn, but if Ethan said it was important, it was important. Jackson dialed Ethan's direct line as the small fur ball in his lap yipped. He scratched the eight-week-old golden retriever/lab mix between the ears. "We're almost there."


"It's Jackson. What's up?"

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