Forever Alexa Part 14

Forever Alexa -

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"I thought you'd gone to bed."

She shook her head. "I couldn't sleep."

The gentle gust of wind molded the silk of her top to small, firm b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He wanted to go to her, to free her of her burdens, but stayed where he was. "I wish there was-"

"I'm fine," she said too sharply.

Alex had managed to hold herself together after her small breakdown on the docks. She'd eaten a bite or two of her dinner and smiled while carrying on with conversation, as if the trauma of her sister's whispered pleadings for help never occurred. In a short period of time, Alex had buried her agony, but her tense shoulders and wrenching eyes told him the pain was hiding close to the surface. "It's late."

"I know." She noodled with the keys. "You spoke to Detective Canon."

"Yeah." He sighed, not wanting to talk about Abby's case until he had something to tell her one way or the other. But Alex wouldn't settle until she had the latest update.

"What did he say?"

"Not much."

Her fingers stilled, and she set them on her lap.

He struggled not to stare at her smooth, slender legs or her inviting lips he wanted to devour again. "But I talked to Dougie. He was a little more helpful."

Her eyes flew to his.

"The taskforce compiled a list of strip joints and nightclubs they watch regularly for trafficking activity. Rumor has it women caught up in the s.e.x ring are shuffled from nightclub to nightclub and strip joint to strip joint-makes it nearly impossible for the authorities to keep up with who's who, where each girl is at, and who's there because they want to be. Credit card receipts verify that the men from the bachelor party visited a few of them. Doug slipped me the list."

Alex's gaze stayed on his, but she still said nothing.

He steamed out a breath through his nose, wanting some sort of reaction. Alex had completely closed herself off again. "Abby was being ushered into a van from the back or side of a building. We have to a.s.sume the place is one of the establishments on the list."

"Why? She could have been anywhere. The men went to several bars, right?" All traces of optimism were absent from her voice.

"Yeah, but many of the places don't really jive with what we're looking for-sports bars, family-type eateries. As the night carried on, the bachelor and his buddies' taste went downhill. They ended up in some pretty rough areas of Baltimore."

"Okay." She stood from the piano bench.

"Okay?" He'd expected her to say many things, but 'okay' wasn't one of them.

"Okay," she repeated as if that were the end of the story and started toward the pocket doors, looking down.

"Hold on." He stepped in her way.

"I'm tired and ready for bed." She attempted to skirt around him.

He grabbed her arm. "I told you I have a lead and you're going to sleep?"

"That's right. Excuse me." She yanked free.

He grabbed her again.

She fought his grip. "Stop it."

"Don't shut me out." He took hold of her shoulders. "Talk to me."

She stilled. "What do you want me to say?"

"I want you to tell me you're not giving up."

"I'm not giving up. You have a lead-maybe. I can't keep getting my hopes up. I can't keep thinking that 'this one' will be the one."

"It probably won't be," he admitted. She turned for the door again on a huff of breath, but he whirled her back. "I'm not going to lie to you. I'm not going to give you empty promises. The bachelor and his friends partied like f.u.c.king rock stars. My list of places to look into is a mile long. The businesses that may or may not use trafficked girls are all glossed up and completely legit on paper, but it's a box to check off-one way or the other-and a step, hopefully, in the right direction."

"And what if it's not?" Her voice broke.

He took her cheeks in his hands. "What if it is?"

She closed her eyes and sniffed.

"Look at me," he whispered, reining in his own frustration. "Look at me, Alex."

She met his gaze.

"The only promise I can make to you in all of this is if we get a break, when we get a break, I'm going to do whatever it takes to bring Abby home. We're bringing Abby home."

"We have to." Her lip trembled as she clutched his arms. "We have to. She's afraid. She's in so much pain."

And so was Alex. He rested his forehead against hers, hardly able to stand it. "G.o.d, I hate this."

Her breath trembled out.

"I'll start looking into this tomorrow. I'm going out after Olivia's in bed."

She gripped him closer. "I'm coming with you."

He pulled back. "No."

"Of course I am."

"Alex, it's not happening." He was ready to fight her on this. "This is dangerous. A lot of those clubs are in really s.h.i.+tty areas."

"You can't expect me to sit back and do nothing." The determined light was heating her eyes.

"I can expect you to stay here and be safe. Besides, you look too much like Abby. That's a huge risk for both of you."


"I'm not going to let-fine?" He frowned, studying her. She was giving in too easily. When Alex had her mind set on something, it was d.a.m.n near unshakable.

"You're right. I don't want to put Abby in any more danger."

He continued to hold her gaze, waiting for the catch.

"We should get to bed. Livy will be up before long."

"Alex." Why did he have a bad feeling about this?

"Thank you." She slid the doors open and left. "Good night."

"Yeah, no problem." What the h.e.l.l was she up to? His stomach twisted with unease as his eyes followed her up the stairs. Whatever it was, he knew he wasn't going to like it.


Alexa held Livy's hand as they followed the amazing scent of cinnamon and coffee down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Morning, Grammy and Grampy." Olivia bolted for Jack's dad. "I'm awake now."

"So I see." George settled Livy on his lap at the table and smiled at Alexa. "Good morning."

Exhausted after another night of fitful s.n.a.t.c.hes of sleep, she attempted a sunny smile as she sat down. "Good morning."

Carol slid a steaming cup under Alexa's nose. "I made you the hazelnut decaf you like so much-a spoonful of sugar and a splash of milk included."

Touched, she smiled fully this time as she breathed in the heavenly aroma. "Thank you, Car... Mom. I can't believe you remembered."

"Of course, sweetie." Carol placed a huge platter of her freshly baked homemade cinnamon rolls on the table-Alexa's favorite. "I remember all sorts of things. My heart broke when you and Jackson decided to go your separate ways."

Nodding, Alexa bit her tongue. She wanted to remind Carol the decision to end their relations.h.i.+p had been Jack's alone, but what purpose would that serve? "Is Jack still in bed?" She picked up her mug and cupped her hands around the warmth.

"Good grief, no, honey. He was up and out of the house at sunrise."

Alexa frowned as she set down her cup. "Jack left? Where'd he go?"

"He said something about meeting up with someone or other." George snagged a cinnamon roll and met his wife's stare as he put the icing-laden bread on a plate. "One roll isn't going to kill me, Carol."

Her brow shot in the air. "Let's hope not." She turned her attention to Alexa. "George's cholesterol was a little high at his last doctor's visit."

Alexa studied Jack's father. Five-foot eleven and health-club fit; light brown hair going gray at the temples; handsome, ruddy complexion; blue eyes friendly and alert-he appeared healthy to her. George looked better than most men half his age, and he was still shy of sixty. "You look wonderful."

"See now, Carol? I look wonderful." He winked at Alexa and grinned. Jack had his father's smile, great sense of humor, and outgoing personality. So did Livy.

"Besides, Livy wants to share some of Grampy's breakfast, doesn't she?" He pulled another plate from the small stack and set it in front of his granddaughter.

"Yes, I do. You can have a bite, Grampy. I will eat the rest."

Laughing, George hugged Livy tight. "Now, that's my girl. A hearty appet.i.te's a fine thing."

Alexa chuckled and sampled her coffee, savoring the rich flavor. "Cinnamon rolls are a special treat, but Livy's definitely not picky, are you, pumpkin?"

"I like lots and lots of food. I try new things," she preened.

"Yes you do." Alexa kissed her finger and touched it to the tip of Livy's nose before she glanced at the digital clock on the stove. Seven-thirty. Why didn't Jack tell her he had a meeting this morning? "Did Jack mention what time he thought he might be back?"

"No. He mostly grunted his way through breakfast." Carol grabbed her own cinnamon roll. "He was grumpy as two constipated bears. I don't think he slept well."

Alexa sipped her coffee again and made a sound in her throat. Did last night's conversation keep him up, too? She was trying so hard not to get her hopes up about the new lead Jack had stumbled on, but it was difficult. This one actually seemed like it could go somewhere. She had every intention of being by Jack's side when he left tonight, even if he was dead set against the idea. She was as determined to go as he was that she stay behind. Abby's terrified whispers still echoed through her mind, breaking her heart. She wouldn't sit back and do nothing while her sister suffered. She had yet to work out exactly how she was going to bring Jack around, but she would.

"So, Jackson said you're teaching first grade."

Alexa snapped back to attention and looked at George. "Uh, yes. I do. I love it. The kids are so much fun, and the hours are perfect for Livy and me."

"You're wonderful with children. You've done an excellent job with Olivia. You must be a very special teacher," Carol added.

Alexa smiled. "That's quite a compliment coming from a veteran. You're still teaching math?"

"Can't imagine doing anything else."

"And the drama club? Do you still do that?"

"Drama club," she scoffed. "High school is a drama club, but yes, I'm still involved with Maryland's brightest actors-head of the department now. I have boxfuls of supplies in the den from our last compet.i.tion-didn't get around to bringing them back yet." She shrugged. "I have all summer."

"Compet.i.tion? I always thought of drama club as school plays."

"Oh, it is, but it also means. .h.i.tting the road to do small skits for nursing homes, hospitals, and compet.i.tion."

"Very interesting."

"And time consuming, but I figure while George is busy selling his insurance, I might as well stay occupied too. Now that the boys are grown and so far away, I have the extra time. The students are very talented. We win quite often. Helps keep us in wigs and greasepaint."

Alexa reached for a roll and stopped. "Wigs?"

"Oh, all kinds. Blond, redhead, you name it. The kids are wild about their fake hair. They say it helps them immerse themselves in their roles." Carol rolled her eyes and smiled.

Alexa grabbed the gooey, cinnamon-y bread as an idea started to take hold. "Do you have wigs in your boxes in the den?"

Carol frowned. "Sure, sweetie."

"Huh. Will it bother you if I take a look?"

Carol stared at Alexa as if she'd lost her mind. "Be my guest."

Restless, thoughts whirling, Alexa got up, went to the fridge, and poured Livy a gla.s.s of milk. Then she grabbed the Tupperware container filled to the brim with green grapes. "I may have to go out later this evening-after Livy's in bed. Would you be willing to keep an eye on her if I do?"

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