The Sum Of All Kisses Part 29

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"What is it?"

"That little minx. She just pretended to have forgotten something so she could shut the door."

Hugh quirked a brow. "This bothers you?"

"No, of course not. I just never thought she could be so devious." Sarah paused to reconsider this. "Never mind, what was I saying? Of course she's that devious."

"What I find interesting," Hugh said, "is that your sister is so determined that we should be left alone together. With the door shut," he added meaningfully.

"She did accuse me of fancying you."

"Oh, she did, did she? What was your reply?"

"I believe I avoided making one."

"Well played, Lady Sarah, but I am not so easily subdued."

Sarah inched a little closer to his side of the sofa. "Is that so?"

"Oh, no," he replied, reaching out to take her hand in his. "If I were to ask if you fancied me, I can a.s.sure you that you would not escape so easily."

"If you were to ask if I fancied you," Sarah said, allowing him to tug her closer, "I might not wish to escape."

"Might?" he echoed, his voice dropping to a husky murmur.

"Well, I might need a little convincing . . ."

"Just a little?"

"A little might be all I need," she said, letting out a little gasp when her body came into contact with his, "but I might actually want quite a lot."

His lips brushed hers. "I can see that I have my work cut out for me."

"Lucky for me, you never struck me as the kind of man who s.h.i.+es away from hard work."

He smiled wolfishly. "I can a.s.sure you, Lady Sarah, that I will work very hard to ensure your pleasure."

Sarah thought that sounded very nice, indeed.

Chapter Sixteen.

Sarah wasn't sure how long they kissed. It might have been five minutes, it might have been ten. All she knew was that Hugh's mouth was very wicked, and even though he had not removed or even rearranged a single item of her clothing, his hands were cunning and bold.

He made her feel things, naughty things that started in her belly and oozed through her like molten flame. When his lips were on her neck she wanted to stretch like a cat, arching until every muscle in her body was warm and supple. She wanted to kick off her slippers and run her toes along his calves. She wanted to curve her back and press her hips against his, then allow her legs to grow soft and pliant so that he could settle between them.

He made her want to do things no lady would ever talk about, things no lady should even think about.

And she loved it. She had not acted on any of these urges, but she loved that she wanted to. She loved this sense of abandon, this insane desire to draw him closer and closer until they merged. She had never wanted to even kiss a man before, and now all she could think of was how perfect his hands had felt on her bare skin the night before.

"Oh, Hugh," she sighed as his fingers found the curve of her thigh and squeezed through the soft muslin of her dress. He rubbed his thumb in lazy circles, each motion bringing him closer to her most private area.

Dear G.o.d, if he could make her feel like this through her dress, what would happen when he actually touched her skin?

Sarah s.h.i.+vered at the thought, stunned by how excited she was just from thinking about it.

"You have no idea," Hugh murmured between kisses, "how very much I wish we were anywhere but this room."

"Anywhere?" she asked teasingly. She ruffled one of her hands through his tawny hair, delighting in how easy it was to muss.

"Somewhere with a bed." He kissed her cheek, then her neck, then the tender skin at the base of her throat. "And a locked door."

Sarah's heart leapt at his words, but at the same time, his comment awakened a sliver of common sense. The door to the little drawing room was shut, but it wasn't locked. Sarah didn't even think it could be locked, and more to the point, she knew that it shouldn't be locked. Anyone who tried the door and found it barred would immediately want to know what was going on inside, which meant that unless one of them wanted to brave the twelve-foot drop out the window, there would be just as much scandal as if someone had simply walked through the unlocked door.

And while Sarah had every intention of marrying Lord Hugh Prentice (once he asked, which he would, and if he didn't, she would make him), she didn't much fancy a marriage-inducing scandal mere days before her cousin's wedding.

"We have to stop," she said, without much conviction.

"I know." But he didn't stop kissing her. He might have slowed a bit, but he didn't stop.

"Hugh . . ."

"I know," he said again, but before he pulled away, the door handle turned decisively, and Daniel strode briskly in, saying something about looking for Anne.

Sarah gasped, but there was no way she could right the situation in time. Hugh was more than half on top of her, there were at least three hairpins on the floor, and- And, well, Hugh was more than half on top of her.

"What the devil?" Daniel stared with frozen shock before his natural quick thinking set in and he kicked the door shut behind him.

Hugh got to his feet with more speed than Sarah would have thought possible under the circ.u.mstances. Freed of his weight, she sat up, instinctively covering her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with her arms, even though her frock had not even a single b.u.t.ton undone.

But she felt exposed. She could still feel the heat of Hugh's body against hers, and now Daniel was staring at her with an expression of such fury and disappointment that she could not meet his eyes.

"I trusted you, Prentice," Daniel said in a low, menacing voice.

"Not in this," Hugh replied, and even Sarah was surprised at the lack of gravity in his tone.

Daniel started to lunge at him.

Sarah shot to her feet. "Stop! It's not what you think!"

It was what they always said in novels, after all.

"Very well," she said, taking in the incredulous expressions on both men, "it is what you think. But you can't hit him."

Daniel growled. "Oh, can't I?"

Sarah planted her hand on his chest. "No," she said firmly, then turned to Hugh with a pointed finger. "And you can't either."

Hugh shrugged. "I wasn't trying to."

Sarah blinked. He did look astonis.h.i.+ngly casual, all things considered.

She turned back to Daniel. "This is none of your affair."

Daniel's body went rigid with fury, and he could barely control his voice when he said, "Go to your room, Sarah."

"You are not my father," she shot back.

"I'm b.l.o.o.d.y well in loco parentis until he arrives," Daniel nearly spat.

"Oh, you're one to talk," she scoffed. Daniel's fiancee used to live with the Pleinsworths, after all. Sarah knew quite well that his romantic pursuit of her had not been entirely chaste.

Daniel crossed his arms. "This isn't about me."

"It wasn't until you barged into the room."

"If it makes you feel better," Hugh said, "I was planning to ask Lord Pleinsworth for her hand just as soon as he arrives."

Sarah snapped her head back around. "That's my proposal?"

"Blame him," Hugh replied, with a nod toward Daniel.

But then Daniel did something unexpected. He took a step toward Hugh, leveled a hard stare at his face, and said, "You will not ask Lord Pleinsworth for her hand. You will not say even a word to him until you tell her the truth."

The truth? Sarah looked from Daniel to Hugh and back again. Several times. But she might not have even been there, for all they noticed her. And for once in her life, she kept her mouth shut.

"What," Hugh bit off, his temper finally ignited, "do you mean by that?"

"You know very well," Daniel seethed. "I trust you have not forgotten the devil's bargain you made."

"You mean the one that saved your life?" Hugh countered.

Sarah took a step back in alarm. She did not know what was going on, but it terrified her.

"Yes," Daniel confirmed in a silky voice. "That one. Wouldn't you think that a woman ought to know before she accepts your offer?"

"Know what?" Sarah asked uneasily. "What are you talking about?" But neither man so much as spared her a glance.

"Marriage is a lifetime commitment," Daniel said in an awful voice. "A lifetime."

Hugh's jaw went rigid. "This is not the time, Winstead."

"Not the time?" Daniel echoed. "Not the time? When the b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l else would be the time?"

"Watch your language," Hugh snapped.

"She's my cousin."

"She's a lady."

"She's right here," Sarah said weakly, lifting a hand.

Daniel whipped around to face her. "Have I offended you?"

"Ever?" Sarah asked, desperate to break the tension in the room.

Daniel scowled at her pathetic attempt at humor and turned back to Hugh. "Will you tell her?" he asked. "Or shall I?"

No one said a word.

Several seconds went by, then Daniel snapped toward Sarah with a suddenness that almost made her dizzy. "Do you recall," he said in an awful tone of voice, "how furious Lord Hugh's father was after the duel?"

Sarah nodded, even though she was not sure he expected an answer. She had not been out in society at the time of the duel, but she'd heard her mother whispering about it with her aunts. Lord Ramsgate had gone mad, they'd said. He was positively unhinged.

"Did you ever wonder," Daniel continued, still in that terrible tone she now realized was for Hugh even as his words were directed toward her, "how Lord Hugh managed to convince his father to leave me alone?"

"No," Sarah said slowly, and it was the truth. Or at least it had been until a few weeks ago. "I a.s.sumed . . . I don't know. You came back, and that was all that mattered."

She felt like an idiot. Why hadn't she wondered what Hugh had done to retrieve Daniel? Should she have done?

"Have you ever met Lord Ramsgate?" Daniel asked her.

"I'm sure I have, at some point," Sarah said, her eyes flicking nervously from Hugh to Daniel. "But I-"

"He's a rat b.a.s.t.a.r.d," Daniel snarled.

"Daniel!" Sarah had never heard him use such words. Or such a tone. She looked to Hugh, but he only shrugged and said, "I have no objection to such a characterization."

"But . . ." Sarah fought for words. She didn't see her own father very often; he rarely left Devon, and more often than not Sarah found herself toted around the south of England by her mother, in the endless pursuit of a suitable husband. But he was her father, and she loved him, and she couldn't imagine standing by while someone called him such awful names.

"We don't all have genial and benign fifty-three-hound fathers," Hugh said.

Sarah hoped she was misinterpreting the note of condescension that sat upon his words.

"What does that have to do with anything?" she asked testily.

"It means that my father is an a.s.s. It means he is a sick son of a b.i.t.c.h who hurts people and rather enjoys doing so. It means"-Hugh stepped closer, his voice growing cold with fury-"that he is stark raving mad no matter what sort of face he puts on for the rest of humanity, and there is no, I repeat, no reasoning with him when he's got his teeth stuck into something."

"Into me," Daniel clarified.

"Into anything," Hugh snapped, "but yes, you're included. You, on the other hand," he said to Sarah, his voice turning uncomfortably normal, "he'd like."

She felt sick.

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