Hymns From The German Part 13

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He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be His G.o.d, and he shall be My son.

_Rev._ xxi. 7.

Who are these, like stars appearing, These before G.o.d's throne who stand?

Each a golden crown is wearing- Who are all this glorious band?

Alleluia, hark! they sing, Praising loud their heavenly King.

Who are these, who palms are clasping, Like a conqueror, in their hand, When he sees his foeman gasping, Stretched before him in the sand?

What the combat, who the foes, Whence this joyful triumph rose?

Who are these, of dazzling brightness, These in G.o.d's own truth arrayed, Clad in robes of purest whiteness, Robes whose l.u.s.tre ne'er shall fade, Ne'er be touched by Time's rude hand?

Whence come all this glorious band?

These are they who have contended For their Saviour's honour long, Wrestling on till life was ended, Following not the sinful throng: These, who well the fight sustained, Triumph through the Lamb have gained.

These are they whose hearts were riven, Sore with woe and anguish tried, Who in prayer full oft have striven With the G.o.d they glorified: Now, their painful conflict o'er, G.o.d has bid them weep no more.

Branches of that Stock that saved them, Where both grace and health unite, In the Lamb's pure Blood they laved them, Washed their robes and made them white: Now adorned with holiness, s.h.i.+ne they in their festal dress.

These like priests have watched and waited, Offering up to Christ their will, Soul and body consecrated, Day and night to serve Him still: Now, in G.o.d's most Holy Place, Blest they stand before His Face.

As the hart at noon-tide panteth For the brooks of water clear, For the life-spring Jesus granteth These have groaned, with frequent tear: Now their thirst is satisfied, For they are by Jesus' side.

Lo! the Lamb Himself now feeds them On Mount Sion's pastures fair; From His central Throne He leads them By the living fountains there: Lamb and Shepherd! Good Supreme!

Free He gives the cooling stream.

Heavenward now my hands extending, Jesus, Lord, to Thee I pray, Low before Thy footstool bending- Since on earth I still must stay, In Thy Church still wage my war, Drive, good Lord, my foes afar.

In the strife the conquest send me Over h.e.l.l, the world, and sin; With Thy grace, O Lord, defend me, When temptation's storms begin: All my dangers bear me through, Lord, my Rock, my Saviour true!

Oh that, Lord, with Thee connected Like a living branch I grew!

Make me one of Thine elected, Let me here be born anew; Keep from stain my garments free, Let me no dissembler be.

With the just, who Thee resemble, Let, O Lord, my lot be cast; Far from all that makes me tremble, Let Thy faithful child at last Make Thy pledged reward his own, Ever dwelling near Thy Throne.

With that holy throng uniting, Then what rapture shall be mine!

In the Sun's bright beams delighting, I too like the stars shall s.h.i.+ne: Lord, for this my voice shall raise Thanks to Thee, and endless praise.

Christi Fusstapfen.

La.s.set uns laufen durch Geduld in dem Kampf der uns verordnet ist, und aufsehen auf Jesum, den Anfanger und Vollender des Glaubens.

Lebt, ihr Christen, so allhier auf Erden, Da.s.s ihr Christo moget ahnlich werden, Der aus dem Leiden Ging zum Vater in das Reich der Freuden.

Seht auf die mit eifrigem Verlangen, Die Ihm nach und euch sind vorgegangen; Schaut an ihr Leben, Wie sie euch dazu ein Beispiel geben.

So vollfuhret eures Herzogs Lehren, Folgt Ihm, wo ihr Ihm wollt angeh.o.r.en: Entsagt dem allen, Was dem Fleisch und Welt noch kann gefallen.

Opfert euch Ihm auf und eure Glieder, Fallet unterm Kreuze vor Ihm nieder; Im Kreuzesorden Seid ihr seine Knecht und Ritter worden.

Haltet euch an Ihn, da ihr musst streiten, Bleibt bestandig, Er steht euch zur Seiten: Er hilft euch ringen, Giebt euch Kraft, den Sieg davon zu bringen.

Er wird euch, wenn einst es kommt zum Scheiden, Statt der Noth mit seiner Ruh bekleiden: Ihr habt zu hoffen, Was von niemand hier wird angetroffen.

Nur, da.s.s ihr im Glauben hier recht kampfet, Und die Sunde, euren Feind, stets dampfet, Der euch mit Haufen Und mit grossem Sturm pflegt anzulaufen.

Wer nun glucklich diesen Kampf geendet, Und den schweren Kleinodslauf vollendet, Dem wird die Krone Der Gerechtigkeit geschenkt zu Lohne.

Die bleibt ihm vom Herren beigeleget, Der sein Bildniss ihm ins Herz gepraget, Er wird ihn leiten Zu den Brunnen aller Seligkeiten.

Ach, so lohnt der Richter allen denen, Die Ihn lieben und sich nach Ihm sehnen; Er kennt die Seinen, Die drauf warten, da.s.s er mog erscheinen.


The Footprints of Christ.

Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

_Hebrews_ xii. 1.

O fear not, Christians, that rough path to tread, Whereon blest Footprints of your Saviour lead, His bliss to gain, Who went not up to joy but through sharp pain: Gaze on that countless host with steadfast eyes, His followers, your fore-runners to the skies, And scan their life, Examples each with holy lessons rife.

Would ye to join those chosen ranks ascend, With watchful zeal your King's commands attend, And bid adieu To each unhallowed wish and worldly view: Take up your Cross, beneath it bending low, And for your Master's Will your own forego, Nor count it loss, Knights of the Order of the Holy Cross.

Keep close to Christ, if conflict sore betide; Stand fast, remembering He is at your side, To give you strength In battle, and the victor's crown at length: And when from earth's unquiet scene ye part, His rest shall compensate its keenest smart, And ye shall know Joy ne'er experienced in this world below.

Fight well the fight of faith, and ye shall win; And boldly strive against besetting sin, Which all the way, In varied warfare, shall your progress stay: Whoe'er from those dread lists shall come away, Unscathed, unvanquished, at his dying day, He shall receive The crown of righteousness which Christ shall give:

That righteous crown by Christ in heaven laid up, For those who bear His Image, drink His Cup, Whom He will lead, By springs of ever new delights to feed: Thus will the Judge of all the earth reward All those who love and long to meet their Lord, Whom He will own, At that Great Day, as jewels of His Crown.

Die Himmelsstadt.

Siehe da, eine Hutte Gottes bei den Menschen: Und Er wird bei ihnen wohnen.

Jerusalem, du hochgebaute Stadt, Wollt Gott, ich war in dir!

Mein sehnlich Herz so gross Verlangen hat, Und ist nicht mehr bei mir: Weit uber Berg und Thale, Weit uber blache Feld Schwingt es sich uberalle, Und eilt aus dieser Welt.

O schoner Tag, und noch viel schonre Stund, Wann wirst du kommen schier?

Da ich mit l.u.s.t, mit Freud und freiem Muth Die Seele geb von mir In Gottes treue Hande, Zum auserwahlten Pfand, Da.s.s sie mit Heil anlande In jenem Vaterland.

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