The Lost Gate Part 7

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"Is your pa.s.sageway still open? Can you leave the way you came in?"

He turned his head to look, not at her face, but at her knees. Then he looked back toward the planting bed. It was the basil starts that he seemed intrigued by.

"I will tell no one what you are," said Hull. "No one. Didn't I keep my father's secret his whole life? But I'll tell you, you, so that we each know a secret about the other. My grandfather was a gatemage, and my father had a talent for it, too. My grandfather lived in the Forest of Mages, sheltered there from all kings, from all enemies, from all eyes. His gates were short pa.s.sages within the forest, and all seemed well. Other mages, when they noticed or talked to him at all, gave him great respect, for he was the most gifted gatemage known in many a century." so that we each know a secret about the other. My grandfather was a gatemage, and my father had a talent for it, too. My grandfather lived in the Forest of Mages, sheltered there from all kings, from all enemies, from all eyes. His gates were short pa.s.sages within the forest, and all seemed well. Other mages, when they noticed or talked to him at all, gave him great respect, for he was the most gifted gatemage known in many a century."

The intruder-a boy, a mere boy, he could not be an adult, his skin was so unlined-nodded slowly, though she could not tell if he nodded at what she was saying or at some unguessed inward thought.

"But then he decided to create a Great Gate. One that you make twice, coming and going. One that leads from this world to the Lost World of Mittlegard."

The boy stopped nodding.

"Yes, he was that ambitious. He wanted to restore magery to its former greatness, for mages who pa.s.s from one world to another and then return come back not only healed of all physical ills except age itself, but also strengthened tenfold in their power. A hundredfold. So he gathered a dozen of the mages who had been most respectful to him and told them that he knew he probably could not succeed, but what if he did make the Great Gate, but then died? Or half-made it, and failed to return? Someone needed to be a witness of where it was. And perhaps if he made gate enough to pa.s.s through it himself, some might want to follow him. My grandfather was generous; he had forethought; he was a natural leader of men. My father said he was a fool, but that was after he had failed, of course.

"For he did fail, you guessed that already. Grandfather began to turn and turn, and then to spin and spin. For the gate he was making was not a mere jump between one place on the surface of the world and another. He was drilling down-or up, no one is quite sure-a great hole in the universe, a tunnel leading to a place on another planet that circles another star. It is the deepest secret of the gatemages, and why theirs is the most coveted and resented of all mageries.

"Though never tell an Icewegian that-to them, it's seamages or nothing, that's how short-sighted they are. Why, if a seamage could pa.s.s through a gate to Mittlegard and back again, he would be able to put s.h.i.+ps inside great bubbles and float them underneath the surface of the sea so no enemy could see them! He could turn the sea into solid gla.s.s that you could walk on, or drain a bay of all water and then send it cras.h.i.+ng back! Powers no seamage has had in a thousand years or more.

"But who believes those tales now? Too much time has pa.s.sed. My grandfather left the Forest of Mages when his outself was taken from him. Did I tell you? That's what the Gate Thief does, when a gatemage is truly powerful. You know that Gatefathers and Pathbrothers make their gates out of a portion of their outselves-just like a clant. That's why an early sign of such mages is they can make no clant. For they must leave a tiny portion of themselves in every gate they make, and the greater the gate and the longer it is meant to last, the more of themselves they put in it.

"But the Gate Thief, he finds their outself and steals it. That's right. s.n.a.t.c.hes it away and won't give it back. The more of themselves they put into their gates, the more he takes from them. My grandfather put everything into the Great Gate he was making, and when the Gate Thief took it, my grandfather had nothing left. He could make no gate, not even the smallest one. My father taught me that my grandfather was a fool, to risk all on a single gate. But I knew that my grandfather had done what a great man must do-commit all. For if he had committed less of himself, he would always have had to wonder-if he had done more, might he not have succeeded? Grandfather held nothing back, so he did not have to wonder what else might have happened.

"His gate was working, you see. That's what Grandfather himself told me. 'I could feel the connection,' he said. 'And then it was gone. Like a hand in a crowd slipping the coins out of your purse. Gone before you know they're going.'"

Hull reached out her hand to touch the intruder gingerly on his upper arm. "Is that how it felt for you? Did the Gate Thief take your outself after you came into the shade garden?"

The intruder looked at her, and now she was close enough that even in the dark she could see into his eyes. They looked deep and old. If he had looked at Jib, then Hull could understand why the girl had been unsure of the intruder's age. Ancient eyes, newborn skin. A very strange person. And so silent. Was that grief? Or was he mute?

"Can you talk at all?" asked Hull.

Just the tiniest hint of a shrug.

"What? You don't know know whether you can speak? You understood me well enough-you knew what I was asking. Or at least that I was asking something. Do you understand me? Nod your head like this if you can." whether you can speak? You understood me well enough-you knew what I was asking. Or at least that I was asking something. Do you understand me? Nod your head like this if you can."

The intruder looked at her steadily, then nodded slightly.

"Then here's what I offer you. I will tell a lie-I'll make a slight parting of the cloth of the roof and say you slipped in that way. No one will guess what you are. For we're not in the Forest of Mages, and gatemages are much feared and hated, for you know what they say about that ancient Trickster, Loki of the North of Mitherkame-that he stole all the power between the worlds and then hid it away. Because of what he did, if folks think a man might be a gatemage, the ignorant ones will cast him out or kill him, while kings will seek to trap him and use him as a tool in their plans. So you must hide what you are, and I will help you.

"If you wish to stay here, that is," she went on. "I'm a cook-it's within my gift to make sure all who work for me have food, or anyone else it pleases me to feed. Food and shelter-for you can sleep in a corner of the kitchen, with the prentices and scrubs. I can offer you no better, because then I'd need the approval of Rudder, the steward of the house, and he'll have no patience with a speechless boy. Or man. But I'll call you a boy, because that's the look you have. As long as you don't meet anyone's gaze, eye to eye. Can you do that? Look down and never let anyone gaze into your eyes? No harm to let me me see your eyes, but they're strange. Do you know you have strange eyes? They'll make some folk wish to have you put out of their sight, and there are those with the power to do it. Don't look them in the eye, do you see what I mean?" see your eyes, but they're strange. Do you know you have strange eyes? They'll make some folk wish to have you put out of their sight, and there are those with the power to do it. Don't look them in the eye, do you see what I mean?"

The boy nodded.

"So you can stay here as long as you need. It will look better if you do some work for me. Errands, perhaps. Or was.h.i.+ng up. Are you willing to do that? Then I can justify feeding you."

The boy nodded again, and a tiny smile flickered at the corners of his mouth.

"Ah then, you do understand," said Hull, though in truth she had no idea what his tiny smile might have signified. "You must understand that for my grandfather's sake-and my father's, too, for he also had the seeds of great magery in him, but he stifled them his whole life, for fear that the Gate Thief would take his outself, too, and leave him like a cripple among mages, as Grandfather was. Like a one-legged man. No, a man without legs or arms, for what can you do without an outself?" She caught herself. "Oh, forgive me if that's your case as well-you never did answer me. And you need not. For the sake of the magery you had-or have-I will give you shelter here as long as you need it. Do you want that? Will you stay, under the terms I just described?"

The boy looked her in the eye again-and oh, how she felt the depth of those eyes, worse than looking over the north parapet at the great drop down to the river harbor, a thousand cubits of fall, they said-that was how it felt to fall into his eyes.

He opened his mouth.

"Thank you," he said.

His words had an accent-but it was her own accent, a mixture of the way her father and grandfather talked and the way the Icewegians spoke. No one spoke like that, and perhaps in those two words she had heard too much. But it was as if her own voice spoke back to her-though pitched a little lower, in the range of a boy whose voice was in the midst of changing.

He could not have come by that accent naturally. He had learned it only just now, and the first words out of his mouth echoed her voice exactly, without a chance to rehea.r.s.e. The second sign of a gatemage. He will have a way with languages, and know languages he should not know, just from hearing them, for his outself finds them in other people's mouths.

If he found her language, her exact language, then that meant he still had his outself, or some portion of it. He was still a mage, then.

She rose and walked to the darkest corner, the one nearest the entrance, so Jib could not have seen it if she didn't actually walk into the shade garden. There she unhooked the gossamer of the roof, three hooks' worth in both directions from the corner; then she rehooked the very corner itself. She would show it to Jib later, to explain how he got in and then rehooked the single spot. She could not bring herself to tear the gossamer itself. It was so perfectly made and she nursed the ambition of detaching it and folding it up at summer's end, to use again another year.

When she turned to fetch the boy, she was startled that he had gotten up and moved silently to a place right by the gate. He was looking at her with those eyes. She smiled at him. "I'm such a liar," she said, indicating the corner of the roof. "But I said no lie to you. you."

He smiled at her. Then he cast his eyes downward, and instantly all warmth had fled from him. He looked small now, though he was just as tall as before-about her height, and she was tallish for a woman.

She led him out of the shade garden. He waited, eyes downcast and beggarly, as she relocked the gate, then padded quietly behind her as she threaded her way among the stone slaughtering and butchery tables to the kitchen door. There she paused when she felt his hand touch her arm.

His voice was quiet, yet she heard each word clearly. "Are you like your father and grandfather?"

There it was-the great question of her childhood. For despite her dread of the Gate Thief, she thought it was to be expected that she would be a gatemage like her father and grandfather. Or, failing that, at least a mage of some considerable ability.

But Father had married a woman without a sc.r.a.p of magery in her, and Hull had inherited her lack in its entirety. Mother had been a sweet and patient woman, but without any particular talent except one: the ability to love her children with her whole heart, so they grew up full of confidence and trust in the world.

"The only gift I have," said Hull, "is the gift of remembering all kindnesses, and trusting those worthy of trust."

He waited a moment longer, his hand still lightly touching her arm-an exact copy, she realized now, of her own touch on his his arm back in the shade garden. arm back in the shade garden.

Though no word was said, she understood the question, because it was the second half of the joke she told only to herself. "Yes, I also have the curse of remembering all slights and ills, and of giving my trust just as readily to those who don't don't deserve it." deserve it."

She chuckled at that, and then opened the kitchen door and led him inside.

The prentices were all hard at work, but she knew that it was her pause at the kitchen door that had saved them, for they had certainly been looking out the high kitchen windows-she could see the flour marks where they had clambered up onto the counters. But she was feeling good-or at least mellow, nostalgic at so many memories of her father and grandfather, and rueful at what they had lost-and so she allowed them to get away with their time-wasting disobedience.

"Jib?" asked Hull.

The girl stepped forward from the table where she had been tearing the herbs.

"He came in through the corner of the roof and then refastened a single hook, which is why you didn't notice the gap."

Jib nodded.

"I blame no one for this except the wind," she said.

There was a slight lessening of tension.

"Nor do I blame this boy for being hungry and coming into a place where there might be food. He's a traveler, not from Iceway, or at least not from this part of it. He says little. He may not be full-witted. But I'll tolerate no unkindness. He is under my protection, and he serves in the kitchen as I ask him to, and owes no duty to anyone else. Do you understand?"

Jib spoke up boldly-a good girl, Hull thought again. Bold as bra.s.s. "I don't understand-is he below us or above us?"

"He is below no one and above no one," said Hull. "He is mine, as long as he chooses to stay."

"Has he a name?" asked Jib.

Hull looked down at the prentices' wads of dough on the table, now looking better but still not ready for loaving.

"Wad," she said. "We will call him Wad, when we must call him anything at all. He'll have a place to sleep among the boys who bed beyond the stoves. Not the best place, but not the worst." This last was as much for Wad's benefit as anyone else's. "Now get a bit of bread and cheese and chilled lemon water for the new boy." She pointed at Jib. "You do it, since you found him. The rest of you, it's time for me to tell you why your wads of dough are as unworthy to be called 'bread' as any mud ever daubed on a wattle."

As Hull walked around the table, inspecting the wads of dough and finding what faults still existed, she could see that Jib was doing a good job of swiftly getting food and drink for the boy, and that Wad kept his eyes downward so deferentially that he almost disappeared. Good, thought Hull. No one outside the kitchen will even notice that he's here.



Cadging enough money, food, and free rides to get to DC wasn't hard-not with Eric in charge. He knew what they needed, when they needed it. He also knew who they should talk to.

"She looks nice," Eric would say, or, "He'll want to show off to his girlfriend." Or, "Look, he's got room and he's on a long haul north, he can drive us."

Then it was Danny's job to walk up to them in his ragged clothes and ask for a few bucks. "Got to get home to my folks in Maryland," he'd say, "but no way my dad's going to send me money."

Or, if Danny and Eric approached them together, like they had to do when they wanted a ride instead of cash, Eric would say, "I left the keys in the car at a rest stop and it wasn't there when we got back to the parking lot. Now I've got to get my little brother home to Maryland anyhow I can. Our folks don't have another car, not that's working right now."

And as often as not, people forked over money or offered them rides.

When they were alone, Eric was almost ecstatic. "Why didn't I get me a kid like you before? She gave us a twenty instead of a one!"

The upshot was that by the end of the second day they were on the Mall in Was.h.i.+ngton and Danny insisted they had to walk the whole length of it, despite how cold it was.

"Begging's a serious job, man," said Eric. "You got to stick with it or you don't make enough to live."

"Come on, I've never been here," said Danny. "I want to see it."

"Don't pull that big-eyed sad-kid c.r.a.p on me," said Eric.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good at it," said Danny. "Thing I'm wondering is, why do I need you you?"

Eric had obviously thought of the same question himself, because he immediately launched into a list. "First, you don't know where anything is and I know this town."

Danny wanted to argue-hadn't he learned the map of the Mall? Lincoln on the left, Capitol on the right, Was.h.i.+ngton in the middle, White House on the north. Museums here and there along both sides. But there was no point in saying this-the point was that Danny wasn't going to let Eric order him around, and that was that.

"Second," Eric continued, "there's guys who prey on kids your size and you ain't gonna be able to fight them off. Third, there's cops'll notice how you're dressed and take you to the station and turn you over to Social Services and they'll find your family and send you home, which I think you don't want."

Danny listened to the whole thing, not dropping his innocent, needy, wide-eyed expression. This used to get laughs from the Aunts, but not for a long time-they stopped thinking Danny was funny quite some time ago.

"I can see by that pitiful act you're putting on that you're not listening to a word I say," said Eric.

"That sounds word for word like somebody's mom talking," said Danny.

Eric's face went grim with anger. "Say that again and I will will leave you." leave you."

Danny shrugged. What Eric didn't know-and Danny wasn't going to tell him-was that Danny wasn't going to get caught by anybody. Not child molesters and not cops or social workers. It was too easy to make a gate and get away.

Eric didn't know this-couldn't know it-wouldn't believe it if Danny told him. Instead, he glared for a long moment and then walked away.

All right, Danny wanted to say. All right, we'll do it your way.

But after a moment or two, the sense of being abandoned left him. He had done all right in the Wal-Mart before he met Eric. He would do all right here. And Eric's company wasn't worth giving up any choice in what they did. Either Eric would come back or he wouldn't. Meanwhile, Danny wanted to see the Mall.

Their ride had left them off not far from the Vietnam Memorial, so Danny walked the length of the Mall. He could see that other people's eyes filled with tears-and not just the ones in their fifties and sixties, who would have known some of the names on the wall. And there were little artifacts left at the base of the wall-flowers, plastic and real; one little plastic army man; letters and notes and cards. But to Danny, this all meant nothing. The wars and suffering of drowthers rarely had anything to do with the Families, except when they were using the drowthers as puppets to act out the Family battles. Drowthers simply did these things-fought over things that never seemed to be important. The pride of nations? Who would get to rule over this or that obscure people? Freedom? What difference did it make to drowthers whether they were ruled by this set of clowns or that one? None of them were free, because they couldn't do anything.

Danny felt a twinge at this thought, because it hadn't been that long since Danny himself thought he would probably end up one of them-if he lived at all. But now he was full of his power as a gatemage. Of course, Danny had no idea whether he was a weakish Pathbrother or a powerful Gatefather-but whatever he was, even if he had been only a meager Sniffer like the Greek girl, he was far more powerful than any of these people gathered at the Vietnam Wall.

At the same time, he had studied history from American books; he had followed the news, when that was possible, from American websites. It didn't make him feel the ancient anguish of these people for their war dead. But it made him wish wish that he felt it. that he felt it.

What was the Family's equivalent to this wall? Hammernip Hill?

Danny walked west, as if lost in his thoughts, though he didn't actually have anything in his mind coherent enough to be called "thought," until he reached the Lincoln Memorial. He climbed the stairs, walked into the lofty chamber, and looked up at the heroic-scale statue of a man sitting in a chair. Or was it a throne? An ugly man, gaunt as a zombie in a bad movie. Just a statue anyway, not the man himself. A face that was on every penny-the cheapest coin.

This is the G.o.d that the drowthers wors.h.i.+p, thought Danny-echoing, he realized, the contempt that the Aunts had for drowther heroes.

So, in defiance of their their dismissal of all that the drowthers valued, Danny stayed and read everything that was inscribed on the walls. dismissal of all that the drowthers valued, Danny stayed and read everything that was inscribed on the walls.

At first, by reflex, he mocked. Government of the people, by the people, for the people? What were these people, and who cared who governed them!

But Danny had now spent two full days among the drowthers. He had asked them for money and food and rides, and half the time they had shared with him what they had. Why? No one in the Family would do that for anyone who was not one of the Norths. Danny doubted anyone but, say, Auntie Uck would even notice that some drowther kid was asking for a few bucks.

Of course, Danny had lied to them every time-but even if what he said was true, what business was it of theirs? Why should they care whether somebody else's kid was hungry or got home?

The G.o.d of these Americans wasn't one of the old pantheons of the Norths or the Greeks or the Indians or Persians or Gauls or Hitt.i.tes or Latins or Goths or any of the other bands that had been thriving until Loki closed the Gates. The G.o.d was the people themselves. Imagine-a nation that wors.h.i.+ped each other. Not individually, but as an idea. The highest ideal was to make sure that every other drowther in this place had his freedom and enough to provide for his family. Other people mattered. mattered.

Danny had been on the receiving end of his family's callousness. And he had just run away from the fiercest sort of thoughtless cruelty-the end of his life because he was the wrong sort of mage. This Abraham, this Lincoln-would he have fought for the rights of such a one as Danny? A gatemage who had the misfortune of being born when gatemages were treated as the enemies of the G.o.ds?

What would it have mattered if he had? There was little enough a drowther like Lincoln could do for Danny, even with a whole nation-or half of one, anyway-arrayed behind him and armed for battle. Any drowther's life could be snuffed out whenever a powerful mage noticed he was alive.

Besides, the drowthers themselves snuffed out Lincoln's life without even waiting for the G.o.ds-in-residence in the North Family compound.

Too much thinking. Too much time spent standing in one place. The need to run came upon him.

Danny whirled around and ran from the building. He nearly flew down the steps, three at a time; barefoot as he was, with his feet horned and callused, he was surefooted, he could feel everything he stepped on yet feared nothing. No one here could catch him; the ground could not hurt him. Danny ran the length of the reflecting pool, ran around the hill of the Was.h.i.+ngton Monument, then dodged his way across the few streets that crossed the Mall. He ignored the White House when he pa.s.sed it on his left. It was the opposite end of the Mall he wanted. Not the Capitol-what was the Capitol to him? What was behind behind the Capitol: the Library of Congress. the Capitol: the Library of Congress.

He was a little out of breath when he got there, but only because it was uphill most of the way, and he hadn't eaten anything since morning, and Eric had all the money-that had been a bad plan, hadn't it? Besides, he had his backpack on, which changed his gait a little, which wearied him.

It was only as he approached the entrance to the library that he realized that he was still dressed for begging. And barefoot! Drowthers had a thing about shoes.

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