One Special Moment Part 4

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Sterling's deep inner self had fought long and hard against the idea of bringing Colby Wingate into his life. But in the end, his mind had won.

As he entered his room, he thought of all the reasons the situation between them wouldn't work. First and foremost was the fact that she was totally against what he planned to do. Yesterday, she had told him in no uncertain terms just what she'd thought of his proposal.

He couldn't help but remember their meeting in Edward's office. She had reminded him of an eager child, so full of vibrancy and excitement, it had nearly taken his breath away. At least she'd been that way until she had discovered the reason she'd been summoned to California. When he had disclosed to her the real reason, her entire att.i.tude had changed.

He'd seen the switch in the intensity of her expression. The sparkle in her dark eyes had disappeared immediately, and the look on her face had told him, before she'd said anything, that she wanted no part of what he considered a perfect proposition.

Deciding to find a woman who would agree to have his child had not been a fly-by-night decision, nor had it been done on a whim. He had given a lot of thought to what he was about to do. He had reached a point in his life where he wanted to take on the responsibility of another person. More than anything, he was looking forward to raising a child-his child. He wanted to watch his child grow and be nurtured by his love, just like he'd been loved as a child. The desire to embark upon fatherhood had pulled at him for some time, and now he felt the time was right. And he would accomplish his goal with or without Colby Wingate.

But for some reason, he wanted it to be with her.

Sterling shook his head, suddenly feeling totally disgusted with himself for his lack of control and his uncharacteristic feeling of vulnerability. His mood darkened at the thought. He clenched his jaw. It wasn't like him to let any woman consume his every thought or get under his skin like Colby was doing. There was no excuse for it. He had seen firsthand what such a thing could do to a man. His past was littered with memories of the actions of a heartless and selfish woman. The only thing that would ever exist between him and Colby Wingate was a business deal, if she chose to go along with it. The arrangement, as far as he was concerned, was to be simple. For a set amount of money and his agreement to help her brother's company, she would give him a child and then disappear from their lives. That was the way he wanted it and that was the way he would get it.

For a little while, he had allowed himself to be taken in by a pair of beautiful dark eyes that were more overpowering than anything he knew.

But not anymore. Not ever again.

Chapter 5.

Colby wasn't sure exactly what she expected when she stretched her body, opened her eyes and became fully awake from her nap. But it definitely wasn't the rugged and virile sight of Sterling Hamilton sitting in a chair next to her bed like it was the most natural place for him to be.

She had to grudgingly admit he was the best-looking man she had ever seen. He was far more handsome than any man had a right to be.

Dressed in designer jeans and a pullover s.h.i.+rt that fully outlined a pair of masculine shoulders, his long legs were stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankles. He held her eyes just long enough to make her squirm before directing his gaze to the locked connecting door. "You locked me out."

Colby ran her hands over her still sleepy eyes. Had he actually thought she wouldn't lock him out? She wondered if women locking their doors against him was another first. Apparently so if his expression was any indication.

"Obviously it didn't do any good, since you're in my room," she informed him, sitting up. She pulled her short, skimpy robe together, not liking it one bit that he was in her room. And she had no idea how long he'd been there. "How did you get in here?"

Sterling slowly scanned her appearance. Even just waking up from a nap with tousled hair and very little makeup, she was still a breathtaking sight. Her dark eyes were compelling as ever, and her scent-it was so arousing, so seductive, so...

He clenched his jaw, not liking the way his thoughts were going. He forced his attention away from her and toward the main door. "I used that door. I have keys to both rooms."

His reply gave Colby pause and she realized this man was used to doing whatever he pleased. "What are you doing in here, Sterling? You have no right to be here."

He gave her a long, hard look. "I distinctly remember having this same conversation with you yesterday. I thought I clearly explained my rights to you."

"Don't you believe in knocking?" she asked as her eyes coolly met his.

"No. It's a bad habit of mine."

"One you definitely need to work on."

"Only if you insist," he replied politely.

"I do."

"All right."

Colby raised a brow at the quickness of his response. She had not thought he would agree with her. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why are you being so agreeable?"

"I can be a number of things when given the chance."

Colby ignored the implications in his soft, hoa.r.s.e voice. "Well, how about being a good guy and leaving me alone to get dressed."

A smile tugged at the corners of Sterling's mouth. He pulled himself out of the chair to stand. "Go ahead and get dressed. Don't let me stop you."

She glared at him. "But you are stopping me. I have no intention of getting dressed while you're in here."

"In that case, I'll leave since we have some urgent business to discuss. The sooner we can get it out of the way, the better. Join me for lunch in my suite in half an hour."

Before Colby could give him the third degree for ordering her around, she heard the bedroom door close.

Colby downed the last of her iced tea under Sterling's penetrating stare. Although she didn't want to admit it, she thought that even his slas.h.i.+ng black eyebrows couldn't downplay his dark beautiful eyes. And his beard made him appear even more handsome. "Thanks for lunch. It was delicious. I didn't think I'd be able to eat all of it since I had such a big breakfast," she said quickly, struggling to control the sudden attraction she'd felt for him.

"Did you enjoy having breakfast with Edward?"

"Yes. He seems to be a nice guy."

"He is. I've known him all of my life. He was a very good friend of my father's."

"Yes, he mentioned that," Colby replied. After Sterling poured some more tea into her gla.s.s, she asked, "Why did you send him here?"


"Mr. Stewart."

Sterling simply shrugged before replying. "You needed an escort."

Colby chuckled, "I didn't need an escort."

"I believed otherwise."

She sighed. She was in no mood to argue with him. "Suit yourself."

He smiled. "I did."

Colby became angry with herself when she felt momentarily mesmerized by his smile, feeling an instant attraction again. "Thanks again for lunch. Now if you'll excuse me, I-"

"What's your decision, Colby?"

She gave him a hostile glare. "Do we have to discuss this now?"

"Yes. Your decision is very important to me."

Colby inwardly fumed. How dare he make it sound like the decision was hers to make. He had her backed against a wall and he very well knew it.

"Before I give you my answer, there're some questions I'd like answered."

Black brows lifted. "Such as?"

"I want to know exactly just how you plan to stop Morton Industries."

Sterling sat back, relaxed. "It will be simple enough. During the next couple of weeks, Morton Industries will be so busy trying to take control of Wingate Cosmetics, they'll be overlooking something important."

Colby arched a brow. "What?"

"A certain company, one that I happen to own, Hamilton Enterprises, will be doing a corporate takeover of them. In other words I'll give them a dose of their own medicine."

Sterling met her gaze directly as he continued. "At this very moment plans are being developed to put the squeeze on Morton Industries. They'll either have to back off or they'll find the tables turned on them. All the Wingate Cosmetics stock they were able to obtain will be purchased by me and I'll sign them over to you, as well as controlling stock in Morton Industries, to ensure they stay in line. Everything is on hold, Colby," he said quietly, "just waiting for me to give the word to put a stop to the hostile takeover of Wingate Cosmetics. And if things go as planned, your brother won't even know there was ever such an attempt."

"What about the endors.e.m.e.nts?"

"It will be stipulated in the contract that I'll be at Wingate Cosmetics' disposal for whatever advertising they deem necessary to get Awesome off the ground."

Colby nodded.

Sterling regarded her over his cup of coffee and asked. "Any more questions?"

She nervously ran her fingers through her hair. Shyness and embarra.s.sment now plagued her over asking the next question. But it was something she desperately needed to know. "If I decide to go along with your proposal, how am I going to get pregnant?"

His eyes were contemplative when he answered. "What do you want me to do? Draw you a diagram or something?"

His unwavering gaze made her even more uncomfortable with this topic of conversation, and his flippant response didn't help matters. She glared at him. "For your information, Sterling, there are a number of ways for a child to be conceived instead of just the usual way."

He eyed her for a moment, then bestowed upon her a very s.e.xy smile. "By the usual usual way I take it you mean conceiving during the heat of pa.s.sion." way I take it you mean conceiving during the heat of pa.s.sion."

His steady gaze that held a spark of smoldering fire, and the smile that overtook his features made Colby's insides tremor. "Yes, I suppose," she replied. She held his gaze for a moment as she tried to decide what about him attracted her the most, his seductive eyes or his heartstopping smile.

"In that case, I like the usual way," he said.

"What about artificial insemination?"

He laughed and shook his head. "I don't consider that an option."

She looked at him in surprise. "Why not?"

"I've heard too many horror stories about the mistakes being made at those sort of labs. I don't want to take the chance of a possible mix-up or something. I want my child conceived the usual way, during the heat of pa.s.sion. Ours."

Colby took a moment to collect her thoughts after sensuous images of naked bodies and silken sheets flashed across her mind. "Once," she said in a somewhat quivering voice.

Sterling lifted a brow. "Once?"

"Yes, once. Intercourse at the time of ovulation," she said, nervously twisting her fingers together. She was not at all enjoying this topic of conversation but felt these things needed to be discussed between them up front.

"There's a method where a woman can determine the best time of the month to conceive, due to her body's temperature," she continued. "Therefore, intercourse is only required once for her to conceive. I understand the method is rather simple and easy and-"

"Forget it. I don't plan on getting scientific with this. I'll have some time between filming, which I'll spend on my honeymoon. I won't take a chance on doing it just once. I have more to do with my time than waiting for the day your body reaches its hottest peak."

She glared at him. "So in other words, you'll be using my body whenever you feel like it, just for the heck of it."

His eyes held a faint glint of humor when he spoke.

"It won't be just for the heck of it. It will be for the sole purpose of conceiving my child. And I won't be exactly using your body, Colby." His gaze became full of promises. "You'll enjoy it as much as I will. I'll make sure of it."

He exhaled a deep breath and continued. "In the end, we'll both have what we want. I'll have my child and you'll save your brother's company. I see it as a very satisfying conclusion for the both of us. Now, unless you have any further questions, I'd like to know your decision."

Colby said nothing for a long moment. This is it, This is it, she thought, dazed. My actions will change my life forever. And as he pointed out, the terms of the contract would give her the means to save her brother's company, but she still had other concerns. They were concerns for the child she would agree to give to him. She wanted to make a counterproposal and it was one she had a feeling wouldn't go over well with him. But still she knew she had to at least try. she thought, dazed. My actions will change my life forever. And as he pointed out, the terms of the contract would give her the means to save her brother's company, but she still had other concerns. They were concerns for the child she would agree to give to him. She wanted to make a counterproposal and it was one she had a feeling wouldn't go over well with him. But still she knew she had to at least try.

"I need to discuss something else with you first. It's an idea I've had about all of this."

Sterling studied Colby. "What sort of idea?"

"I know you want to raise this child alone but..."

"But what?"

Colby took a moment to collect her words. "But I think it would be better for the child if I were there, too. I don't think I should leave until the child is much older."

An uncomfortable silence settled over Sterling's suite. He had wondered where all this was leading. Now he knew. But he had no intention of going along with what she was suggesting. However, merely out of curiosity, he asked, "And just how much older are we talking about?"

Colby shrugged under his direct gaze. "Twenty-one."

"Twenty-one! That's ridiculous. Why on earth would I want to keep you around for twenty-one years?"

In all actuality, Sterling thought, he could think of a number of reasons, but she would be the last to know of them. He was attracted to her. That in itself was a fact he couldn't, or wouldn't, deny. However, he would not let emotions enter into his relations.h.i.+p with her. The contract between them would rule their lives during the short time they would be together. He was determined not to let his emotions come into play.

His outburst, he now noticed, had been followed by dead silence. He looked into Colby's face and saw her hurt expression. Especially in her eyes-those same dark eyes he found so compelling. It bothered him that he had put that look there, but he knew it was for the best. She would not be in his life any longer than necessary.

"One reason to let me stay is because my child will need me," Colby finally answered in a soft voice.

Her words, spoken with the confidence she evidently felt, agitated Sterling. "My child will not need you." child will not need you."

Colby frowned. "What about breast-feeding?"

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