One Special Moment Part 11

One Special Moment -

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She almost stopped breathing and a tight knot formed in her stomach. How in the world could she have allowed herself to fall in love with Sterling Hamilton! She felt as if a heavy hand was closing around her heart, squeezing it. How could she have let herself fall under his spell like a zillion other women?

Colby clenched the phone in her hand until it hurt and slowly eased up. She took a deep breath and tried not to panic. Somehow and some way she would find a way to deal with this.

A sound behind her caught Colby's attention. She turned to find Sterling standing in the doorway. She could tell by the way he was looking at her that he had been privy to her conversation with Cynthia; specifically he had heard the part where she had said she loved him.

She quickly turned back around. "Cynthia, I have to go," she blurted out. "Someone just came in."


Colby rolled her eyes upward. "Look, we'll finish this conversation later, I promise."

Out of the corner of her eyes Colby saw Sterling walking toward her. Before she had a chance to react, he was standing right in front of her.

"May I?" he asked.

Not giving her a chance to respond, he took the phone out of her hand. "h.e.l.lo, Cynthia. This is Sterling."

There was complete silence on the other end. Sterling quirked a brow and covered the mouthpiece of the phone with his hand and whispered to Colby, "She won't say anything."

"She's probably fainted," Colby stated calmly.

Sterling frowned and put the phone back to his mouth. "Cynthia? Are you there?"

Seconds later, Cynthia's happy and excited voice came back on the line. It was so loud even Colby could hear it. Evidently her sister-in-law had recovered from shock.

"Yes," Sterling laughed, "I'm really Sterling Hamilton, and yes, I'm marrying Colby."

He laughed again. "I'm looking forward to meeting you, too." He nodded. "Yes, I a.s.sure you Colby's in good hands." Another nod. "And yes, we'll be arriving in Richmond around noon tomorrow."

Colby shook her head. Cynthia was as bad as James at times. She wanted to know everything, every little detail.

"You have one more question?" Sterling asked Cynthia. "All right, what is it?"

Whatever Cynthia was asking made Sterling look at Colby. His dark eyes held hers as he studied her intently. "Yes, I fell in love with Colby the moment I saw her." A few moments went by then he said. "All right, Cynthia. Goodbye."

He hung up the phone. His expression was mildly humorous. "I take it she's a romantic," he said.

"Of the worst kind."

Dipping his head slightly, he said, "I guess the more people we tell our little story, the more believable it will seem. Just listening to you tell Cynthia how we met almost had me believing it myself. You're a good storyteller."

Colby leaned toward him, seething with mounting anger. "Is that a nice way of saying I'm a good liar?"

Sterling raised a brow at the fury he saw lighting her eyes. "No, that's not what I meant at all. There's a difference between being a good storyteller and being a good liar. I consider a liar as someone who makes a habit of not telling the truth to serve their own purpose. I think of a storyteller as a person who has the ability to weave magical, believable tales and fables for the enjoyment of others. I bet you do that a lot for your students."

The lines of anger in Colby's features dissolved. Sterling's comment had not been the put-down she'd a.s.sumed. Instead he'd said it as a compliment.

"Yes, I enjoy telling stories to them," she said, annoyed with herself for overreacting. She didn't like these new emotions a.s.sailing her senses. How could she suddenly have such strong feelings for Sterling? A couple of days ago she was convinced she totally disliked him.

She walked over to the window wondering why he was there. She'd thought she wouldn't be seeing him again until later that day. "Is there something you wanted?" she found herself asking him. She wanted to be left alone for a while to think.

Sterling looked past her and out the window at the beautiful ocean view before meeting her gaze. "I thought you'd be interested to know the squeeze we put on Morton Industries is working. Already my people have received calls from them."

Colby became instantly excited. "Oh, Sterling, that's wonderful."

"But it's not over yet."

"I know, but that's still good news. Thanks for telling me."

He continued to look at her, thinking how beautiful she looked with the sun's rays highlighting her features. He suddenly became annoyed with himself for having such thoughts.

"Why shouldn't I share it with you?" he asked curtly. "That's all part of the deal, isn't it? I'm to save Wingate Cosmetics and you're supposed to give me a child. And no matter what romantic tale we've fabricated for others, you and I know the truth."

He quickly turned and left the room.

Colby sighed deeply. Sterling's words had seared her heart because they had painfully reminded her of her place in his life. A place he considered to be only temporary.

Now she had a new problem to deal with, an even bigger one than before. How was she going to deal with the fact she had fallen in love with Sterling Hamilton?

Chapter 11.

Colby inhaled the salty smell of the ocean. It was invigorating, stimulating and soothing. The gentle breeze ruffled her hair, tantalized her tender skin and at the same time it beckoned her to enjoy the awe-inspiring beauty of her surroundings. It lured her to relax, unwind and appreciate the mystic effect of the lush blue-green waters that touched the sandy

And so she did.

The salty spray of the ocean seemed to slowly wash away the troubles that plagued her mind. She didn't want to think about why she had suddenly fallen head over heels in love with a man who didn't love her in return, a man who saw her place in his life as only temporary, and only as a means to an end.

She opened her arms, closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. The smell of the ocean, the feel of silken sand beneath her bare feet and the warmth of the sun on her skin consumed her senses. She opened her eyes, leaned her head back to stare up into the clear blue sky, seeking comfort and relief from her tormented mind.

And from somewhere she received the inner peace she sought.

She was suddenly entrenched with a feeling that somehow things would be all right. It endowed her with the belief that there was a reason she had been placed in Sterling Hamilton's life and he in hers. And it bestowed upon her a promise that in time the answers would come and the purpose would be made clear.

She took another long, deep breath of the clean, salty air and felt her anxieties and tension slowly disappear. She smiled and like a small child filled with an abundance of energy and full of life, she ran toward the beach to enjoy the waters.

"You're so busy enjoying the view outside that window, you haven't taken the time to notice my presence."

Sterling's gaze slid from the window to the man whose imposing height and stature nearly filled the room. "You're early, Kyle."

Kyle Garwood smiled. "My grandfather used to say the early bird catches the worm." He walked over to where Sterling was standing in front of the window. Curiosity made him gaze out of it to see just what held Sterling's attention.

Kyle's smile widened. "But I guess I can say in your case, Hamilton, the early bird catches you standing at the window ogling your future wife," he said, chuckling. "From the news I've read in this morning's paper, I a.s.sume congratulations are in order."

"Yes, I guess you can a.s.sume that," Sterling answered before turning his attention back to the window. He ignored the fact Kyle was watching his actions with keen interest. And frankly, at the moment he didn't care. He couldn't remember another time the sight of the ocean looked so breathtaking. And he knew it had a lot to do with the fact Colby was out there enjoying it.

She was wearing a bathing suit that some would think was conservative, considering most women enjoyed parading around in bikinis or even less these days. But it was what Colby's one-piece swimsuit didn't reveal rather than what it did that heated up his imagination. It fitted snugly around her hips, and her full, generous b.r.e.a.s.t.s were well-defined by the soft material. Even from a distance his gaze was able to travel the perimeter of each and every delectable curve of her body.

Sterling heard a chuckle beside him. "Don't mind me," Kyle was saying. "I'll just take a seat over there until you're finished gawking at your fiancee."

The beginning of a smile tipped the corners of Sterling's mouth. He doubted he would tire of watching Colby anytime soon. "It might take a while," he said.

"Take your time," Kyle replied, crossing the room and easing his muscular frame into a chair that sat across from Sterling's desk. "And when you're through, I want answers, Hamilton. Lots of them," he said with a friendly grin on his face, but a firm tone in his voice.

Sterling's smile turned into chuckle. He wasn't surprised Kyle wasn't buying the story that had appeared in the newspaper that morning. And with good reason. Kyle Garwood knew him better than anyone.

He and Kyle had been good friends ever since their early teen years. They had met the year Sterling's father had delivered all the fresh-cut lumber needed to build an addition to Special K, the Garwood family cabin retreat in the North Carolina mountains. Although Kyle had been born to wealth, and Sterling was the son of a lumberjack, the two teenagers had forged a deep friends.h.i.+p. Over the years, one had always been there for the other, and deep down they both knew it would always be that way.

Both the room and its occupant faded from Sterling's mind as he turned his attention back to Colby. He couldn't help but grin as he watched her repeatedly dodge the waves. She was frolicking to and fro, behaving in a frisky, playful way. He thought her movements were fluid, lithe and even sensuous. Her gay and lighthearted antics reached out to him and a part of him was tempted to join her outside. He couldn't remember the last time he had enjoyed the beach the way Colby was doing now.

A soft knock sounded at the door seconds before Simon entered. "Will Mr. Garwood be joining you for lunch, sir?"

"Yes, he intends to feed me," Kyle answered the man before sinking back against the chair's cus.h.i.+ons.

Sterling lifted a brow at his friend.

Kyle merely gave him an apologetic smile. "I thought I'd answer for you since you were somewhat preoccupied."

Sterling frowned at the humor he saw in Kyle's eyes. He turned to Simon. "He'll also be joining us for dinner," he said.

After Simon had left Sterling turned his attention back to Kyle. "My apologies for being somewhat preoccupied."

"Apology accepted. I know how it is when you're in love."

Sterling raised a dark brow. "And what makes you think I'm in love?"

Kyle shrugged his broad shoulders. "According to the newspapers, you are." He then leaned forward in his chair. "In fact, I'm a little anxious to see that ring in your nose."

The look Sterling bestowed on Kyle was totally lacking humor. In fact, it showed signs of tightly held annoyance. "I don't have a ring in my nose. You should know me better than that."

Kyle's grin was one of amus.e.m.e.nt. "Yes, I should, but when I talked to Kimara yesterday she happened to mention your sudden interest in breast-feeding. Then in this morning's paper, I read an announcement about your engagement. And today I show up early for our meeting to find you standing at the window gawking at your fiancee, and not even trying to hide the fact you were doing it. So what am I to think, Sterling?"

Sterling looked at Kyle thoughtfully for several long seconds before answering. One corner of his mouth pulled into a slight smile. "You're to think that I never do anything without a purpose. And that's all I'm going to say right now."

Kyle digested Sterling's words and he couldn't help but notice the agitated expression on his face. "All right, but do you want to know what I I think?" think?"

Sterling lounged casually against the window frame. "Not really, but I'm sure you're going to tell me anyway."

"I think that whatever your purpose, you may have gotten yourself in a little too deep."

For some reason Kyle's observation clawed at Sterling's insides. "Let's change the subject, shall we?"

He walked over to this desk and took a seat. "I take it everything is going well with Kimara's pregnancy."

At Kyle's nod Sterling shook his head. "I can't believe she's pregnant again. Kamry was just born six months ago."

Kyle shrugged. "What does that have to do with anything?"

Sterling was barely able to keep the laughter from his voice. "To you and Kimara, obviously nothing."

He bent his head to make sure he had Kyle's undivided attention. "But the way I see it, you have four kids and haven't been married four years yet. Can't the two of you find something else to do with your time other than make babies?"

Kyle's eyes glowed with unhidden warmth at the thought of his children, Kyle VI, the twins-Kareem and Kes.h.i.+a-and the newest member to the Garwood household, another beautiful daughter, Kamry. They were his and Kimara's four special Ks. He leaned back in his chair and let his gaze meet the probing inquiry he saw in his best friend's eyes. "Kimara and I want a houseful of kids."

"At the rate you two are going, you'll meet your goal in no time," Sterling interjected.

The curve of Kyle's mouth deepened into a grin. "That's a very good possibility. We found out a few days ago we're having twins again."

Sterling's mouth dropped open. Intense astonishment lined his features. "Twins again! Is that normal?"

"I'm sure it's a rare occurrence for most people," Kyle replied calmly.

Sterling's mouth curved in pensive humor. "But then you and Kimara aren't like most people, are you?"

"No, we aren't," Kyle answered in a deep, jovial tone. His grandfather's will had forced him and Kimara to marry. Now he couldn't imagine his life without her.

"I hope you realize that every time you and Kimara have another baby, I take on another G.o.dchild," Sterling stated as his mouth twitched with amus.e.m.e.nt. "That can get rather expensive."

Kyle's laughter was a full-hearted sound that vibrated throughout the room. "Then I guess it will be to your advantage, Hamilton, to stay gainfully employed."

A few moments later Simon arrived with their lunch.

"Has Miss Wingate been taken care of, Simon?"

"Yes, sir. However, she declined lunch. I think she's having a good time on the beach."

Sterling nodded and glanced back toward the window. "Yes, I totally agree with you."

"You and your wife are expecting a second set of twins! Why that's absolutely wonderful, Kyle."

Awareness flowed through Sterling's body as he leaned back in his chair and watched Colby conversing with Kyle as the three of them enjoyed an after dinner drink.

Unbidden, his gaze was drawn to her mouth. He couldn't help but remember how good it tasted and how soft it had felt beneath his as he plied it with languid strokes of his tongue.

Almost instantly, as if she'd been able to read his thoughts, Colby's gaze turned and met his.

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