A Lord For Haughmond Part 3

A Lord For Haughmond -

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"Nay." A moment later she reconsidered, encouraged by the knight's pleasant tone. "Well, mayhap. 'Tis clumsy, the bandage. I can only grasp your belt one-handed. 'Tis more tiresome than painful."

"Aye, I comprehend your plight." The knight presented his profile to her, the better for conversation. "I have had my own troubles. When I was a page learning to carve a joint of roast, I had much difficulty wielding a knife-nicked myself time and again."

Astonished by the knight's admission, she was rendered speechless. The sound of thudding hooves on the frozen road was all that broke the silence as she weighed a s.h.i.+fting opinion of the knight. Mayhap he was more gallant than she presumed. Mayhap more approachable?

"'Tis gratifying to know your art bears improvement," she murmured, waving her bandaged hand beside his face.

Sir Rhys threw her a scowl. "Lady, in truth you are a shr-"

"'Twas a jest," Katherine exclaimed, leaning into him. "Pray, forgive my rudeness. You needs tell me, if it pleases you, how exactly you did learn to skewer properly, once you became a squire."

The knight shook his head as though driving away a bothersome gnat.

Disappointment filled Katherine. She sat back with a sigh and lapsed into silence, nursing her frustration that this champion possessed no humor. Alack, 'twas rare the man who accepted a gibe with good grace.

Rhys shuddered in response to the t.i.tillating breath against his ear and tried to strike from his mind the image of long, glorious locks framing the most beauteous of faces.

Alas, 'twas a beauty marred by a barbed tongue.

Why must a sweet morsel of womanhood own such spite, while uncomely damsels abounded? What wretched humor did the Divine Father possess, to endow such unwarranted punishment upon decent and deserving men? Could not a woman embrace a gentle, honest spirit and have it yet mix with beauty? Couldn't pleasure and virtue exist in sweet accord? Sir Robert's daughter would be expected to embody the de la Motte fort.i.tude, yet her appeal could be undeniable, were she as soft and beguiling as other damsels.

Rhys shook his head in disappointment. Had she been another female he would not have bedeviled himself by proffering his escort. He had his own problems to consider and he didn't fancy more entanglements.

Yet they had found him-in the guise of Sir Robert's daughters. Out of respect for that revered warrior he couldn't ignore their plight.

Neither could he ignore the feel of the damsel seated behind him. Her every move tested his stamina, reminded him how long it had been since he had lain with a woman. It was impossible to dismiss her, not with her hand tucked in the belt of his hauberk, not with her short serf's tunic exposing long, shapely legs-legs that brushed against his thighs and enticed his thoughts.

With a growl of frustration, Rhys urged his mount onward, riding as though Satan himself were trying to pluck his soul.

During their midday respite he settled himself well away from where the sisters sat on a thick pelt and shared pleasantries with his fellow knights, wolfing down his portion of bread and mutton and staunchly setting his back to the beautiful harpy.

But he was not so easily freed of his torment. An hour into the afternoon ride, he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder and Lady Katherine leaned against him.

"Anne says you were to Canterbury. She enjoyed your tale. Would that you share it with me, for I have never been to that sacred shrine."

Rhys groaned inwardly and tried to maintain his concentration. Her lips must have touched his mail coif, for her soft, breathy voice filling his ear was devilishly distracting. He cleared his throat, totally confounded by his reaction to the waspish shrew. Such women were best avoided.

He cleared his throat again. "Yea, I did escort a group of nuns on pilgrimage. Never have I seen such devoted servants to G.o.d, so steadfast and pure." An unintended chuckle burst from him. "And so utterly prayerful."

Katherine leaned close, canting her head to pick up his voice in the wind. He sobered instantly.

"You enjoyed your sojourn?" she said, resting her cheek on his shoulder when he fell silent.

With difficulty, he found his voice. "'Tis astonis.h.i.+ng how oft we were required to halt for prayer. I feared my knees would be rubbed to the bone before I had concluded the adventure."

Katherine chuckled. "Indeed, mayhap the good sisters did it apurpose, thinking the tutelage necessary?" Her laughter enlarged. "'Twas purposeful tyranny, mayhap?"

Heartened by the lilting sound, Rhys smiled. "Aye, I daresay they deemed prayer a significant art."

"How fortunate to be gifted with such deserving guidance."

"I thought you likened it to tyranny?"

"Forsooth, some may feel they are one and the same." Katherine's ring of laughter filled his ear and her teasing tone drew forth his own brief chortle.

On they pressed through the afternoon. Coming nigh to the lands of Kenilworth, Rhys swung as far afield as he dared without losing the London road. It was not beyond the king's old nemesis to delay their journey, if given the opportunity.

As they slogged through fenland, where a small tributary to the River Avon had turned the road into a pottage of mud, a party of four hors.e.m.e.n overtook them.

The first glimpse of their banner set Rhys's heart racing. He'd been resting his arm on the flat top of his helm but now swept it off the saddle's pommel and thrust it over his head before wheeling his charger to face the knights, his apprehension increasing the closer they came. Would these men see through the damsels' disguises? Would they ferret out his own? As though he'd fetched a punch to his gut, a startled breath escaped him. For everyone's sake he must bide with the limited field of vision.

The newly arrived mounts, blowing hard and steaming in the cold air, were reined in with a cautious measure of s.p.a.ce to separate the two parties.

"Hold, friend!" the lead knight called out. "We are knights of Whitford Castle. Identify yourselves, that we would know you are loyal to the king. Where is your banner? I would know with whom I speak."

"My imbecile squire lost it. I am Rhys of St. Quintin."

"A knight of Sir Richard?"


"Never heard of you," came the knight's abrupt and testy reply. His hand moved to the hilt of his sword.

Rhys tamped down his rising alarm, knowing he must convince the knight he was no threat. "I am unlanded and in service to Sir Richard." He spread his gloved hands well away from his own broad sword. "But you are known to me, Sir Charles. You are a true knight of the realm. Has your son yet won his spurs?"

Sir Charles removed his helm, tucking it beneath his left arm. "Yea, two months agone." His scored brow wrinkled as he pondered Rhys. "Is he acquainted with you?"

"Nay. I watched him joust a year past and thought him worthy of knighthood. I am pleased for you, 'tis so."

"Matthew's a good lad and will champion the crown with honor. I instructed him myself." The knight's scowl deepened. "Why do you not remove your helm?" He nudged his mount closer. His companions did likewise. "'Tis improper to address me thus."

Seized by a greater foreboding, Rhys stifled the groan rus.h.i.+ng from his gut. He hadn't placated the knight's skepticism. G.o.d's bones, but he harbored too many secrets to be found out. Along with Katherine and Anne, he must remain concealed. Moreover, Sir Charles must not be allowed to engage him. Edward wasn't of a disposition to forbear the slaying of a knight without due cause.

"Your pardon, Sir Charles." Rhys inclined his head. "I am grievously disfigured from the pox and would not disturb your peace."

Sir Charles pursed his lips a long moment before asking, "Have you chanced on any brigands in your journey?"

"We have seen nothing untoward but a ragtag pack of thieves who fled at the sight of us." Rhys's voice whistled through the air holes of his helm.

"Must be Welsh renegades," Sir Charles observed with another lowering of his brow. "There's been trouble near Chester. Once again the cursed Welsh spill over the border. Edward needs be informed so he can trounce the devil's sp.a.w.n once and for all."

The knight peered toward the nearby woods then swung his sharp attention to the individual members of Rhys's party, checking each carefully. "Have you come across two women? Sisters have been kidnapped, mayhap by Welsh renegades."

Within his leather gauntlets, Rhys's palms broke into a sweat. He didn't appreciate the old fox's scrutiny. Beneath his chain mail and his worn hauberk, a trail of moisture wormed its way down his spine.

"There's a hefty reward for their return," Sir Charles continued.

Rhys grunted as his breath was cut short by a hand at his back twisting his leather belt. He could well imagine Lady Katherine's alarm, for his own was nigh threatening to send him over the edge of reason. They were trapped like a hind run aground by a pack of wolves. This interrogation must end, before he was found out, before he must abandon a quest he had vowed to see accomplished.

"The Welsh hit and run. They don't bother with baggage that slows them," he advised, keeping his voice calm and measured.

"Mayhap they seek recompense. A ransom would help ease Llywelyn's defeat." Sir Charles shrugged and sat back in his saddle. "In any case, we are warned to watch for two damsels."

"You seek the-reward for yourselves?" He gulped for air beneath his constricting belt.

"Ah, only if the task does not inconvenience us." Sir Charles lifted his shoulders. "Where are you bound?"

"Warwick. These lads are-being sent to Sir William-for training."

His belt tightened anew. Did the lady know he sympathized with her, though she sought to suffocate him? His hand moved, touched a cross-gartered thigh and squeezed. Katherine emitted a m.u.f.fled grunt and, praise be, the stranglehold at his waist ceased.

Much to his apprehension, Sir Charles gave the "lads" another close inspection. "Har-rump, skin and bones! They'll never amount to much. You make them soft, giving them ease upon your cattle."

"Sir William is demanding. He desires that they arrive in one piece." Rhys answered with care, keeping his voice steady while he scrutinized the knights and the position of their sword hands.

"Yea, he is that." Sir Charles looked down the road. "Well, the king awaits."

"You needs be away, G.o.d speed your journey." Rhys raised his hand in a farewell salute.

Thankfully, Sir Charles followed his example. The four knights swept past and disappeared down the road.

Katherine slid from the rump of the destrier and landed nimbly on the ground. "Warwick? The king is not at Warwick!" She fixed Rhys with a belligerent stare.

Behind the iron helm, Rhys heaved a weary sigh and took his time in removing it. "Yea, Warwick." He bestowed his own hard glare on the damsel with the shapeliest legs he'd ever chanced to see. Once again she ruined the t.i.tillating effect with her sharp tongue.

He could scarcely contain his frustration. And disappointment. "'Tis the closest sanctuary, my lady. If it eases your torment, the king journeys there as we speak."

Lady Katherine's clenched jaw relented, but her bunched fists at her sides did not.

Rhys turned to Simon. "Unfurl St. Quintin's banner. I want no more such engagements." He turned back to Katherine, his own anger rising. "Tell me why it is you must masquerade as peasants? Truly, I am prepared to do battle. But, Lady Katherine, I require an explanation for the inconvenience."

She threw an angry scowl at him. "And I would know why you deceived the good knight with your untruths? You are not disfigured."

If only she knew the whole of it, she would flee, thinking him the most disfigured knight in the realm. "You do yourself an injustice with your lack of restraint," he responded sharply, covering his rising torment. "'Tisn't difficult to fend off your inquiry. You have no right to it, not with a price on your head."

Lady Katherine blanched. But as Simon dug out the banner from the satchel slung across his shoulder, her gaze narrowed. "A miracle! Your lost banner is found," she exclaimed.

"Lady, you try the patience of a saint."

Atop the cob, Anne clung to Simon's waist, her knuckles white, her eyes wide with fear. "I pray, Sir Rhys, you will show us forbearing. We flee from a man who would do us harm."

Lady Anne's frantic tone gave Rhys pause. "And who is this man who obviously terrorizes you?" His tone was at once kind and gentle.

"Sir Geoffrey, our mother's husband. He is a thief and a lecher and-"

"Tus.h.!.+" Lady Katherine whirled on her sister with the sharp admonition. "Sir Rhys needs not be burdened with our troubles. He may not wish to champion us once we throw ourselves on the king's mercy."

"On Saint Winifred's soul, it must not be." Lady Anne's panic continued. Edging herself off Simon's mount, she rushed to her sister.

"What if the king will not help us, Anne? No unlanded knight seeks to be compromised. He may require the king's good offices in the future." While Lady Katherine's advice sounded laudable, her trepidation was obvious in her worried expression.

Rhys's conscience twisted at the painful sight.

Tears welled up in Anne's brown eyes. She dashed them away with the heel of her hand. "'Tis hopeless," she moaned, crossing herself. With a look of misery, she collapsed to the ground.

"Sir Geoffrey, you say?" He pondered the possibilities. He couldn't help that rage reared its ugly head. The name elicited his wrath, along with all types of unsavory emotions. How many men by that name abided in this part of Edward's realm? "Your stepfather is Sir Geoffrey of-?" He stirred the air with an impatient hand.

Katherine sank to the dirt and gathered her sister in her arms.

'Twas easy this time to ignore the long, shapely legs so fetchingly displayed, for he'd begun to suspect an awful truth.

Katherine threw him a weary look. "Sir Geoffrey of Myton Castle," she admitted reluctantly.

"G.o.d's bones!"

He swung about in his saddle and fixed a glare on Simon. Sensing his agitation, the destrier pranced nervously along the edge of the road. When had Sir Geoffrey married Constance de la Motte? He knew of no such happenstance. 'Twas but another opportunity when Sir Geoffrey did blight innocent lives.

Slack-jawed and wide-eyed, Simon returned his gaze.

Rhys feared his own expression must look similar. Mastering his emotions, he s.h.i.+fted back to the damsels. "When did your mother wed Sir Geoffrey?"

"Seven years agone." Anne tore herself from her sister's arms and leaped to her feet. "Father left Haughmond and all its lands to Katherine. But Sir Geoffrey fancies the holding for himself."

"Tus.h.!.+" Katherine sprang up and yanked on Anne's arm. "You shan't speak of our business."

"'Twill not change the truth," Anne said with a frown. "How can Rhys help us if he remains ignorant of the facts?"

"Sir Rhys, sister," Katherine corrected. "You cannot suppose a king's knight wants to embroil himself in our troubles. More pressing matters needs occupy his time than two women attempting to secure their legacy."

"Sir Geoffrey claims Haughmond?" Choking on new rage, Rhys struggled to get out the simple question. A trickle of sweat dripped down his temple and into the cowl of his coif.

Katherine turned toward him. "Yea, though 'twas left me by my father before he went on crusade. He said since he had no sons, his daughter would do." She shook her head. "But the king's no fool. He'd rather have a skilled knight defending Haughmond."

"To be sure," he agreed, with grudging admiration for the shrewdness of Sir Geoffrey's scheme. England was ever troubled with the Marches. Edward would welcome the stability Sir Geoffrey did offer.

Would Katherine lose Haughmond by default?

Not while I have breath, he avowed to himself.

"He shan't have Haughmond," interjected Anne. "'Tis our home, by right! 'Twas commanded our stepfather's authority would endure only until Katherine wed. Could not the king find a suitable husband for my sister, so Haughmond remains with the true and rightful heir?"

Rhys c.o.c.ked a skeptical brow at Katherine. "Sir Geoffrey has not found a husband for you?" Her resigned expression and a shake of her head bore the truth of the tale.

Hope, where none had hitherto existed, blossomed within his breast. "What say you, Lady Katherine?" he inquired more gently, suddenly very much aware of the lady, very much aware of her provocative state of affairs. "These do not pa.s.s for ill-founded suspicions. Are you willing to fight for Haughmond?"

"'Tis my home and everything that is dear to me." Katherine's chin jutted up. "Yea, I want Haughmond. Sir Geoffrey is undeserving of it. I'm unable to bear witness against him, and well he knows it, unless I have the king's ear. He keeps me beneath his thumb to maintain his power. But that charge cannot stand without proof. He would readily deny any wrongdoing as a father. I must gain the king's sympathy in order to secure my inheritance. In troth, my stepfather will do everything in his power to prevent it."

Katherine's face glowed with emotion, her brown eyes snapping with anger. Her expression held a tension, a force that energized her whole being. Amazed by her bold transformation, Rhys understood the pride behind it. It reminded him of his own, the day he was knighted in the aftermath of battle, and also of another day, when he had laid eyes on his mother for the first time. Pride flamed in this lady's cheeks. Like a flower opening to the sunlight, her face held a s.h.i.+ning dignity, along with her deserved fury.

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