Distractions. Part 23

Distractions. -

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Now this ill-wresting world is grown so bad, Mad sland'rers by mad ears believed be.

That I may not be so, nor thou belied, Bear thine eyes straight, though thy proud heart go wide."

As I finished the last line, his left arm reached behind me, sliding his fingers down the aperture and began to ma.s.sage the soft opening, causing me to jerk. The intrusive feeling caught me by surprise and completely unhinged me. As I started to shatter, his hands grabbed my hips and aggressively began seeking his own little death. Once our breathing calmed, we started laughing hysterically at our newfound use of poetry.

"That was hot, Violet. We're doing Macbeth later!"

Slapping him lightly on the chest, I had no desire to attempt a play under those circ.u.mstances. As I snuggled deep into his chest, his hands caressed the skin on my ribcage gently as the morning sunlight poured through the windows.

Nearly a month had pa.s.sed since we had disembarked off the blood-spattered yacht. Police were waiting at the port to arrest everyone onboard. My aunt was waiting there for me with open arms; if it weren't for her, I wasn't sure I would be alive. Everything had to work perfectly, and by some miracle, it did. We were all taken into custody until everyone could be interviewed and the others tried for attempted murder among other things. Shepard managed to severely wound David, but not kill him. It was not until then that I found out how intricately woven the plan was.

While Kimberly was alerted of my activities, she also came across a deleted email with my name encoded in it. Not knowing what to do with the information, she immediately went to Alessa. Despite working for Gladstone under a facade, nothing prepared her for what she read. There were press release instructions, along with accounts to divert the funds after the auction, as well as confirming both Shepard's and my demise.

Alessa risked her life and reached out to Shepard to save mine. He knew about the auction and the hit because of her. Sending me to Florida was not just about keeping me sane; she was buying Shepard time.

I felt my voice hum in his chest as I let out a deep sigh. He didn't ask what I was thinking. He knew...he always knew. He simply kissed the top of my head and continued to dance along my skin with his fingertips.

"Don't be mad at me, Violet; I have to go out of town again. I found positions for some more people I am able to help settle. I won't be gone but a few days. Besides, you have Ingrid, and with Alessa coming in tomorrow, you won't even miss me."

I hated knowing that taking down Robertson meant thousands of people losing their jobs. Good people got hurt because of my choices. Thankfully, the company making the antibiotic I reformulated had locations around the globe and was more than willing to hire all the employees who were willing to relocate. Some did not want to or couldn't, and Shepard was working non-stop to find them new jobs.

"Stop it; I know what you're thinking. Big picture, Violet. We're doing what we can."

I blew out a deep breath and sank back into his chest. "When do you leave?" I could go with him, but I was really looking forward to spending more time with Ingrid and learning how to cook, and simply spend time wandering around Salzburg. "I'll miss you, and so will my v.a.g.i.n.a. I might open a spelunking business while you're gone with the walking cave you have made of me."

Shepard started laughing so hard he began to cough, rolling me off to the side. "Well, don't worry love, I'll chase the bats and clear the cobwebs the moment I return."

Alessa had only been with me for three days before I received the call from Vivienne I had been dreading. Connor had been made an offer on the property and wanted to sell it. Although I now had the money to buy it back, I wasn't sure if I wanted to. I still needed to take my grandmother's ashes up to the mountains, and being early summer, the gypsies would be in town for the festival. Alessa pulled out her laptop and immediately booked two flights to Colorado. Refusing to let me go alone, she reminded me that she too no longer had a job and wouldn't be starting her new one for another few weeks.

The trip took us nearly two days of travel, yet sitting in first cla.s.s again made it a whole lot easier. It gave us time to catch up and talk about the future. I smiled at the irony; transatlantic flights were becoming therapy sessions for me. After arriving back in Colorado Springs, a cold chill raced up my spine despite the eighty degree weather. The sky was perfect blue; the mountains towering along the Western slope. I took Alessa around my old neighborhood and dared a drive into Manitou. Even if Connor were home, he wouldn't be expecting me to be walking around. I pointed out his apartment as we made our way down Ruxton Avenue; I could see in her eyes that she was ready to buy a baseball bat and destroy a few things. After a little coercion, I was finally able to get her to try the mineral water from the fountains where she promptly proclaimed, "This needs some gin."

As the afternoon sun began to s.h.i.+ne down upon us, we took the half hour drive north to my grandparents' ranch. Vivienne was already there waiting for us to arrive, sitting in a wooden rocking chair on a newly painted deck with a beer. I stepped out of the car, cautious at her nonchalant behavior. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the entire house had been meticulously restored. She simply smiled as I walked up to the front door and opened it.

Before going inside, I observed that the entire house was empty, cleaned and refinished. Both women followed behind me as I slowly stepped along the freshly stained walnut floors. I shook my head; none of it made sense. I had come to clean the house out, yet it was not necessary. Vivienne stopped as I circled the wall into the dining room and nearly fainted. Before me lay a recently tuned Stradivarius violin, casually perched on the table next to the replica of the Esperanza. I was unable to speak; all I could do was look at the women before tearing out of the house, screaming his name.

Not knowing where to start, I ran to the back of the property where the trees grew thick along the babbling brook. It was relatively flat and the perfect place to rest. I remembered I told him about it several times. My lungs hurt from running so fast in the thin air, yet I was unable to stop. Only pausing to lift the metal latch off the heavy wooden gate, I saw the blanket's corners peeking out from behind the trunk of the ma.s.sive oak.

He's here! Unable to tell if he was actually napping, I crept along, my steps masked by the sound of the water flowing nearby. Surely enough, his hat was pulled low over his eyes, as he was lost in a deep slumber. Careful not to startle him too much, I leaned next to his ear and whispered, "Open your eyes."

A large smile drew across his face upon hearing my voice. Reaching out to pull me close, he whispered back, "I was just dreaming about you."

He was only pretending to sleep, waiting for me to find him. Shepard quickly flipped me onto my back and kissed me pa.s.sionately in the warm breeze. Lifting his hat away, I stared into the eyes of heaven.

"How did you do this?"

Gently nipping along my neck before responding, he started to chuckle at the millions of questions pouring into my mind. "All in good time...just enjoy the moment; don't over a.n.a.lyze it."

His tongue dipped into the hollow of my neck before returning to my lips.

"As much as I want to spend the day with you down here, there are a few things we need to take care of, okay?" Pulling me into a standing position, he took my hand and we slowly started to walk up to the trail leading to the house. Stopping at the gate, a shadow came across his face.

"Violet, I can't take credit for this. It was like this when I contacted Vivienne to pay off the debt. I promised him I would give you this before the day was over. He's on his way to deliver some additional papers; you don't have to see him, but you should."

I knew it was killing him to say it as much as it was for me to hear it. I didn't need to open the faded yellow piece of paper he was holding out towards me. I knew what it said.

"Did you read it, Shepard?"

As he nodded yes, I took the paper and placed it in my pocket. A short while later I could see Connor's figure walking towards us slowly through the tall gra.s.s. Shepard stood in front of me, holding my hand as he led me up the hill. Stopping about twenty feet away, he turned around and held my face gently.

"It's a choice, Violet."

Kissing me softly, he closed the gap between him and Connor and stood face to face with the man who nearly destroyed me. Antic.i.p.ating punches being thrown, Shepard reached his hand out to him and shook it briefly before looking back at me in rea.s.surance as he headed into the house.

"I'm right here, Violet."

Connor's head dropped low as I approached him. I could see him shaking slightly the closer I got. His hands were cracked and dry, no doubt from working on this house for hours on end. His hair looked like it hadn't been cut in a while. It wasn't just me being set free. He knew I wasn't coming back, yet still he persevered at trying to make it right. The house didn't change anything. He couldn't earn my forgiveness; it was a choice I had to make.

It's what love does.

The tears were falling hard down both of our cheeks as I waited for him to look at me. Even standing nearly head to head, he couldn't do it. I reached down for one of his weathered hands, brought it up to my chest, and held it close so he could feel my heart racing.

"I forgive you, Connor."

With bloodshot eyes, he finally met my gaze as if he wasn't sure what he just heard, so I repeated it.

"I forgive you."

He closed his eyes and raised his face to the sky. Feeling the sun s.h.i.+ning down upon him, I could see the weight lifting off his soul. It only took three small words to change his whole world in a split second. He swiftly pulled me into a tight embrace, and I consoled him as his chest rattled in quiet weeping.

"Thank you, Violet."

As we broke apart, he gave a half smile while looking at the house.

"He wors.h.i.+ps the ground you walk on; he told me how he got this for you."

Stunned for a moment, I never stopped to think what was really happening. Shepard came here to get back the ranch. How he could afford it never crossed my mind.


Connor looked at me and started to laugh. "The man sold his Maserati and had the money wired in from Austria. It arrived at the bank a few days ago. That's true love."

Shaking my head, I couldn't believe Shepard actually sold Violet. The thought made me laugh myself.

"What's so funny?"

"You know what that car's name was? Violet."

His face dropped a little when he heard what Shepard named his car and instantly I knew why. Shepard told me it was a poor subst.i.tute for the real thing. Now that he had me, he didn't need the car.

Nothing more was said as I walked Connor back to his Jeep. Before driving off, he rolled down the window and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'll love you forever ,Violet Phillips."

Then he was gone. The others had moved to the kitchen and had a few bottles of champagne out, waiting for me to return. Between the three of them, two bottles were already gone. Shepard poured a gla.s.s and asked me if I was okay. Nodding yes, I took the gla.s.s and held it for a moment. As we went to raise a toast, everyone looked at Shepard in expectation.

"Since you told me not to ever buy you any c.r.a.ppy jewelry or expensive purses, I hope this key ring will serve as a decent engagement ring." Dropping down on one knee, he slid the silver beer bottle opener with a house key attached over my left ring finger. "I'm kidding; I have a real ring for you."

He winked at me, and I heard the stairs creak as heavy footsteps made their way down. Everyone turned around to see who was coming and I heard Vivienne let out a whimper. My father approached us, holding a small velvet box and handed it to Shepard. His eyes were red and misted over at witnessing his little girl being proposed to.

"I asked your father for permission first, and he's here, so I am pretty sure he consents, right?" He turned to my dad who was holding onto Vivienne's shoulders; he smiled and chuckled out "yes."

I frowned and looked down at Shepard. "Isn't that supposed to be my response?"

Seeing how nervous he was made me disintegrate on the spot. He wanted my heart to be open and unburdened so I could give it wholly to him. His fingers slid the beer opener key ring off my hand and into his pocket. Cracking open the small black box, he pulled out a simple gold band, shaped like a double helix with micro pave diamonds as the sugar backbone. To the untrained eye, someone would simply think it was a pretty infinity style ring. To me, it was the blueprint of life, and it couldn't have been more perfect.

"Violet Phillips, will you be my wife?"

After sliding the ring on my finger, I tackled him on the ground and kissed him with abandon. I could care less about forcing the others to watch us frolic sensually on the tiled floor. They grabbed the champagne and sat on the porch until we were finished having our moment. A little while later, we idly wandered outside as the sun was starting to set behind the hills.

Vivienne came up behind us, a little uneasy on her feet and holding the bottle in her hands, no longer using the small plastic gla.s.s. "You should get married here tomorrow. We can have a big party and invite everyone down. C'mon, Shepard needs to know what he's getting into. I can do your henna in the morning; it will be dry in time. Get you laced up again."

Shepard's eyebrows quirked up immediately with the biggest grin and I knew it was over. The next day, Alessa and Vivienne worked furiously to get everything ready. Fortunately, it simply required a call to the local pastor, a catering company, and a lot of alcohol. Shepard and my father dug a giant pit in the back yard and collected enough wood to last through the night. Hay bales were pulled from the barn for seating and an area was reserved for tents if people wanted to camp.

As the sun started to set, I called for Vivienne to a.s.sist me in getting ready. She braided my hair into an intricate, four strand, coiled design and tucked in wild flowers along the plait. I laced up in a sheer white s.h.i.+rt with a cream colored bodice that had gold paisley designs swirling around it and a long filmy skirt. For a touch of humor, I duct taped my breast to enhance the way they popped out of the top of the bodice, knowing full well Shepard would be distracted the entire evening looking at them.

Vivienne told me it was time, and not a sound could be heard aside from the bells attached to my ankles and the crackling of the fire. His face glowed as I walked out of the house down the makes.h.i.+ft aisle to where he was standing in front of the warm embers. I had to keep from laughing as he kept looking down at my chest while the pastor spoke. I was pleasantly surprised that a woman had taken over the town church. Reverend Cole was more than happy to accommodate the last minute request. Being familiar with the town's temporary guest and customs, she didn't bat an eyelash at being summoned.

As the multicolored ribbons were tied around our wrist, the internal dam broke as Reverend Cole spoke.

"No one is ever promised tomorrow. Therefore, today we must greet each other with love and patience, trusting in the plan G.o.d has for every one of us. As Violet and Shepard make a promise to each other before you today, they willingly accept a life of sacrifice and eternal devotion. Therefore, what G.o.d has joined together, let no man separate."

Although she continued to speak, I was lost in the vortex of adoration. Never had I imagined standing in this place, feeling the overwhelming love bursting forth and all around me. As I blinked, her final statement before we exchanged vows rang through my soul.

"I cannot promise you that it is going to be easy, but only that it will be worth it."

Tambourines banged loudly along with drums and whistles as we sealed the agreement with a kiss. Forever. We broke tradition and entertained the crowd for the first dance, knowing we wanted to escape as soon as possible. Shepard played nothing in particular yet kept the tempo molto vivace, while I danced around the fire, pulling up the bystanders to join in. Later disappearing off to the spot by the creek, he unrolled the blanket from earlier that was tucked next to the trunk along with another he brought to ward off the chill. Off in the distance, drums could still be heard echoing loudly in the valley under the light of the moon.

As he lay on his back, I hurriedly lifted my skirt to make love to him for the first time as Mrs. Shepard Leone. Dropping my head back in ecstasy, I opened my eyes to the sugar coated night sky, stopping at the bright beam of light twinkling down on me. It was Shepard's star. Sated by exhaustion and bliss, his fingers trailed aimlessly along the top of my arm as we looked out over the water.

"You better be here when I wake up." Resting my head on his bicep to curl further into his embrace, I watched his chest rise and fall, my hands tracing the shadows of the leaves along his skin. Feeling sleep beginning to overcome me, the breeze started to blow lulling me even further. Just as I closed my eyes, his lips touched my forehead.

"I'm right here, Violet."


First, I want to thank G.o.d for giving me the talent and drive to pursue writing with a pa.s.sion and to experience life beyond anything I could ever imagine.

My husband for allowing me to chase whimsy no matter how absurd it appears.

My friends and family for the love they give.

And of course, you...


(Your name here).

Thank you for being a part of my story!.

There were also some very special people who encouraged this journey from conception to what you now hold in your hands. Despite starting as a bet, (thanks Lisa), to changing the entire course of my life, I am forever grateful.

My amazing editor Audrey Harte, thank you will never be enough, Snyder Smith at Regimental Design for making my vision a reality, Kimberly Knight for months of guidance and no bulls.h.i.+t, Lisa Sax for being the best partner in crime ever, Nichele Reese because science is amazing as well as our friends.h.i.+p, Nacole Stayton for helping me to stay humble and trusting in G.o.d, my fellow Tasty Crew hotties: Jenn Cole Besterman, Megan Hoelscher, Melanie Dawn, Kelsie Leverich, Jaimi Mac, Elaine Brenson and Janessa Osborne-you ladies rock, Shana Shaffer-Ficks for teaching me about strength, Weston Roodhouse-your input, humor and encouragement carried me often, Holly Malgieri at I Love Indie Books for giving me a stage, Erika Taylor for giving me the push to come out of the writers closet, E.k.Blair and Tania Penn Hernandez for giving me tools to share this story, Laura Tepedino Hampton for keeping me accountable, Mike Gleason, Rory Benson, James Turlington, Justin Adair and Corey Robertson-thank you for many years of honest friends.h.i.+p and unwavering support, Rachel White and Nicole Brooks for embracing this side of me, Julie Bryant, JoEllen n.o.ble, Rebecca Bilby, Kim Kretzer, Linda Fultz and all the other incredible ladies at the HD who have cheered me on, All of the talented Indie Chixx who give me a reason to smile on an hourly basis, the fantastic authors, bloggers and readers I have met over the past year, and last but not least, my mama, Rev. Peggy Brooks for always being proud, no matter what I do.

Thanks dpgroup forum.

About the Author.

JL Brooks lives with her active family along the Ohio River at the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. A former columnist turned novelist, she spends most of her time engaged in women's health issues and education. Believing everyone has a story to tell, chances are she will encourage you to tell yours.


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About Distractions. Part 23 novel

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