Distractions. Part 21

Distractions. -

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"I'm right here Violet."

Giving a nod, I turned and continued on. I caught the slight grin of the Doc as we stepped in. Before the doors closed, Shepard looked at me, silently pleading me to say yes to what I was being offered. The Doc patted my arm in rea.s.surance as we started to descend.

"Is he as strong as me?" I quietly asked. I could only pray for his sake he was. The thought of destroying such a beautiful soul pierced my very being.

"He's stronger than you know, Violet. Why do you think I chose him?"

He chose him.

An Audi SUV waited to take us to the Old City of Bern. We stopped in front of the Church of the Holy Ghost and meandered on foot down the street past Albert Einstein's home and the Samson Fountain.

The city was truly breathtaking. If I were ever to disappear, surely it would be a place like this. My hand remained affectionately looped through the Doc's elbow as I took everything in. Neither of us had any place to be at the moment other than here. I had so many questions, unsure of where to start. He knew I was struggling to grasp reality, so he began with what he knew to be my most pressing question.


"How did he become a part of all of this? How did you find him?"

He started to chuckle at my first inquiry, peering at me in disbelief not at the question, but at the circ.u.mstances.

"Of course, Violet we should start there, since that is close to the beginning. I took an interest in him when you started to mention him frequently. I did my homework on the chap and realized he was valuable. He was smart, driven, and most of all, would have no qualms leaving the life he had in pursuit of something bigger."

"Is that why you chose me?" I felt my brows scrunch together in thought.

"Partly, but now back to Shepard. I knew if he cared for you, he would come to your aid. You wouldn't be alone."

The light bulb clicked. He saw me starting to put the pieces together and continued speaking.

"I could not have predicted what happened with his father. The only thing I could do was send help to intervene on both your behalves."

A soft wind started to blow, bringing the delicate scent of the water to my nostrils. The sun warmed my face, as if it were illuminating the shadows of my understanding.

"Dr. Thomas," I replied.

Our pace had slowed considerably once we reached the river. Deep shades of turquoise green snaked through the tan buildings with terracotta tiled roofs. Lush green trees dotted the hillside before us as large colorful flags decorated the streets all around.

"Yes, Dr. Thomas. While you were in recovery, she told me the first thing you said was Shepard's name. He was forbidden to see you. She saw him sitting in the waiting room, only leaving to use the facilities or get some water. Your sister, Vivienne, was the only one to show him any kindness."

I couldn't help but begin to cry again. I knew this, she told me not long ago. Just like he waited then, he was waiting now. Once again, I was going to leave him. Doc held the small of my back and led me to a small bench on the side of the riverbank. He handed me a crisp white handkerchief that made me laugh.

"People still carry these?" I smiled as I gently blotted my wet face.

"One never knows when it will come in handy." With a weighted hand, he placed it between my shoulder blades.

"May I continue?" he asked I simply nodded and continued to blot.

"In the early hours of the morning, Claira took Shepard back to see you. She made sure you were thoroughly sedated to prevent risk of you waking and becoming upset. She let him come and say good-bye. She knew you would leave, because I sent her to get you. Shepard has known for some time where you were because of me. Because of Claira, I was able to keep both of you under my wing."

Each piece snapped into place with a loud crash. My hands covered my mouth and I closed my eyes as I felt shock come over me. He knew where I was.

"The possibility of one day being with you has kept Shepard going all of this time. If he knew what I was having you do, he would have intervened and perhaps gotten both of you killed. I have withheld the truth from him just as I have from you, to keep you safe. When I received notice from Beacon about your family and what you were doing in the lab, I knew I had to move quickly."

"Not Alessa."

His face darkened at his admission, then widened as my body started to jerk violently. The panic had finally seized every nerve in my body. I was subconsciously holding my breath for so long that the world went sideways before going dark.

Chapter 38 - Wonderland.

I started to rouse in the back of the Audi as I heard the sound of doors open then slam shut. The noise of aircraft all around pierced through the confusion. Upon realizing that I had awoken, Doc opened my door and began to unsnap my seat belt.

"We have to go now, Violet" His voice was filled with urgency and authority.

My arms and legs felt like lead weights as if I were drugged. I must have been drooling because he took a new handkerchief to my mouth and gently dabbed the corner. Throwing one of my arms around his shoulder, he gently lifted me out of the car and headed towards the small jet that was being prepared for take-off. As he slowly walked up the small stairway, he once again repeated the same words that started this nightmare.

"What I am about to do is going to frighten you, but I need you to trust me."

All I could do was remain limp in his arms like a mere rag doll being carried by a child. Even if I wanted to fight, there was nothing left in me to do so. I was pa.s.sed to a large man at the top of the stairs, gently carried to a seat, and strapped in. My head slumped over to the side, only able to observe the shadows of people as they came on to the plane.

First I saw Doc, and then behind him was Dr. Thomas, Alessa, and Mr. Gladstone.

What the h.e.l.l was going on? Small whimpers started to escape my throat; whatever was given to me must have started to wear off. They stared at me with pity and concern while talking amongst themselves. The Doc got a call from the pilot and walked towards the c.o.c.kpit. A few minutes later, he returned and addressed the others.

"He's here."

Who's here? I thought to myself, still unable to speak or move. Even opening my eyes took every bit of concentration.

The shadows were cast into the plane before the body entered. Another large man entered dressed in jeans and a grey thermal s.h.i.+rt with combat boots, followed by the man who carried me aboard, then one more.


No! This was not happening, this was not real!

Once his eyes locked onto mine, he went to lunge after me, but was restrained by the muscular gentleman who carried me aboard. Voices became loud as Doc frantically worked to keep him calm.

"I warned you about this, Shepard. You need to keep it together or there will be severe consequences, do you understand? You have no idea what she's been through; she needs to rest." Claira came over to me and smiled sweetly. Tilting my seat back so I was lying in a more reclined position, she looked at the man and told him to let Shepard go. Motioning him to come near to her, she lightly grasped his hand.

"Sit here by her, Shepard; you will help her to calm down. She's in shock right now; I need to keep her sedated."

Claira walked back to the front of the plane and retrieved a small black leather case, while Shepard gently turned my head to face him. Holding both sides of my face with his strong hands, I could see the rage building in his eyes. I was still unable to move, despite the screams in my head. He no longer cared that his employer was sitting across from us. The moment I arrived, all formalities went out the window. Whatever happened to me along the river must have scared Doc enough to change his mind about him.

d.a.m.n, how long had I been out?

Claira came back over and lifted my arm, revealing a heplock that was taped inside of my elbow. A small syringe removed some liquid from a tiny gla.s.s bottle. She flicked the top a few times to remove any air bubbles before inserting the needle into the tube. My eyelids grew heavy as the drugs coursed through my veins. My skin started to feel itchy with warmth.


I was going to be out for a while. Just before going under, I heard his sweet voice.

"I'm right here, Violet."

I had awoken shortly before landing. Shepard remained next to me, his arms wrapped possessively around my waist. I was able to actually blink and move my extremely parched tongue. The others were turned to their computer screens, talking into headsets. I lightly rubbed Shepard's hand under the blanket to let him know I was coherent. He squeezed back and remained still as we held each other. Our quiet dance of fingers against palms, tracing secret messages to each other lasted until the wheels. .h.i.t the ground.

Claira came over to me and read my vital signs. She went to place another drug in my arm. I wasn't sure if it was to keep me knocked out or wake me up. Regardless, I managed to mumble, "Stop, I won't fight you."

"She's awake." Claira looked to Shepard and winked. Knowing with him there, I would be more docile and cooperative, she backed away with the syringe. I began to wonder if it was she who convinced the Doc to bring Shepard to wherever he was taking us.

Doc approached to remove my restraints, yet Shepard warned him to back away.

"I got this; don't lay another hand on her." His fingers gently slid along the belt to unfasten me, determined to be as protective as possible. The Doc put his hands up in surrender and gathered his things. I caught Claira looking at us affectionately, which made me feel more comfortable.

"Hold on, Violet." He dipped down near my waist and lifted me over his shoulder. Although it was far from the most comfortable, I knew it was the only way he could carry me off the plane una.s.sisted. Once down the stairway, he slid my legs down around his waist, my head resting on his shoulder.

A large van was waiting for us on the air strip. One of the men who I a.s.sumed was a guard of some sort opened the back door where Shepard got in and secured me in the middle seat next to him. Little was said among the others now that I was conscious. I grew curious about Mr. Gladstone's role. Claira I got, Alessa never crossed my mind.

I leaned my head on Shepard's shoulder where he tilted over and kissed the top. His thumb pressed deeply into my palm, ma.s.saging little circles to give me something to focus on. Multiple sets of eyes watched closely, never before witnessing us interact in such an intimate manner. I didn't know what to expect at the end of this journey. Being so focused on the end goal, I was blind to that which was taking place in front of me. I stopped being angry at what I thought was going on, and meditated on what was truly happening. My emotions were distractions keeping me from the truth. Alessa warned me.

"Stay alert, Violet. Distractions will be your undoing."

I was surrounded by people I cared for, but didn't trust. I was strong, but not that strong. The task I had been given was much bigger than one person could do alone; I just never saw the whole picture until now.

The final piece snapped into place.

I kept silent as the car continued along in the dark. A half hour or so pa.s.sed before we pulled under the floodlights of a large area. Mr. Gladstone got out of the vehicle and told everyone to wait for a moment. Claira and the Doc exchanged glances before he looked back towards us.

"I am sorry it had to go this way, Violet. You understand."

There was not an ounce of remorse on his face. This was the plan the whole time. He asked me to trust him and I did. Feeling Shepard's hand tighten around mine, even he couldn't stop my growing fury at the betrayal.

The side doors opened and men speaking French escorted us down a long wooden dock. I was a bit steadier, yet Shepard remained by my side, giving me support. A gleaming white yacht came into view, ready for departure with a small crew scattered about in preparations. A narrow ramp was leading aboard the vessel. Gladstone was waiting for us at the top, directing everyone into the cabin, and then signaling to the captain it was time to leave. With the loud sound of the horn, we were soon off into the moonless night.

Chapter 39 - Anchors Away.

The cabin was a s.p.a.cious area, complete with a full kitchen, sunken seating area and various other spots to lounge. The long wooden table was littered with laptops and technical equipment wired together. Immediately, several people were seated, firing everything up, fingers flying rapidly as they entered commands, double checking for adequate connections. Shepard led me to the plush seating area and pulled me onto his lap and into his arms. The morphine continued to swim in my veins, leaving me exhausted. Claira came over and sat next to us, patting me lovingly on the leg. Alessa approached and sat down as well to talk to me.

"I'm sorry I deceived you, Violet. I had no choice, but I really do care about you. You're not just an a.s.signment; you are my friend. That was all real."

I was p.i.s.sed at Alessa. The others were in my life on a professional capacity; she was personal. But that was the point. Everyone in my life was a.s.signed to be there. It started to make me nauseous. Claira saw my face and stood up.

"You will feel better in the morning, I promise. Shepard, I want you to follow me with her and lay her down. I don't want her getting sick. I can give you something if you need it, Violet."

I shook my head and curled back into Shepard's chest. He lifted me up easily and trailed behind Claira towards a back hallway. The Doc moved to protest, but Claira lifted up her hand in a visual warning. The short walk led us to a s.p.a.cious suite with a balcony. Claira asked if she could get us anything. Although Shepard said no, she continued to wait by the door. I knew what she wanted. Digging into my purse that she had set on the table, I removed a slender box masked as a powder compact and popped the top off, handing her the hard drive.

"What's the code, Violet." She looked at the device as I had so many times, feeling the invisible weight of such a small object.

"Esperanza. Now please leave us be," I said quietly.

She nodded and backed out of the doorway, gently closing it behind her. I followed and turned the lock, breathing out deeply while looking into Shepard's eyes.

He rose off the bed and approached me, pulling me tightly into an embrace. "There's a big tub in here calling your name right now." He chuckled, knowing exactly what I needed right then.

Entering the bathroom, I refused to look in the mirror. I could only imagine what a disaster my appearance was. Shepard ran the water and stepped closer to me, touching a delicate b.u.t.ton on my blouse. His nearness caused a hitch in my breathing, making it shallow. With nimble fingers, he unfastened each pearlescent disk, then slid the fabric down my arms. As he worked to remove the rest of my clothing, I remembered how much he enjoyed undressing me, how each article revealed a new area of skin for his eyes, hands and mouth to devour. The thought that I still had this effect on him warmed my soul. For a week, I denied his touch, fearful of what the emotional entanglements would bring. Surely the loss of such a connection again would be my undoing. I was so close to the edge, a feather could knock me over, never to return.

As he reached behind my back, his mouth dipped into my neck. The moment his lips made contact, I started to melt. My skin began to sear underneath the lazy kisses he trailed down to my shoulder.

The bath was filling the room with steam, enveloping us in moist warmth. Beads of sweat started to form between my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and along the ridge of my upper lip. Between Shepard and the heat, I became even more delirious. He saw my eyelids start to droop and quickly removed the rest of our clothing. Picking me up and then lowering me into the soothing water, he sat behind me and pulled me against him so I could rest my head on his chest. I wanted to fall asleep, yet Shepard kept ma.s.saging my shoulders and hips to keep me awake.

"Can we talk about what is going on?" He approached the subject cautiously, almost timid as to what the response would be.

I nodded yes before breathing out deeply. "You're not here by accident, Shepard, and neither am I. We were chosen by David to fulfill a task. This moment has been a long time in the making." I waited to see how he took everything in. As I curled my neck around to look at him, he appeared confused.

"David?" he asked.

I nodded up and down. I closed my eyes as more started to come together. "Balashov is not who you think he is. He's Doc, my Doc. David Robertson."

Scooting up slightly, I could feel his heart start to pound harder.

"The Doc is dead, Violet."

"No, he's not. He's on this boat. He sent Claira to me after I got hurt to intervene. The other man a his name is Michael Gladstone. He's the CEO of Beacon Pharmaceuticals, and my boss. The woman a her name is Alessa, and she was my best friend. All of this is a set up, we are just p.a.w.ns."

Shepard started to grow rigid beneath me, ready for a fight. I flipped quickly in the water to pin him beneath me. He could throw me off in a second without effort, but he held still, eyes wild with confusion. I grabbed his face and kissed him with everything inside of me, willing this kiss to calm the beast in him, I refused to let go.

He pulled away and looked pained. I could see him start to retreat within. "Were we real, Violet?"

His question pulled the air from my lungs as the invisible knife sliced into my gut. "Don't you believe that?" I couldn't fathom that he even had to ask. After everything that happened this week, I was sure there was no doubt in either of our minds.

There was no emotion in his eyes; they were completely void. I felt the ocean beneath us threaten to open up and drag me to the very bottom. My biggest nightmare was coming to fruition the moment he opened his mouth.

"The bigger question is: Violet, do you?"

I began to shake violently again. My body was no longer able to handle the stress my brain was under. "Please G.o.d, no!" I don't know if my scream ever came out, because the world once again went dark.

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