Enchanter's End Game Part 34

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"In the care of Relg, the Ulgo," Belgarath replied. "They seem quite attached to each other," he added blandly.

Mara looked at him thoughtfully. "A race may not be restored by one," he said, "even in the care of the most loving G.o.d. It requires two." He turned to UL. "Wilt thou give me this Ulgo, Father?" he asked. "He shall become the sire of my people."

UL gave Belgarath a rather penetrating look. "Thou knowest that Relg hath another duty to perform," he said pointedly.

Belgarath's expression was almost impish. "I'm certain that the Gorim and I can work out the details, Most Holy," he declared with utmost self confidence.

"Aren't you forgetting something, Belgarath?" Silk asked diffidently, as if not wanting to intrude. "Relg has this little problem, remember?"

Belgarath gave the little man a hard look.

"I just thought I ought to mention it," Silk said innocently.

Mara looked sharply at them. "What is this?"

"A minor difficulty, Lord Mara," Belgarath said quickly. "One I'm certain Taiba can overcome. I have the utmost confidence in her in that particular area."

"I will have the truth of this," Mara said firmly.

Belgarath sighed and gave Silk another grim look. "Relg is a zealot, Lord Mara," he explained. "For religious reasons, he avoids certain -ah - forms of human contact."

"Fatherhood is his destiny," UL said. "From him will issue a special child. I will explain this to him. He is an obedient man, and he will put aside his aversions for my sake."

"Then thou wilt give him to me, Father?" Mara asked eagerly.

"He is throe - with but one restriction - of which we will speak later."

"Let us see this brave Sendar, then," Mara said, and all traces of his weeping were now gone.

"Belgarion, " the voice in Garion's mind said.


"The restoration of your friend is in your hands now."

"Me? Why me?"

"Must you always say that? Do you want Durnik's life restored?"

"Of course, but I can't do it. I wouldn't even know where to begin."

"You did it before. Remember the colt in the cave of the G.o.ds?"

Garion had almost forgotten that.

"You are my instrument, Belgarion. I can keep you from making mistakes - most of the time anyway. Just relax; I'll show you what to do." Garion was already moving without conscious volition. He let his arm fall from about Ce'Nedra's shoulders, and, his sword still in his hand, he walked slowly toward Aunt Pol and Durnik's body. He looked once into her eyes as she sat with the dead man's head in her lap, and then he knelt beside the body.

"For me, Garion," she murmured to him.

"If I can, Aunt Pol," he said.

Then, without knowing why, he laid the sword of the Rivan King upon the ground and took hold of the Orb at its pommel. With a faint click, the Orb came free in his hand. Errand, smiling now, approached from the other side and also knelt, taking up Durnik's lifeless hand in his. Holding the Orb in both hands, Garion reached out and put it against the dead man's chest. He was faintly conscious of the fact that the G.o.ds had gathered about in a circle and that they had reached out their arms, palm to palm, forming an unbroken ring. Within that circle, a great light began to pulsate, and the Orb, as if in answer, glowed between his hands.

The blank wall he had seen once before was there again, still black, impenetrable, and silent. As he had before in the cave of the G.o.ds, Garion pushed tentatively against the substance of death itself, striving to reach through and pull his friend back into the world of the living.

It was different this time. The colt he had brought to life in the cave had never lived except within its mother's body. Its death had been as tenuous as its life, and it lay but a short distance beyond the barrier. Durnik, however, had been a man full grown, and his death, like his life, was far more profound. With all his strength, Garion pushed. He could feel the enormous force of the combined wills of the G.o.ds joining with his in the silent struggle, but the barrier would not yield.

"Use the Orbl " the voice commanded.

This time Garion focused all the power, his own and that of the G.o.ds upon the round stone between his hands. It flickered, then glowed, then flickered again.

"Help me!" Garion commanded it.

As if suddenly understanding, the Orb flared into a coruscating eruption of colored light. The barrier was weakening.

With an encouraging little smile, Errand reached out and laid one hand upon the blazing Orb.

The barrier broke. Durnik's chest heaved, and he coughed once. With profoundly respectful expression upon their eternal faces, the G.o.ds stepped back. Aunt Pol cried out in sudden relief and clasped her arms about Durnik, cradling him against her.

"Errand," the child said to Garion with a peculiar note of satisfaction. Garion stumbled to his feet, exhausted by the struggle and nearly staggering as he moved away.

"Are you all right?" Ce'Nedra demanded of him, even as she ducked her head beneath his arm and firmly pulled it about her tiny shoulders. He nodded, though his knees almost buckled.

"Lean on me," she told him.

He was about to protest, but she put her hand firmly to his lips. "Don't argue, Garion," she told him. "You know that I love you and that you're going to be leaning on me for the rest of your life anyway, so you might as well get used to the idea."

"I think my life's going to be different now, Master," Belgarath was saying to Aldur. "Pol's always been there, ready to come when I called her - not always willingly, perhaps - but she always came. Now she'll have other concerns." He sighed. "I suppose our children all grow up and get married sometime."

"This particular pose doth not become thee, my son," Aldur told him.

Belgarath grinned. "I've never been able to slip anything past you, Master," he said. Then his face grew serious again. "Polgara's been almost like a son to me," he told Aldur, "but perhaps it's time that I let her be a woman. I've denied her that for too long."

"As it seems best to thee, my son," Aldur said. "And now, I pray thee, go apart a little way and permit us our family grief." He looked at Torak's body lying on the bier and then at Garion. "I have but one more task for thee, Belgarion," he said. "Take the Orb and place it upon my brother's breast."

"Yes, Master," Garion replied immediately. He removed his arm from about Ce'Nedra's shoulders and walked to the bier, trying not to look at the dead G.o.d's seared and twisted face. He reached out and laid the round blue stone upon the motionless chest of Kal Torak. Then he stepped back. Once again his little princess wormed her way beneath his arm and clasped him about the waist. It was not unpleasant, but he had the brief, irrational thought that things would be awkward if she were going to insist on this close embrace for the rest of their lives.

Once again the G.o.ds formed their circle, and once again the Orb began to glow. Gradually, the seared face started to change, its maiming slowly disappearing. The light surrounding the G.o.ds and the bier grew stronger, and the glow of the Orb became incandescent. The last Garion saw of the face of Torak, it was calm, composed and unmarked. It was a beautiful face, but it was nonetheless still a dead face.

And then the light grew so intense that Garion could no longer look at it. When it subsided, and when Garion looked back at the bier, the G.o.ds and the body of Torak were gone. Only the Orb remained, glowing slightly as it lay on the rough stone.

Errand, once again with that confident look, went to the bier. Standing on his tiptoes, he reached across the block to retrieve the glowing stone. Then he carried it to Garion. "Errand, Belgarion," he said firmly, handing the Orb back, and in their touch as the Orb exchanged hands, Garion felt something profoundly different.

Drawn together by what had happened, the little group silently gathered about Aunt Pol and Durnik. To the east, the sky had begun to lighten, and the rosy blush of dawn touched the few last remaining tatters of the cloud that had covered Cthol Mishrak. The events of the dreadful night had been t.i.tanic, but now the night was nearly over, and they stood together, not speaking as they watched the dawn.

The storm that had raged through the long night had pa.s.sed. For years beyond counting, the universe had been divided against itself, but now it was one again. If there were such things as beginnings, this was a beginning. And so it was, through broken cloud, that the sun rose on the morning of the first day.



Chapter Twenty-five.

BELGARION OF RIVA slept very fitfully the night before his wedding. Had he and Ce'Nedra been married in some simple, private little ceremony shortly after his meeting with Torak, things might have gone more smoothly. At that time both he and his flighty little princess had been too tired and too overwhelmed by the events which had taken place to be anything but absolutely honest with each other. During those few short days he had found her to be almost a different person. She had watched his every move with a kind of patient adoration, and she was forever touching him - his hair, his face, his arms - her fingers gentle and curious. The peculiar way she had of coming up to him, no matter who was present or what was going on, and worming her way into the circle of his arm had been, on the whole, rather nice.

Those days had not, however, lasted. Once she had rea.s.sured herself that he was all right and that he was really there and not some figment of her imagination which might be s.n.a.t.c.hed away at any moment, Ce'Nedra had gradually changed. He felt somehow like a possession; following her initial delight in owners.h.i.+p, his princess had rather deliberately embarked upon some grand plan of alteration.

And now the day upon which her possession of him was to be formalized was only hours away. His sleep came in fits and starts with dreams mingling peculiarly with memories as he dipped in and out of sleep like a sea bird skimming across the waves.

He was at Faldor's farm again. Even in his sleep he could hear the ringing of Durnik's hammer and smell the odors coming from Aunt Pol's kitchen. Rundorig was there - and Zubrette - and Doroon - and there was Brill, creeping around a corner. He half woke and turned restlessly in the royal bed. That wasn't possible. Doroon was dead, drowned in the River Mardu, and Brill had vanished forever over the parapet of mile-high Rak Cthol.

And then he was in the palace at Sthiss Tor, and Salmissra, her blatant nudity glowing through her filmy gown, was touching his face with her cold fingers.

But Salmissra was no longer a woman. He had watched her himself as she had changed into a serpent.

Grul the Eldrak hammered at the frozen ground with his iron-shod club, bellowing, "Come 'Grat, fight!" and Ce'Nedra was screaming. In the chaotic world of dreams half mixed with memories he saw Ctuchik, his face contorted with horror, exploding once more into nothingness in the hanging turret at Rak Cthol.

And then he stood once again in the decaying ruin of Cthol Mishrak, his sword ablaze, and watched as Torak raised his arms to the rolling cloud, weeping tears of fire, and once again he heard the stricken G.o.d's final cry, "Mother!"

He stirred, half rousing and shuddering as he always did when that dream recurred, but dipped almost immediately into sleep again.

He was standing on the deck of Barak's s.h.i.+p just off the Mallorean coast, listening as King Anheg explained why Barak was chained to the mast.

"We had to do it, Belgarath," the coa.r.s.e-faced monarch said mournfully. "Right during the middle of that storm, he turned into a bear! He drove the crew to row toward Mallorea all night long, and then, just before daybreak, he turned back into a man again."

"Unchain him, Anheg," Belgarath said disgustedly. "He's not going to turn into a bear again - not as long as Garion's safe and well." Garion rolled over and sat up. That had been a startling revelation.

There had been a purpose behind Barak's periodic alterations.

"You're Garion's defender," Belgarath had explained to the big man. "That's why you were born. Any time Garion was in mortal danger, you changed into a bear in order to protect him."

"You mean to say that I'm a sorcerer?" Barak had demanded incredulously.

"Hardly. The shape-change isn't all that difficult, and you didn't do it consciously. The Prophecy did the work, not you."

Barak had spent the rest of the voyage back to Mishrak ac Thull trying to come up with a tastefully understated way to add that concept to his coat of arms.

Garion climbed out of his high, canopied bed and went to the window. The stars in the spring sky looked down at the sleeping city of Rivan and at the dark waters of the Sea of the Winds beyond the harbor. There was no sign that dawn was anywhere near yet. Garion sighed, poured himself a drink of water from the pitcher on the table, and went back to bed and his troubled sleep.

He was at Thull Zelik, and Hettar and Mandorallen were reporting on the activities of 'Zakath, the Mallorean Emperor. "He's laying siege to Rak Goska right now," hawk-faced Hettar was saying. There had been a peculiar softening in Hettar's face since Garion had last seen him, as if something very significant had happened. The tall Algar turned to Garion. "Eventually you're going to have to do something about 'Zakath," he said. "I don't think you want him roaming around at will in this part of the world."

"Why me?" Garion asked without thinking.

"You're Overlord of the West, remember?"

Once again Garion awoke. Sooner or later he would have to deal with 'Zakath; there was no question about that. Maybe after the wedding, he'd have time to consider the matter. That thought, however, stopped him. Strangely, he had no conception of anything that might happen after the wedding. It stood before him like some huge door that led into a place he had never been. 'Zakath would have to wait. Garion had to get through the wedding first.

Half asleep, somewhere between dreaming and remembering, Garion relived a significant little exchange between himself and her Imperial Highness.

"It's stupid, Ce'Nedra," he was protesting. "I'm not going to fight anybody, so why should I ride in waving my sword?"

"They deserve to see you, Garion," she explained as if talking to a child. "They left their homes and rode into battle at your summons."

"I didn't summon anybody."

"I did it in your behalf. They're a very good army, really, and I raised them all by myself. Aren't you proud of me?"

"I didn't ask you to do that."

"You were too proud to ask. That's one of your failings, Garion. You must never be too proud to ask the people who love you for help. Every man in the army loves you. They followed me because of you. Is it too much trouble for the great Overlord of the West to reward his faithful soldiers with just a little bit of a display or appreciation? Or have you become too grand and lofty for simple grat.i.tude?"

"You're twisting things, Ce'Nedra. You do that a lot, you know." But Ce'Nedra had already moved on as if the entire matter were settled. "And of course you will wear your crown - and some nice armor. I think a mail s.h.i.+rt would be appropriate."

"I'm not going to make a clown of myself just to satisfy your urges toward cheap theatricality."

Her eyes filled. Her lower lip trembled. "You don't love me any more," she accused him in a quavering little voice.

Garion groaned even in his sleep. It always came down to that. She won every single argument with that artful bit of deception. He knew it was not genuine. He knew that she only did it to get her own way, but he was absolutely defenseless against it. It might have nothing whatsoever to do with the matter under discussion, but she always managed to twist things around until she could unleash that devastating accusation, and all hope of his winning even the smallest point was immediately lost. Where had she learned to be so heartlessly dishonest?

And so it was that Garion, dressed in mail, wearing his crown and self consciously holding his flaming sword aloft, had ridden into the forts atop the eastern escarpment to the thunderous cheers of Ce'Nedra's army.

So much had happened since Garion and Silk and Belgarath had crept from the citadel at Riva the previous spring. The young king lay musing in his high, canopied bed, having almost given up on sleep. Ce'Nedra had in fact raised an army. As he had heard more of the details, he had been more and more astonished - not only by her audacity but also by the enormous amount of energy and sheer will she had expended in the process. She had been guided and a.s.sisted, certainly, but the initial concept had been hers. His admiration for her was tinged slightly with apprehension. He was going to marry a very strongminded young woman - and one who was not overly troubled by scruples.

He rolled over and punched at his pillow, hoping somehow by that familiar act to bring on more normal sleep, but once again he slipped into restless dreaming. Relg and Taiba were walking toward him, and they were holding hands!

And then he was at the Stronghold, sitting at Adara's bedside. His beautiful cousin was even paler than he remembered, and she had a persistent, racking cough. Even as the two of them talked, Aunt Pol was taking steps to remedy the last complications of the wound which had so nearly claimed the girl's life.

"I was mortified, of course," Adara was saying. "I'd taken so much care to conceal it from him, and now I'd gone and blurted it out to him, and I wasn't even dying."

"Hettar?" Garion said again. He'd already said it three times.

"If you don't stop that, Garion, I'm going to be cross with you," Adara said quite firmly.

"I'm sorry," he apologized quickly. "It's just that I've never considered him in that light. He's a good friend, but I never thought of him as particularly loveable. He's so - I don't know - implacable, I suppose."

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