Doctor Who_ Divided Loyalties Part 16

Doctor Who_ Divided Loyalties -

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The Doctor's eyes flashed in fury. No one is asking you to join us, Vansell.' He turned to the rest of the group. Yes, I'm proposing breaking the law. Yes, I'm proposing something risky. But if we stay here, if we don't prove to those dormice who call themselves Time Lords that there's a Universe out there which needs to be explored - not just watched, observed and recorded but partic.i.p.ated in - then we might as well die now.'

And if we are caught?' ventured Magnus.

If we are caught, we take the blame. But with any luck, even if we are caught it'll shake them up a bit, do a little damage to their cosy little world. Look at those records. There was a time when Gallifrey explored. Look at Minyos. Look at the Death Zone. Look at the early days of Gallifrey when explorers in nothing more than scaphes ventured into the vortex. They had a sense of adventure then. Those genes are still within us.'

Within you, it seems,' said Vansell quietly.

The Doctor stopped.

Mortimus was eyeing him carefully, but still scrolling through the data pad's information.

Jelpax was determined not to catch the Doctor's eye, and stared at his feet.

Koschei was furiously scratching his arm, as if the itch was suddenly the most important thing in the world.

Millennia was tugging at a loose thread on her robes. Only Rallon was nodding at him, eager to go.

And you, my friend?' The Doctor was addressing Magnus.

Magnus wanted to say yes, he wanted to explore, wanted to know why the Time Lords had so much power, so much technology and squandered it on philosophical debate and little more than spying on other planets.

But he wanted to finish his course at the Academy. To understand the energies necessary to harness time travel, to understand not just that a TARDIS could work but why why it worked. How to build one. If he went with the Doctor and Rallon, he would probably be sacrificing his future. it worked. How to build one. If he went with the Doctor and Rallon, he would probably be sacrificing his future.

I'm sorry, Doctor. But I will ensure that you can get a TARDIS. It's the most I can do.'

The Doctor looked crestfallen. I'd say it's actually the least you can do, but still, I am grateful.' He turned to the others.

Koschei? Mortimus? Jelpax?'

They all shook their heads.


Oh yes, count me in.'


Vansell just laughed. Oh, right, like I'm going to throw my future away for you. You are a fool, Doctor. You too, Rallon.'

I'll come with you,' said Millennia, rather quietly. Then she nodded furiously and spoke more loudly. Yes, yes I want want to see what's out there.' She walked over to Vansell. The others here, they've discussed this, made their decisions based on the facts. But you, Vansell, what have you done except make caustic remarks? Staying here might well be safer, but it won't be more interesting.' to see what's out there.' She walked over to Vansell. The others here, they've discussed this, made their decisions based on the facts. But you, Vansell, what have you done except make caustic remarks? Staying here might well be safer, but it won't be more interesting.'

Maybe not.' he shrugged. But I'll still have a career at the end of it.'

Vansell turned and left.

Will he betray us?' Rallon wondered aloud.

The Doctor shook his head. No. Not even Vansell could do that. Our loyalty to each other is what has kept us together all these years.'

Nothing can divide that,' murmured Koschei.

No,' the Doctor agreed. Nothing...'


(Forever) Live and Die

You don't know how to fly this thing, do you?'

The Doctor, who had been hunched over the TARDIS console, stood up. Of course I do,' he snapped at Millennia.

Have you two got nothing better to do than criticise?'

Rallon laughed. I'll check the fault locator.'

Fault locator,' muttered the Doctor. I am the fault locator.

I can find the fault.'

Millennia peered over his shoulder. I thought there wasn't a fault.'

There isn't a fault,' retorted the Doctor. But if there was, I'd be able to find it, not some ridiculous machine.'

It's in the navigational systems,' Rallon called over from the fault locator room. G3 4S.'

I know where the navigation systems are, Rallon.' The Doctor tugged up the corner of the panel on the TARDIS console that was nearest the outer doors, peered inside, shut it and opened the next panel. Well, if they didn't keep moving things around...'

Millennia resumed her wandering around the console room.

The TARDIS is smaller than I thought it would be.'

It's only a Type 18, Millennia,' Rallon said. Now, if we'd acquired a Type 35, or even a Type 30 Mark III, we'd be more comfortable.'

Well, if someone had distracted the traffic controller longer than she did, I might have had the opportunity to find one.'

The Doctor slammed the panel shut. As it is, this is the best I could do.' He glowered at Millennia. As usual, I have to do everything, hmmm?'

To be fair, Doctor,' said Rallon, ever conciliatory, this was your idea. We're just along for the ride!'

I want to see Chancellor Delox's face when we get back, see if she still thinks you're worthless, Doctor.' Millennia suddenly clapped her hands together. Oh, oh. I want to get a souvenir. A rock or something. Just think what we can do with it!

What exactly?' asked the Doctor, retrying the navigational controls.

Millennia's thought processes clearly hadn't got quite far enough to answer him - geology wasn't her field of interest after all. Oh, I don't know. It'll be different rock to Gallifrey rock, so the geologists will be fascinated. And anyway, I want to show it to my family, to prove how we can learn to do things without using our influence.'

The Doctor shot her a curious look - the sad fact was that her family had connections and money rather than brains. To them, Millennia's time at the Academy was an excuse to get her out of the house and away from whatever harm she might do to herself. But although she was a bit young and given to flights of sulking, the Doctor was as impressed by her apt.i.tude as Rallon. He had little doubt that one day she would prove to her House just how clever she was. Maybe after this very excursion.

I think I'll throw a party when we get back, you two. A big welcome home for the brave adventurers.' She looked around her. Where is the computer?'

Why?' asked Rallon.

I want to start a list of who to invite, silly.' She kissed his cheek. Oh, and my family are not not on the list.' on the list.'

Without saying anything, Rallon touched a switch on the console and a data bank unfolded itself. Millennia was greeted by a screen and keypad. Oh, how quaint,' she said.

It's as quaint as the library computers,' the Doctor said.

I know that,' Millennia replied. I'm not stupid. I just think the way it was inserted into this console thing is quaint.'

Millennia,' Rallon eased her away. I think there's a secondary console down the corridor. Why don't you use the one in there and then the Doctor and I can work in here, and in a couple of hours, you tell us all about the party, all right?'

Millennia smiled adoringly at him, but she knew she was being sidetracked. Oh, Rallon, you're always full of good ideas,' she said sarcastically, but still headed off to find the other control room.

Thank you,' said the Doctor. Now tell me again why she is here?'

Rallon smiled. Because she wants adventure as much as you or I, Doctor. And,' and he reached over conspiratorially and gripped his friend's shoulder, because if it were you and me, we'd take risks. Silly risks. This way, being the gentlemen we are, each of us will ensure nothing gets too out of hand and we don't do anything life-threatening. After all, would you want to tell her family something had happened to her?'

The Doctor pursed his lips. I wouldn't want to tell her furniture, let alone the whole family.'

Rallon winked. Exactly my point, old man.'

For the first time, the Doctor allowed a smile to slip across his face. All right, old man, but she's your responsibility. I don't like having to be responsible for other people.'

Millennia popped her head back around the door from the inner sections of the TARDIS. I got bored making lists. That's the sort of thing our housekeeper used to get me to do when she wanted me out from under her feet. Why do I suddenly get the impression that it's happened again?'

The Doctor and Rallon shot a look at each other, each hoping the other had a quick enough answer. You can help me here,' the Doctor said. Could you start to tell me some of those readings?'

Millennia's eyes sparkled for a moment and, for the first time, the Doctor noticed how very attractive she was. No wonder Rallon was besotted.

He coughed and sidled up beside her. I think I should apologise, Millennia. I've not been the best of... companions since we started this little journey. A bit concerned about getting there, and all that. You do understand, don't you?'

Millennia shrugged, but was still smiling. Of course I do, Doctor. We're all used to your weird eccentricities by now.' She looked down at the TARDIS console. Which numbers need reading?'

But the Doctor was staring open-mouthed at her, and then over to Rallon, who merely mouthed touche' back at him.

Those ones. There.' The Doctor jabbed his finger at a dial.

He had no idea what it was for, but it would keep Millennia occupied and feeling useful.

Point 01,' Millennia started to say.

And then everything went... bizarre.

Harsh thick beams of light suddenly ricocheted off the TARDIS's walls, accompanied by a loud humming noise. The TARDIS itself was pitching and tossing.

The console started shorting, sending sparks and a wailing Millennia in various directions.

The TARDIS lights themselves dimmed, and the three of them could only see each other as the new beams bounced around them.

They're searching for something,' the Doctor muttered, his brain immediately trying to a.n.a.lyse the new problem. He moved to one side and, sure enough, one of the light beams. .h.i.t where he had just been standing. Intelligent and diligent,'

he murmured.

Millennia was huddled in a corner, but Rallon suddenly rolled towards the Doctor, dodging the beams as they stabbed down.

I calculate a point 03 second delay in their readings of movement,' he said. While we're still, they don't see us.'

Is this some kind of TARDIS defence?' moaned Millennia.

Are we in trouble with the Time Lords?'

Rallon waved over to her, to rea.s.sure her.

And vanished in a column of light that hit him and seemed to elongate him, stretching him upwards and into the TARDIS's ceiling.

It was over.

The TARDIS was no longer moving, its lights were back on and the noise had stopped.

Rallon?' Millennia crawled towards the Doctor. Where's he gone?'

The Doctor could see she was terrified. Truth be told, so was he.

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