Doctor Who_ Divided Loyalties Part 13

Doctor Who_ Divided Loyalties -

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Three hours pa.s.sed before they reached the dormitories. There was a rather lengthy period of waiting as Millennia and Rallon said their farewells. It was a ritual that had been going on for a few months now - and everyone was taking bets as to how long it would be before they announced a more permanent relations.h.i.+p. They finally moved away from each other after a last kiss, and more than one of their compatriots let out a grateful sigh. Being outside after curfew' was not a wise course to take. The cardinals took a dim view of students who failed to get the required amount of sleep. Even those in the Deca.

Finally Ushas and Millennia headed left, the males going right. Magnus watched Ushas' retreating form with an admiring eye, until Mortimus nudged him.

Don't go there, Magnus,' he laughed. She'll eat you for breakfast'

Magnus shook his head slowly and wandered away. You'll never understand, Mort, you'll never understand.'

Understand? Understand what?' Mortimus turned round but the hallway was empty - his fellow Decas had all gone, leaving him alone.

As always.

What are you doing out here after dark?'

Mortimus jumped at the nasal, whiny voice that emanated from a dark side-corridor.

Oh, it's you,' he said, and relaxed.

I am hall monitor for this semester and you are late. Not out with your fellow stuck-ups?' The voice belonged to Runcible, a thin, gangly student with features as pinched and surly as his voice. In his hand he carried a clipboard and Mortimus knew he was writing his name on one of his interminable lists. Like all a.n.a.l-retentives with personality defects and self-insecurities, Runcible always made lists. Of everything. None of them of any use.

They were all here, actually,' said Mortimus smugly.

Obviously you weren't doing your job well enough, or you would have spotted them.'

Runcible shrugged. Well, I missed them. But I caught you. I shall inform Cardinal Za.s.s of your tardiness and she will take the requisite action.'

Mortimus couldn't care less and told Runcible so. I have far more interesting things to do,' he said. If you want to add me to a list, add it to the longest one. You know, the one with the names of everyone in the academy, tutors and pupils alike, who despise you, Runcible. It must be the one you write up most frequently.'

Runcible just shrugged and walked away.

Oh, what's the use,' Mortimus muttered to himself. Some people wouldn't recognise an insult if they tripped over it.' As he headed towards his room another figure emerged from the shadows. But this one said nothing. It just watched Mortimus go.

After the figure had been standing in the empty corridor for a few minutes he was joined by another - this one just popped into existence, a faint s.h.i.+mmer in the air heralding his arrival.

Both of them wore long white tabards with black

Their hair was slicked back and tied in tight ponytails, their hands were folded within the large sleeves of their clothes.

They were recorders. From the Celestial Intervention Agency.

That one is destined to be trouble,' the first CIA recorder said.

But he is not the one we are charged with tonight,' said the other. He has already gone to his room.'

The first recorder suddenly c.o.c.ked his head, as if listening.

Presently he nodded, understanding whatever comments were being pa.s.sed to him telepathically. He smiled at the second recorder. Our target must not be disturbed after all. The seventh door has been activated, the Matrix secrets revealed.

He has a destiny that we must not interrupt. Yet.'

And as silently as they had arrived, both recorders disappeared in seconds, leaving the corridor empty once more.

Runcible suddenly came around a corner, clipboard in hand.

Who is there? I heard you talking, I know you are here.

You'll be added to the list, you know...'

The Doctor, Rallon and Koschei were in their corridor, Vansell and Magnus having already gone to their rooms.

Drax and Jelpax didn't stay in the residential dormitories, as both their Houses were close enough for them to live there.

Drax had his own home-made skimmer and was happy to give Jelpax a lift.

The Doctor thought it was amusing that they could strongly disagree about things like the relics and yet neither thought twice about companions.h.i.+p on the way home. That was the good thing about the Deca - no matter what their differences, deep down they were all friends.

Good friends.

Loyal to the end.

Let nothing come between us,' he murmured.

I'm sorry?' Koschei had just opened his door.

Hmm? Oh, nothing, my friend. Nothing.'

With a nod of good night, Koschei went into his room.

Rallon and the Doctor stood alone.

You and Millennia, then,' the Doctor started. Should we prepare for... an announcement sometime soon?'

Rallon laughed heartily, then glanced around in case they attracted the unwelcome attention of Runcible doing his rounds.

She is a lovely person, Doctor. And yes, one day I think we may share our lives. But not yet, my friend. In many ways she is still a... a...'

Child?' prompted the Doctor, and immediately regretted it as Rallon frowned.

Well, since you put it so bluntly, let's just say that for all her brains, all her instinctive skills in applied cosmic sciences and transcendental engineering, she has some maturing to do.' Rallon held his arms wide. But what can I say? I have fallen for a beautiful face, a gorgeous body, a fantastic mind...'

...and a very influential family,' grinned the Doctor.

Rallon feigned annoyance for a second, and then shook his head. You'll find someone one day, Doctor. Then you'll remember this ridiculing and regret it, mark my words.' They were standing outside their rooms now. And yes, she does have an influential family - but, to her credit, she never flaunts it!'

Good night, my friend,' the Doctor said. I fear I shall spend most of tomorrow trying to avoid the influence of my own, dear, family.'

Rallon was by the door to his room, opposite the Doctor's. I have not forgotten, Doctor. Tomorrow is your ...'

They both stopped as the Doctor pushed his door open and a seven-foot-tall furry creature faced them. It had a pig-like snout, two black eyes with red specks in the pupils and curled horns on either side of its head. Its powerful frame was covered in downy white fur threaded through with charcoal grey stripes and its ma.s.sive clawed paws were resting on its hips.

It was an Avatroid.

Rallon took an involuntary step backwards, but the Doctor just sighed.

The Avatroid adjusted the collar of the Paisley waistcoat it wore, rather pointlessly, bearing in mind that the garment barely reached the creature's well-developed pecs and was dangerously taut across its shoulders.

If you tear that,' the Doctor said crossly, I'd be very upset indeed, Badger.'

Badger shrugged and the Doctor winced as a loud ripping sound preceded the waistcoat dropping to the floor in two distinct halves.

Now look, if you want a waistcoat, I'll get you one. That's the fifth one of mine you've destroyed.'

If Badger was in any way concerned, Rallon couldn't tell it from the expression on its face. Instead, the creature reached down and, ignoring the Doctor's feeble struggling, scooped Rallon's friend up in a huge bear hug, snorting slightly.

Rallon realised this was from pleasure - the Avatroid was pleased to see the Doctor.

Rallon,' the Doctor said between short breaths, this is Badger, my... friend from the House of Lungbarrow. Badger, the person watching you crush me to death is my a.s.sociate here at the academy, Rallonwashatellaraw of the House of Stillhaven.' Badger eased the Doctor to the ground and went to hug Rallon, who backed off rather too rapidly before realising he might appear rude.

You have an Avatroid as a pet?'

The Doctor looked alarmed. Don't call him a pet,' he hissed. He's my best friend in the world. He hates being thought of as a pet! He has been known to get... angry when called a pet.'

Rallon nodded. Not a pet, he thought to himself. All right.

Not a pet. Pleased to meet you, Badger,' he said aloud. a pet. Pleased to meet you, Badger,' he said aloud.

Badger nodded and then turned back to the Doctor.

Tomorrow,' it said in a deep voice that seemed to come from eight different directions (including outside and and the bas.e.m.e.nt) at once, Tomorrow is Otherstide, Snail. It is also your name day. Two important events you are expected to celebrate.' the bas.e.m.e.nt) at once, Tomorrow is Otherstide, Snail. It is also your name day. Two important events you are expected to celebrate.'

The Doctor nodded. And I suppose the Kitriarch expects me home hmmm?'

Before Rayon could ask why Badger referred to the Doctor as Snail', the Avatroid had nodded and pointed to a small bag on the bed.

Suddenly angry, the Doctor stomped over to the bag, tugged it open and began throwing the contents on to the bed and floor and at Badger. No! No, I will not come just because Quences clicks his fingers. And I am the Doctor, thank you.

Not Snail'. Not Wormhole. Not Thete. Doctor!'

But, Sna... Doctor, Doctor, the family...' the family...'

Can go and rot,' snapped back the Doctor. He looked straight at Rallon and for the first dine Rallon could recall there was a real fire in his eyes. A real resentment and anger at something.

Last Otherstide,' the Doctor raged, the Kitriarch told me that it wasn't enough that I wanted to learn. It wasn't enough that I wanted to study here at the Academy, get my doctorate, have a life. No, he expected better of me. He expected me to become a Time Lord with all their little genetic perks and then sit in some room and study the galaxy. Said that I, I, I, had ideas above my station. Well, I won't go back. No, I won't.' had ideas above my station. Well, I won't go back. No, I won't.'

He jabbed a finger into Badger's hairy chest. And you can tell him that the next time he wants an audience, and to tell me how worthless I am, what a disgrace I am to the House, the family and all the cousins, he can come himself rather than sending you just because we are friends.'

Badger took a deep breath.

Ordinal-General Quencessetiano-bayolocaturgrathadadeyyilungbarrowmas insists that you...'

The Doctor pushed past Badger, past Rallon, and headed back down the corridor. Without a pause, Rallon and Badger dashed after him.

At the apex of the steps from the lower floors the Doctor was suddenly stopped by a hand grabbing him.

You should be asleep by now -' started the ever-ridiculous Runcible. The Doctor shrugged him away and, with a short cry, the monitor lost his footing and tumbled out of Rallon's view, down the few steps to the landing below.

By the time Rallon and Badger reached the steps, Runcible was back again. He had opened his mouth to shout at the Doctor when Rallon saw his eyes widen at the sight of Badger.

No!' he cried. Academy dormitory rules expressly forbid the keeping of pets in rooms! I shall report you to Card...'

I am not not a pet!' Badger gently shoved Runcible in the chest (Rallon had never seen anyone shoved gently before, but Badger managed it rather gracefully), sending him back down the steps. This time his copious lists scattered everywhere. a pet!' Badger gently shoved Runcible in the chest (Rallon had never seen anyone shoved gently before, but Badger managed it rather gracefully), sending him back down the steps. This time his copious lists scattered everywhere.

Rallon stopped and took a moment to scoop them up, roll them into a ball and throw them at a window which obligingly rearranged its molecules to create a small gap that allowed the paper to go through and no doubt plop to the dusty surface six storeys below.

With a smile of satisfaction and a muted murmur of The Deca - one, Runcible the fatuous - nil,' Rallon caught up with the Doctor and Badger, who were arguing furiously.

One by one room doors slid open and sleepy students poked their heads out to see what the commotion was about.

As soon as they saw Badger and the Doctor yelling most of them ducked back in again, but a few decided to watch. A couple took a quick bet as to who would win: the huge Avatroid or the famously antagonistic Doctor.

The next morning, things were quiet at the Academy. Very quiet indeed.

Rallon did not mention the previous night's activities, and nor did the Doctor. Miraculously, not one other student made any comment about Avatroids, noise, or the various b.u.mps and bruises that covered Runcible - although it was muttered that half of them were probably self-inflicted for dramatic effect, as neither the Doctor nor the Avatroid had pushed him that hard.

The first time the affair was brought up was in Cardinal Sendok's cla.s.s on stellar cartography.

Working on the principle of the galactic centre being a fixed point just to the apex of the s.p.a.ce-time continuum, can anyone suggest the co-ordinates of the planets Brus, Molla.s.sis and Ava and the quickest routes to take in all three, starting in the Alys System and ending up back at Kasterborous?' He fixed his gaze on the Doctor. I understand some of us here have a pa.s.sing acquaintance with the inhabitants of Ava...

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