Earthing_ The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? Part 6

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"I now tell the athletes I train to make every effort to ground themselves. They willingly do so because they have a sense that something is working. They say they have less pain, and that allows them to train more consistently and recover faster. That's a big deal because consistent training is so important to success.

"I personally experienced the benefit of grounding when I had a right knee replacement in 2009. I needed it after years of being physically active at a fairly high level. This is my second knee replacement surgery. The first was ten years ago. Subjectively, I felt I was improving a little bit faster. But five weeks after the operation, when I went to the surgeon for a checkup, he looked at my leg and looked at my movement and said, 'At five weeks, you are where most people are at three months.' He was speaking in terms of movement, wound healing, and swelling. I obviously attribute that partly to my knowledge of rehabbing, but the grounding certainly didn't hurt, and I honestly believe it helped. It had a positive effect.

"I sleep grounded, and I also use grounded electrode patches locally. Before surgery, I noticed that when I put the patches on the area of the knee that was hurting, it definitely reduced the pain compared to when I didn't have the patches on. I needed surgery for about a year but kept putting it off because I had things to do. And so at night, my leg got really painful. So I slept on the grounded sheet and slept better, and further knocked the pain down with the patches."

The careful process of scientific experimentation in the Brown study shows that inflammation is reduced and doc.u.ments why Earthing has caught on big time in the sports world, where living with inflammation and injury is a way of life. Simply put: the body is different-and heals much faster-when connected to the Earth. Earthing=Power Healing.


Preliminary results from an ongoing animal study revealed significant improvements from Earthing in several biochemical factors a.s.sociated with metabolic syndrome in humans, a widespread-and rapidly growing-precursor to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The substances monitored were alkaline phosphatase (an enzyme), triglycerides, blood sugar, and C-reactive protein (a widely used indicator of chronic inflammation discussed in the previous chapter).

The values of these substances were considerably lower in grounded animals, suggesting they have less risk for metabolic syndrome. Just as in the DOMS study, there were also fewer white blood cells measured.

In this experiment, two healthy groups of thirty rats each were used. One group was housed in cages fitted with grounded mats. The control animals lived in similar, but ungrounded, cages. Blood samples were taken every month for six months and a.n.a.lyzed. Continued grounding resulted in progressive improvements. For this reason, the study was extended beyond the first six months of data collection. Final results are expected in mid-2010.

The preliminary results of this animal study tie in neatly with the increase in metabolic activity doc.u.mented in the earlier experiment with human subjects where a relations.h.i.+p between Earthing and a more efficient cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous system function was observed. It makes sense that an increase in metabolic activity results in a lower risk of developing metabolic syndrome.

Although we don't have the final conclusion yet from this study, we believe that preliminary results, along with other observations over the years, permit the suggestion-if nothing more at this time-that living in an ungrounded state may create another important cause of metabolic syndrome. One has only to look at today's youth, who generally consume large amounts of inferior quality convenience food and drinks high in sweeteners and calories, who are increasingly sedentary, and who wear insulated running shoes from morning to night. For young people as well as for adults, the unholy trinity for metabolic syndrome, and the serious disorders it gives rise to, may thus be poor diet, lack of exercise, and lack of grounding. It is something to think about.

Earthing and Weight Loss? Maybe!

Abdominal obesity is one of the important factors characterizing metabolic syndrome. While abdominal obesity was not measured during the rat study above, the animals were weighed in at the first pre-test day and then again at each monthly blood collection time. The random difference in average weight between the two groups of "middle-aged" female rats at the beginning of the study was only 1.2 percent (the ungrounded rodents happened to be insignificantly heavier at the start than the grounded animals) and then grew steadily each month to reach 3.7 percent after six months, the last date that we have received data in this ongoing study.

What the numbers mean is that the ungrounded group added an extra 2.6 percent in weight after six months. Both groups were fed the same type and quant.i.ty of food. While the difference seems like a trifling amount, it translates to an extra five pounds for a person weighing 200 pounds. At that rate, by mid-2010, when the study will end, the difference in weight could grow to 7.8 percent, the equivalent of an extra sixteen pounds for a 200-pound person.

The results, along with the biochemical differences cited in the study, suggest that the grounded rats function at a higher metabolic efficiency than ungrounded animals.

Do these preliminary results infer that Earthing can generate weight loss in humans? We can't say. The prospect is certainly tantalizing. Imagine losing weight without doing anything. A dieter's dream.

According to the American Heart a.s.sociation, metabolic syndrome is characterized by a group of metabolic risks that include the following: *Excessive fat tissue in and around the abdomen.

*Blood fat disorders-high triglycerides, low "healthy" HDL cholesterol, and high "harmful" LDL cholesterol-that contribute to plaque build ups in arterial walls.

*Elevated blood pressure.

*Insulin resistance or glucose intolerance-conditions that interfere with the body's ability to properly use insulin or blood sugar.

*A tendency to form clots in the blood.

*A pro-inflammatory state in the body, that is, the presence of chemical substances a.s.sociated with inflammation (such as elevated CRP).


The studies we have been describing have uncovered a simple but powerful fact: people who are grounded function better than they do ungrounded. They are, in fact, different. Based on the research, two scientists who have extensively studied and written about Earthing have made a number of intriguing hypotheses. They are James Oschman, Ph.D., and electrophysiologist Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D.

The following is a summary of these ideas.

Living Longer and Better Anti-aging medicine involves the search for factors that can restore and maintain adequate energy resources and the circulation of vital energy throughout the body. This quest has been going on with humans throughout history. It's nothing new.

Our research clearly shows that grounding has a powerful influence on the delicate balance between health and illness, and looming behind that, the prospect of living longer and better. This anti-aging prospect is clearly one of Earthing's most attractive aspects.

The dominant theory of aging-the concept of free-radical oxidative damage to the body-was first proposed by Denham Harman, M.D., of the University of Nebraska in 1956. The idea here is that aging results from the c.u.mulative damage to the body produced by free radicals. These molecules can damage DNA, leading to mutations and disease. They are formed by metabolic processes in mitochondria, the "power plants" inside cells, and can gradually harm mitochondrial functioning and energy production throughout the body. They cause cross-linking of proteins, chemical reactions that interfere with normal enzyme activity. This is what causes skin to wrinkle for example. There is no way to prevent the formation of free radicals, because every breath we take and every morsel of food we eat feeds the natural mitochondrial production of energy and free radicals as a byproduct. Because of the constant threat of free radicals, we are encouraged to eat foods rich in antioxidants.

The living matrix, as one of its main biological functions, is set up to protect tissues from free-radical damage. It represents a natural, built-in anti oxidant defense system. The matrix is all-pervasive, reaching into every corner of the body. If your matrix functions properly, and if you are connected to the Earth, any free radical formed anywhere in your body will be neutralized by mobile electrons from the Earth. This idea alone should motivate anyone to connect with the Earth as much as possible, day and night.

By understanding that the living matrix is a conductive fabric extending throughout the body, and that grounding connects this system to the Earth and an infinite source of free electrons, one can see that Earthing could prove to have far-reaching anti-aging, antioxidant, and anti-inflamm-aging effects. Long-term, controlled animal studies will enable us to verify or refute this profound hypothesis.

Research done in Germany has described the matrix in terms of a systemic reservoir of charges designed to maintain electrical balance and supply electrons in times of normal inflammatory need. Earthing provides recharging and keeps the reservoir full. Disconnection from the Earth dries up the reservoir.

A New Definition of "Normal" Immune Response A common deficiency of electrons in the ungrounded body appears to distort and weaken the function of the immune system. But it can be readily restored to normal functioning by Earthing. The research suggests that Earthing may, in fact, create a whole new definition of what is a "normal" immune response.

As explained in Chapters 2 and 6, the inflammatory basis of disease has become a major focus of biomedical research. It is becoming widely accepted that chronic inflammation and chronic diseases, including so-called diseases of aging, are closely related. The cla.s.sical inflammatory response may actually be an abnormal condition caused by separation from the Earth's readily available bank of free electrons. When the body is connected to the Earth, the cla.s.sical signs and symptoms of inflammation are greatly reduced or absent, among them pain.

Promotes Healing of Injuries The body forms an "inflammatory barricade" around sites of injury, where the immune system focuses on elimination of pathogens and damaged tissue. Free radicals involved in this process can spread from these sites and attack nearby healthy tissue, leading to chronic inflammation.

Earthing research gives the impression that free electrons can penetrate the barricade and thereby neutralize free radicals that have acc.u.mulated in pockets of inflammation. This ability appears to be a factor in accelerated healing.

A New Definition of "Normal" Physiology When the body is connected to the Earth, a variety of beneficial physiological changes take place instantly. The studies that utilized a conductive patch placed on the bottoms of the feet and the palms of the hands made it possible to record the precise instant of connection to the Earth and doc.u.ment the sharp differences in various physiological parameters before and after grounding.

As scientific investigations continue, we expect to see countless more changes. The changes suggest that normal physiology may require a whole new set of ranges and definitions.

Restoring Your Internal Electrical Stability The body evolved utilizing Earth's electrical energy (ground) to maintain its internal electrical stability for the normal functioning of all self-regulating and self-healing systems. The modern way of life prevents contact with the Earth most of the time, creating electrical instability. This lack of stability results in body system dysfunctions that lead to inflammation, inflamm-aging, disease, and aggravation of existing disorders.

The Earth serves the human body as a source of energy similar to a power line feeding electrical energy into electrical equipment and appliances. It is widely accepted that equipment will not function well without a ground. We recently rented a very sophisticated oscilloscope for graphing electrical signals with the most advanced technology, and yet when improperly grounded, the equipment did not function well. There was a need for a stable reference point. The Earth also plays that role for living beings, including human beings. To read more technical information about the electrical effects produced by grounding, refer to Appendices A and B.

Resetting Your Biological "Clocks"

Biological clock systems are found not only in humans and mammals, but in lower organisms as well, such as fish and insects. They are linked to survival. Although the human body packs several biological clocks (called peripheral clocks), researchers have found they are all under the control of a master clock located in the head, more precisely in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, a pair of distinct groups of cells in the hypothalamus.

One of the most important hypothalamic functions is to connect the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland, the master gland of the body. Through hormonal secretions, it governs a multiplicity of activities affecting all body systems. Another function of the hypothalamus is to control the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone from the anterior pituitary gland, which in turn stimulates the secretion by the adrenal cortex of cortisol (the stress hormone). This system is so important for understanding the stress response that it is known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

The master biological clock receives its clues about prevailing light conditions from specialized cells in the retina. Signals about light conditions travel from the hypothalamus to the pineal gland, which controls the secretion of melatonin. Melatonin is secreted only in conditions of darkness.

The biological clocks control virtually all body system functions, including, of course, the wake-sleep circadian cycle.

From our research, we believe that not only light conditions but Earth's energy as well coordinates the various biological clocks regulating hormone flow in the body. The slow and gentle rhythms of the Earth's energy field are essential for maintaining these clocks. One example we have discussed is the day/night cortisol rhythm that is normalized when sleep is improved through grounding. Another example is the secretion of melatonin, which happens at night. Melatonin is widely known as a sleep-promoting factor. Since we have seen in our earlier studies that grounded people sleep better, we hypothesize that the rhythm of this hormone is also normalized when sleeping grounded. Any such normalization effect is important because melatonin is a powerful antioxidant, a major protector of the brain by preventing loss of brain cells by self-inflicted death. Given that a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinsonism, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease), have a free-radical component, it is a.s.sumed that melatonin may be useful in forestalling the consequences of these debilitating conditions and improving the psychological health of these patients. Researchers are postulating also that melatonin has several major functions that probably help to protect against psychiatric illnesses.

At any point on the surface of the planet, the Earth's energy potential fluctuates according to the position of the sun and the moon, creating cycles such as the circadian cycle. This understanding helps to explain how pa.s.sengers, after long flights across many time zones, can reset their internal clocks to "local time," so to speak, and quickly reduce the effect of jet lag by going barefoot or grounding themselves after arriving at their destination.

Our overall working hypothesis is that grounding leads to a much greater physiological stability because the diverse bodily rhythms are coordinated not only with the light/dark cycle, but with all the natural rhythms of the environment.


The Earthing Chronicles


Earthing 101: How to Connect We have told countless people to walk barefoot in their backyards, on the beach, in a park, on concrete or open ground, or any place outside wherever comfortable (and of course, where the surface is safe to walk on), and when the weather allows.

The feedback is inevitably one of surprise and delight: "I feel so much better."

"I don't know what it is, but something changed for the better."

Everybody knows that walking is a healthy way to get physical activity. During the day it's also a good way to get vitamin D. You get suns.h.i.+ne's vitamin D from above, plus plus the anti-inflammatory energy from the Earth below. the anti-inflammatory energy from the Earth below.

Physical activity. Vitamin D. Earth energy. It's a trifecta!

Of course, Earth's energy is there for your taking any time, day and night. It's free. n.o.body has to pump it into your body like gasoline in a car. It's not a pill. It's not a potion. It's not an ointment. It's just something in the ground, on the ground, and from the ground right there beneath your feet. It's always been there and always will. You can have as much of it as you want. No limit.

Everybody talks about "green energy" these days. This is Earth energy-both the original and ultimate form of green energy for your body and well-being.

Remember that the sole of the foot has more nerve endings, inch for inch, than any other part of your body. That's also where the acupuncture K1 point is located, with connections running up and through the body. So think of the soles of your bare feet as a prime contact point gathering in the free electrons and natural energies from the Earth.

Here's another feature of the sole: it is endowed with more sweat glands than any place else on your anatomy and perspires more than any part of the body, except your head and hands. Nature is the ultimate designer. The moisture helps conduct the electron flow from the ground up into your bioelectrical body. Nylons and cotton socks are okay. Moisture will penetrate them. But barefoot is best.


Besides walking barefoot, you can, of course, ground yourself by sitting on the Earth or on a chair with your feet planted on the ground, while reading a book, listening to music, or just plain relaxing. For people with foot issues or tender feet, we recommend sitting in a comfortable chair with your bare feet placed directly on the Earth.

To make the Earthing experience most effective, dampen the soil or gra.s.s for added conductivity. Leave your feet squarely on the Earth and sit there for thirty or forty minutes. Actually, when any part of your body-your hands, forearms, legs, for example-makes contact with the ground, you are receiving the energy from below.

If you have the opportunity, connect with the Earth two or three times a day. The more time you put in, the more you benefit. The more compromised your health is, the more often and longer we recommend that you do this. But even in a half hour or so, you will have a remarkable s.h.i.+ft. We have already measured some important physiological improvements within a half hour to forty minutes, and many more will come to light with continued research.

If you can't do these things outside, a concrete bas.e.m.e.nt floor is a good venue, if you have one in your house. Dampen the area around your feet as well to enhance conductivity. Concrete, by the way, is a conductive substance, made from water and minerals. It sits on the Earth and retains moisture. So the free electrons will pa.s.s through just as they will if you are sitting or standing on gra.s.s or open ground. If the concrete is painted or sealed, there may not be any conductivity. Asphalt is made from petrochemicals and is not conductive. So don't expect any benefits from walking on painted or carpeted concrete or asphalt. The same goes for a wood or vinyl surface.

Water-wise, wading or swimming in the ocean is a great recreational form of grounding. Salt water, rich in minerals, is highly conductive, and actually several hundred times more so than freshwater. Conductivity depends on the concentration of minerals in the water. So lake water is much less conductive than salt water. And pool water is likely less than that. A plastic kiddie pool would not be conductive because the plastic would insulate the water from ground contact.

The amazing thing about Earthing is that it is so simple and fundamental. James Oschman, the energy-medicine expert, reports on new technologies emerging every day and is often asked to examine them and explain how they work. "What is most profound about Earthing," he says, "is the element of simplicity. I once attended a meeting on the East Coast, and one of my colleagues came in from the West Coast. She had a bad case of jet lag. I told her to take her shoes and socks off and step outside on the gra.s.s for fifteen minutes. When she came back in, she was completely transformed. Her jet lag was gone. That is how fast grounding works. Anyone can try it. If you don't feel well, for whatever reason, just make barefoot contact with the Earth for a few minutes and see what happens. Of course, if you have a medical problem, you should see a doctor. But for ordinary aches and pains, digestive or respiratory problems, or sore muscles, there is nothing that comes close to grounding for quick relief. You can literally feel the pain begin to drain from your body the instant you touch the Earth."

For many people, it may not be practical or possible to connect barefoot or bare-skinned with the Earth. The weather may be lousy and the prospect of freezing one's tootsies is hardly appealing. Or if the weather is good, contemporary living is so fast-paced that a meaningful hookup with the Earth may not be possible. There may not be time for a "barefoot break" during the daily routine. Or the thought of going barefoot may just not be appealing.

You would be surprised to know, however, that there is something of a "barefoot movement" going on. A lot of people are thumbing their noses at convention and going unshod for significant portions of their daily life.

A 2009 article in the Toronto Globe and Mail Globe and Mail says that shoelessness is catching on-big time. Jennifer Yang wrote that "the Facebook fan page 'Being Barefoot' boasts more than two million fans, and ... is one of the fastest-growing pages on the social networking site, according to a trend tracking website, Inside Facebook. Across the Internet the 'barefoot life style' is booming, with adherents turning to websites such as the Society for Barefoot Living says that shoelessness is catching on-big time. Jennifer Yang wrote that "the Facebook fan page 'Being Barefoot' boasts more than two million fans, and ... is one of the fastest-growing pages on the social networking site, according to a trend tracking website, Inside Facebook. Across the Internet the 'barefoot life style' is booming, with adherents turning to websites such as the Society for Barefoot Living (, with more than 1,200 members." with more than 1,200 members."

As far as the winter is concerned, one barefooter whom Ms. Yang interviewed was a sixty-four-year-old retired autoworker from southern (that's an important climate distinction in Canada) Ontario who has been mostly shoeless for fifteen years. "He even pads around barefoot during the winter," she wrote, "though he draws the line at temperatures below minus 18." That's zero Fahrenheit, and at that point, "he reluctantly slips on flip-flops." He, like most of the other shoeless converts, says that shoelessness feels more natural and healthier.

Comfort and naturalness aside, what's interesting about the current barefoot boom is that these unshod folks are picking up healing energy from the Earth and they very likely don't know it.

In the past, we all walked, sat, stood, and slept directly on the Earth. It was not a hards.h.i.+p. It was a way of life. Now, n.o.body in our industrialized society except Scouts, soldiers, backpackers, and backyard pajama-partyers sleep on the ground anymore.

One way to address the personal energy deficit that clearly exists as a result of our physical separation from Earth is to develop methods capable of being used while sleeping and sitting for prolonged periods.


During more than ten years of scientific research and experimentation, Clint Ober used medical electrode patches and developed various prototypical bed pads, sheet sets, floor and desk pads, and sheet-like sleeping bags meant for travel and athletes. He even created a cus.h.i.+ony pad for indoor pets.

These devices, designed primarily for research, hold promise as barefoot "subst.i.tutes" that can provide inside connectivity to the Earth outside. They are connected by a wire to a ground rod placed directly in the Earth or plugged into the ground port of a grounded electrical outlet. They can be utilized during sleep, work, and even while watching TV. For information on development and availability of these Earthing devices, refer to Appendix C, "Resources."

All such paraphernalia do nothing restorative by themselves unless they are connected to the Earth. They are simply conductors of the Earth's natural energy to the body when you are indoors or unable to go barefoot. The Earth does the magic. They replicate standing barefoot or lying directly on the Earth. We like to think of them as extension cords connecting you to the Earth. With any of them, your body is immediately brought to the same electrical potential as the Earth.

Earthing Shoes This is not a new principle. Specially grounded shoes are used in the electrostatic discharge industry to prevent buildup of static electricity in the body that could damage delicate electronic parts and chips.

By comparison, Earthing footwear will be designed with conductive inserts for everyday use, including popular flip-flops and sandals, allowing people to avoid the barefoot hazards of walking on surfaces containing pesticides, debris, and animal waste. When out and about, they will receive the health benefit of walking, plus a dose of healing free electrons. This concept gives "power walking" a new meaning.

In northern zones during the winter, conductive shoes and boots would give people an opportunity for outdoor Earthing under conditions when few people will venture forth barefooted. (Figure 8-1) [image]

Figure 8-1. Conductive shoes.

Universal Earthing Pads Universal chair/desk/mouse/bed/floor mats and pads can be used interchangeably to fit any setting. A pad placed on a desktop conducts through your forearms or wrists, on the floor through your feet, and on your chair through your b.u.t.t. And on the bed through any part of your body that makes contact with it. Normal perspiration through layers of clothes, such as a dress, pants, socks, or long sleeves, permits varying degrees of conductivity. The pad utilizes a metallic fiber mesh and conductors coupled to a wire connected to a grounded outlet in the wall or to an outside ground rod. (Figure 8-2) [image]

Figure 8-2. Universal pads.

Earthing Sheets One major and highly practical application of Earthing has involved people sleeping or resting on a conductive half or full sheet connected to the Earth. Looking to the future, it is our expectation that the mattress and bedding industry will see the obvious appeal of incorporating Earthing technology. We expect the industry to step up with a wide array of grounding products. Figure 8-3 demonstrates the concept, using the example of a conductive half-sheet.

Contact with the Earth during the third of our lives we spend sleeping yields great benefits, as we have discussed in the previous chapters. The research to date indicates that Earthing during sleep is the ideal way of reducing oxidative stress and inflammation throughout the body. Sleep is the time when the body rests and recovers from the stresses of daily activities. If we do not sleep well, the recovery process works only partially, making us susceptible to a wide variety of stress-related problems. As these problems worsen, they can further interfere with our sleep, making the situation even worse. (Figure 8-3) Earthing Sheets [image]

Figure 8-3. Sleeping on conductive sheet or half sheet.

This cycle of discomfort, stress, and insomnia can be readily reversed and improved in the majority of cases by sleeping grounded. Some people who have grounded themselves at night have thrown out their sleeping aids.

One woman, after sleeping grounded, described her experience thusly: "It's as if there's a big bulge in the wire carrying the Earth itself full of flowers, green gra.s.s, and animals, right into my bed. I feel as if I am lying there surrounded by Nature."

Earthing Mattress An Earthing mattress is a natural sleep and health aid. Think of it as an "Earthing bed." People buy a new mattress every seven or eight years. So why not buy one with a grid of conductive material built into the mattress fabric? The addition represents an extremely low-cost upgrade to standard mattresses. In addition to comfort and rest, Earthing mattresses would improve health and lessen pain-as you sleep! Just lie down, go to sleep, get a treatment, and wake up feeling better and with more energy.

Like the conductive sheets and other barefoot subst.i.tutes, such a mattress would be connected to a ground rod outside or through a properly grounded outlet in the bedroom. A simple conductive sheet, without a snap for a wire connection, would be used over the mattress so that it makes contact with the conductive fabric in the mattress. Since mattresses are home delivered from the stores where they are purchased, it would be simple for the deliverymen to not only set up the mattress in the home but also to check for proper grounding and connect it up. We expect the Earthing bed to be the next big thing in the mattress industry. This should, in fact, be the new standard for mattresses. (Figure 8-4) Earthing Bed [image]

Figure 8-4. The "Earthing bed."

Earthing Recovery Bags Recovery Bag [image]

Figure 8-5. The recovery bag for athletes and travelers.

This conductive bag was created specially for Tour de France cycling teams and other athletes for the purpose of accelerating recovery from extreme physical activity. Users slip between the top and bottom sheet, as they would a sleeping bag, while resting or sleeping. This device can be rolled up and stuffed in a small cloth tote. It has become very popular with travelers and many athletes. We discuss more on the remarkable effect of grounding athletes in Chapter 13.

Electrode Patches and Body Bands Many of our scientific experiments have utilized electrode patches similar to the kind used by doctors for EKG, EEG, and other electrical activity diagnostics. The conductive patches can be attached near an injury or wound or area of acute pain to accelerate the healing process and reduce local inflammation and discomfort. Athletes have found them to be especially effective against common injuries and strains. (Figure 8-6) Conductive Patches [image]

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