Earthing_ The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? Part 16

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To explain how it is possible that a slow electron flow can nevertheless produce a very fast current, I will use the example of a person who is grounded. In this case, the human body plays the role of the copper wire (and the resistor as well, because the body is not as good a conductor as copper). The negative terminal is the Earth. The positive terminal is represented by the EMFs or positively charged particles in the atmosphere. The protection against EMFs or positive charged particles offered by the Earth connection is established almost at the speed of light (186,000 miles/second). This means the electric current flowing through the body to cancel the effects of the EMFs or the positive particles is almost instantaneous. Knowing that even in such an excellent conductor as copper electrons move very slow, how can this be? An a.n.a.logy may help our understanding. In Figure B-2, a straw is filled with small beads. The diameter of the straw accommodates the beads only in a line.


Figure B-2. The "straw-bead" effect. A bead introduced into the left end of the straw moves very little yet the bead at the far right end pops out almost instantly.

If you push the bead on the left side into the full straw, a bead pops out the other side almost instantaneously. The entering bead on the left has moved only a little (it is now the last bead inside the straw on the left side) and yet the current current of beads has moved very fast. The last bead on the right side was pushed out almost instantaneously. Each bead inside the straw moved a distance of one bead diameter only and yet the of beads has moved very fast. The last bead on the right side was pushed out almost instantaneously. Each bead inside the straw moved a distance of one bead diameter only and yet the current current of beads (the propagation of the small movements of each bead) has moved through the straw almost instantaneously. All the beads inside the straw moved forward almost simultaneously. This is more or less how electrons move in a conductor. Electrons repel each other because they have the same negative electric charge. Because of this repelling effect between electrons, when an electron moves forward, it pushes forward all electrons ahead of it, just like the left bead pushed forward all the beads in the straw. This is what happens in a wire connected to both terminals of a battery. The slow movement of electrons in a wire also happens in the body and yet, at the same time, their slow movement collectively produces a fast current because of a "bead-straw" effect. The body is protected almost instantaneously by grounding because the fast current cancels out the effects of EMFs and/or the positive particles quickly. The electrons themselves take time to drift into the body. of beads (the propagation of the small movements of each bead) has moved through the straw almost instantaneously. All the beads inside the straw moved forward almost simultaneously. This is more or less how electrons move in a conductor. Electrons repel each other because they have the same negative electric charge. Because of this repelling effect between electrons, when an electron moves forward, it pushes forward all electrons ahead of it, just like the left bead pushed forward all the beads in the straw. This is what happens in a wire connected to both terminals of a battery. The slow movement of electrons in a wire also happens in the body and yet, at the same time, their slow movement collectively produces a fast current because of a "bead-straw" effect. The body is protected almost instantaneously by grounding because the fast current cancels out the effects of EMFs and/or the positive particles quickly. The electrons themselves take time to drift into the body.

The slow drift velocity of electrons helps explain a few observations in regard to Earthing.

1. 1.It takes about twenty to thirty minutes for the healing response to start once a person is grounded. It may be, as explained in the section "Promoting the Body's Energy Fuel-ATP" in Chapter 11, that the metabolism utilizes electrons for proper function in bio-energy production and that it takes that much time for electrons to actually reach the area where metabolic activity is taking place. If conductive patches are placed on the bottom of the feet, electrons start moving upward and sooner or later will push into the site where a specific problem exists. We a.s.sume the mitochondria around the problematic area will utilize the extra electrons in order to reinforce healing and repair activities. The process of infusing the mitochondria with additional electrons may take time. We do not know the exact mechanisms precisely involved but we know it takes between twenty and thirty minutes for the healing response to start when grounding is initiated.

2.When people stand or sit on the Earth, or are grounded via electrode patches placed on the soles of their feet, they often start feeling tingling and warmth rise in their body. The sensation starts in the feet, then progresses to the s.h.i.+ns and calves, and after several minutes reaches the head.

3.Grounding speeds wound healing. Wounds heal faster than normal (ungrounded) when someone sleeps grounded, for instance on a grounded sheet, or applies a grounded electrode patch on the soles of the feet. The healing response is faster yet if the patches are placed near the wound. A dramatic example of that has been presented in Chapter 13 regarding a cyclist in the 2005 Tour de France who suffered severe lacerations to his upper right arm.

The same observation can be made for inflammation. Inflammation of the elbow, for example, will clear with the feet touching the ground. However, the inflammatory condition will be dissipated much faster if grounded electrode patches are placed next to the elbow. For the interested reader, more details on inflammation and how it is impacted by Earthing can be found in a 2007 article written by James Oschman in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine ("Can Electrons Act as Antioxidants? A Review and Commentary" 13:955-967). ("Can Electrons Act as Antioxidants? A Review and Commentary" 13:955-967).

For additional information regarding the physics of grounding, please visit the Earthing Inst.i.tute website


Resources The Earthing Inst.i.tute( The Inst.i.tute website provides information for obtaining Earthing devices and tips on staying Earthed in any situation.

Readers are invited to visit this site-Earthing's official website-to learn about the newest developments and scientific studies regarding Earthing as they unfold.

The Inst.i.tute plans also to provide certification of safety and effectiveness of various Earthing products supplied by manufacturers.

The Inst.i.tute envisions offering online training of technicians in the theories and technology of Earthing and installation of Earthing devices. While such devices are simple for most anyone to install and utilize, issues related to inadequate electrical grounding systems in homes and offices are frequently encountered. The website will provide details on the programs, which will include training at basic, intermediate, and advanced levels.


Symptom Checklist and Progress Log To a.s.sess how grounding may be helping you, list any common symptoms you have in the column on the left. In the second column, make a note of the severity of the problem. If the symptom is pain, for instance, rate the pain on a scale of 0 to 10. Then rate the condition or symptom one week and one month after grounding. You may also want to keep track of key medical tests the same way. (Figure D-1) [image]

Figure D-1


Selected Bibliography

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Chapter 2.

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Chapter 4.

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Chapter 6.

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Chapter 7.

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Chapter 8.

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Chapter 11.

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Chapter 15.

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Chapter 16.

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To James Oschman, Ph.D., an extraordinary biophysicist, who has exhaustively researched the science related to the healing benefits of Earthing. He was the first to scientifically explain the transfer of free electrons from the Earth's pulsating surface into the electric matrix of the human body. His investigations, hypotheses, and published papers on the subject have given solid scientific basis to a paradigm-s.h.i.+fting health concept. Dr. Oschman is the director of Nature's Own Research a.s.sociation in Dover, New Hamps.h.i.+re ( and the author of and the author of Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis (Churchill Livingstone, 2000) and (Churchill Livingstone, 2000) and Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance (b.u.t.terworth-Heinemann, 2003). His work explores the existence of a high-speed communication system extending throughout the human body that responds to the energetic environment. Dr. Oschman holds a Ph.D. in biological sciences from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine in Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C. (b.u.t.terworth-Heinemann, 2003). His work explores the existence of a high-speed communication system extending throughout the human body that responds to the energetic environment. Dr. Oschman holds a Ph.D. in biological sciences from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine in Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.

To Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D., visiting researcher at the Developmental and Cell Biology Department, University of California at Irvine, and the keenest of biological investigators. His experiments and findings on the bioelectrical changes brought about by grounding have opened a new frontier of electrophysiological research examining the striking differences between grounded and nongrounded human beings. Dr. Chevalier holds a Ph.D. in engineering physics from the University of Montreal. He was formerly director of research at the California Inst.i.tute for Human Science.

To Jeff Spencer, D.C., a master at improving the performance of elite athletes and making them more resistant to the ravages of fierce compet.i.tion. His unique experience at the highest and most challenging level of sports dramatically demonstrates that optimum performance, whether on the playing field or in everyday activities, benefits immensely from Earthing. Jeff was named Sports Chiropractor of the Year in 2004 by the International Chiropractic a.s.sociation.

To Jim Healy, a pre-eminent global figure in cutting-edge medical monitoring technology, for greatly appreciated guidance and support.

To Elizabeth Hughes, for sharing her very personal history of how Earthing relieved her from years of baffling ailments so common to many women, but especially for her tireless and dedicated a.s.sistance, in small ways and large, on behalf of Earthing research.

To d.i.c.k Brown, Ph.D., the internationally renowned exercise physiologist and trainer of elite athletes, whose research on delayed-onset muscle soreness doc.u.mented the unique power of Earthing to reduce recovery time from injury.

To San Diego health researcher Dale Teplitz for being such an integral cog in Earthing's scientific detective work in the early days and beyond, and for sharing her dramatic story of healing, as well as her insights after leading many hundreds of individuals to the benefits of Earthing.

To old friends Corky and Kathleen Downing for support and enthusiasm over the years, and for helping show truckers and motorists how to bypa.s.s common driving tension and aches with a simple grounded seat pad.

To Sheila Curtiss and Bob Malone, for their stories and for being such staunch Earthing advocates for so long.

To Maurice Ghaly, M.D., the first doctor who took the time to consider the concept of Earthing and then report about its benefits in the medical literature.

To Russell Whitten, D.C., the first physician to apply Earthing in clinical practice and witness its great healing potential.

To Gabriel Cousens, M.D., David Gersten, M.D., Richard Delany, M.D., and Amanda Ward, N.D., for providing their experience with Earthing among patients.

To Bryan Moses, for introducing Earthing to the unique circle of people he helps to keep healthy.

To Bruce Beckert, a luminary in the fabric business, who has always been available, with patience, enthusiasm, and brilliance, to continually help refine the design and conductivity of Earthing devices.

To Nick and Carmen Warren, for sustained support and helping so much to locate and obtain the bits and pieces needed for ever-changing Earthing devices.

To John Gray, Ph.D., bestselling author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, and healthy lifestyle guru David Wolfe, for sharing their Earthing stories. and healthy lifestyle guru David Wolfe, for sharing their Earthing stories.

To Arvord Belden, Roland Perez, Don Scott, Randy Gillett, Katherine Van Hatten, Jim Bellacera, Brad Graham, Ken Jones, Daryl James Jr., Lynne Corwin, Ron Petruccioni, Doree Lane, Anita Pointer, Howell Runion, Armida Champagne, John Steve Lopez, Steve Garner, Mike Miller, Roberta Mikkelsen, Jill Queen, Ted Barnett, Olivia Biera, Edie Miller, Mary Mason, Henry Falcon, Step Sinatra, Dean Levin, Stephanie and Chike Okeafor, Jim Schmedding, Cindy Walsh, Donna Tisdale, Jim Bagnola, Brianna Anderson-Gregg, and Scott Hyatt for taking the time to relate their Earthing stories.

To Dan and Tim Hall, and Dan Chittock, for valuable a.s.sistance in setting up contacts with Earthers.

To William Amalu, for validating the power of Earthing with thermography.

To Hugh Semple, for expertise in carrying out long-term laboratory studies.

To George Verdon, hale and hardy in his eighties, who has been spending countless barefoot hours in his garden over the last thirty years, for sharing with us his translation of the amazing insights of French agronomist Matteo Tavera.

To Mark Lindsay, for opening research doors.

To John Sullivan, for continuing support and videography.

To Jennifer Morris, for providing much appreciated administrative a.s.sistance.

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