Hope's Betrayal Part 7

Hope's Betrayal -

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"It's me-Hope." Gently, she rocked the man's shoulder. "Wake up, Father, we have company."

The man stirred; even in the dim light, his skin appeared yellow. His face gaunt, he squinted at Hope and smiled in recognition.

"Hope! Well there's a sight for sore eyes."

She placed a tender kiss on his forehead.

"How are you, Father?"

He gripped the chair arm, but the effort of sitting upright seemed to exhaust him. "All the better for seeing you."

"You look tired. Have you not been sleeping?"

"Tusk, tis nothing. You know how it goes, up and down. Happen tomorrow will be better."

"I've been so worried about you."

"And I you, but I see you have been well cared for."

Hope recalled their visitor.

"How remiss, I forgot the introductions. Father, this is Captain Huntley. Captain, this is my stepfather, Mr. William Tyler."

The withered man made to stand. Huntley felt wrong-footed-he had envisaged anger and threats from Miss Tyler's father, not this quiet courtesy.

"No, please, don't get up." Words of castigation melted away. On the mainland, he had heard Hope's explanation for her actions and yet not understood. Faced with reality, he felt humbled.

Hope's fingers tightened on her father's shoulder, the older man laid his hand over hers. Gone was the brash Hope, her green eyes huge and transparent. Instead Huntley saw a vulnerable young woman who had done what she had to survive. A moment of understanding pa.s.sed between them which sent Huntley's cosy world reeling.

"My stepbrother does what he can, but the fis.h.i.+ng was poor this winter."

He wanted to touch her, to give simple human comfort, but years of military training kept him in check. "But to do what you risk your life?"

"And the other choices? The workhouse or starve." Her face pale as wax, all the fight went out of her. Huntley opened his mouth and shut it. She was right-compared to that, smuggling was good odds.

"Next time when you're caught, I won't be able to protect you." He spoke sincerely.

There was no triumph in her voice, just calm acceptance. "I know."

Huntley's blood chilled. Seeing how sick her father was, he knew she would not stop her illegal activities. By bringing Hope home, he might as well have walked her to the gallows. His mind raced. Hope was proud, she would not accept charity-but if there was something he could do perhaps for her father-an offer of work. But one glance at the slumped man in the chair and his heart sank.

Hope turned back to her father, tucking a rug around his knees. Huntley thought furiously; it was as though there was an obvious answer, but he couldn't remember what is was. A recent conversation-an offer declined. He nearly groaned aloud. How could he have been so stupid? His mother!

Huntley's heart pounded afresh, this would take careful handling.

"Mr. Tyler, you worry about your daughter. Surely, you can't want to see her in danger? What if there was another way?"

William Tyler's sunken eyes were full of guilt. "I begged her not to go out, but will she listen?"

Huntley smiled, her stubbornness he understood. "But if there was a way to keep Miss Tyler safe and still provide for the family?"

"I hope as you're not proposing anything indecent?"

Huntley felt colour rising in his cheek. "Sir, I resent the insinuation."

To her credit Hope looked equally aghast. "Father!"

"Well, it had to be asked, doll."

"No it didn't, because I'm not leaving you."

Huntley groaned inwardly. Even half an hour ago, if anyone had told him what he was about to suggest, he would have laughed in their face and called them a fool. On his honor, once the offer was made, it could not be taken back. And the cost? That was obvious -his command would be untenable, at best he'd be reposted, at worst he'd be court-martialed. He pushed the thought away to be dealt with later; his mother was right to remind him he hadn't joined the navy to persecute the defenceless.

Words came out of his mouth as if someone else was speaking. "Lady Ryevale, my mother, would like to offer your daughter a position at The Grange. I came to ask your consent."

Hope seemed shocked. "You mentioned nothing of this to me."

Huntley bowed stiffly. "It must have slipped my mind."

"I'm not leaving. I can't, not with Father like this."

He began to feel irritated. d.a.m.n it but he was the one putting his career in jeopardy, the least the chit could do was be grateful. "And when you end up in jail, then who will help your family then?"

Hope stood very still. "I'm needed here, this minute."

Filling the small parlor with his bulk, Huntley started to pace. "With the position goes a salary, bed and board; so you can send your wages home to Mr Tyler." d.a.m.n it, he wasn't going to beg.

Hope weakened, glancing from her father to Huntley. Will Tyler gripped her arm. "You know I love you as my own, and I'll not stand in your way. You decide."

Slowly she shook her head. "I will not leave you, Father. Not now."

A pulse ticked in Huntley's temple; think of this as a military campaign like any other, so what tactic would best achieve his ends? Slowly, it came to him that it was necessary to fool the enemy into thinking you were retreating.

With the appearance of regret, he bowed.

"So be it. I see your mind is made up." He paced to the window and peered out. "It seems the mist is thinning."


"Then my duty is discharged and I'd like to catch the falling tide. Miss Tyler, I'd be grateful if your brother could pilot me out of the shallows."

"Of course, it's the least we can do."

"Thank you."

"Father, where did Tom go?"

"Mending nets with Vinny, at his yard."

"I won't be long."

She slipped from the room, leaving Huntley feeling as if a piece of him had gone missing. As soon as the heard the front door open and close, he pulled a chair close to William Tyler.

"Quick man, we haven't much time. Answer me truthfully."

"Captain?" Tyler's rheumy eyes opened wide.

"If Hope continues to smuggle, it's only a matter of time before she's caught again. Truly, do you want her to hang?"

"No, of course not."

"Don't you see? She feels duty bound to stay. She will never go if she has to make the decision herself, guilt keeps her here." Huntley sucked in a deep breath. "I'm sorry, but if you want to save her, you must make her leave."

"I don't see how."

"Tell her to go! Order her! Do anything it takes to convince her she's not needed...or wanted here."

"She can be very stubborn." Tyler's brow furrowed. "I'm not sure it will work."

"It has to!" Huntley pulled a fistful of coins from his pocket. "Here, call this an advance on her wages. Ensure Hope comes back with me and there'll be more. Use it to buy food, get a woman in to clean the house-but don't let Hope stay here and perish."

Tyler brightened. "I've an idea. How about you give me the money and Hope stays anyway."

Huntley glared at him darkly. "Are you asking for charity, Mr Tyler?"

His host looked dubious. "Not exactly, but with improved circ.u.mstances, Hope will make a good match and her husband would keep her safe."

"Marriage?" Huntley felt a little giddy.

"Aye. There's many a lad hereabouts has their eye on Hope but she lacks a dowry."

Huntley turned to the fireplace to hide his disgust. The thought of anyone pawing Hope made him feel queasy.

"No. Your daughter earns an honest wage or the deals off." With a resolution he didn't feel, Huntley called Tyler's bluff. "Make no mistake, it's no odds to me. She can swing for all I care." He lied, "But make your mind up now-I hear footsteps, she's back."

Hope entered with a st.u.r.dy young man at her side. A head shorter than his sister, Tom glowered at the visitor. His skin prematurely lined by sun and wind, bags beneath his eyes and a deep furrow between his eyebrows, he put Huntley in mind of a bulldog.

"Captain Huntley, this is my stepbrother Thomas. He will aid you back into open water."

"Much obliged." Huntley glared at Tyler, urging him to speak.

William Tyler cleared his throat. "An' why would the Captain need Tom, when you can show him the way yourself?"

Hope's eyes narrowed, as she glanced from one man to the other. "I don't know what's been said, but I'm staying here."

"It came as a shock, that was all. Now I've had a think, I say you should go."

"No, Father, you need me here."

"An' I say I don't."

"Not five minutes since, you wanted me to stay."

"Well, I've changed me mind. We've managed this past month, haven't we, Tom and I? What makes you think we won't manage again?"

"Because, look at the dust, and the mud in the hall. The garden's a mess and..."

"Hope, child, I don't want you here."

Hope grew pale and she rounded on the Captain. "What have you said? This is your doing."

Defensively, Huntley held up his hands. "Listen to your father."

"I've had a chance to think, and by my reckoning, Lady Ryevale offering you a position is too good a chance to miss."

"Well, you might think so but I don't."

Tyler floundered so Huntley stepped in.

"An honest day's work, I thought that's what you wanted? And think, you can send your wages home."

Hope's eyes shone with unnatural brightness. "I see." She drew herself up straight. "And if I still say no?"

"Oh, give it up child. Don't be so stubborn." Tyler interjected. "Can't you see I don't want yer here? I was trying to spare your feelings but if you want me to be blunt-you're a burden, pure and simple. If you ain't here then Tom and I will get along just fine."


Mr Tyler sneered, "Besides, you never fitted in here, with the airs and graces your mother gave you. She was just the same. Pretended to fit in but she never did with her cultured manners and reading. I don't want pity from you and your kind. Go! Leave me with me own."

Hope gasped and a lone tear trickled down her cheek. "Father! How can you say that?"

"Tis the truth. Blood will out. Your mother was too good for the likes of me-and so are you." He folded his hands across his chest. "Now go, girl, before Captain Huntley changes his mind about that wage."

Her mouth worked but no sound came out. She turned to her brother. "Tom? What do you say?"

With a shrug of his shoulder Tom looked dubious. "Well, I don't see what the fuss is about. Got a chance of a better life. You should take it. I would if it were me. I'll take care of Father, you know that."

Hope's large green eyes stared into her brother's, and slowly, she nodded.

"If you're sure."

"Do it for me. Go with my blessing."

Tom echoed her nod and stepped away. Huntley felt the pain of separation between them and guarded his expression. Perhaps he should find a place for the lad as well-he seemed decent enough. But no, in order to justify Hope's presence-Huntley grimaced-he had an interesting time ahead of him.

The group stood awkwardly in the parlor, neither knowing quite what to do next. Tom took charge.

"The tide is on the turn, Father. They best get going."

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