To Tempt A Wolf Part 2

To Tempt A Wolf -

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She groaned again and struggled under him as he gently sucked her c.l.i.t, his tongue stroking slowly over the sensitized bud. "Oh f.u.c.k! James, James, please," she pleaded. "f.u.c.k me, Jace!"

"Jace?" Hayley exclaimed as she quickly hit the backs.p.a.ce b.u.t.ton and added the correct name. Relieved to have the evidence of her slip erased, she sighed, stretched and turned off her laptop. She was pleased at having gotten quite a bit done on her latest book, despite her tendency to be distracted by thoughts of Jace. Submerging herself in the lives of her characters helped her to put reality out of her head for a time, but the trouble with reality was that it always rea.s.serted itself.

She was ready to admit that Jace McKenna had made a definite impression on her. She was fascinated by his bad-boy image and her body reacted in a way she couldn't deny. She wanted him. Hayley squirmed in her chair. Writing s.e.x scenes always got her motor revved, but putting herself and Jace in the picture made her ache.

"d.a.m.n," she whispered. "I want more than that!"

The feeling was so intense, her chest tightened and tears glittered in her eyes. She swept a hand through her hair then propped it under her chin and stared out the window.This sucks, she thought.He's definitely not the kind of guy who's looking for a wife, children and stability... I sure know how to pick 'em.

Hayley sat and brooded for a while, unable to come up with any answers to her dilemma. The rumbling complaint of her stomach pulled her from her thoughts. She decided to go downstairs in search of some lunch. She found Logan there ahead of her.

"Hey, bro, what's cookin'?" she teased.

"You're just in time, li'l sis," he shot back with a grin. "Bryn's on her way home with barbequed ribs and I'm fixing a salad to go with them. Do me a favor and slide that loaf of bread in the oven."

Hayley complied then sat at the island and watched Logan as he efficiently put together the salad.

"Logan..." she began then stopped, not sure how to continue.

"What's on your mind, Hayley?"

"Jace McKenna," she blurted out then fidgeted in her chair as a blush suffused her cheeks.

"I see... Bryn said you met yesterday."


"You like him?"

"I don't know if that's the word for it. I'm not sure how I feel. I just know he stirred something up inside me and I'm not sure what to do about it."

Logan smiled and washed his hands before taking a seat next to her. "Let me tell you a little about Jace. His dad died when he was eleven. His mother took it very hard and Jace had to grow up faster than any kid that age should. He struggled to become the man of the family. He succeeded. He took care of his mother and sisters. He stayed focused and serious."

Hayley nodded, fascinated with this unexpected view of Jace.

"When he turned nineteen, his mother met a man, fell in love and remarried. She and the girls moved two states over to be with him. Jace decided he wanted to stay here. For the first time in eight years, he didn't have to be responsible for anyone but himself. I don't think I have to go into too much detail when I say that as a young, free male, Jace had his share of good times."

Hayley shook her head and gave him a rueful smile.

"He made up for those lost years of his youth in spades, but at the same time, he studied hard and made something of himself. He's a successful and sought after architect who knows the value of responsibility and reliability. Yes, he's got a wild streak, but when Jace wants something he goes after it, he takes care of it, he even nurtures it."

"It's hard to believe that all that's under the surface. He just seems like a typical bad boy out for a good time."

Logan smiled. "I know. I'm afraid that's a typical male persona. We like to pretend we're just out for fun and don't need any stability in our lives. But I gotta tell you, Hayley, that kind of life's way overrated."

"So speaks the voice of experience?"

"Oh yeah. You have no idea how glad I was to find Bryn. She's changed my life in ways I only imagined. I couldn't be happier."

"You think Jace might be looking for the same thing?"

"He'd never admit it, but yes, he is."

"That's good to know, but I'm still...well...afraid to make any kind of move. I mean what if I get serious and he doesn't?"

Logan grinned. "Well now, you see, that's where you have an advantage."

Hayley frowned. "I don't get it."

"Jace knows that if he fools around and hurts you, he's going to have to answer to Bryn and me. If you let him know you're interested and he doesn't feel anything for you, he'll avoid you in order to avoid a conflict with us. But if he feels there's something special between you, nothing is going to keep him away."

Understanding dawned in Hayley's eyes and she chuckled. "This could turn out to be fun."

Logan raised a brow. "Why do I get the feeling my best friend is in for a big load of trouble?"

"Now, Logan," Hayley teased. "Would I cause your friend trouble?"

He looked her over, noting the devilish gleam in her eyes. "Oh yeah, he's in trouble."

The two of them burst out laughing just as Bryn walked in the kitchen door. "All right, what did I miss?"

Chapter Three.

The weather had been marred by rain, but a few days later it dawned bright and sunny. Hayley was antic.i.p.ating her next encounter with Jace. She knew from Bryn that he would be at the house working on the new roof and she planned to begin moving her things in, as the interior problems were already taken care of.

Bryn and Logan had sincerely urged her to stay, but she wanted to give them their privacy, imagining how she'd feel if she had to host her sister when beginning a new life with the man she loved. Something like that would have a tendency to take the edge off the spontaneity of the romance. There'd be no impromptu lovemaking in front of the fireplace or on the kitchen table if your sister might walk in at any moment.

What a b.u.mmer,she thought with a grin.

After breakfast, she spent some time loading her car with the boxes her parents had sent her after she'd phoned them telling them about her decision to move to Whispering Springs. Like Bryn, they had reservations about her quitting her job, but as usual, they offered their support. They were actually pleased that their daughters were together in one place where they would be able to look after each other.

Having saved her precious laptop for last, Hayley picked the case up and made her final trip downstairs. Logan and Bryn were gone for the day. She locked the door behind her and carefully settled the case in the pa.s.senger seat of her car before she took her place behind the wheel.

Hayley took the drive to the house at a slow, relaxed pace, admiring the view and letting her antic.i.p.ation build. After her talk with Logan, she was on pins and needles wondering what Jace's next move might be or even if he would make one. She hated the idea that he might not feel anything but l.u.s.t for her and conceded the fact that she might be in for a big disappointment. Ultimately, she was glad that one way or another, in the next few minutes she'd know for sure.

As she approached the house, the sight of Jace's truck in the driveway made her stomach tighten. She ordered herself to calm down and parked her car beside his truck. The first thing she noticed was the sound of pounding, but no one was in sight. Taking her laptop with her, she walked up the steps and across the porch. Using her key, she let herself in the front entryway.

Hayley set her case on the sofa and walked through the kitchen and out the open back door. Following the rhythmic sounds of hammering, she made her way down the back steps and out into the yard, turning to look up on the roof. Perched above her, hard at work and seemingly unconcerned with the height, Jace was pounding a roofing nail into a s.h.i.+ngle panel.

Hayley's heart fluttered and her mouth dropped open. In deference to the heat, Jace had removed his s.h.i.+rt. His torso gleamed with a light sheen of sweat, the muscles in his back flexed with every move and when he adjusted his position, turning slightly, she could see the sculpted plains, ridges and valleys of his chest. His upper chest was covered with a dark mat of hair that made Hayley's fingers twitch with the need to touch.

For her, the only thing as blatantly male as a muscular chest covered with hair was a thick, hard c.o.c.k.Oh that is so not fair, she thought, automatically conceding the first round to Jace in a compet.i.tion he wasn't even aware he was in. With an effort, she snapped her jaw closed, took a deep breath then spoke to get his attention.

"Hey," she called out.

Jace turned his head and smiled when he saw her. "Hey, yourself. Beautiful day, isn't it?"

"Oh yeah," she replied with feeling.

Jace grinned as though knowing the reason for her vehemence. "You all set to move in?"

"Yes, I brought some boxes my parents sent and I have a couple of suitcases."

"Wait a sec and I'll give you a hand hauling them in."

Unable to deny the enjoyment she was receiving from watching him, Hayley waited patiently as he placed a couple more nails, hammered them in then easily made his way across the slanting roof to the ladder that awaited him. Jace clambered down without hesitation and she had to admire his sure and steady movements.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, he walked toward her. An involuntary s.h.i.+ver slid through her. Jace walked like a graceful predator on the hunt and Hayley suddenly felt like the prey. She stood mesmerized until he halted in front of her.

His gaze bore into hers and he reached out, hooking a finger under her chin while gently pus.h.i.+ng up. "Better close this, sweetheart. You never know what might take a notion to slide between those luscious lips of yours."

Hayley blushed furiously and snapped her mouth shut with an audible click.

Jace smiled, his eyes twinkling with amus.e.m.e.nt. "So where are those boxes?"

Hayley turned and walked back into the house. "In the trunk of my car, I can get them."

"No problem, I'm here to help. Withanything you need."

Keeping her back to him, Hayley rolled her eyes and silently berated herself. She was definitely losing ground fast. Jace's s.e.xy and unabashed display had turned her into a walking cream puff with jelly-filled knees. Marshalling her defenses, she decided it was time to turn the tables.

As she led the way to the car, she could feel his silent perusal of her backside. Just to even things out, she put a little extra sway in her hips. She smiled her own amused smile at the deep intake of breath that sounded behind her. Apparently, she wasn't the only one who enjoyed a nice view.

Reaching the car, she sternly suppressed her smile and opened the trunk. As she moved back out of the way, Jace reached in to grab the first box, his arm accidentally brus.h.i.+ng the side of her breast. Hayley's breath immediately seized as a zing of lightning shot through her.

"Sorry," he apologized tersely and picked up the box, carrying it into the house.

"S'all right," she acknowledged weakly and leaned against the car for a moment to catch her breath. "If he ever touches me with any kind of intent, I'll probably pa.s.s out," she mumbled with disgust before opening the back door of the car to drag out one of her suitcases.

They pa.s.sed each other several times as they made trips into the house with her things, until the car was finally unloaded. Each time Jace approached, Hayley was so hyperaware of him, her muscles tensed until she felt like she was walking in a mine field, waiting for the first explosion. She sighed with relief when the job was done and noticed Jace rubbing the back of his neck. Suddenly she realized that she wasn't the only one feeling the tension. That made her feel much better and she managed to relax a bit as she followed him into the kitchen.

With easy familiarity, Jace opened one of the kitchen cupboards and took out a gla.s.s. "Do you mind? I'm really thirsty."

"Of course I don't mind. You need to stay hydrated while you're working out in the sun. Are you wearing any sunblock?"

Turning with his full gla.s.s of water in hand, Jace brought the rim to his lips and drank. Crystal clear droplets of water fell from the gla.s.s and landed on his chest. Hayley watched in rapt fascination as they took a slow meandering path through the forest of silky black hair. One bold drop slid over his rounded pectoral muscle and headed straight for his nipple. It balanced on the tip in a sparkling, teasing dance before dropping down to land on the jean-clad thigh of one slightly c.o.c.ked leg.

"Oh f.u.c.k," she breathed, then coughed noisily to cover her slip.

"You okay?" Jace asked with concern. "You look like you could use some water yourself."

He refilled the gla.s.s and handed it to her. Hayley downed the contents in record time while Jace looked on with a raised brow. He absently reached up to rub the damp patches on his chest that were left behind by the errant water drops. When the tiny brown nubs of his nipples tightened under his touch, Hayley's last swallow of water went the wrong way. She began to cough in earnest.

"Take it easy, darlin', there's lots more water where that came from," he teased as he gently patted her back. "No need to be in such a hurry. Most things are better when they're taken slow."

Hayley gave a final wheeze and peered at him through watering eyes. The man was an expert at delivering innuendos while managing to look perfectly innocent.

"I was thirsty," she defended lamely.

"I see that. I'll be back in a minute. I'd like you to do something for me, if you will."

Fortunately for her, she couldn't see the delighted grin that wreathed Jace's face as he walked away.

With careful deliberation she set the empty gla.s.s on the counter and shook her head in disgust.Hayley Royden, what the h.e.l.l's wrong with you? He's actually interested and you're turning into some kind of a clown!Now get a hold of yourself before he gets the idea you're a total idiot and backs off!

Seeing Jace through the window as he returned with a bottle in his hand, she straightened from her slouch against the counter. He walked in the door and held up the bottle.

"Sunblock, thanks for reminding me. I put some on earlier, but I had a hard time reaching my back. I'm sure I probably missed some spots, so...would you mind?" he asked innocently, handing her the bottle and turning his back to her.

Hayley stared at the wide expanse of masculine flesh before her, scrunched her face in a quick grimace and took a deep breath.I can do this, I can do this, she thought while out loud she replied, "Sure, happy to help."

She opened the bottle and poured a generous dollop of the white cream into her hand, set the bottle down, then rubbed it between her palms, warming it before applying it to Jace's back. He let out a small "mmm" of pleasure as her hands began ma.s.saging the lotion into his skin.

His skin was every bit as warm and smooth as it looked. The muscles in his back were firm and her fingers easily traced the delineated bundles as her hands glided over him. Hayley breathed deeply and lost herself in the rhythm of her ma.s.sage. Instead of being uncomfortable, touching Jace seemed to be the most natural thing in the world. An easy and open connection formed between them, until they were both swaying to the beat of her stroking hands. Her hands moved to his shoulders and she kneaded the muscles there until Jace's husky groan of pleasure broke the spell that wove them together.

Hayley stepped back. "There, I think that covers it," she said breathlessly and took another step to the sink to wash her hands.

She could feel Jace watching her and knew the moment he moved. From beside her his voice spoke softly. "Thanks, Hayley, you've got a nice touch, darlin'. You know, I get this pain in my back now and then, do you think you might consider..."

Hayley turned, a smile on her lips. "Go back to work, Jace."

"Well now, that's just cruel." He chuckled and walked out the door.

Hayley continued to smile as she watched him go. Her eyes narrowed as a plan formed. Jace had definitely come out the winner in this round, but the fight had just begun. "Time for round two," she murmured and went to the bedroom to change.

Jace was back on the roof and giving free rein to a grin that wouldn't be repressed. Hayley was his and she was unmistakably responding to him.The old McKenna charm is right on track, he thought smugly as he returned to placing s.h.i.+ngles on the roof and nailing them down.

He replayed their encounter with satisfaction. He'd been smooth and confident while Hayley was definitely off balance, just where he wanted her. His own composure had taken a hit when he'd accidentally touched her breast while helping with the boxes in the trunk of her car. She wasn't the only one who'd been affected by that incident, but he'd recovered quickly.

The longer he was in contact with her, the deeper he felt the primal need building inside of him. Its source was directly centered in the place that sheltered his wolf, and his instincts fed the need. It was only his strength of will that kept him from telling Hayley just what he wanted and who she was to him. But he knew it was too soon and he wasn't about to chance messing this up. The more smoothly he could make things go, the sooner Hayley would undeniably be his.

Catching a movement out of the corner of his eye, he looked down to find Hayley walking out onto the lawn. Barefoot, she was carrying a large towel over one arm and she'd changed her clothes. Jace's eyes widened in appreciation. She was wearing an extremely short pair of cutoffs. From the back, all he could see of her top was a string running across her bare back and one that ended in a tie at the back of her neck. As he watched, she stopped, shook out the towel and bent over to lay it on the ground.

When her shorts rode up to reveal the smooth creamy flesh of her bottom, two things happened. First, Jace's heart rate increased, the newly racing blood that pounded in his veins headed straight for his c.o.c.k, then his aim suddenly went awry. The next stroke of the hammer found his thumb instead of the nail he'd been aiming at, and the blood that had filled his c.o.c.k suddenly ran back where it had come from.

"Son of a b.i.t.c.h!" he yelled as he stood and shook the abused digit before cradling it in his other hand.

Hayley spun around and Jace got his second surprise. The top she wore, if it could be called that, barely covered her. The cherry-red fabric was centered over her lush b.r.e.a.s.t.s. It cradled that generously firm flesh, hiding her nipples while leaving much of the upper portion of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s exposed.

"Son of ab.i.t.c.h ," he groaned with feeling, and became dizzy when his blood again reversed direction, draining from his head and filling his c.o.c.k. He lost his footing.

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