Tamir - The Bone Doll's Twin Part 20

Tamir - The Bone Doll's Twin -

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Arkoniel was amazed to see a tear roll down the witch's cheek. It fell and struck his face.

,' have waited alone all these years, cut off from my people, a ghost among yours. There's been no full moon priest for me, no harvest sacrifice or spring rites. I die inside, Wizard, for the child and for the G.o.ddess who sent you to me. My hair turns white and my womb is still empty, lya put gold in my hands, not understanding that a great magic must be paid for with the body. When she first came to me in my visions, I thought you were for me, my payment. But lya sent me away empty. Will you pay me now?

'I-I can't." Arkoniel dug his fingers into the earth as the meaning of her words dawned on him. "It...

such intercourse... it takes away our power."

She leaned over him and brushed her heavy b.r.e.a.s.t.s across his lips. Her skin was hot. A hard brown nipple brushed the corner of his mouth and he turned his head away.

You are wrong, Oreska, she whispered in his mind. It feeds the power. Join with me in flesh and I will teach you my magic. Then your power will be doubled. Arkoniel s.h.i.+vered. "I can't give you a child. Oreska wizards are barren."

But not eunuchs. Slowly, sinuously, she slid back until she was straddling his hips. Arkoniel kept silent, but his body answered for him. I need no child from you, Wizard. Just your heat and your rush of seed. That is payment enough.

She pressed against him and pleasure bordering on pain blossomed through his groin as her heat seeped through his tunic. He closed his eyes, knowing she would take him if she chose. There was no way to prevent it.

But then the pressure, the heat, the hands were gone. Arkoniel opened his eyes and found himself alone.

It had been no vision, though; he could still taste her salt on his lips, smell her scent on his clothes. In the mud on either side of him the prints of small bare feet slowly filled with water.

He sat up and rested his head on his knees, drawing in the musky woman smell that clung to him.

Cold, aching, and strangely ashamed, he groaned aloud as he conjured her warmth pressing against him.

,' thought you were for me.

The words made the breath catch in his throat and his groin pound. He forced himself up to his feet.

Mud and pond slime oozed from his hair and dripped down inside the front of his tunic like cold little fingers seeking his heart.

Illusions and lies, he thought desperately, but as he made his way back toward the rotting keep, he could not forget what she'd shown him, or the whispered invitation; Join with me, Wizard-your power will be doubled.

'""T'obin's head started to hurt during his sword practice. It JL ached so badly it made him sick to his stomach, and Tharin sent him up to bed in the middle of the day.

Brother came without being called and crouched on the end of Tobin's bed, one hand pressed to his chest. Curled on his side, cheek pressed to the soft new coverlet Father had sent from Ero, Tobin stared at his baleful mirror self, waiting for Brother to touch him or weep as he had in the dreams. But Brother didn't do anything, just stayed there gathering darkness around himself. Queasy from the headache, Tobin slipped into a doze.

He was riding Gosi up the forest road toward the mountains. Red and gold leaves swirled around him, bright in the suns.h.i.+ne. He thought he could hear another rider just behind him, but he couldn't see who it was. After a moment he realized that Brother was sitting behind him with his arms wrapped around Tobin's waist. In the dream Brother was alive; Tobin could feel the other boy's chest pressing warm and solid against his back, and Brother's breath against his neck. The hands clasped at his waist were brown and callused, with dirt under the nails.

Tobin's eyes filled with happy tears. He had a real brother! All the rest of it-demons and wizards and strange women in the forest-it had just been one of his bad dreams.

He tried to look at Brother, to see if his eyes were blue like his own, but Brother pressed his face to Tobin's back and whispered, "Ride faster, she's almost here!"

Brother was afraid, and that made Tobin feel scared, too.

They rode further into the mountains than Tobin had ever gone before. Huge snow-capped peaks surrounded them on every side. The sky grew dark and a cold wind whipped around them.

"What will we do when it gets dark? Where will we sleep?" Tobin asked, looking around in dismay.

"Ride faster," whispered Brother.

But when they rounded a bend in the road, they found themselves at the bottom of the meadow below the keep, heading for the bridge at a gallop. Gosi would not take the rein and stop- Tobin woke with a start. Nari stood over him, rubbing his chest. It was nearly dark and the room was very cold.

'You've slept the day away, pet," she told him.

It was only a dream! Tobin thought, heartbroken. He could feel Brother somewhere nearby, cold and strange as ever. Nothing had changed. He wanted to roll over and escape back into the dream, but Nari hustled him out of bed. 'You have visitors! Get up now, and let's change that tunic."

'Visitors? For me?" Tobin blinked up at her. He knew he should send Brother away, but it was too late now, with Nari fussing over him.

She pressed the backs of her fingers to his forehead and clucked her tongue. "You're like ice, pet! Ah, look- the window's been open all day, and you with no covers. Let's get these clothes changed so you can come down to the hall and warm yourself."

Tobin's head still hurt. s.h.i.+vering, he let Nari pull off his rumpled tunic, then wiggled into the stiff new one *with the embroidery on the hem. This had come in the same package as the coverlet, along with another suit of good clothes, better than anything Tobin had ever worn, and other fancy things for the house.

He caught sight of Brother in a dark corner as he turned to leave the room; the demon was wearing the very same new clothes, but his face was paler than Tobin had ever seen it.

'Stay here," he whispered. Following Nari downstairs, he wondered what it would feel like to have a living brother walking beside him.

The hall was dark except for the hearth fire and a few torches. Still beyond the reach of the light, Tobin could see the people standing by the hearth without being seen. Arkoniel, Cook, Tharin, and Mynir were all there, speaking softly with an old woman in a plain, travel-stained gown. She had a brown, wrinkled face and wore her thin grey hair in a braid over one shoulder. Was this the "she" Brother had spoken of? She looked like a peasant.

Mistaking his hesitation for fear, Nari took his hand. "Don't be afraid," she whispered, leading him down. "Mistress lya is a friend of your father's, and a great wizard. And look who she's brought with her!"

As Tobin came closer, he saw that there was another stranger hanging back in the shadows behind the old woman. lya said something over her shoulder and this one came forward into the light.

It was a boy.

Tobin's heart sank. This must be the companion they'd promised him. They hadn't forgotten about that after all, even though he had.

The boy was taller than he was, and looked older. His tunic was embroidered, but frayed at the hems and patched under one arm. His shoes were stained and his trousers were bound from ankle to knee with twine. Nari would have scolded Tobin for being so poorly turned out. The boy looked Tobin's way just then, and the firelight struck his face. His skin was ruddy from the sun, and his thick brown hair fell in ragged bangs over his forehead. His dark eyes were -wide now with trepidation as he looked around the hall. Tobin braced for the worst as Nari urged him into the light. Did this boy already know he was odd?

As soon as the boy noticed him, however, he made Tobin a quick, clumsy bow.

Tharin gave him a rea.s.suring smile. "Prince Tobin, this is Kirothius, son of Sir Larenth of Oakmount Stead at Co-lath. He's come to be your companion."

Tobin returned the bow, then held up his hand for the warrior's clasp as his father had taught him.

Kirothius managed a small smile as he gripped it. His palm felt like a soldier's: hard and callused.

'Welcome to the house of my father," said Tobin. "I am honored-" It took a moment to summon the rest of the host's ritual greeting; he'd never had to offer it by himself before. "I am honored to offer you the hospitality of my hearth, Kirothius, son of Larenth."

'I am honored to accept, Prince Tobin." Kirothius ducked his head again in a half bow. His front teeth were big and stuck out a little.

Tharin gave him a wink and Tobin felt a stab of jealousy. His friend already seemed to approve of this newcomer.

'And this is Mistress lya," said Arkoniel, introducing the old woman. "I've told you a little about her, my prince. She is my teacher, just as I am yours."

'I am most glad to make your acquaintance, Prince Tobin," lya said, bowing. "Arkoniel had written me many good things about you."

'Thank you, Mistress." Tobin felt held by her eyes and voice. She might dress like a peasant, but there was an air of power about her that made him tremble a little. All the same, when she smiled he saw kindness and a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt in her colorless eyes as she placed a hand on the new boy's shoulder. "I hope that young Kirothius here will serve you well. He prefers to be called Ki, by the way, if you have no objection?"

'No, Mistress lya. Welcome to the house of my father," Tobin replied, bowing again.

The instant the words left his lips the room went cold and Brother came down the stairs like a hurricane, whipping new tapestries from the walls and scattering sparks from the hearth across the rushes in great swirling clouds. Ki cried out as an ember struck his cheek, then jumped to stand between Tobin and the fire.

With the wind came a deep, slow throbbing sound, like the beating of a huge drum. Tobin had never heard such a sound; it went through him and shook his heart in his chest. A loud buzzing noise filled his ears-it reminded him of something bad but he couldn't quite recall what.

The wizard woman stood calmly in the midst of it all with nothing but her lips moving. Brother, no more than a dark blur of motion, flung a bench at her, but it veered away and toppled over on its side.

Brother whirled on Ki then and yanked on his cloak, trying to pull him into the fire. Tobin grabbed at the older boy's arm as Ki fought to untie the lacings at his throat. They came free and both boys tumbled backward as the cloak pulled free and disappeared into the rafters.

As Tobin righted himself he caught the look of terror in Ki's eyes and the sight burned him with shame.

Now he's sure to hate me! he thought, knowing it was his fault for being so careless. He never should have gone to sleep without sending Brother away. Turning away from the others, he whispered, "Blood my blood, flesh my flesh, bone my bone. Go away, Brother. Leave them alone!"

The wind dropped instantly. The furniture stopped moving and silence fell over the room. The beautiful new newel post at the bottom of the staircase split down the middle with a loud crack that made them all jump, then Brother was gone.

When Tobin turned around again, both wizards were watching him as if they knew what he'd been doing. lya stared at him for a long moment, then said something to Arkoniel, too low for Tobin to hear.

Ki got up and offered Tobin a hand. "Are you hurt, Prince Tobin?" A blister was already rising on his cheek.


Ki was staring at Tobin, too, but he didn't look angry. "So that was your ghost?"

'He does that sometimes. I'm sorry." Tobin wanted to say something more, something to keep that warm, amazed smile aimed at him. "I don't think he'll hurt you again."

'We were not expecting guests, Mistress," Mynir was saying to lya, as if nothing had happened. "I hope you will not think poorly of our house. We'd have readied a feast if we'd known." lya patted the old steward's arm. "We're no strangers to the duke's hospitality. Whatever you have will please us very well.

Is Catilan still running the kitchen?"

They all chattered on like they were old friends and had known each other for a long time. Tobin didn't like this at all. Nothing had felt right since the first wizard had arrived. Now there were two of them, and Brother hated lya even more than Arkoniel. Tobin had felt that during the brief attack.

He was certain that this was the "she" of his dreams, the one who'd made Brother weep blood. Yet Nari had claimed lya was a friend of his father's, and treated her like an honored guest. He was tempted to call Brother back, just to see what would happen.

Before he could, however, he noticed the other boy watching him. Ki looked away quickly and so did Tobin, embarra.s.sed without knowing why.

C,'he steward insisted that Cook serve dinner in the hall at the high table, even though Tobin's father was not at home. Brother had knocked down the new canopy, but that was soon put right. Tobin had to sit in his father's place, between lya and the new companion, and Tharin served as carver and butler for them. Tobin wanted to talk to Ki and put him at ease, but found himself completely tongue-tied. Ki was silent, too, and Tobin saw him stealing uneasy glances around the hall and at him during each successive course. Tobin kept one eye out for Brother through the meal, but the spirit heeded his command.

The adults didn't seem to notice his discomfort, chattering on among themselves. Nari, Arkoniel, and lya were talking about people Tobin had never heard his nurse mention before, and he felt another pangof jealousy. As soon as the last fruit tart had been dispatched, he excused himself, intending to retreat upstairs. But Ki rose, too, clearly meaning to follow. Perhaps this was what companions were supposed to do. Tobin changed direction and went outside into the front courtyard instead, with the older boy tagging along behind.

A ruddy autumn moon was climbing the sky, bright enough to cast shadows in the courtyard.

Alone with this stranger, Tobin felt more awkward than ever. He wished he'd stayed in the hall now, but knew it would look too silly to go back in so soon with Ki trailing him like a duckling.

They stood there awhile in silence. Then Ki looked up at the keep and said, "Your house is very grand, Prince Tobin."

'Thank you. What's yours like?"

'Oh, about like your barracks here."

The frayed edges on the boy's tunic caught his eye again. "Is your father a poor man?" The words were out of his mouth before it occurred to him that this might be taken as an insult.

But Ki just shrugged. "We're not rich, that's for certain. My great-great-grandmother was married to one of Queen Klie's kin and had lands of her own. But there's been so many of us since that no one has claim to that anymore. That's the trouble in my family, Father says; we're too hot in our pa.s.sions. Those of us that don't get killed in battle breed like conies. In our house the young ones sleep in a big pile on the floor like puppies, there's so many of us."

Tobin had never heard of such a thing. "How many of you are there?"

'Fourteen brothers and twelve sisters living, counting all the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds."

Tobin wanted to know what a b.a.s.t.a.r.d was and why they would be counted differently than the rest, but Ki was still talking. "I'm one of the younger ones, from the third wife, and our new mama is kindling again. The five oldest fight in your uncle's army now, with our father," he added proudly.

'I'm going to be a warrior, too," Tobin told him. "I'll be a great lord like my father and fight the Plenimarans on land and sea."

'Well, of course! You being a prince and all."

'I suppose you could come with me and be my squire. You'd be a knight, like Tharin."

The older boy stuck his hands under his belt like a grown man and nodded. "Sir Ki? I like the sound of that. Not much chance of that back home."

There was that smile again, making Tobin feel all funny inside. "Why do you prefer being called Ki?"

he asked.

'That's what everyone calls me back home. Kirothius is too d.a.m.n long-" He stopped, looking embarra.s.sed. "Begging your pardon, Tobin! I mean prince-! That is, my prince. Oh h.e.l.l!"

Tobin giggled with guilty delight. He wasn't allowed to curse and swear; Nari said it was common. But Tharin's men did when they thought he wasn't listening. "You can just call me Tobin. Everyone else does most of the time."

'Well-" Ki looked around nervously. "I better call you Prince Tobin when anyone else is around.

Father said he'd make sure I got a beating if he got word I was disrespectful."

'I wouldn't let him!" Tobin exclaimed. No one ever struck Tobin except Brother. "We'll just tell him that I gave you my permission. Since I'm a prince, he'll have to obey me. I think."

'That's all right then," Ki said, relieved.

'Do you want to see my horse?"

In the stable Ki climbed the side of Gosi's stall and let out a whistle of appreciation. "He's a beauty, all right. I seen lots of these Aurenfaie at the Horse Fair at Ero. What kind of 'faie did you get him from?"

'How do you mean?"

'Well, there's all kinds of them, depending on what part of Aurenen they're from. The people, I mean, not the horses. You can tell 'em apart by the colors of their sen'gai."

'Their what?"

'Those colored head cloths they wear."

'Oh, those. I saw some Aurenfaie wizards once," Tobin told him, glad at last to seem a little worldly.

Ki was only a poor knight's son, but he'd been to Ero and knew about horses. "They did magic andplayed music. And they had marks on their faces. Designs."

'That'd be Khatme or Ky'arin clan, I bet. They're the only ones that do that, far as I know."

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