Vampire King: Escape Part 7

Vampire King: Escape -

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"Is that all you would do?" My heartbeats lessoned to a steady pace.

He rolled over to his back and blew out a long breath. "I won't lie. The connection gives me a lot of power over you. I could read your thoughts and speak to you wherever I am, even several miles away."

I gulped down a little bit of fear. "I'll be in Zumaya, far away from the king. I won't be able to tell him. I don't think this connection is necessary."

"I do." He sat up with me. "I'll just need to bite you and keep my fangs inside of your vein. Then I'll inject my hormones into you and build the link."

"If you haven't done this before, then how do you know how to do it?"

"Remember Ian from the sewers?"

I nodded.

"He claims to be The Quiet King's brother and a king himself. He's told me many things about being a vampire prince." Samuel sighed. "I'm not sure if I can trust him or not, but sometimes it seems like I can sense his truths from his lies as if princes and kings can't deceive each other."

I thought about what he said and considered the alternatives. I couldn't run away. He would catch me in seconds.

"The king didn't need to bite me in order to link with me," I said. "He just entered my head. I don't think you need to bite me."

"I'm still a prince. I don't have his powers yet. My fangs need to be inside of you." He paused for a few seconds and muttered, "I want them inside of you."

I looked into his eyes. Fear and desire mingled within me. My blood swayed like he was casting a spell on me. Silence hung in the air for a minute.

"I've wanted to taste you since you disrobed in the alley." His nostrils flared as he breathed in my scent. "I drank that vial of your blood, thinking it would be enough. It wasn't. I don't think it's just the blood that I want to savor."

"I'm not interested in anything else." I scooted back. I can't be interested in anything else. "If you need to mentally tie us together, then fine, but that's it."


He's agreeing too quickly. I bit my bottom lip.

"And...please be gentle with your fangs. I've never been bitten. I'm untouched."

Samuel's fangs lengthened beyond his top lip. "Well, you'll be touched tonight."

"Meaning?" I continued to keep my body stiff, not showing the fear that bounced around in my gut. "I don't like the way you said that."

"I'm just joking a little. I promise I'll only bite you." His lips formed into a wicked smile. He lifted his hand and tossed my hair over my shoulder. With warm fingertips, he caressed my neck. The heat left his fingers and swam within me.

I shuddered and removed his hands. "Just a bite. Not a ma.s.sage."

"I'm sorry, but I don't just quickly pierce beautiful women with my fangs. I like to take my time."

"You're not courting me." I scowled at him. "Just bite me and get it over with. And will one bite be enough? I won't be breeding with you."

"I don't want children." Laughter burst from his lips. "I have no plans to conquer land or dethrone my father."

"So you are The Quiet King's son?" I raised my eyebrows. "It's why Ian called you nephew? How did you survive?"

"We'll be bonded so it doesn't matter anymore if you know." His hand returned to my shoulder and tugged the top of my gown down a little. "Princess Octavia is my twin sister. Queen Regina is my mother. Leeta, the old woman you met tonight, served my mother as her maid. When Octavia and I were born, my mother ordered Leeta to take me away."

Shock filled me. I covered my mouth with my hand. "Your mother couldn't stand to see you die."

"No, but not for sentimental reasons." He glided his fingers across the outline of my neck. His touch sent s.h.i.+vers down my spine. "She wanted to be the mother of the prince who conquered The Quiet King. She's been plotting every day of my life. My poor sister just wants to be free to make her own decisions. Regardless, my mother and Octavia want me to breed and build an army."

I dropped my hand in my lap as he scooted closer to me. "That's why you didn't trust me, because Octavia brought me to you?"

"It's also why I stopped helping dominas. Somehow they always lead a domina my way whether I know it or not. They always hope I will be overcome with l.u.s.t and finally breed with a domina." He tugged the gown down farther until the moons' light shone on the top of my right breast. "But no domina has made me react this way, but you."

I let my eyes follow the movement of his moist tongue inch-by-inch as it traveled over his lip. His fangs stretched out longer. My flesh quivered at the thought of them inside me. I'd heard a vampire's bite provided great pleasure. All of a sudden, I yearned to experience them.

It wouldn't be wrong. Right? Just one bite and then I won't let him touch me again.

"Are you ready for me?" He extended his hand and reached for my chin. His thumb went to my lips and traced their thickness.

"Only a bite," I whispered as his warm, soft thumb crept near the opening of my lips, begging me to suck on it. And oh, Ambi, I want to suck on it, but I can't. I tilted my head back to escape his hand.

"Are you sure that's it?" he asked. "I could give you more. I yearn to give you more."

"I have a husband in Zumaya." I averted my eyes.

"You never answered me earlier. Did he continue to write you?"

I closed my eyes. Dread dropped to the pit of my stomach. "I'm sure he had a reason to stop sending his letters."

"Maybe," he said through clenched teeth. "Then we mustn't disrespect your husband."

"No," I murmured. "We must not."

Samuel narrowed his eyes at me as he pulled off his s.h.i.+rt. Even in dimly lit shadows I could make out his bulging muscles. My fingers craved to touch them. My tongue ached to lick those rugged layers. Think about Ethan. But my husband's face didn't come to me. And even worse, I found myself latching on to Samuel's a.s.sertions that Ethan didn't care, just so I had an excuse to fall into a guiltless pleasure. Don't Brie. I curled my fingers into tight little fists.

"Lay down, please." Samuel's voice stroked my ears like a man seducing his lover after they'd suffered a long absence.

Oh, Ambi. I can't calm myself down.

"You don't need to take off your s.h.i.+rt to bite me." My words came out shaky.

"But I do if I want to feel the softness of your skin against mine."

I bit my lip. "I change my mind. Figure out another alternative."


We targeted each other's eyes for several seconds.

"So you'll just take the bite from me against my will?" I crossed my arms around my chest.

"No." He looked away. "But I promise it will just be a bite to form the connection, nothing more."

Clearing my throat, I eased down onto my back. My hands shook. I placed them on my sides. As soon as my head hit the pillow, he blurred to me. Those supple lips joined my throat in seconds, but he didn't pierce me with his fangs. Instead, he kissed and sucked on the area, nibbling the curve of my neck and licking each spot. My nipples hardened. I arched my back toward him, moaning as a l.u.s.ty fire formed between my thighs. I could barely catch my breath and when I did breathe, his sweet scent shook my senses.

I have to stop.

"I want to feast on more than your blood right now." His voice trembled against me.

"I can't," I mumbled in between panting and pushed him away. "I'm married."

"To who? Your husband or the king?" He pressed his lips to mine. A fevered craving burst through my body and twisted inside my chest. My loins swelled and throbbed. If he had placed his fingers anywhere near them, I would've given him anything he wanted. Ambi, help me. One kiss and I'm writhing in need.

"Your arousal is like the sweetest perfume I've ever smelled," he murmured. "I can sense it all around me-tingling against my skin, thickening your blood, and shoving me off the edge of insanity."

I twisted away from him. "Okay. This is too much. We have to stop. Besides, I only gave you permission to bite me."

"I need no permission, my domina." His lips brushed against my hair. He left a trail of kisses down my neck and dove between my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I smacked the back of his head. He looked up at me with glowing gold eyes.

My voice came out shaky. "If you're going to bond with me through the blood, then drink it. No kissing or sucking."

"Any other rules?" A smirk plastered across his face. He closed his eyes. His hands went to my waist, fingering the thin material of my gown.

"No ma.s.saging me and definitely no s.e.x."

He leaned down and lowered his mouth back to my neck. His lips opened. His teeth stabbed my flesh, pus.h.i.+ng through to my veins. Besides a tiny sting, no pain hit me, just pure unaltered pleasure enveloped every cell in my body. Delightful sensations rippled through me. Never had I experienced something so raw and blissful. No one had ever made me feel that way.

"Please don't stop." I moaned. Need rocked within me. He sucked hard. My blood heated and soared to him. Glints of s.h.i.+mmering red flickered, popped around us, and danced on my skin. I flinched and panicked.

Relax, Brie, Samuel whispered in my mind. It's the blood magic moving through our essence and binding us together. His voice hummed inside me like a slowly strummed guitar, so different from his actual voice, or even the king's mental voice. I rubbed my thighs together as my desire for him exploded into a great hunger. I was dizzy with it. I could think of nothing else but getting his tongue, fingers, and c.o.c.k inside of me. Hot. I feel so hot. I wanted him to touch me, just a little more. Just one bite, I'd told him. How stupid he must've thought I was, knowing that one bite was all it took to capture me into desire. Now I understood the poor human women who sat on the corner addicted to the feel of fangs inside them, begging for just one more bite.

It's almost over, he mentally said.

"And what if I want you to do more?" I asked, barely recognizing my voice.

I won't. You're drunk from my bite. He ran his hand through my hair. His fingers traveled from my roots to their ends, then returned to my scalp, taking a new path through my tresses. I could fall in love with you and have no regrets. His voice triggered more desire. It coursed through my veins. My nipples blazed with longing for his tongue. My sensitive folds throbbed. My c.l.i.toris ached.

"Touch me." The words fled my lips. His fangs retracted, leaving my neck. I peered at him with hooded eyes and slurred, "Make love to me."

"I want you so bad. You'll never understand how much." His gold eyes brightened, illuminating the area around him. He licked his lips. "But that's the bite talking right now, not you. I won't make love to you until you're in your right mind."

He moved away from me. I lazily rose to a sitting position, swaying a little. My actions seemed delayed by a few seconds. I waved my hand in front of me. A line of rainbow colors trailed along my fingers. A foggy confusion jammed my thought process as I shook my head. I gazed down at him. Two images of Samuel greeted me instead of one. I shook my head until only one Samuel lay in front of me.

"I forgot you would get disoriented. This is your first time being bitten by a vampire. You should probably lie back down." He rearranged himself so he was farther away from me. "I'd help you lay down myself, but I'm not to be trusted right now. I'm close to taking you anyway and dealing with the consequences later."

"Take me." I blinked through the haze and lifted up my hands to take off my gown. My fingers fumbled with the cloth.

"Don't. Move your hands."

I raised the gown up over my hips. "Bite me some more."

Samuel's growl boomed through the room. The window's gla.s.s vibrated. Giggling, I pulled the gown up over my head, showing him I wore no bra, just black panties. Samuel paused and remained unmoving, like a statue.

"Are you afraid of me?" I teased and threw the gown at his chest. His eyes concentrated on my pink erect nipples. I love that look in his eyes. No one has ever looked at me that way. I brushed my hands over my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and s.h.i.+vered.

His fangs erupted from his gums. "Put your gown back on."

"Put it on for me." I pouted.

"Blasted woman," he cursed. "If I make love to you, Brie, you'll resent me and feel violated when you wake up."

I blinked a few times. "What would you do to me if there was a storm outside?"

His lips parted. His eyebrows lifted, and then he chuckled. He checked the window as if to see if it were raining. "What? Why did you ask me that? There's no storm."

"Would you have me hold you until the lightning and thunder went away?"

He paused from laughing and targeted me with his gaze. "I'm no child, coddled by his mother's arms. If a storm was outside and you were not drunk from my bite, I would f.u.c.k you hard to see if your moans could drown out the thunder."

"f.u.c.k me now."

His hand clenched and unclenched. "Having s.e.x with a woman drunk off her first bite is like rape."

"Then just remind me that I begged you." Rus.h.i.+ng his way, I quickly straddled him, balancing my weight on his erection as it stayed confined underneath his pants. I had to release it. "Do you want me, prince?"

"Don't call me that."

I fluttered my eyelashes and giggled. "Do you want me, Samuel?"

"Yes, I do." His hands shot to my waist and slid down to my thighs. "And now that I've bit you, I want you even more than I should."

His hands journeyed up my thighs and slipped around the curve of my behind. He tenderly squeezed my flesh. My throbbing c.l.i.t swelled until I thought I would explode. Moaning, I rubbed myself against his thickness.

"Stop," Samuel groaned. I continued to guide my sensitive bud against his length, sliding it toward his hard tip and then slipping down to his cus.h.i.+oned b.a.l.l.s. d.a.m.n you. Please give it to me. My panties soaked with arousal. Samuel inhaled. I could hear his sharp intake of breath. A rumble thundered in his chest. "Please stop."

"If I stop, it will be to take my panties off."

Snarling, he flipped me over to my back and jumped off the bed. His hand dove into his pants and seized his c.o.c.k. Samuel backed away. "When we make love, you'll be sober."

"Get back in this bed." I sucked my teeth.

He paused, walked toward me as if he were in a trance, and then halted, cursing under his breath. "No."

"Fine. Then join me from there." My hands plunged into my panties. I began pleasuring myself. My finger entered my slick tunnel. Hot and wet flesh surrounded it. I cried out, grinding and thrusting into my hand. Our eyes met across the room. Samuel wrenched his huge c.o.c.k out of his pants, gripping himself and moving with my rhythm on the bed.

"Bring it to me," I begged.

He howled. His muscles bulged and wavered within the moons' light.

"Ambi, help me. I can't stay away from you if I remain in this room." In a blur, he shoved his c.o.c.k back into his pants and fled the room. And though he disappeared, his alluring presence remained. His salty flavor clung to my tongue. The air thickened with his scent, drowning me until I could barely breathe. His groans drifted inside my head. The drapes swung back and forth from the force of him sprinting away. Heat lingered on the sheets where he'd lain and my body still pulsed with an awakening he had caused.

"Samuel!" I yelled.

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