Vampire King: Escape Part 4

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"Apologize!" Samuel's voice echoed through the tunnel.

"She's gotten to you already, I see." Ian laughed. "She's not a regular domina, you know. You should let me deal with her."

Samuel's fingers formed into a fist. "If you could die, today would be the day. Instead, I'll separate your body parts, scatter them throughout the sewer, and have you spend the year searching for them."

Ian's decaying lips lowered into a frown.

Ian can't die?

"Samuel." I walked to them. "Just let him go."


"He didn't hurt me."

"He would've if you said no."

"I'm shocked you would say that." Ian's dusty lips opened wide as he held a hand to his chest. "I'm a gentle vampire."

"Scattering his body parts would just be a waste of your time and energy." I touched Samuel's arm. Heat radiated from his soft skin.

"Thank you, fair domina." Ian bowed as Samuel released me.

"It's Brie," I corrected.

Samuel howled.

"What?" I stepped back.

"There is no need to exchange names," Samuel said through clenched teeth. Ian chose the distraction to race off in a blur. I wondered how he didn't into anything since he was blind.

"You said he couldn't die." I looked at Samuel. "Why not?"

"He's under some sort of spell that forces him to remain trapped in the sewers forever."

I raised my eyebrows. "Who could cast something like that? Why did he call you nephew? Are you both related?"

"You ask too many questions." Samuel averted his eyes. "Maybe you should answer some of mine, like why did you run?"

"There is no need to yell." I turned away. "Thank you for saving me."

"I doubt Ian would have hurt you, but he is starving. It's been a year since he's eaten. Ty and I have a pact with the vampires down here. They can only drink from humans who don't have our scent."

"Are they all spelled?"

"Yes." Samuel nodded. "They can't die. Although their flesh rots away when they don't drink blood, they still remain alive somehow, like thirsty, animated corpses. They'll attack and drink from anyone without Ty, Victoria, or my scent."

"I'm wearing your s.h.i.+rt. He should've smelled you on me." I hugged myself and touched the s.h.i.+rt's material.

"He did, but your domina blood tends to make us act irrationally." Samuel headed my way and stopped right in front of me. "Did he hurt you?"

"No."Just scared the sun right out of me.

"Good." Samuel still searched my body with his eyes as if he weren't sure I would tell him the truth. After he finished, we stood there in an awkward silence.

I twisted the bottom of the s.h.i.+rt. "I'm going to keep heading down the tunnel by myself."

"No. You'll stay with me."

"Thanks for your help, but I don't need you to path find anymore." I walked off.

He s.n.a.t.c.hed at my arm, but I backed away from him before he could grab it. "Ian may not have hurt you, but others will. Some are older than him."

"How old is he?"

"He told me he was a hundred and fifty years old. Who knows if he is lying or not," Samuel said. "Why did you run off like that? You could've been killed."

"Why are you all of a sudden so concerned about me?" I wiped sweat off of my forehead. Grime clung to my hair, plastering strands on my shoulders and back. "I won't tell anybody about you or your crew."

I marched away from him. There were enough rays of sun to see a little, although the candle had provided much more light.

"I know you won't tell anybody." Samuel came to my side and walked at my pace. With each step near the sunlight, he ducked back into the shadows so it wouldn't sear his skin.

"If you know I won't tell anyone, then why are you here?" I staggered forward.

"Oh, I'm sorry, domina. Do you know your way out? Or how to get back to your home?"

"You said it was this way." I pointed in front of me and then lost my balance. Samuel caught me before I fell.

"Thanks." I blew out a labored breath and got out of his hands. "Thanks again."

"Why did you leave?" he asked. "Why do you want to be alone now?"

Wiping my face with the back of my hand, I sped up. "I left because those runaways would die if they were caught with me. Or was Victoria over exaggerating?"

"She spoke the truth," Samuel admitted. "The guards would make an example of anyone who aided a domina to freedom. Once, four guards captured a group with a domina, and they tortured everyone except her and hung their bodies on the outside of the castle's gates."

Something crept on to my fingers. I shook my hand. "Then I'm really glad I left. I would never forgive myself if something happened to innocent people and it was because of me."

We traveled through the sewer for two silent minutes. I had to admit it. I was happy someone was with me, even for a few seconds. I wished he could stay with me the whole time, but surely the other humans needed him more than I did.

I can't be selfish.

"If you could tell me how to get out of here," I offered, "just to make sure I'm going the right way, then you can go back."

"Is that my only option?" He flashed me a mocking smirk.

I'm beginning to hate that expression on him.

"I'm sure the other humans need you," I stated.

A sigh left his lips. He placed his hands on my waist and stopped me. "You need me too. Trust me. You're exhausted. You'll only end up getting caught or killed if you continue on your own."

"Why do you care? You were pretty annoyed with me several hours ago." I faced him. His full lips curved into a smile. His hands remained on me.

"I'm impressed you left to keep everyone safe." He tenderly ma.s.saged the area above my hipbone with his right thumb. "I've seen vampire men cry and p.i.s.s their pants after one hour in the sewers by themselves. You've been walking most of the day and all alone."

"Is it almost dusk?"


My shoulders slumped down and relaxed for a second. "How close to the opening am I? Could you show me?"

"I'll take you there." His right hand slid a few inches down my hip. I could hear his breathing increase. My bottom lip quivered.

I stepped back. "What do you want if you show me?"

He instantly removed his hand and combed his fingers through his hair. "You already paid, domina."

My hands toyed with the end of the s.h.i.+rt, wrapping it around my fingers. "Please, call me Brie."

"Okay, Brie." Samuel made a movement. "Wait."

I paused as he jumped in front of me.

"Stay close to me as much as possible." He held my hand and guided me around the corner. "There will be more of those starving vampires ahead. When they're in groups, they tend to get a little more courage to defy me. As long as you stay near me, I can attack them without having to worry about your safety."

I glanced up. Hundreds of wrinkled, withering bodies crawled above us. Most of their faces had sucked into themselves, resembling old circular husks. Their gray skin stirred. They constantly stayed in a sluggish motion, slithering from side-to-side like snakes as if remaining still would cause them agony. Long fangs stuck out from their gaping mouths. I gasped and clung to Samuel. s.h.i.+vers of fear crawled up my body.

"Can we taste her?" The beggar backed away in the opposite direction, but his hungry eyes stayed on my neck. "Please."

Samuel's body hardened under my arms. "She belongs to me!"

All of them shrieked. Within seconds they scurried away on misshapen legs and crooked feet. If I had been alone, they would have just dropped and feasted on me. No one would have known. I hid my face in the soft texture of Samuel's skin and lost control of my emotions right there in the sewer. I just snapped and cried into Samuel's ma.s.sive arms.

"It's okay." He patted my back. "You've been traveling in this filthy tunnel all day. You're probably exhausted, hungry, and thirsty."

I don't have time for this. What is wrong with me?

I wiped away my tears. "I just need a minute and I can walk on."

He chuckled and squeezed my shoulder. "You'll need more than a minute. You haven't slept or eaten in over twelve hours or more."

"I'm fine."

"You need to rest." He lifted me up by my waist and slung me over his shoulder.

"No! I can walk," I said with my bottom in the air. I struggled to get off his shoulder. "Samuel, I'm serious. Put me down!"

"Just go to sleep." He gently smacked my behind. My flesh shuddered with the action.

"This is-"

"Quiet. If I haul you to the opening, I can move faster. We'll arrive outside the gates in an hour."

"But you'll be tired and I can't-"

He spanked my bottom again.

"Don't hit my behind like that." I battled to keep my eyes open. "It's ridiculous. I'm not a child."

"My apologies." He repositioned me so I was no longer on his shoulder but being carried in his arms. "You're so stubborn and there it was next to my face, so soft and welcoming."

I yawned again. "Don't do it again."

"I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" he asked. "Should I rub the pain away?"

"No." I closed my eyes. I'll just rest for a few seconds and then start walking. I'll demand he set me down.

"So your husband and children are in Zumaya?"

"Yes." My muscles loosened until my whole body went limp in his arms. "My husband and twin girls are the reason why I couldn't stay in the castle. I have to get back to them."

Samuel loudly snorted. "And what a great man your husband must be."

"Is that sarcasm or are you being serious?" I leaned against his chest and relished in the tingling warmth that flowed from his skin. His herbed aroma blocked out the sewer's stench. I pressed my face into his flesh, gradually losing myself.

"I'm being sarcastic. What type of man allows his woman to be submitted as a breeder to a ruthless king?"

"A man who honors his duties to his village." I snuggled closer to Samuel. "My husband was Zumaya's treasurer. He also controlled the town's food supply. During the last few years I was there, we had a drought and then a food shortage. Many people died."

Samuel increased his speed to a pace I would've never reached if I'd been walking myself. "So your husband gave you away because he couldn't manage the town's funds?"

"You don't understand. Our people were dying. My husband sent a message to the king and respectfully requested aid. Guards came. Instead of bringing us food and supplies, they examined the females."

"They tested all of the women's blood?" Samuel growled.

"Yes. Three teenage girls and I were the only ones with positive results."

"And you couldn't just let the young ones leave?" Samuel asked.

"No. Of course not." I opened my eyes a little and saw him staring at me. "My husband was more than willing to let the young girls go off with the guards, but I fought for them to stay. It would've been wrong. Two of them hadn't even turned fourteen. Plus, I'd experienced love and childbirth the right way. I had my memories to keep me sane when The Quiet King came to my bed."

"And did he come to your bed?" Samuel's voice sounded low with a hint of anger.

"I'm untouched. Remember." I would have drifted off to sleep if it wasn't for Samuel asking me another question.

"Why did you decide to escape the king?"

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