Luminescence: Amethyst Tears Part 20

Luminescence: Amethyst Tears -

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MY PHONE BLINKED WITH ANOTHER message from Lukas, this was like the umpteenth one since the party last weekend. Someone was feeling some serious regret. Good let him stew.

You can't ignore me forever.

Sure I can. Really? I sent back. This was my response after loads of dismissed messages. He was persistent, I'd give him that. I guess I was unable to keep it bottled in anymore.

He sent a text back in record time, probably thinking this was his chance to make amends. I'm sorry k. How many times do I have to say it?

At least a hundred more. I couldn't help it. The whole fighting between Gavin and Lukas still burned inside me.

My phone vibrated. Be real.

Okay, so I wasn't really being fair. He hadn't been the only one involved in the whole incident at Tori's. Already I had easily forgiven Gavin, why had I not yet forgiven Lukas? If I was going to be honest with myself, it was partially to do with my new relations.h.i.+p status. I was avoiding Lukas because I knew that I had to tell him. Not only him, but I had tell my aunt that I was dating Gavin.

I needed to tell Lukas to keep the lines between us from crossing any boundaries. Friends. That's what we were. Something like this was probably better face-to-face, but I was chicken. I wasn't such a wuss to resort to a text. A call seemed like a happy medium. It worked for me.

Hitting his speed dial, I waited on the other end to hear his sunny voice. "So does this mean I am forgiven?"

I snickered. "Yeah. I guess it does, but"

He groaned. "I hate buts."

I didn't blame him. "I just wanted you to hear this from me." There was a long awkward pause, and I took a deep breath. "Look I know things between you and Gavin were...tense but I don't want you and my boyfriend"


I sighed. This wasn't going as well as I imagined. "That's what I was trying to tell you."

Long pause. "I see," he finally stated.

"This doesn't change anything. Not with us. I still want to be your friend. I still want to practice with you." I rushed the words out.

"You know how I feel about you. I don't want to be just your friend. I don't know if I can do that." There was pain in his voice and anger.

Was I always destined to hurt people I cared about?

My voice was thick with tears. My throat felt closed. "I I'm sorry," I hardly managed to speak.

The phone clicked in my ear. Falling onto my pillow, a stream of tears ran down my cheeks. Just like every other time my emotions got the best of me, my bedroom window was pelted with raindrops. I hated to cry and lately I felt like I've cried more and more. You think I would have exhausted all my tears by this point.

After a good, long crying jag and a pint of triple chocolate ice cream drizzled in an enormous about of chocolate syrup, I wasn't exactly feeling any better. Even though my conscious was clear, I now had a belly ache and it was more than just stuffing my face with ice cream. Talk about a sugar high. What I needed was something to take my mind off this off black aura disaster and now Lukas. So drowning in sweets until I got sick was my plan. It wasn't exactly the best way to spend a night, especially when I had to work in the morning.

I spent the rest of the day on my bed licking the spoon and wondering if what I was about to do was a stupid idea. Lord knows I was full of them.

Truly if there was anyone who would have the answers I sought, it would Morgana. I still couldn't think of her as my great grandma, nor did I really understand how we communicated.

How was it that I could talk to a witch who has been dead for decades?

I filed that under c.r.a.p I needed to remember to bring up on our next visit. And if things went the way I was starting to scheme in my brilliant, yet troublesome brain, it would be soon.

Very soon.

Setting the licked clean bowl aside on my nightstand, I turned the volume on the b.o.o.b tube down. With a bat of my eyes the bedroom was immersed in darkness, except for the crescent moonlight s.h.i.+ning through the window.

Magic rocked.

Trying to relax was harder than it sounded. I snuggled on my pillow, pulling the covers to my chin. I stared at the ceiling wondering how in the world I was going to consciously dreamscape Morgana. All the other times I had shared dreams with Lukas, I hadn't any clue what I was really doing. Even with the practice, this time was not entirely the same either. I was going to be merging dreams with a dead witch, not a living person.

Closing my eyes, I tried to picture her face. The dark red hair framing her face, eyes just like the ones I saw reflected every day in the mirror and a connection to her I could no longer deny. I thought about all this while my breathing evened, relying on my natural gift to lead the way. At this point all I could do was cross my fingers and hope for the best.

My lower back tingled with warmth, and I felt my body go under. The next time my eyes fluttered open, a cool mist kissed my cheeks. I wasn't anywhere in particular. There wasn't anything defining the area, it was like being stuck in the clouds. A dense fog covered the air around me, not scarily but angelic. The vapor curled under my toes, weaving in and around me. There was a fresh, cleanliness with each breath in my lungs.

And I wasn't alone in this serene heaven. There was my grams looking like a Grecian G.o.ddess. The white of her flowing dress was striking against the long length of her crimson hair. Ribbons tangled around her bare feet and up her ankles.

I did it, I thought and did a little happy dance in my head.

"With a little help," her majestic voice broke through the silvery mist.

Thanks for stealing my thunder. I needed to learn how to do that whole read your thought trick, or at least figure how to block it. "I guess I should be glad you got the message."

"Loud and clear dearie. So what do I owe the honor of being summoned?"

"I have some questions."

"I see you have already made the 'which boy do I choose' decision." She tapped a nail on the bottom of her lip. "What could you possibly have on your mind?"

"What, are you stalking me?" I blurted out.

She gave a throaty laugh. It suited her and her flaming hair. "I see so much of myself in you, except the whole prude thing."

My mouth dropped open. Did my great grandma just imply that I was tease or that she was a s.l.u.t? Either way I couldn't decide which was better.

"Give that boy what he wants already." Her cherry lips rose in a sinister smile. She loved to shock me.

I choked on my own air. By the time I regained my composure I was red-faced and p.i.s.sed. "Just so you know I am not a prude, and how did this become about me? How do you know I have boyfriend?"

"I told you. Where you are concerned I make it my business to know. You forget I've already met the lucky stud. Besides, I've left you little hints over the years. I wouldn't want you to think that you were alone in this world...or beyond."

"What do you mean little hints?" Then it dawned on me. "That was you at Tori's. And here I thought I was being haunted by Casper the not-so-friendly ghost." I ran a hand through my auburn hair. "So you are stalking me."

She snorted in a very lady-like manner. "Don't flatter yourself sweetheart."

"Why are you suddenly so interested in me? Why now?"

"You know why now. You've got magic, and you are not just any witch."

"So I've been told," I mumbled.

"No you haven't. At least not everything, but you will find out soon enough."

What is that even supposed to mean, other than confuse me? My head was already spinning without her adding more layers for my head to wrap around. I needed to stick to one topic here and on the top of the list were these black spots on my aura. "Can you see auras?"

She started to stroll through the mist, feet walking on air, the trail of her silky white material in fluid movements. I followed suit trying not to step on it. "I have many talents, but no. I have never dabbled with auras. I wasn't blessed with the sight. Why do you ask?"

"I have a friend who can. She says that I have black marks on my aura, like little slivers are missing." I didn't like the look that came into her violet eyes. It sent a s.h.i.+ver down the center of my spine, and I stumbled.

d.a.m.n these stupid ribbons bound at my ankles. It was only a matter of time before I killed myself with these things wrapped around my feet. I don't know how she walked so graceful.

She quickly recovered her exposure, putting her usually overly-confident enchantress back into place. "A few black marks never hurt anyone," she sneered like it wasn't a big deal.

What. Bull. s.h.i.+t. "I don't believe you." I don't know why I expected her to be surprised by my defiant outburst.

She wasn't.

Lifting a thin brow, she put both of her hands on my arms, her purplish eyes flaming into mine. "Good. Trust nothing, no one but your own instincts. They won't let you down. The sooner you learn that, the better witch you will be."

Oookay. Now she was starting to scare me. "You make it sound so simple."

Her grin was crafty. "When you trust in yourself, it is."

G.o.d she sounded like a hallmark card. I fought to not roll my eyes. It was seriously difficult. I did however pout. "Easy to say when your aura isn't being taken over by black holes that you may or may not have brought onto yourself."

Her painted lips only widened at my teenage annoyance. She was acting like a know-it-all grandparent, I wasn't sure she had earned the right. "Now who is being over-the-top? Looks like it runs in the family."

I gave her a dry look.

"I see you've had time to be marked." She spun me around before I had a chance to protest or figure out what her intent was. The V neckline on this flowing getup I was in left my entire back exposed. If I had to guess, she was in charge of wardrobe during these dreams. Talk about an invasion of personal s.p.a.ce. I felt a cool finger traced the enchanted design. In my head I knew what she saw. Her soft chuckle blew against my hair. "It's beautiful and suits you considering it is my symbol. Did the artist know who you were?"

Crossing my arms over my chest, I turned around and shook my head, once again caught off-guard. Would she forever be one-step ahead of me? "No. We had never met before and I told her nothing of myself. What do you mean it's your symbol?"

"It's my family crest."

"Oh." I wasn't sure how I felt about having something permanently on my body that represented something of Morgana. Well it was too late anyhoo.

"Hmm. Perceptive," she said lost in thought. Her hands gripped either side of my arms, grabbing my attention. "Which means you need to be even more careful. If the artist could sense our connection, it won't be long before others will as well. That is if they haven't already. And that my dear, for you, would be grave. You are the last of my blood."

The dream slipped from my grasp as thousands of questions tumbled to the tip of my tongue. Waking up, my breath came out in short, quick gasps, my heart beat in double time and a dull throb worked into the back of my temples.

I knew that I had mentally and physically exhausted my capabilities, but it didn't stop the frustration from rising. I wanted more than anything to go back under, but I knew that I would be risking my health if I did. The last time I'd pushed myself too far, I ended up in bed for longer than I wished. I wasn't very good at being idle.

One question echoed in my mind. What was so dangerous about being her last living descendant?

Chapter 26.

IF I HAD TO SAY happy holidays one more time, I was going to scream. Mystic Floral was bursting with patrons getting their Christmas poinsettias. The bell over the door jingled religiously, letting a cool winter breeze into the shop. My feet were starting to ache, my lips were tired of smiling, and I was moments away from breaking the Christmas CD that was playing through the speakers.

Checking the time on my phone, I sighed. For some reason this day was slower than Plus, I kept getting this creeped out feeling that someone was watching me. Paranoid, I know, but I couldn't shake the snaky feeling.

"Do you have plans tonight after work?" Aunt Clara asked, waking me from the horror show I was creating in my head. The afternoon rush was over and my wild imagination got the best of me. I was positive that there weren't any vampires lurking outside, just waiting to suck my blood. Wasn't I?

She must have noticed me constantly checking the clock and my nervous behavior. I was only here for another hour and already counting down each precious second. I shrugged. "Not really."

"No hot plans with Gavin?" There was this hint of amus.e.m.e.nt in her voice.

I snickered. "Talk about hot plans, I saw someone the other night steaming up the windows in the doorway with a certain tall gentleman."

She gasped. "You saw that?"

"Yep. And now I am completely scarred for life."

"Please I'm not buying it. I've seen your boyfriend. You could probably teach me a few things."

Now it was my turn to be shocked and embarra.s.sed. "We are so not going there," I groaned.

She pursed her lips and studied me. I didn't like the look on her face. She was going to go there. "Okay now that we have sort of broached the subject."

I moaned louder and put my head in my hands.

"And you have your first boyfriend, which I am glad you got straightened out. It wasn't fair to lead anyone on. We should talk about protection."

"There is so nothing to talk about," I groaned.

"Yet. You are often home alone and things can get...heated. I know what it is to be young and in love, and I can see it in your eyes. You are in love."

"Fine," I conceded. "I get your point, but you really don't have to worry. There is no one more responsible than me."

She brushed my hair off my forehead. "Don't I know it," she said, smiling tenderly. It was just the kind of smile that reminded me of my mom.

Driving home from the shop, I couldn't help but notice how magnificent the twilight sky glimmered. There wasn't a cloud in sight, and it looked like you could see all the way to Venus. The sun hadn't completely set, and I was having a hard time keeping my mind focused on the road. It was the perfect night for stargazing and playing connect the dots with the constellations, not constantly checking out the rearview mirror to see if you were being followed.

Yet I couldn't help myself. Gooseb.u.mps spread over my arms, my heart picked up speed, and I didn't feel safe. Maybe I should call Gavin. Just the sound of his voice would be enough to calm this jittering, suspicious nerves pumping in my veins.

I tried to set my mind on other things. Like Christmas. It was just a few weeks away, and I wasn't really feeling the holiday spirit. I don't just lacked that magical air. Don't even get me started on Christmas shopping. The stress of trying to find the perfect gift for Gavin was giving me an ulcer.

That was a problem for another day. I was just beat.

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