Love Me: Teach Me Part 2

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I gulped and nodded. "Yeah, I do. It's kind of hard to explain."

"Would you mind showing me some time?"

My heart began to beat against my ribcage hard. Is this appropriate behavior? Am I supposed to give my teacher directions? After school? In his car with him? My palms were sweaty so I rubbed them against my legs. "Um, sure. Maybe tomorrow or something?" I asked. I knew Matt would be gone tomorrow for his game, and being alone with Liam was starting to consume me.

"Yeah, that'd be great." He ran his fingers through his hair and smiled. "I'll come get you." He laughed. "Next door. What time is good for you? Seven?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"You don't have work or anything do you? I wouldn't want to take you away from anything."

"I have a work study at the writing center. It's during the day. Seven tomorrow will be fine."

"Great, I'll see ya--,"

"Sarah?" I heard and looked down to my right. Matt was getting out of his truck with two arms carrying the food. I was glad his arms were occupied, I didn't want to have to deal with him hitting Liam. "What are you doing?" he asked, through gritted teeth.

"I was just letting her know that we have a test next week. I'll see you in cla.s.s Friday, Sarah. Nice to see you again, Matt." Liam disappeared into the darkness, and Matt walked up the stairs.

Chapter Four.

Liam What have I done? I sat in my office, looking through my student's work and thought about Sarah. I couldn't believe I'd asked her to show me the lake? What possessed me? She is your student, not some random girl.

I was busy wallowing in my stupidity when my phone lit up. Dad. I growled to myself. I answered. "h.e.l.lo."

"Hi, it's Mom."

I sighed. "What are you doing calling on Dad's phone?"

"Mine is dead. I told you to call me, Liam. Why haven't you? Are you okay? Are your going alright? Are the kids nice?"

Wow, I'm a teacher not a new student in elementary school. "They're fine, Mom. It's going great, but it's only the second day."

"I know, I know. Just making sure you're okay. How is Layla? Is she adjusting to the change okay?"

"She is a dog, she is fine wherever, as long as she is being fed."

"Well, you don't have to be so snooty about it, Liam. Is something bothering you?"

Yeah, my d.i.c.k gets hard every time I see my neighbor/student. I'd say that's a major problem. "Everything is fine, Mom. I'm grading papers, can I call you back?"

"Will you?"

"Yes, tomorrow. I love you."

"Okay, love you too. You better call," she said before hanging up.

Jesus Christ, you'd think I was twelve not twenty six. Packing up my papers, I grabbed my briefcase and headed toward my Hummer.

When I got home, I stripped and climbed into the shower. I couldn't help but think about Sarah sitting in the pa.s.senger seat with me. The swell of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her full lips, and flat stomach. I wondered what she'd look like naked.

"No, Liam," I mumbled to myself. My d.i.c.k disagreed, showing me just how much she pushed my b.u.t.tons. I grabbed myself and began to push up and down my shaft. "What are you doing, Liam?" I leaned my head against the shower wall and finished myself off.

This is ridiculous. After humiliating myself, in front of myself, which is hard to do, I dried off. I pulled on a tight white s.h.i.+rt and some jeans. I remembered my last girlfriend had liked it, so maybe Sarah would. No, it doesn't matter if she likes it. I put on my boots and filled Layla's water and food bowl.

At six fifty five I walked over to her door and knocked.

It swung opened and Cody was standing in the doorway. His mouth was half-full of some chips and his eyes were wide. He swallowed loudly and smiled. "How may I help you?" he asked.

"Cody, it's for me," I heard her from behind Cody. He turned around and looked back at her. My d.i.c.k tightened and I pushed back the urges I had to do bad things right then and there. She was wearing the tightest white tank top, some blue jeans shorts and flip-flops. Her cheeks turned pink and she pushed her hands deep into the depth of her pockets.

"This is the friend you're showing around, Sarah?" Cody asked, eyebrow rose.

She narrowed her eyes and jabbed her finger over her shoulder. "Would you please make sure Zeus' water bowl is filled up for me?"

Cody stuck his tongue out and ran off toward his room. "Sorry about him, you'll get used to him."

I smiled down at her, and bit my lip. "Well, are you ready to go?" I asked, gesturing for her to lead the way.

She nodded slightly and walked out of the door. I followed her downstairs, watching as her hips switched. Come on, you're not a fifteen year old boy. "So," I said. "Where is Matt at tonight? He didn't mind?"

Sarah didn't look up as I opened her door for her. "Her doesn't know," she whispered before I shut it.

Holy f.u.c.k. I winked at her. "Well, some things we can keep to ourselves then." I walked around and started down the road.

We rode in silence for a long while before she pointed toward a road to our left. When we pulled up I saw a sign that said 'Lake Monticello.'

"No, don't pull in that way, go around this way," she pointed out. I followed her instructions, and we pulled along a dirt road, and into a clearing. No one was out here, and I could tell it was a secluded spot.

"Well, this is nice. I'm sure this would be a great place to run," I said. That was my main reason for wanting to know where the lake was, to run. But, now that I'm here with her I don't want to leave.

"A lot of people run out here, it's so peaceful. Sometimes I come out here during lightning storms and watch the lighting hit over there," she said, pointing across the lake.

She chuckled. "Don't think I'm strange, it's really pretty."

I laughed and opened my door. "Come on, let's get some air." I walked toward the edge of the water and watched the geese swim across. "This isn't appropriate," I finally said. I didn't want to say it, but it needed to be said. I needed to let her know I couldn't have her the way I wanted. I wasn't sure if she wanted me or not, but f.u.c.k did I want her.

She twisted her blonde hair around her finger and kicked at the mud. "Then why did you ask me, Mr. Downs."

Mr. Downs. I wanted to shake her until she stopped calling me that. "Well, that part I'm not quite sure of. I just needed to tell you that I didn't know you were my student when I helped you with your cut. It's not a big deal, but I'm sure teachers aren't supposed to have their students in their apartments."

She nodded. "Well, of course not. But, we didn't know. So, no harm done." She smiled up at me, her green eyes warm and large. "And plus, I have a boyfriend anyway. It would be wrong even if you weren't my teacher."

A ping of something lit fire in my stomach. I am not jealous of him. Yes, the f.u.c.k I am. I couldn't stand the thought of him touching her, kissing her or making love to her. I bit my tongue hard. "Of course. I'm glad we're on the same page."

"Should we head back now?" she asked. "Since it's not appropriate." Her tone was bitter, and I tried not to smile. Did she want to be out here with me?

"Well, there is no need to rush, hold on a second." I ran back over toward my truck, grabbed the blanket and two c.o.kes. "Here we go," I said, laying the blanket out. "Thirsty?"

She stared blankly down at the blanket and then back up at me. I could see the conflicting emotion on her face and I felt guilty. I shouldn't push her. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to. Don't think I'm trying to do anything else inappropriate."

She stared at me for a few long uncomfortable minutes. "I won't tell if you won't."

I let out a small chuckle. "Scout's honor," I said, lying down on the blanket.

She laid beside me, her body so close to mine. We laid there and watched the sky for a while before either of us spoke. "Did you feel that?" she asked.

I felt something alright, but I was sure it wasn't the same thing she was talking about. "What?"

"Rain. I smelled it last night, I knew it was coming"

d.a.m.n it. I didn't want to take her home just yet. I knew we weren't doing anything but lying there but it felt so good. "Let's just sit out here for a little longer, then I'll take you home."

She turned on her side, quickly and held her head up with her hand. "I wasn't saying I wanted to go home. I was just warning you. It's supposed to storm, we could watch the lightening, if you wanted to."

Her cheeks turned pink. A piece of blonde hair fell from her ear and I pushed it back. "That's fine. I'd love to see it," I said.

Her cheeks turned redder, and she smirked, lying back down. "Tell me about you," she finally said. "Have you always wanted to teach?"

I lay as still as I could, not wanting her to see how I really felt. "Yes. I wanted to teach my entire life. My dad wasn't for it, he said I should go into the military, and make a man out of myself." I laughed. "But, I didn't follow him. I had to do what I wanted and loved. I had to teach."

Sarah was still staring at me, eyes wide. I tried to ignore that her breast were hanging over her s.h.i.+rt. I could see the roundness of them. I wanted to reach out and touch her. "I think you did the right thing. What you want to do."

"I just wish my dad thought that way. But, enough about me, what about you? How long have you been with Matt?" I cursed myself for saying it as soon as I said it.

She frowned and turned to look back up at the sky. "A year," she said. I wanted to pry but I didn't want to force her. "Are you seeing anyone?" she whispered.

My heart pounded an extra beat. "No."

I swear I saw the corner of her lip crawl up. "There it comes," she said, slowly. "The rain."

As if on cue, the rain started pouring down. We jumped up, laughing, and ran toward my truck. I could hear her breathing hard, and glanced over at her. Her hair was wet, her s.h.i.+rt stuck to her breast. f.u.c.k, she looks so beautiful.

"You're all wet," she whispered, her eyes raking over my chest. My d.i.c.k moved and I prayed she didn't see it.

"It'll dry," I said without looking away from her. Her lips parted and lightning struck across from us. She pointed. "It's beautiful," I mumbled, as another hit almost in the same spot.

She started to breathe faster, her chest rising and falling. Her eyes met mine but she didn't look away. Her eyes darted toward my lips, her own parted and she squirmed in her seat. Does she want to kiss me, too? Would it be too old fas.h.i.+oned to ask? She glanced back up at me, nodded once and I knew that was exactly what she wanted.

So, I gave her what she wanted.

Sarah Oh. My. G.o.d. He kissed me. I was basically begging him for it. He reached across the console of his truck and he found my lips with his. They were full, soft and gentle at first. This is wrong. I knew it was but I couldn't not take the chance. Just once, and I would never do it again. His tongue ran across my bottom lip and I parted my own, letting him slip his tongue into my mouth. I moaned. d.a.m.n it. I couldn't help it. He seemed to f.u.c.k my mouth with his. I'd never felt so vulnerable with a kiss before.

He returned with a growl, grabbing the nape of my neck and dragging my closer to him. I was half way over the console, my arms gripping at his t-s.h.i.+rt. Am I really making out with my teacher? He is s.e.xy, but it's still wrong. I have a boyfriend.

Before I could make myself come to my senses Liam gripped my a.s.s, and pulled me over to straddle him. Holy f.u.c.k. I could feel his erection between my legs, as he pushed me down on it. Oh, G.o.d. "Sarah," he mumbled into my ear, sliding his tongue against my neck. "This is wrong," he said, wrapping a tattooed arm around my waist.

"I know," I said back, grinding down on him. "We need to stop," I said.

Liam pushed me back from him. His gray eyes were wide with excitement, his mouth parted and his breathing heavy. "I'm so sorry."

I shook my head, all the guilt slamming into me at once. "It takes two," I mumbled. "I'm sorry I told you to. You're my teacher, I have a boyfriend." I crawled over the console and sat in the seat, my head leaning back.

Guilt was one of the worse things to feel...ever. It ate at me on the way home, my entire body overcome with it. It was almost like a virus that spread and took over me. I'd kissed another guy. A man. A s.e.xy man.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose with my pointer finger. "This can be like it never happened," Liam said. "I shouldn't have done that to you. You are taken and my student. It can't happen again."

I nodded in agreement, even though hearing it made my stomach hurt. "Of course, it was a onetime slip up. It won't happen again," I said, matter of fact.

Liam was staring at me in the parking lot. He licked his lips and patted my hand. "To a new beginning."

I winced. "New beginning," I whispered. "I guess I'll see ya in cla.s.s tomorrow," I said. I walked up the steps, not looking back and closed the door behind me.

"Tell me what the f.u.c.k happened now," Cody said from the futon.

Ah, s.h.i.+t.

After I explained everything that happened, I realized I was a much worse person that I thought I was.

"Did he kiss good? He has those big lips." Cody pretended to moan and fan himself. I frowned and held my face in my hands.

"Ah, come on now, Sarah. Matt is an a.s.shole anyway .Why don't you just storm over there and take Mr. Teacher Man right now. I'll cover for you if Matt comes home early."

I shook my head. "It never happened. We defined our relations.h.i.+p and now we're moving on."

Cody rolled his eyes. "Come on, Sarah. You have to see the man every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You know that it's gonna be hard as h.e.l.l not to pounce on him after cla.s.s."

I sighed. "I'm going to bed, Cody. I can't think about this anymore than I have to," I said.

"Ah, don't get cha self down in the dumps about it. Mr. Hottie is a very big upgrade from Matt anyway."

"Good night, Cody," I said before shutting my door. What in the h.e.l.l did I do? I climbed into the shower and turned on the hot water. I let it run down my skin, was.h.i.+ng away where Liam had touched me. His hands so large on my waist and a.s.s. His lips and tongue caressing my own. My thighs began to feel heavy, and I leaned against the shower wall. Why had he felt so much different from Matt? Why had he turned me on so quickly?

In between my thighs began to heat, as I run my hand down my stomach to my most sensitive spot. f.u.c.k, I wished he had stoked me there. No, Sarah. I shook my head but continued to rub myself, feeling where I wished he had touched. I rubbed harder, thinking of his mouth on my neck, until I exploded thinking of his face. His hands. His touch.

What have I gotten myself into?

Chapter Five.

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