Give And Take: Taken By Storm Part 23

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Merrick smiled and rubbed his hand across his stubble-covered chin. Watching him, Rachael laughed. "I think you've left him speechless, MJ."

MJ pressed his palm flat against the file folder. "I'm the one who should be speechless." He handed the file to Joan. "Looks like we better get busy. Restoring this place is going to be practically impossible."

Joan shot him a condescending smirk. "I don't know the word impossible."

"She's a pain in the a.s.s," Beck said, tightening a cello string, "but she'll get it taken care of."

"Riley!" Merrick shouted. "Now!"

After a minute, Riley came out of the sliding gla.s.s doors from the kitchen holding a bottle of champagne and a stack of clear plastic cups. He handed them to Merrick. "Am I getting rea.s.signed to Beck now that he doesn't have an a.s.sistant?"

"Do you want to work for Beck?" Merrick ask, popping the champagne cork.

"Your sorry a.s.s isn't working for me," Beck said. "I hear you can't even build a birdhouse. If you can string a cello there might be hope for you though."

Merrick patted Riley on the back. "Looks like you're stuck with me."

Riley sat down across from Beck and grabbed a pack of strings from him. "Who said I can't string a cello?"

"I'm that bad to work for?" Merrick asked pouring each of them a little champagne.

MJ laughed. "Maybe you training me isn't such a good idea."

His phone vibrated in his pocket. When he pulled it out and saw Maddie's name on the screen, a surreal feeling pa.s.sed through him.

They were off the island and she was still his. It hadn't been a dream or his imagination. She came back to him. "Hey, Mads," he said, answering.

"It was Enzo," she said. "My dad's awake. He remembers."

"What?" MJ shot forward in his chair.

"The police have gone to arrest him," she said.

Whoa. MJ knew his grandfather was capable of being cruel, but this was beyond his imagining. "I'm sorry, Mads. Tell your dad I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. Don't be sorry. He's manipulated you your entire life, too."

Merrick leaned forward in his chair and nudged MJ's arm. "Everything okay?" he mouthed.

MJ shook his head. "I'm coming," he told Maddie. "I'll be there soon."

He ended the call and grit his teeth with his effort to hold back the slur of expletives that wanted to erupt from his mouth. "Mr. Simcoe's awake. He remembers what happened to him. It was Enzo."

Merrick pounded a fist on the table. "They're pressing charges?"

"The police went to arrest him." MJ let his head fall back and groaned. "I can't believe my grandfather did this to her dad."

"She won't hold this against you," Rachael said, coming to stand beside his chair. "I don't know her well, but it's pretty clear how she feels about you."

MJ scooted down in the chair so his head rested against the back. "I just can't believe after everything... this is like the cherry on top, you know?"

"Think they'll find him?" Beck asked. "Enzo? From everything I've heard about him, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would sit around waiting for the cops to show up."

"Nope," MJ answered. It hadn't even occurred to him, but now that Beck had said it, he knew Enzo wasn't going to be arrested. "He's the most manipulative b.a.s.t.a.r.d there is. He'll surface someday, but not until this blows over."

"Spoken like someone who's suffered under his roof," Merrick said. "I can empathize."

"Let's get to the hospital," Rachael said, taking Merrick's hand and tugging. "I'm sure Maddie could use the support."

"You're lucky you have this as an excuse to get me to the hospital," Merrick said. "I hate being poked and prodded." He pulled her down onto his lap and kissed her cheek and neck playfully.

"That's what she said," Beck muttered and laughed to himself.

Riley gave Beck a few exaggerated blinks. "Really?"

MJ got up and collected the Weston Plantation file from the table. "We'll talk about this soon," he told Joan.

"Can't wait," she said, giving him a thousand-watt smile that was anything but sincere.

"The Dragon Lady has sharp claws, Junior," Beck said, wrapping an arm across his chest and grimacing in pain as he stood up. "Consider yourself warned."

"I sink them in deep too," Joan said, c.o.c.king an eyebrow at Beck.

"That's no lie," he said and winked at her.

MJ might never understand what those two had going on between them. Then again, he probably didn't want to.

"Before we leave," Merrick said, raising his cup of the forgotten champagne. "I'd like to make a toast to my son."

MJ couldn't help feeling like he'd reverted to being a six-year-old again when he longed to meet his dad, to hear Merrick call him son.

"I'm already proud of you," Merrick said. "I can see so many qualities of a good man inside you. Determination, loyalty, a fierce protective streak and a heart that will get you into more trouble that you expect." Merrick gave Rachael a knowing look. "But it will also lead you right to where you should always be. So, don't ignore it."

"To Junior," Beck said, tossing back his two-fingers of champagne.

The rest of them swallowed theirs down and MJ let the unfamiliar but warm feeling of belonging sink into his bones.

"Okay," Rachael said, collecting their cups. "To the hospital. Now. No more delays."

MJ followed her and Merrick inside. The studio apartment was modern with high ceilings and exposed metal I-beams. The stark white walls were dotted with bright, abstract paintings. Charcoal gray marble floors spanned the entire s.p.a.ce. Ornate, blown gla.s.s chandeliers hung from the ceiling and every piece of furniture was made with straight lines and metal legs. It was a culture shock coming here from Turtle Tear.

"Don't screw up my instrument," Beck called to Riley from behind MJ. "Keep your eye on him, Joan."

"She always has her eyes on me," Riley called back, mockingly.

Rachael grabbed her purse and had one hand on the doork.n.o.b when Merrick put a hand over his pocket. "Hold on. That's my phone."

Merrick took his phone out and glanced at the screen, frowning. "h.e.l.lo?" he said. As he listened to whoever was on the other end, he looked over at MJ. "No," Merrick said, "I'm not in contact with my father."

The call was about Enzo. The police? It had to be.

"I'd be happy to answer questions for you. Right now I'm on my way to the hospital to visit Mr. Simcoe." Merrick nodded as he listened. "Yes, my sister and her husband should be on their way home. They've been vacationing this past week with me and my family." Again, Merrick glanced over at MJ, then reached for Rachael's hand. "Nadia Montgomery, his granddaughter, might be able to locate him. I know for a fact she's been in contact with him as recently as last night, possibly today." Merrick dropped his head. "She's my daughter."

Maddie's dad was incredibly stubborn. He wouldn't let her help him do anything, including walking him to the shower down the hall. "All I have to do is push this IV stand along, Peach. I think I can manage that."

"Fine. I'll wait here." She plopped back down in the chair beside his bed. He'd be released tomorrow and she had no idea where they'd be going. But, Coach knew a lot of people. She'd call him in a little while and see if he had any leads on a cheap place they could rent.

The phone beside Maddie's dad's bed rang. She picked the receiver up and held it to her ear. "h.e.l.lo?"

"Madeline, it's good to hear your voice." Chills ran over her skin. Enzo Rocha. "The police are looking for you."

"They won't find me. But, I'll always know where you are. The one who pushed and pushed until my secret came out."

"I didn't tell anyone."

"No, but you wouldn't stay away from MJ. You didn't take my warning seriously."

"I'm not listening to another word." She slammed the phone down, grabbed the business card the investigator had left and dialed his number.

After telling him about the call, he suggested hiring private security for her and her father until they could locate Enzo and get him into custody.

She couldn't afford private security. She didn't even have a place to live.

Hopelessness set in. She crawled into a ball in the chair and wept. She couldn't even run away, because her father was in danger because of her.


Don't cry, Mads."

She jerked her chin up to find MJ standing in the doorway. Her heart leapt from her chest to her throat.

He stepped inside the room. "How's your dad? Where is he?"

"Shower," she said. "He's good."

"I know I said I'd see you tonight," he said, walking toward her, "but Merrick and Beck are here getting their wounds from the wreck checked out. Do you mind?"

With fear lacing her veins, she'd never been so happy to see him. "No. I'm glad you're here."

MJ knelt in front of her, scooped her into his arms and kissed her over and over until she couldn't catch her breath.

"MJ," she said, pus.h.i.+ng him away. "Enzo just called me. It's not over. He still wants to keep me away from you."

"What? Why?"

"He says I didn't listen. I went to Turtle Tear and it's my fault his secret had to come out."

MJ stood and pulled her to her feet. "Okay. We'll call the police. He can't do this to you."

"I called them. They told me to hire private security. I don't even know where we're going to live. I can't afford to hire security." She wiped her puffy eyes.

Maddie saw the wheels in his head spinning a million miles a minute. "I'll be right back." He pointed to the chair. "Don't leave this room."

He dashed out the door and she sat back down, defeated.

A few minutes later, her dad came back in, dressed in a fresh gown, pus.h.i.+ng his IV stand. "I'm back in one piece, Peach, as promised."

"Good, you stubborn old goat." She helped him back into bed and tucked the covers around him.

"Knock, knock," Rachael said from the doorway. MJ stood behind her. "I heard you're the nurses' favorite. Are you flirting with them, Mr. Simcoe?"

He laughed. "All old men flirt with lovely ladies. Come in."

Rachael rounded Maddie's dad's bed and bent to hug her where she sat in the chair. "I have something to ask the two of you." She glanced between Maddie and her dad. "A favor."

"I'm hardly in any position to grant favors," Maddie's dad said, "but you're certainly welcome to ask."

"Well," Rachael said, leaning against the windowsill, "we've had some staffing changes at the hotel. Merrick and I both need some help. I was wondering if the two of you would be willing to come stay at the hotel for a while? Maddie, your dad could relax and recuperate and maybe you could help me organize the fiftieth anniversary party I booked?" She groaned. "And I need help talking Beck out of playing the cello for the couple's big dance."

It was perfect. MJ smiled like he might burst. "Thank you," she mouthed to him, standing on the other side of her dad's bed.

"It sounds like a grand offer," Mr. Simcoe said. "I'm not sure how much help I'd be to your Merrick though."

Rachael sat on the side of his bed. "You know what he needs more than anything? A man with a level head to guide him, to keep him from being impulsive and doing stupid things." She laughed. "I think you're just the one for that role."

Maddie's dad took her hand. "I've heard a lot about him over the years. I'm ashamed I never gave him the chance to prove himself. Now I know the kind of man Enzo Rocha really is. I'd be honored to help in any way I'm able."

"Fantastic," Rachael said, squeezing Maddie's dad's hand with both of hers. "We'll get you settled in when we spring you out of here."

MJ shook her dad's hand. "I'm relieved to see you doing so well. I'll have you out fis.h.i.+ng at Turtle Tear before you know it. I remember a score I have to settle."

"I haven't been fis.h.i.+ng in years, but I'm the one who taught you, so don't you go thinking you can land more fish than me."

"As long as I don't have to clean them," Rachael said, sticking out her tongue. "I'll help eat them though."

MJ bent his finger, summoning Maddie to him. "I have something to tell you."

Maddie gave her dad a hesitant glance. He grasped her s.h.i.+rt sleeve and tugged. "Get out of here with your young man. Go do something fun. I'm not going anywhere."

"Merrick wants to come up and say h.e.l.lo when they're done reopening and st.i.tching the wound on his knee," Rachael said, and s.h.i.+vered at the thought.

"See, Peach, I've got company coming. Beat it."

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