Give And Take: Taken By Storm Part 20

Give And Take: Taken By Storm -

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"Mads. You don't have a bathing suit on." He stood up and she watched his eyes roam her body. Somewhere in the back of her mind she thought she should be embarra.s.sed to be in her underwear in front of him, but she wasn't.

"So. We'll skinny-dip." She ran toward the lake, unhooking her bra and letting it fall behind her. At the bank, she s.h.i.+mmied out of her panties and left them at the edge of the water as she stepped in.

"Vodka does this to you, huh? I'll have to remember that." He stopped a few feet behind her.

"I like vodka," she said, laughing so loud, it echoed out over the lake. Maddie looked back over her shoulder. "Why are you still dressed? Aren't you coming in? This is my party, MJ. You have to do what I want."

MJ folded his arms across his chest and rocked from foot to foot. "We drank vodka beside the lake," he said. "You laughed like a crazy person, slurred all the stupid s.h.i.+t you said and talked me into going skinny-dipping. I wanted you so badly it hurt, but you thought of me as a little brother. I held your hair while you puked about ten times under that big willow tree."

She held her breath for a moment. "You wanted me then?"

"I can't think of a time when I haven't wanted you." He let his hands drop to his sides. "Except maybe now."

She squeezed her eyes shut, willing her tears not to fall. "You know, you were stronger and more mature at fourteen than I am at twenty-four. You sat there soaking in all the pain and tears I shed that day. For hours. You never once left my side. I wasn't strong enough to do that for you. I couldn't take seeing you like that. I was too selfish and afraid."

Hesitantly, Maddie rested a hand on his chest. "I'm sorry."

He inhaled a deep, shuddering breath. "I know."

Her insides clenched. "Can you forgive me?"

The minute that pa.s.sed in silence was excruciating for her to bear. "I don't know," he said, finally. "That's a lot to ask. It's not only that you didn't tell me she was alive, but you let it keep us apart for over a year. Being with me wasn't worth telling me."

"No," she whispered, stroking his wet hair from his eyes, "you're worth everything to me."

MJ pushed her hand away. "Talan's worth everything to you. You decided to marry him, remember? Would you keep a secret this big from him? Would you let it keep you apart?" He took a step closer and loomed over her. "And you had the nerve to blame me for your dad getting hurt. Even if it ends up being the Old Man's fault, you could've avoided all of this by telling me the truth."

Standing so close, Maddie could see the shadow of his jaw clenching and releasing before he pivoted and walked away from her.


The phrase when it rains, it pours described the past couple days perfectly, and it had nothing to do with the G.o.dd.a.m.n storm. Needing a few more minutes to calm down, MJ decided to walk around the hotel and go in through the patio gate.

He shook out his arms and rolled his shoulders. The thunder, lightning and rain pelting down on him was a welcome distraction. At least the woman in the woods was real and he hadn't completely lost his mind.


Jesus, he had a sister. But that knowledge didn't excite him like it should. It was the way she made her grand entrance, the reason she came to them. If he was Merrick Junior, she was Enzo Junior, and he wasn't sure he wanted to welcome a clone of his grandfather into his life. There were already too many people manipulating him in the name of his own good.

f.u.c.king Maddie. How could she do this to him. The only person he ever trusted completely.

Talan could have her.

Thinking those words and believing them were two different beasts though, and MJ's insides coiled at the idea of her walking down an aisle in a church wearing a white wedding dress if there was someone else waiting at the end.

He didn't know how he'd get past this, but he knew there was no stopping his love for her. It was beyond his control. Always had been.

He rounded the corner and opened the gate. Inside the lounge, Heidi and Beck turned around, watching him approach from where the two of them sat on the sofa. Merrick placed his hands on the back of the couch behind his sister and leaned toward her. "I have two questions," he said. "First, did you know my son was alive?"

She sucked her lips in and nodded, regret and a hint of fear crossing her face.

Merrick stiffened, took a deep breath and swallowed hard. "Did you know Gina Montgomery was alive?"

Her brows furrowed, and she frowned. "Yes," she breathed.

Merrick's hands squeezed into fists, and he closed his eyes. "Get out of my sight. I don't want to see you right now."

Heidi placed her hands over his. "Merrick, please. Dad did it for MJ. You were so young."

"Please!" Merrick shouted. "Just go. I'll find you later."

Beck stood and held out a hand for Heidi. "Come on." He gave Merrick's shoulder a friendly punch before escorting Heidi out of the lounge.

MJ wondered where Roger had gone. The mole must be upstairs with Sam and Holly. MJ knew Roger was too close to Enzo, but he never would've guessed he was doing the Old Man's dirty work.

Joan escorted MJ's sister down the hallway toward them. She'd gotten her dry clothes to change into. His sister plopped down on one of the sofas like she owned the place.

MJ approached her like he would a rabid dog. "What's your name?"

"Nadia. I'm named after our great-grandmother, Nadia Montgomery." She patted the cus.h.i.+on beside her. "Sit."

He almost expected her to tell him she wouldn't bite, not that he'd believe her.

MJ eased down beside her, and Merrick, still standing behind the sofa Heidi had vacated, stared at them like this was all a dream, and not necessarily a good one. The warmth MJ had felt from his father was gone and replaced by skepticism toward this woman beside him.

That made two of them. They really were alike. MJ would laugh if he wasn't so sh.e.l.l-shocked by everything that had happened. Next, the floor would open up and swallow him whole.

Rachael came in carrying a tray of mugs. "Warm cider and rum. I think we could all use some." She set the tray on the rustic, wooden coffee table and eyed Merrick, nodding to the couch for him to take a seat. He did. She sat beside him.

MJ knew the power Rachael had over his father. It was the same Maddie held over him. Or, it had been. Where the h.e.l.l was she anyway? She better not still be outside or he really would strangle her for being stupid.

Merrick tapped his leg with his fingers, restless. "So, what? You're twins?"

Rachael put her hand over his to still him. He thread their fingers together and held their joined hands to his chest.

"Don't we look alike?" Nadia said, leaning in to MJ and smiling. She had a dimple, just one, but it was there in her left cheek. Did anyone in their family not have those freaking dimples?

"Yeah," Merrick said. "So my father kept you two apart. You've been with your mother?" he asked.

"Yes. Enzo let me stay at the Rocha Estate once when I was little and my mom was out of town, but he wouldn't let me leave the west wing of the house. He didn't think that was a good idea," she said. "He paid my mother to keep me away the rest of the time."

Something clicked inside MJ's brain. The west wing. Ghosts weren't real. Not Ingrid and not Maddie's ghost. Nadia had been both.

"I see," Merrick said.

MJ leaned forward and picked up a mug of hot cider and rum. He downed it in a few gulps, scalding his throat.

"You can have mine, too," Nadia said, watching him like he was her new favorite toy.


He picked up a second mug and downed it, hoping for enough rum to get even a little buzz.

"I'm sorry I got crazy when you left here to go to Sandy Springs," Merrick said to Rachael. "When it comes to my father, I don't want anyone I love near him." He brushed his thumb over her bottom lip. "He takes everything that's important to me. He can't have you." Merrick looked at MJ. "Or you." His gaze fell to Nadia and held for a moment, but he didn't repeat the sentiment.

Beck walked in, handed Merrick a bottle of double malt scotch and a couple of shot over the back of the couch, patted him on the arm and walked back down the hall without a word.

Merrick smiled and poured himself a shot. "Remind me why I wasn't friends with him sooner," he said to Rachael.

"You don't want me to remind you why," she said, and kissed the tip of his nose. "I could use one of those too."

Merrick downed his shot and handed one to Rachael. "Being your father," he said to MJ and Nadia, "I should know this, but are you twenty-one yet?"

"We have two more months," Nadia said, holding up two fingers.

"Close enough. You're not driving anyway. Help yourself if you'd like." Merrick set the bottle and the on the table.

MJ didn't need to be asked twice.

"Guess I should've asked that question before serving them rum," Rachael said. "Sorry."

"That's okay," Merrick and MJ said in unison.

MJ wasn't used to someone answering for him, telling him he was or wasn't allowed to do things like drink. At school, he'd fought against authority with his fists, getting in fights and getting shown the door. Coach was as close to a father as he had next to Mr. Simcoe, but neither of them ever tried to tell him what he could or couldn't do.

"Where do you and your mother live?" Merrick said, lifting his chin in Nadia's direction.

She lit up like she was in a spotlight. "Mom and I travel overseas a lot. We live in hotels mostly. Mediterranean countries are my favorite. She told me I share your love of olives."

Merrick straightened. "Did she say that?"

"Yeah." Nadia smiled like it was the smoothest comment she could've made, not realizing how awkward the moment was for the rest of them.

"I do love olives."

"What movies to you like?" Rachael prodded, gulping down her cider and rum.

"Actually," she said, simpering, "I love the G.o.dfather movies. Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes," she quoted, and cracked up laughing. "That line is the best ever in a movie."

G.o.d, this girl was whacked. How could she be MJ's sister?

Merrick made a choking sound then laughed, but it was forced.

Rachael hid behind her mug. She'd moved on to drinking Merrick's spiked cider.

"Let's not pretend anymore," Merrick said, his words and penetrating stare sending a s.h.i.+ver up MJ's spine. "Enzo sent you here, correct?" he asked Nadia.

"Yes," she said, wide eyes blinking, trying for innocence.

"Then why on Earth should I believe you're my daughter?"

"Merrick," Rachael whispered.

He turned to her, pressed his lips together tightly and exhaled sharply through his nose. "Fine," he said, turning back to Nadia. "If I accept that you're my daughter, then you have to know I won't have a relations.h.i.+p with you if you remain in contact with him. You've already done his bidding here and I'm finding it hard to welcome you with open arms."

MJ watched Nadia's bottom lip tremble. "I had to do what he wanted. He promised he'd get my inheritance back from you."

"Not this again," Rachael mumbled. "What is it with rich people? I don't have an inheritance and it hasn't turned me into a manipulative crazy person."

Merrick licked his lips and smiled. "Want another drink, Rach?"

She shoved his leg. "Shut up."

He winced and held his knee.

"Oh my G.o.d, I'm so sorry," Rachael said, realizing she'd shoved his injured leg. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and nuzzled into his neck.

He tilted her chin up and kissed her. "You can make it up to me later."

MJ felt a hollow emptiness inside where Maddie used to complete him. He needed to find her. "I have to take care of something," he said, standing. "Nice meeting you." He held a hand out to Nadia.

She looked at it like he'd just come from the men's room and not washed his hands. Then she stood and swept him into a bear hug. "I've known about you my entire life. I didn't even have a picture though. It always felt like there was a part of me missing without my twin. Didn't you feel it, too?"

He didn't know what to say. He'd always felt the loneliness of being an only child, but he'd filled that void with Maddie. She was what was missing now. "I didn't know about you. I probably would've felt the same if I'd known."

She pulled back from him. Her face fell. "Oh."

Guilt for wanting to bolt from the room wouldn't stop him from leaving. "I really have to find Maddie. We argued and I left her out in the rain. I'm sure she's up in her room, but I need to make sure she's okay."

Nadia's face morphed into disgust. "Even after knowing she lied to you? Why do you care at all?"

He put a hand on his hip and rubbed his forehead. How could he explain? "Because growing up she was my sister. She protected me. She just didn't realize I don't need her watching out for me anymore. I can take the truth. She lied so I wouldn't get hurt finding out my mother didn't want me."

"She wanted you!" Nadia grabbed his hands. "She's always wanted you. When she got pregnant with us, her family disowned her. She had to take Enzo Rocha's money to survive. He paid her and the family that disowned her to pretend she was dead, to stay away from you and he would've included me if he knew I existed at the time. She had to hand a baby over to him and it was you."

She stroked the back of his hand. "I'm so sorry it was you. I wish it could've been me and you could've grown up with her."

While her words sounded genuine enough, they came twenty years too late to leave him with anything but a slight regret. Regret that his life could've been different if he'd been born the female twin. How did their mom pick? Did she flip a coin, or did he automatically take the sacrifice being born with a p.e.n.i.s? Being disowned by your parents and raising a baby on your own that young-Gina Montgomery probably hated men thanks to Merrick and Enzo Rocha.

"Does Gina know you're here?" Merrick asked.

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