Invisible Terror Collection Part 39

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The creatures pulled back a few feet, opening up the circle around the table and Krissi.

Philip watched as Ryan stepped forward. "You heard her." His voice, too, was calm, filled with confidence. "By the power and authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we command you to leave her alone!"

The light beaming down on the table began to dim and sputter. At the same time, Philip could feel the pressure against his body start to decrease.

"Now!" Becka demanded. "We order you to release her now."

Immediately the light vanished. So did the hold on Philip. He plummeted to the floor and landed with a thud. For a moment he lay there dazed, but his vision came into focus and he turned to watch Becka and Ryan.

Becka took another step toward the creatures. "Who are you?"

No answer. Just lots of nervous looks and fidgeting.

"Answer me," she said. "I demand for you to show us who you are."

Philip was impressed. He had never seen Rebecca talk or act with such strength and authority. Whatever it was, it had made her completely different than the wilting wallflower he normally saw at school.

Not only was he impressed. So were the creatures.

They were terrified.

"Now!" Becka demanded. "Reveal yourselves now!" At first, Philip thought his eyes were playing tricks on him, but the gray, triangular heads were no longer gray and triangular. In fact, the creatures' entire bodies were changing, mor-phing into small, bizarre animal-like things. Some resembled grotesque gargoyles; others, monkey-faced trolls with sharp, gnas.h.i.+ng fangs; still others, leather-winged gremlins. Philip recognized them immediately. He'd seen those kinds of things only once before. Back at the mansion, when Becka, Scott, and Ryan had battled demons.

Ryan stepped forward shaking his head. "You guys never give up, do you?"

"Ryan ... ," Becka warned.

Ryan nodded, then turned back to the creatures. "So what will it be, boys? Feel like being cast into the lake of fire?" He started toward them.

"Ryan ..."

"Or maybe just a trip into a local herd of swine?" He'd barely gotten the words out when his foot came down on the far edge of the loose sheet of plywood. The sheet dipped, leaving nothing but s.p.a.ce under Ryan's feet.

Ryan cried out, clawing at the air frantically, trying to keep his balance. Becka tried to grab his arm, but the other edge of the sheet shot up, catching her in the jaw. Her head snapped back, and she fell to the floor as Ryan dropped through the opening and out of sight. Philip heard his cry, then the sickening thud of his body hitting the second-story floor. Then nothing at all.

"Ryan?" he called. "Are you okay?"

No answer.

He rose and hobbled to the edge of the plywood, where he peered down into the darkness. He couldn't see a thing. "Ry?"

"My ankle ... ," came the faint reply. "I think it's broken." Before he could respond, Philip heard faint movement beside him. He turned to see Becka stirring.

"Beck, you all right?"

Before she could answer, Philip heard another sound.

Little feet. And claws and nails and talons. Scurrying across plywood.

He spun around.

The creatures were coming directly at them! He struggled to his feet. "Becka, look out!"

She was too dazed to move, but she didn't have to worry. The creatures weren't interested in Becka. They were coming at him!

He stepped back, fighting the panic that screamed in his head. He forced all his logic, all his intellect, to the fore. It was okay. He'd seen and heard everything Ryan and Becka had done.

Their faith, the power in the way they spoke. He could do that.

He glanced over at Krissi, who now lay motionless.

He had to do it.

Grim resolve filled him again as he looked again at the creatures approaching him. He cleared his throat and, in his most commanding voice, shouted, "I, Philip Andrews, command you - "

"No ... ," Becka mumbled, shaking her head.

"It's okay," he answered. "I know what I'm doing." Directing his attention back to the creatures, he shouted, "I command you to stop!"

But they didn't. They were a dozen feet away and closing in fast.

"Stop, I said. I command you to stop!"

They gave no response except for a faint twittering - which sounded suspiciously like laughter.

"Philip," Becka muttered. "You can't - you don't have the authority."

"Stay back!" Philip shouted at them. "I command it!" Nothing worked. They surrounded him, snapping and clawing at his feet. He tried a different tact. "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command - "

But he never finished. The first one leaped onto his leg.

Another followed. He tried to kick them off, but their claws dug deep through his pants and into his calves.

"Augh!" he screamed.

Other creatures joined in, scurrying up his legs and grabbing hold of his waist.

"Beck!" he screamed, fighting and trying to slap them off.

"Help me!"

Becka tried to sit up but couldn't. "Stop ... ," she choked. But it was unclear whether she was speaking to the creatures or to Philip.


The frenzied mob had reached his chest, scurrying around and around, pulling themselves onto his shoulders, las.h.i.+ng at his face. Philip staggered. Their paws and talons blocked his vision.

He tripped once, twice, then fell to the floor. They swarmed over him relentlessly, tearing at him.

"Help me! Somebody!"

Then another voice spoke out. "In the power and authority of Jesus Christ, I command you to stop!" The creatures froze.


In a flash, they leaped off Philip and raced for the shadows.

At first Philip didn't recognize the voice, but as he rose to his knees and looked toward the steps, he saw Becka's little brother, Scott.

"Scotty ..." Becka struggled to sit up.

He rushed over to her. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, rubbing her head. "What about you?" He shrugged. "I - I guess I got a little carried away with that game thing."

"A little?! But you're okay?"

He nodded. "It's not every day you get trashed by a ghoul of the fifteenth degree, but I'm all right now." A groan from below interrupted them.

Concern flooded Becka's face. "Ryan! He fell ..." She moved to look over the edge. "Ryan? Can you hear me?"

"I'm okay ... ," came the faint answer.

"Thank heaven."

"We'll be down in a second," Scott called, keeping a careful eye on the moving shadows around them. "We've got a little cleaning up to do here first." Turning to Philip he asked, "You all right?"

Philip nodded, gingerly feeling the scratches on his face.

"Can you get down there and help Ryan out?"

"Sure," he said, then motioned over his shoulder. "But what about those - "

He was interrupted by a choking, gasping sound. He turned - and went ice-cold. It was the most frightening sight he had ever witnessed.

The creatures were racing toward Krissi, who was still on the table. They leaped into the air and dematerialized into clouds of misty vapor ... a vapor that rushed into Krissi's gasping mouth.

One cloud after another after another was pulled in with each ragged breath she took.

"Stop it!" Scott ordered, but he was too late. The last one had already entered her.

Krissi began to shake. Her whole body vibrated on the table.

She struggled to turn toward them, her face filled with fear.

Becka rose unsteadily. With Scott's help she moved toward her friend. Philip followed. As they approached, Krissi tried to say something, but no sound came.

"Krissi?" Philip asked cautiously.

He thought she shook her head, but her trembling was so great he couldn't really tell.

Becka and Scott came to a stop a few feet in front of her.

Philip knew Krissi wanted - needed - to be held, so he continued past them toward the table.

"Wait a sec," Scott said, reaching out and touching his arm.

"It's not over yet."

Philip hesitated.

"Krissi?" Becka asked.

The girl's head rotated toward her.

"Do you want those things to leave?"

Anger shot through Philip. "Of course she does! What sort of stupid question is that?"

Becka ignored him and continued looking directly at Krissi.

"It has to be your decision, Krissi. Do you want those things to leave?"

Krissi nodded vigorously.

Becka and Scott exchanged glances, then Becka stepped up to the table. She reached out her hand and laid it on Krissi's trembling shoulders. Her words were quiet and simple, but full of a confident faith. "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth ... go."

Krissi's body stiffened. Her head shot back and she let out a violent scream. It seemed to last forever as it echoed through the woods, bouncing back and forth against the trees.

And then she collapsed.

Philip moved in to hold her, and this time Becka and Scott did not stop him. He scooped her body into his arms. It was limp. Whatever had been inside of her was gone. It was over. He buried his face in her hair and fought back the tears.

She stirred against him, and a moment later she was wrapping her arms around his neck. "Oh, Philip," she sobbed. "Philip, it was so awful!"

"It's okay," he soothed in a choked voice. "It's okay. You're safe now."

She clung to him even more tightly. Philip looked over her head at Scott and Becka. He could tell they were beat, but they were smiling. He glanced up to the sky. The hovering craft was gone. So were the lights. Everything was back to normal. He buried his face back in Krissi's hair and hugged her fiercely, overwhelmed by love for her - and grat.i.tude that he had her back.

Chapter 11.

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