Invisible Terror Collection Part 22

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Who do you think you are - I have warned you.

This is my body, and I demand that - Sleep!

A heaviness fell over Julie. Immediately she lost consciousness. Now the guardian had complete control.

Becka entered her house through the garage's back door.


There was no answer.


Repeat performance.

She sighed and dumped her books onto the kitchen table.

Typical, she thought, when I need them, they're nowhere around.

It was an unfair thought, and she knew it. She knew Mom was still out looking for work. And Scott - well, who knew where Scott was. Ever since he got involved with that stupid computer game at Darryl's cousin's, he'd been practically nonexistent. But there was always Muttly. The puppy whined from outside and scratched at the sliding gla.s.s door. Becka opened it, and he bounded in with the typical barks and yelps of excitement. She knelt down, and he attacked her with a flurry of licking tongue and wet nose. As he whined and nuzzled, he forced himself onto her lap. Before she knew it, Becka was holding him, hugging him.

Muttly had been Ryan's gift to her when she had returned from the hospital. Her friends had thrown her a welcome-home party. Back when she was everyone's pal.

But now ...

Becka hated self-pity, but the emotions were too much. Her eyes began to burn again. Muttly nuzzled and nudged until she tumbled backward onto the floor. And there, lying on the kitchen floor, holding her puppy, Rebecca Williams quietly sobbed.

She was so tired. So lonely. Cut off. And no one cared. Not even Ryan. Why had he turned on her? Why had they all? She could have kept her mouth shut, played along and been like everyone else. And if she'd had her way, that's exactly what she would have done. But oh, no, she had to try and help. She had to be the know-it-all who tried to warn them.

Well, no more. She was through. If they wanted to mess around with that stuff, let them. If they liked playing with fire, fine. Who was she to stop them? She wouldn't. She wouldn't say another word.

Becka shoved Muttly away and, with a loud sniff, rose to her feet. She hadn't asked for the job, and she didn't have to take it.

Let G.o.d find somebody else. Let him find another person to be the All-School Oddball. She was through.

Becka headed for the stairs when a sudden wave of compa.s.sion struck her.

What about your friends? What about Ryan?

"No!" she shouted at no one in particular. "They're not my worry!"

They don't understand ...

"Stop it!" The tears were coming faster now. She headed up the steps.

They need you.

"They don't need me!" she blurted. "They hate me!" She reached the top of the stairs as another set of sobs. .h.i.t. She wrapped her arms around herself and leaned against the wall. It wasn't fair. None of it!

But that's okay. She'd take no more. She was finished. She pushed away from the wall and started down the hall toward her room.

"Beck - " now it was the memory of her mother's voice, of their conversation - "if you don't tell people, who will?"

"It's G.o.d's worry, not mine!"

"When you gave him your life, you gave it all." Becka closed her eyes to shut out the words, but they came anyway: "If you don't tell people, who will? If you don't tell - "

"Leave me alone!!"

She pa.s.sed her brother's door and threw a look inside. There was a fresh mound of dirty clothes, evidence that Scott had dropped by. To her surprise the computer screen was still on.

Scott was a major slob, but not when it came to his computer.

Why was the monitor still glowing?

She hesitated, swiped at her tears, then crossed into his room.


"Shut up, Cornelius."

As though sensing her mood, the bird immediately waddled to the far end of his perch.

She moved to the computer. On-screen there was a message from Z. It was addressed to her. Scott must have thought it was important and left it on for her to see. It contained only four lines. The first two were an address and time.

233 Ramona Street Bas.e.m.e.nt. 5:00 p.m.

And below that was a single Bible verse: "Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." 2 Co rin thi ans 11:14 Becka fought off a shudder. No way. She would not get involved. She stared back at the screen: "Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light."

She turned away. No. It was their choice. Let them live it.

But what about that address? She turned back to the glowing screen. Z never left messages unless they were urgent.

She glanced at her watch - 4:37. If she hurried ...

She turned toward the door. All right. Fine. She would go see what Z wanted, but that was it. She would not get involved. Her friends could do what they wanted, but she would not interfere.

From now on, they were on their own.

Chapter 8.

Julie had no idea how long she'd been unconscious, but when she awoke, the guardian was speaking to Philip, Krissi, and Ryan. It was the same con job he'd used on her, telling them how they were chosen, how they had been especially selected to bring the world to greater enlightenment. Only, while she had been asleep, he had apparently revealed his presence to them. Now he was speaking directly to them. He was still using her mouth and lips, but it was his voice, not hers.

"You must give yourself over to the Universal Consciousness," he was telling them. "You must become one with your angels and allow them to guide you into all love and power." Julie wanted to scream, to cry out a warning. It was the same bait he'd used to trap her. The promise of power, of goodness and love ... all they had to do was give up their wills.

They'd have the power all right; it would only cost them their souls!

"So if you're Julie's angel," Philip was asking, "then where's Julie?"

"Julie is here," she heard her mouth answer rea.s.suringly, "she is just resting. Sudden exposure to such power and knowledge can sometimes be exhausting."

Liar! Julie shouted from deep within the darkness. You're a liar! But the thought never reached her lips.

Shut up! came the immediate response. If you try to speak, I will put you to sleep forever!

Julie didn't know if that was possible, but she didn't want to take the chance. She had to survive if she was going to find a way to warn her friends.

"So," Krissi was asking, "how exactly do we do it? I mean, become 'one with G.o.d' and experience all this cool love and power?"

"You have already started down that path, Krissi Petersen.

Your guide has already begun his instruction."

"My writing?" Krissi asked excitedly. "Are you talking about my automatic handwriting?"

Julie felt her lips smile and heard the guardian answer, "With his help and mine, you will all be ushered into the new age."

"When?" Krissi asked.

"This very evening."

No! Julie shouted from inside. Don't hurt them! You've got me, what more do you - SHUT UP! The guardian screamed back down into her. This is your final warning!

Julie was desperate. How could she warn them, how could she stop them? Now there was another voice. Ryan's.

"Excuse me."

Julie felt her guardian stiffen with fear. Why? Why would the guardian be afraid of Ryan and not the others? She felt the creature force himself to relax, striving to sound calm and in control. "Yes?"

"No offense," Ryan continued, "but how do we know you're really an angel? I mean, the Bible says a third of you guys were thrown out of heaven with Satan. How do we know you're one of the good guys?"

"Ryan," Krissi admonished.

"It's just a question."

Julie felt more panic seize the guardian. For whatever reason, he was afraid to speak to Ryan. She felt him forcing himself to answer calmly. "The Bible is a great book, but surely you don't believe everything you read in it?"

"Shouldn't I?"

"What about h.e.l.l?"

Ryan had no answer.

Julie felt a wave of satisfaction wash over the guardian.

Apparently, this was something Ryan had been struggling with.

That the guardian had this type of information must have sent the guy reeling.

Now that Ryan was off balance, the thing pressed in. "And what of those in your student body? Do you really think they would vote for one with such superst.i.tious beliefs?" Again Ryan had no answer. With his silence came the guardian's gloating thoughts: He is so stupid. The fool has so much power, yet he doesn't even know how to use it.

Power? Julie thought. He didn't acknowledge her. He seemed too focused on Ryan.

"Your a.s.sociation with Rebecca Williams has darkened your thinking. Others have sensed it. You sense it yourself. Come join with us. Give yourself over. Your power will be the greatest of all."

Julie could only guess that Ryan's silence meant he was still struggling.

She could feel the guardian turning her head to the group as he continued speaking. "See what paralyzing influence she can have over you? This is the danger of which we warned. Rebecca Williams was needed to introduce you to our ways, but now she will only cripple your progress. She will only hamper and destroy your growth."

"But how ... how can we stop her?" Krissi asked.

"She will be ... disposed of. Tonight."

"Disposed of?" Philip's voice was full of alarm.

"But, she's our friend," Krissi protested. "At least, she was."

"She will feel no pain ... in fact, she'll find the experience quite enjoyable. But she will be stopped." Once again Julie could feel her head turning. She knew it was toward Ryan. To scare him, to frighten him. The voice continued, "She and others like her will be silenced."

Suddenly Julie heard a loud crash and the sound of something shattering. Desperately she tried to reach the surface and look out her eyes, but she was held in the darkness.

What was that? she demanded.

One of your porcelain dolls, the guardian answered. It missed the boy's head by inches.

You threw one of my dolls!

Not I, fool - one of my a.s.sociates.

There are others of you in my room?

Before the guardian could answer, Julie heard her door open and someone race out of the room and down the stairs.

Was that Ryan? she asked.

Of course, came the smug, amused answer. Don't worry, my a.s.sociates will take care of him. But for now I must take care of your friends ...

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